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  1. i wasn't trying to be rude or anything. Just letting him know in case he wants to talk more about the boat parts mod. I can see why it could be a little confusing considering the mod similarities and both of them being infinite's mods
  2. So you wouldn't complain when you game crashes repeatedly? The game crashed several times during the live streaming event. The media gets it so they can make videos for you to watch and get excited about... But also many of these people are also on the testing team so they've had test builds for a while and it's just that the NDA for this release has been lifted so they can talk about it. The game in essence is good enough to show but not yet good enough to release. It'll get released when they've ironed out the bigger bugs.
  3. totally should talk to the RPM folks about integrateing it as an RPM plugin
  4. Talk about diving into the deep. Very impressive to build a huge interplanetery ship after docking a single time, nice work
  5. No EFT, and you're using the OMS, Pitch Trim must be at 14, Speed at 100. Block 7 files in 2.07 got their OMS screwed and I don't know what causes it but they are at 0. Hence when you staged and dumped the EFT, the OMS got activated and were at zero. Load up your craft file in the VAB (or the SPH if that's what you're using) and set the OMS engines to 14 pitch trim, speed 100. Save your craft files. Delete the Stock ones and replace the ones you just saved. That way those OMS engines are set to 14. Keep in mind that sometimes for what ever reason, KSP forgets that those engines are 14 (even though if you look in the craft files it says 14). Will talk to Nazari about it so he can get a hold of Dtobi and see if it's on our end. Alternate Cockpits Alternate names and the alternate cockpits are now incorporated as one. See the second post below the OP for instructions on extracting the textures only if you just want to replace your default texture and not have the other 3 cockpits in the VAB. Blank texture is included in the download. http://www./download/hmeyvb3xx83kbe6/Alternate_Cockpits_v207.zip
  6. Well, back to it. I'm going to start coding again this week, if I have time. I've been thinking about a few details that I will talk about later. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm back.
  7. I'll talk to Paul about releasing maybe just the hubs, the oxygen and the co2 parts to start with (seeing as they're pretty much done), and then roll out the full set later, with the converters and the fuel cells and the like. Don't worry, i'm not going to let this get abandoned. It's my baby Not sure about conventional fuel tanks because of the size they'd have to be - they guzzle far more resources than a Kerbal ever could. I might consider something in future mods. Glad you like it so far
  8. This is hardly the best place for this thread. Let me see... *flips through the KSPF Tour Guide Book* Ah, yes, here we are. Suggestions and Development Discussion. This seems like a far better place to talk about this. *starts fiddling with a console full of brightly-lit buttons* There. Moved. Please take a little care when choosing where to post a new thread in future, mmkay?
  9. The shuttle is not something you should compare to when you talk about reusability. It is the only thing we have tried and "succeeded" to reuse, true, but with horrendous results, so we don't know the full potential of reusability yet.
  10. <p><strong>Felipe (HarvesteR)</strong><span><strong>:</strong> Doing some last-minute testing on the ARM Patch, fixing and tweaking anything that can be squeezed into the few hours still available before it’s time to pack up and head for the GDC. Also managed to pop by the immigration office downtown this morning to pick up my passport. It would have been quite an un-fun experience, trying to get to SF without it. Last week (and weekend) was pretty much full time testing and fixing details both small and large with the ARM Patch features. There have been a few mystery bugs we had to hunt down, but mainly we were tweaking parameters in just about everything we’ve done. All that tweaking really impressed upon us the sheer amount of new stuff we’ve added for the update. It’s been a huge amount of work, but hopefully it’ll all have been worthwhile. From my end at least, I can say I’ve been having a lot of fun with it, and that’s what it’s all about in the end.</span></p> <p><strong>Alex (aLeXmOrA): </strong><span>Still working on the in-game stats page. </span></p> <p><strong>Mike (Mu):</strong><span> *More prep for testing the missions and new UI gubbinz. Some more work on surface effects tho not sure they’ll make it into .24 just yet, depends how testing goes.</span></p> <p><strong>Marco (Samsonart):</strong><span> The ARM tutorials are coming together nicely, QA for the first one is already in course, not too many issues too, so it’s almost time to merge them into ARM patch.</span></p> <p><strong>Daniel (danRosas)</strong><span><strong>:</strong> I’m full into the animation now, on those small details. Renders are finally done, after some weird history and reference problems in Maya, now I know better than to start modifying a mesh that’s referenced from another file. *Don’t mess with the references. It’s safe to say that it’s now in post-production.