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  1. Muy buenas. Volvemos esta vez con el lanzamiento de la primera estación orbital con el nuevo y flamante laboratorio de investigación, para así, conseguir más ciencia con los mismos experimentos.... ESTACIÓN KLO
  2. Enviamos otro aterrizados a Minmus para una misión conjunta con otras naves y al final nos queda un sabor agridulce de la experiencia..... ATERRIZADOR A MINMUS Y PROBLEMAS....
  3. Buenas. Os dejo un video-explicación sobre un mod que me ha sorprendido gratamente y que le da un lavado de cara importante a más de 150 piezas del juego de Stock. Es un mod de mejora visual básicamente, con mejoras de las texturas y los detalles..... Muy recomendable.... RESTOCK Y RESTOCK+
  4. Bueno!!! Llega otro momento de los que nos gusta. La primera visita a Minmus para realizar unas cuantas tareas. El primer contacto en el que recogeremos ciencia..... VIAJE A MINMUS.....
  5. Vamos con la construcción y lanzamiento del primer satélite.... PRIMER SATÉLITE Espero vuestras dudas.....
  6. Seguimos practicando encuentros y vamos a rescatar a tres kerbalenses a la vez un mismo vuelo. RESCATE A 3 A LA VEZ Dentro de poco aprenderemos nuevas maniobras.... Ya ensamblar satélites.....
  7. Llagamos al primer viaje a Muna pero sin orbitar ni tomar tierra. Es una exploración y de paso unos truquillos para ganar más ciencia..... VIAJE A MUNA
  8. Otro rescate en órbita pero muy concurrido. Es una form muy rápida de subir de nivel a la tripulación:
  9. A veces los contratos tienen cosas que no sabemos como resolver, y hay que darle una vuelta de tuerca.....
  10. Al final llegamos al momento de hacer la primera órbita... Aquí hay que tener en cuenta unos cuantos conceptos claros.....
  11. Nueva entrega de prueba de piezas en modo carrera..... Poco a poco de va avanzando....
  12. En este capítulo vamos a hacer un contrato con el avión pero a una distancia grande:
  13. La sexta entrega de los tutoriales del modo carrera desde 0. En esta ocasión viene con un "bonus track" muy simpático.....
  14. Buenas: Dejo el segundo capítulo del tutorial del modo carrera desde cero. Si os gusta, dadle un like para que me entere..... Cualquier comentario o pregunta será bien venida.....
  15. Buenas: Aquí dejo un tutorial de montaje de aviones para principiantes....
  16. Buenas: Otro tutorial sobre los motores para aviones.....
  17. Buenas: Además de las formas tradicionales de tomar tierra, tenemos el "Suicide Burn" o "Encendido Suidica", sólo apto para valientes con nervios de acero....
