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  1. I'm buidling a deep space probe to Saturn and Jupiter, but the core overheats (on Earth and space) after a few minutes in flight.I'm using an RTG to power it and some radiators to cool it down,but they don't seem to be powerful enough or even to work.I noticed that I produce way too much electricty than I actually need and maybe this is the cause of the overheat. This is the message I get and a picture of the probe for comparsion: So yeah , any solutions?Maybe less power?I really have no idea.
  2. Hi KSP Community.I have a problem: I have to dock two big fuel tanks (around 6-8m diameter) in orbit for a trip to Mars.Realism Overhaul gives you pre-sized docking ports and TweakScale can't modify them.So yeah , solutions?Mods that add more docking ports for RO?A cfg to add more different sized docking ports of the same type?I don't want to modify a pre existing docking port , since I'm already using them on smaller ships and I fear to break them by doing that.Thanks!
  3. This is just more than impressive! What do you think about it?
  4. So..I'm trying to start a colony on Mars in RSS/RO and I'm pretty much stuck.I landed on the Moon and landed some rovers on Mars , no problem.Now I have to land heavier payload on Mars , but it seems I'm not able to do so. This is what I should land.I already tried everything , from parachutes to big heatshields (I don't have small and powerful retro rockets, sadly).So yeah , that's the problem.Thanks for everyone that gives me a tip.
  5. Right after Christmas 2016, I made one Steam backup and one Windows 10 backup (that one by just copying the KSP folder and moving it into another folder on my desktop), then used the built-in Steam functionality to downgrade my game to 1.1.3 in order to install Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul, Realistic Progression Zero and all of the recommended mods using CKAN. What do I do now that KSP RSS RO RP-0 can be played on 1.1.3? How do I update the game? (I'm new here, so I'm being conservative on the formatting before I can develop a pattern.)
  6. Hi guys! hope everyone's doing great! I was wondering if someone ever managed to build a Skylon or similar SSTO spaceplane with the B9 motors and configs provided in RO. I only managed to get to 4.5km/s, almost half way to orbit - I can't seem to get the fuel fractions right and also don't think my ascent profile is quite right, I only manage to get to the engine's airbreathing temp limit at about 25km up in the atmosphere, which I think is a little low. I was just wondering if it's even possible EDIT: I know SSTO spaceplanes are pointless and impossible to build with current tech... but hey it's for fun that I'm trying!
  7. I am looking for a mod which adds space shuttle parts and which is compatible with Realism Overhaul 1.2.2
  8. So, its time to land an unmanned probe on the surface of Venus. I've never done this before. Do you have experience or any advices for me? Do I need additional engines or is a single parachute enough for a safe touchdown ? I had the Idea to place everything inside a 2m ServiceBay with a Heatshield Down below and a parachute on the top, do you think that could work? By the way, here is my current TechTree:
  9. Hello. The question is, plainly put, what is the most effective exploration strategy for Jupiter (in terms of getting more science and perhaps some fun along the way)? I'm currently playing RSS/RO/RP-0 build (not sure what the exact versions are, KSP is 1.2.2), and I have a probe that just left Earth's SOI with slightly more than 4k of delta-v on board; its current Jupiter periapsis is ~ 2200 km with an orbit a few degrees off the satellites' plane. Initially, I was planning to capture into satellites' plane and then one by one catch them on flybys. But now I'm more inclined to go more inclined: that is, polar (Juno style). That way I would get all the Jupiter's biomes (closing the Gestalt) and I'd also be able to catch Callisto and Ganymede (perhaps even Europa?) flybys as well (by looking for the encounter at ascending/descending nodes). Then the next probe that would enter the system might not bother with Jupiter, and go for satellites right away (e.g. for orbiting etc.). What do you guys think?
  10. At the moment, I am building a spacecraft which will do moon fly-by's and enter low moon orbits. The panel shows Food, Water and Oxygen support for ~53 days, but for Waste, WasteWater only 7, respectively 1 day. What happens if I stay in space longer than the supported 7 days ? Do I have to carry all the waste ?
