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  1. I am having some visual bugs with E>V<E and/or scatterer and/or sci fi visual enhancements. So basically there is a weird ring around the sun and i also have distant object enhancement and was looking at jool and saw that it too had the bug. I have included some screenshots so you can see what is happening. If you know what is causing this or how to fix it please leave a reply
  2. Hey all. It's just a question, so I'll be quick. I installed RSSVE, but is it compatible with scatterer and planetshine? I found scatterer and planetshine by default, not rss configuration. So I am afraid of make my game crash or textures incompatible. Any idea?
  3. Good evening all. I have run into a Dilemma while trying out the KSP ADDON Scatterer. When piloting over the water, there are white pixels outlining the craft. Furthermore, when flying low altitude over land, there is a white-line-tear through the ground that follows me when flying and turning camera. please help? White-Pixles: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/842587193160906139/EED1E85A82D0A6ABB1316147792C70A375B51CCC/ Ground-Tearing: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/842587193160901359/7E7A4986626BAB6AAD43C4AC3EB33F947B9AFD23/ Thanks in advanced
  4. About to land my (odd looking) lander probe which will do research of the craters in the Mün.
  5. Hi, I'm not new to KSP, but I'm still having troubles. I want my planets to look like in Matt Lowne's videos. But it's obviously not as simple as just enabling EVE, Scatterer, etc on CKAN. The mods I'd like to use are: EVE, SVE, SVT, and Scatterer. I don't really care about any other mods, I simply want my universe to be moar realistic that the lame stock planet graphics. So, when I enable EVE followed by Scatterer, I get the realistic atmosphere look I wanted. But when I go to enable SVE, the "Apply changes" button is grayed out. If I enable SVE first, it says it includes EVE, however when I do this I get SVE but still have the lame atmo-less look to Kerbin, Eve, and Jool. This is just one example. Then we have stuff like: "SVT (for Windows)", and "SVT-High Res". No indication of what the differences are, what dependencies they have, if they are compatible with SVE, etc. I have Windows, and I want High res. But it won't let me pick both! How on earth do I know which to use? And what does it mean when one of the mods in the list turns red for a second? For each mod, it seems there are several secondary "config" and "component" mods with them, and others I have to select from. I have no clue which of them to pick! This is probably part of my problem. This is all very annoying because every time I have to update KSP or build a new install, I have to remember all the same stuff I did last time... before I realize it looks totally different than last time! (Why can't they just make standard things like good visual mods stock?) Now before you suggest it, yes, I know I can just download the individual mods and apply them one by one. Problem is, I can't get the mods to work out correctly seeing as some parts of them override each other. I also don't have the time to be re-doing this all over again for every update. So I use CKAN, for no other reason than that! Can someone help me understand what all these little mods alongside SVE, Scatterer, EVE, etc are, and tell me what I need to do in order to enable all the main mods at the same time? Thanks
  6. I might be getting a new graphics card soon, so in the mean time, or if I don't get it, are there any tips to have a higher FPS when you're using EVE and scatterer?
  7. So I've just downloaded my first Graphic mods - EVE + Scatterer. They work but.. look a bit glitchy. http://imgur.com/a/u9D1E Is it just me and it looks absolutely normal or..?
  8. Hard to compete with the Scatterer Tsunami, but here's some footage I set to The Wormhole from the Interstellar Soundtrack. And some stills, for good measure.
  9. Just a short clip testing out some crazy scatterer effects. Pretty weird and awesome how you can customize the water effects so drastically
  10. Is scatterer (the visual mod) compatible with EVE? How about Planetshine? Or better, are there any incompatibilities with other graphics mods? Thank you!