  18. A basic Podracer with a building tutorial. Craft File: https://kerbalx.com/GillyMonster/Tutorial-Building-a-Star-Wars-Podracer
  19. I had been trying to to do this. I wanted a network of relay communications satellites so i could use unmanned vessels. As you know, you need a satellite network like this so the unmanned vessels always have communications with Kerbin. Anyway I also wanted the network of satellites evenly spaced out in their orbit. I couldn't find any tutorials on this that explained the math so I went ahead and derived the math myself and made a tutorial video for the community at large. So Enjoy
  20. Xvar - Planes on Other Planets Variation Highlights: Collaborative/friendly competitive opportunity for real time flight data comparison between students on adjacent machines both in cases of flying on the same planet or on different planets (easier & more engaging than printing flight reports for comparison ;-) using the EDU flight recorder to improve/change flight. Mission Editor: Condition triggers, Menu flow & button naming style built to be one example useful to inspect when going through TG mission building tutorial. A Topic to share mission building help tips, details, fun, & further variations of 3 related KerbalEDU Missions at these links. NOTE: these were built in KerbalEDU 1.3.1 I have not yet tried them in 1.4.5: Original: by TG Rami (KerbalEDU Mission Library Deprecated) Variation: Xvar: Flight Recorder & Improved Menu, Story, Internals, etc DRAFT Variation: WIP: Xvar: FAR compare original rocket sledge with one adjusted for FAR aerodynamics model mod (NOTE: this version was built in 1.3.1 & has at least one broken menu link I need to fix & I have not yet run it in 1.4.5 with the FAR Continued backport): X FAR Planes on Other Planets EDIT V4.sfs .craft files: Rocket Sledge Kerbin.craft FAR Rocket Sledge Kerbin BALANCED.craft Specific changes in Xvar - Planes on Other Planets: preset* EDU Flight recorder, relevant 'idea sparks' story line, explosive feedback draws attention to significance of velocity at impact: (turned off joint & part 'safety cheats') smoother menu flow, easier to follow event/button labeling system 'under the hood' in case you would like to learn mission editing from or modify this mission (*note: currently only some of the flight recorder parameters are available to preset in the mission editor.) Specific changes in Xvar - FAR Planes on Other Planets: above changes plus, added a 2nd rocket sledge tuned for the FAR aerodynamics model placed next to Rami's original one so the difference in flight characteristics can be observed & explored added 2 function tools to the FAR sledge in case you want to track custom data in the flight recorder Mission use TIPS:
  21. I am pretty new in the modding community and i couldnt find good tutorials for making IVA's. The only thing i know is that you need a model for the outside and one for the inside. What would interest me is : - How do you make the inside - How do you manage it in Unity (parenting etc.) - What cfg scripts do you need - How do you integrate mods like [JSI/A.S.E.T/MAS/NearFutureProps] It would help if you could make a tutorial like this I know there are some guides on how to do it on the forum but they are either very old or just confusing. Thank you for your help IceTitan
  22. Hi, here is my KSP Mission builder tutorial series for KSP Making History expansion. Here I will be covering how to create missions, how to edit mission parameters, test etc Episode 01 - Simple Rescue Mission (Basics) Episode 02 - Pre-made Craft & Part Failures Episode 03 - Adding Flavor with Catch All Nodes Reserved for future use
  23. I've been trying to re-size a few specific parts, so far with no success. I downloaded Tweakscale, but the documentation included with it is not very extensive. I've searched for tutorial videos, but all the ones I've found so far are just brief reviews saying how great it is... I'm confused. Do I need to insert the proper Tweakscale module manually into each .cfg file of the parts I want to resize? Is there something about the recent updates (1.4.1) that's blocking the functionality that's supposed to be happening? Is there a tutorial somewhere for someone who is essentially a monkey coder (=can copy what else is there and follow patterns, but have no deep understanding of it)?
  24. As I'm studying landing gears for AirplanePlus, I dug through piles of pieces of information in the forums and searching through KSP coding through google as well because of the lack of proper documentary for it. Here's a concise visual and textual guide to the compilation of my knowledge, hopefully made easier than longer texts and covering almost everything needed to make basic deploying landing gears What you need: -Have a 3D Modeling Software -Create the model -Make sure it has proper model hierarchy Put it in Unity and here are the pictures: We will use two models from my mod. It might seem cluttered but the important colors are pink and yellow. Do not be confused by the different global orientations of the two models. It only suggests that it will determine which is front in KSP but the wheel will have different front than the global. --- Once exported, part configs come next: That's basically gist of the landing gears. Here's for the mirroring of the assymetric parts: Note that mirrored parts ALSO mirror FXModuleLookAtConstraint and lights making it impossible to have proper Drag Braces and Lights on Asymmetric Landing Gears. And I spelled Asymmetric wrong in my mod. I can't believe this. So what are you waiting for, download my mod now make your own landing gear now! --- If I missed anything, or you need to know anything, don't be afraid to ask. I only included the basics, mostly. Step by step tutorial for landing leg:
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