  11. It was time to upgrade my PC, so I went for a Ryzen 5 1600 + Sapphire rx580 Nitro+ Limited Edidtion, and kept my Samsung 850 EVO I was and am playing 1.1.2, Modded with RSS+RO + essential mods + a few more. KSP on the new PC is just a folder copy from the old PC (same install). Game loading improved greatly, with about 9 minutes on the old PC vs 2:30 to 3 minutes on the new, but everything else feels almost the same... Same launchpad loading times, same frame drop on flying bigish rockets, etc. VAB is a bit more responsive, but everything else feels kind of same. I didn't try a stock install, only modded. My RX580 doesn't start the fans until it is pushed and start heating, and it never ever started the fans while playing KSP, and CPU was at 48C max temp. As if both CPU and GPU were not utilized at all... I also play ME Andromeda, which runs perfect with most settings on ultra high (as opposed to before, were it was straggling and glitching with the lowest settings) To the question. Is there something that I can do to have some improvement on performance on KSP? Some setting etc to utilize my new system better? Maybe newer KSP versions like 1.2 will run better? I keep 1.1.2 for MOD compatibility, as I will have to rebuild most of my rockets if I change KSP version, and I try to avoid it. I spent hours and hours on building and fine-tunning my rockets and editing cfgs, have loads of orbiting satellites, and i am terrified to the idea of starting over, due to some not updated mods that I currently use) ****IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT COMPARE INTEL & AMD HERE PLEASE. If you want to, then start a new thread for that on The Lounge section.****
  12. Hello everybody, I am here to announce the proud launch of TechTier. We are based around creating a realistic space program environment. We will include top of the line realistic launch times, conditions, physics, and of course rockets. For instance, say that today the temperature at Cape Canaveral is 78 degrees Fahrenheit, this is a nominal launch temperature if we had a launch set for today. We will be using extra realisticness by adding in launch timer and event callout. We will also be using others such as booster cams, (no floating cameras), occasional failures, and real development times for new rockets and technology. Any real world satellites or suggestions will be accepted if available with our current rocket capabilities. I am running a pretty packed version of Realism Overhaul to meet real world requirements. We primarily specialize in LEO station building, LEO or GSO orbits, as well as NASA related missions. I will mainly be launching from Cape Canaveral, but if required, I have KSC switcher for maximum performance. I will soon set up a post for real world or highly detailed satellite suggestions as well as, eventually, manned missions. While this is 100% for the fun of it basically, I will, to the best of my knowledge, explain the physics and reasoning behind my designs. I hope everybody enjoys this journey, and without further adue, enjoy! Link to my heroes who inspired me: http://www.spacex.com/
  13. I want to share/store documents and plans I (and others!) make for interplanetary missions. I intend to start with basic/boring information, like ballistic coefficients, heat shield information, etc.that will be useful to see for planning a mission. I intend to draw from data of actual carried out or planned missions, but feel free to post information about missions you've carried out with the full RSS/RO/RP-0 stack in KSP 1.1 or 1.2. For starters, I've got this document which lays the ground for a Venus balloon mission. A heatshield is required to slow the craft down at Venus, of course, but the idea is that a balloon/probe combination would be great for gathering information from Venus. I also have the notion that using a balloon would be the best way to attempt to bring a probe back to Venus' orbit from the surface of Venus. Once the balloon & payload are up past most of the atmosphere, a rocket could be used to rise the rest of the way to orbit. https://spaceflightsystems.grc.nasa.gov/SSPO/SP/VenusUpper/Presentations/gage_VenusEntryBalloonsUAVs.pdf