  11. Jeb takes in the eclipsed sunrise at the lauch pad. Scatter and EVE at work together in KSP1.1(x64)
  12. Tell me what you think. Enjoy
  13. I just started playing with Scatterer and SVE to see if I can get prettier videos out of my KSP playtime. I'm a bit surprised to see a visible reduction in performance on an otherwise decent PC. Consider a Core i7 (i4771) PC with 32 GB RAM and a GeForce GTX 760 graphics card. Stock KSP using Direct3D v9 (-force-d3d9) seems OK delivering 60 FPS +/- 5 FPS consistently. Direct3D v11 (-force-d3d11) produced a sawtooth performance graph fluctuating wildly between 30 FPS and 160 FPS, and played fairly roughly that it was almost unplayable. OpenGL (-force-opengl) produced a different kind of sawtooth graph going between 30 and 60 FPS that ended up being quite unplayable. Now, I add Scatterer to this mix and no other mod. I find I can't even load the game without forcing one of either OpenGL or Direct3D 11. The FPS graphs were similar to the stock game, though I think D3D performed slightly better when near the KSC. I'm trying to balance performance with appearance while still playing the stock game, so it's appearance mods only. On top of that I'll be using Shadowplay to record games. Are there any combinations of stock settings, Scatterer settings, and renderer choice that seem to work better for this sort of thing? What are other SVE / Scatterer users using for a performance / appearance balance? Here's my config file minus the key bindings. The stock game is quite pretty on its own with these settings, though I really want the clouds that SVE will provide. Those lovely bits of mist I've seen on some Minmus missions would be nice too. I can provide portions of screen shots that show the FPS graphs if I can find a place to store them on my home server. -- SETTINGS_FILE_VERSION = 1.0.5 TUTORIALS_EDITOR_ENABLE = False TUTORIALS_FLIGHT_ENABLE = False VAB_USE_CLICK_PLACE = True VAB_USE_ANGLE_SNAP = False VAB_ANGLE_SNAP_INCLUDE_VERTICAL = False VAB_CAMERA_ORBIT_SENS = 0.04 VAB_CAMERA_ZOOM_SENS = 0.1 FLT_CAMERA_ORBIT_SENS = 0.04 FLT_CAMERA_ZOOM_SENS = 0.5 FLT_CAMERA_WOBBLE = 0.1 FLT_CAMERA_CHASE_SHARPNESS = 1.5 FLT_CAMERA_CHASE_USEVELOCITYVECTOR = True FLT_VESSEL_LABELS = True SPACENAV_CAMERA_SENS_ROT = 30 SPACENAV_CAMERA_SENS_LIN = 20 SPACENAV_CAMERA_SHARPNESS_LIN = 8 SPACENAV_CAMERA_SHARPNESS_ROT = 10 CAMERA_DOUBLECLICK_MOUSELOOK = True IVA_RESETS_CONTROL_POINT = True CAMERA_FX_EXTERNAL = 1 CAMERA_FX_INTERNAL = 1 SIMULATE_IN_BACKGROUND = True PHYSICS_FRAME_DT_LIMIT = 0.04 MAX_VESSELS_BUDGET = 250 CONIC_PATCH_DRAW_MODE = 3 CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT = 3 SHOW_PWARP_WARNING = False EVA_ROTATE_ON_MOVE = True SPACENAV_FLIGHT_SENS_ROT = 5 SPACENAV_FLIGHT_SENS_LIN = 1 KERBIN_TIME = True CALL_HOME = False DONT_SEND_IP = False SEND_PROGRESS_DATA = False CHECK_FOR_UPDATES = True VERBOSE_DEBUG_LOG = False SHOW_CONSOLE_ON_ERROR = False AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL = 300 AUTOSAVE_SHORT_INTERVAL = 30 SHOW_SPACE_CENTER_CREW = True UI_SIZE = 768 UI_OPACITY = 0.4509981 TEMPERATURE_GAUGES_MODE = 1 SHIP_VOLUME = 1 AMBIENCE_VOLUME = 1 MUSIC_VOLUME = 0.8045812 UI_VOLUME = 1 VOICE_VOLUME = 1 SOUND_NORMALIZER_ENABLED = True SOUND_NORMALIZER_THRESHOLD = 1 SOUND_NORMALIZER_RESPONSIVENESS = 16 SOUND_NORMALIZER_SKIPSAMPLES = 0 SCREEN_RESOLUTION_WIDTH = 1920 SCREEN_RESOLUTION_HEIGHT = 1080 FULLSCREEN = True QUALITY_PRESET = 5 ANTI_ALIASING = 8 TEXTURE_QUALITY = 0 SYNC_VBL = 1 LIGHT_QUALITY = 8 SHADOWS_QUALITY = 4 FRAMERATE_LIMIT = 60 FALLBACK_PART_SHADERS = True PLANET_FORCE_SHADER_MODEL_2_0 = False PLANET_SCATTER = True PLANET_SCATTER_FACTOR = 1 WATERLEVEL_BASE_OFFSET = 1.5 WATERLEVEL_MAXLEVEL_MULT = 0.1 AERO_FX_QUALITY = 3 SURFACE_FX = True FALLBACK_UNDERWATER_MODE = 1 EDGE_HIGHLIGHTING_PPFX = True SCREENSHOT_SUPERSIZE = 0 INPUT_KEYBOARD_SENSIVITITY = 2 dontShowLauncher = False TRACKIR_ENABLED = False FEMALE_EYE_OFFSET_X = 0 FEMALE_EYE_OFFSET_Y = 0.009083331 FEMALE_EYE_OFFSET_Z = 0.03378779 FEMALE_EYE_OFFSET_SCALE = 2.03 FI_LOG_TEMP_ERROR = False FI_LOG_OVERTEMP = False
  14. I just wanna know if it is worth it to download. I've been eyeing this mod for a while now and I'm not sure if I should download it or not. I want to know the opinion of others who installed it.... Many thanks.....
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