  14. I attempted to use CKAN to install RO with other mods that i like such as RP-0 and Lack's Stock Extention, 89-95 Mods total. My issue is that whenever try and make a plane/use wings is that they dont function, I cant adjust pitch yaw and roll, i don't get a center of lift, all i get is a blue circle hovering below my plane. I really wanted to make a plane so i could complete the X-Plane mission, But there may be a few mods clashing with one-another, Please help! List of mods: { "name": "AIESAerospace-Unofficial" }, { "name": "ALCOR" }, { "name": "AtomicAge" }, { "name": "HazardTanksTextures" }, { "name": "ConnectedLivingSpace" }, { "name": "CryoEngines" }, { "name": "CryoEngines-LFO" }, { "name": "CryoEngines-SurfaceAttach" }, { "name": "DeadlyReentry" }, { "name": "DMagicOrbitalScience" }, { "name": "FASA" }, { "name": "FilterExtensions" }, { "name": "Firespitter" }, { "name": "ForgottenRealEngines" }, { "name": "FShangarExtender" }, { "name": "KAS" }, { "name": "KIS" }, { "name": "KSP-AVC" }, { "name": "KWRocketry" }, { "name": "MechJeb2" }, { "name": "NearFutureConstruction" }, { "name": "NearFutureProps" }, { "name": "NearFuturePropulsion" }, { "name": "NearFuturePropulsion-LowThrustEP" }, { "name": "NearFutureSolar" }, { "name": "NearFutureSolar-Core" }, { "name": "NearFutureSpacecraft" }, { "name": "PersistentRotation" }, { "name": "ProceduralFairings" }, { "name": "ProceduralFairings-ForEverything" }, { "name": "ProceduralParts" }, { "name": "RasterPropMonitor" }, { "name": "RasterPropMonitor-Core" }, { "name": "RCSBuildAid" }, { "name": "RealismOverhaul" }, { "name": "RP-0" }, { "name": "RemoteTech" }, { "name": "RLA-Stockalike" }, { "name": "RN-Skylab" }, { "name": "RocketdyneF-1" }, { "name": "RealSolarSystem" }, { "name": "SCANsat" }, { "name": "ScienceAlert" }, { "name": "SemiSaturatableRW" }, { "name": "SXT" }, { "name": "TACLS" }, { "name": "Taerobee" }, { "name": "Tantares" }, { "name": "TantaresLV" }, { "name": "TestFlight" }, { "name": "TextureReplacer" }, { "name": "UniversalStorage" }, { "name": "VenStockRevamp" }, { "name": "NearFutureElectrical" }, { "name": "RSSDateTimeFormatter" }, { "name": "ASETAgency" }, { "name": "ModuleManager" }, { "name": "CommunityTechTree" }, { "name": "CrossFeedEnabler" }, { "name": "B9PartSwitch" }, { "name": "CommunityResourcePack" }, { "name": "CryoTanks" }, { "name": "DeployableEngines" }, { "name": "FirespitterCore" }, { "name": "FirespitterResourcesConfig" }, { "name": "KWRocketry-CommunityFixes" }, { "name": "AdvancedJetEngine" }, { "name": "FerramAerospaceResearch" }, { "name": "ModularFlightIntegrator" }, { "name": "SolverEngines" }, { "name": "KerbalJointReinforcement" }, { "name": "RealChute" }, { "name": "RealFuels" }, { "name": "RealHeat" }, { "name": "RealPlume" }, { "name": "SmokeScreen" }, { "name": "Kopernicus" }, { "name": "BDAnimationModules" }, { "name": "NearFutureElectrical-Core" }, { "name": "RSSTextures2048" }, { "name": "KerbalConstructionTime" }, { "name": "ProceduralDynamics" }, { "name": "KerbalRenamer" }, { "name": "KSCSwitcher" }, { "name": "ContractConfigurator" }, { "name": "CustomBarnKit" }, { "name": "MagiCore" }, { "name": "KerbalConstructionTime-RP-0-Config" }, { "name": "ReCoupler" }, { "name": "VensStylePPTextures" } Sorry for the exessive { } and "name" Stuff, I just took my modlist from CKAN and Copy pasted it for convenience. Please help!
  15. Hello, I have TestFlight installed and screen shot of my very first rocket with the Aerobee engine. My Issue is the the Aerobee never burns for 50sec. It fails at about 10secs or 3.6km altitude every single time. I have doubled checked the fuel mixture and doesn't seem like an issue(see screenshot). I had the EngineGUI open and the Thrust/Drag ratio keeps dropping and the engine fails with the message "No more ignitions left". Is this is bug or a feature? I tried flying the same rocket multiple times hoping the failure rate reduces but it consistently fails at same point. So confused!! KSP: 1.2.2 RO: v11.4.1(Pre-release v2) TestFlight-Core: v1.8.0.0 Thanks
  16. I am very new to RO and RSS and when I am crafting my new rocket, it has negative mass and center of mass was well below the rocket. Picture 1 Picture 2 When launching, the rocket crash and clips with other parts.
  17. I have recently returned to KSP and was looking forward to the integrated telemetry and wanted to try the RO / FASA / Historical Contracts mods. After a few days playing with the available pre-release versions on GITHUB I seem to have everything working except for RealHeat (which appears to be abandoned?). The early game USSR craft seem to be a bit under powered and the Saturn V only has a TWR of .31. I've tried merging the pending pulls on FASA/RO GIT's but the mass and thrust are right (maybe not counting all the engines?). Anyway, I was just wondering if there is anybody else that wants to collaborate on getting RO working again, or should I just wait it out? Happy Landings! -Dead
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