</span></p> <p><strong>Jim (Romfarer): </strong><span>This week i have been preparing the new gui’s for testing. I also rewrote the controller for the application launcher. Instead of leaving a lot of the visibility management up to the apps themselves, it’s now handled by flags. All the old callbacks are still in place for those apps that require that extra level of control.</span></p> <p><strong>Miguel (Maxmaps): </strong><span>Editing, recording, re-recording things that came out wrong while arranging things and negotiating with the aforementioned mod distribution partner. Also helping out with GDC and media related stuff. Caught an asteroid too. Much rejoicing.</span><span></span></p> <p><strong>Jesus (Chuchito): </strong><span>Testing some features on the chat system, after 72 hrs of testing, flooding the system with fake messages.</span><span></span></p> <p><strong>Bob (Calisker): </strong><span>At GDC and really enjoyed Chad’s talk as well as a few others. It’s always great to see old friends and make new ones. It’s a great industry and I feel blessed to be a part of it. </span></p> <p><strong>Ted (Ted): </strong><span>Been doing some good ol’ Experimental Testing with the Experimental’s Team. Have to say that the ARM Patch is looking fantastic and the Team are really sinking their teeth into it. Additionally, the QA team has been testing out Marco’s ARM Tutorial, which is getting pretty great with some excellent rendezvous tips for the player.</span></p> <p><span><strong>Anthony (Rowsdower):</strong> I’ve been prepping for all things GDC. I’ll be around for media interviews. Not to take notes or anything, but to look threatening and slap armbars on anyone who doesn’t like the game. - or not. You be the judge. On another note, I am really looking forward to the Kerbal Kommunity Meetup tomorrow afternoon.<br/></span></p>
  11. Indeed, It was fun seeing them talk about the under-the-hood problems with programming.
  12. Talk to M1sz about how it works. I kind of have no idea how to use that robot simulator you gave me. You should definitely converse with M1 over walking ideas. The gif isn't the leg setup we're gonna use. Just proof that a dino shaped mech will walk
  13. If Kethane does support mining asteroids, it will require a drill. I can't talk about it in much detail at this time, but I can say I will not just turn asteroids into fuel tanks. How immediately the full plan can be realized remains to be seen. (Things are quite busy for me at the moment, but there are some great people helping out with the mods I manage.)
  14. Thanks -- Lets talk about the features/functions and resources you would like to have into Karya. Current ideas: Functions - Command Module (Probe) - Crew Capacity: 2 - Builtin RCS Thrusters (need testing) - Carbon Dioxide and Waste Water Recycling (TACLS; has zarya lifesupport systems?) - Science: Crew Report, Storage Resources - Electricity (amount?) - LFO (amount?) - Monopropelant (amount?) - Oxygen (amount?) - Carbon Dioxide (empty; max. amount?) - Water (amount?) - Waste Water (empty; max. amount?) - Waste (empty; max. amount?) Physics (!?) All suggestions and comments are welcome
  15. I did too. I've said it elsewhere, but I enjoy hearing the devs talk about building KSP almost as much as I enjoy playing it.
  16. Me too, it was just the nerdy developer talk I'm always looking for.
  17. Sirkut. Yeah. You were the pilgrim. We need you. We love you. Don't let people talk. You pieces are ultra kerbish imo. And I like them.
  18. I agree completely. All this talk about building stations with them just smacks of laziness.
  19. That is a good comparison, however the Saturn V lifted off without boosters. On the SLS, NASA is using RS-25s (SSMEs) because they had them left over from the Space Shuttle program, and it would be cheaper to use those instead of developing new ones. NASA also has a very good understanding of how they work, so that's why they're using them. Well, that was sort of off topic. But the point is, instead of using ultra powerful engines like the F-1, NASA is opting to use RS-25s, which are not as powerful, each has 1859 Kn of thrust as the surface. And they're only using 4, thus allowing the boosters to aid until enough fuel drains. Anyways, my little science talk over. I like how with the KSP community we can discuss these sorts of things. I think the best option might be to color the mainsails with this new engine effect, and either blue or clear for the new engine. It's a pretty well agreed consensus that the Mainsails are the F-1 analogs, and kerosene is known for it's yellow-ish dirty looking exhaust!
  20. Unity support of 64 bit engines /= stable KSP releases. For all the talk, the linux64 version of KSP issued by squad is NOT stable and requires some fiddling to correct several known errors across multiple releases (see the linux support thread(s)). Given that precedent, Unity5's abilities are no indication of a 64bit release anytime soon.
  21. You take that back K3! I haven't touched that part of the MFD since, well, it was created! You have to make sure to set your target from the targeting menu, which will clear if you switch from internal to external views. I haven't played KSP since Braverly Default, Ground Zeroes, Dark Souls 2, etc... kind of wrapped up my game time recently However, it still works fine in my KSP install but I haven't updated any mods in the last month so beyond what I said above, I'm not sure what would cause it. Edit: Whoops, talk about late reply. Sorry folks!
  22. Check out the Dev interview on Scott Manley's channel. They talk more in depth about the maneuver nodes. I watched it during the live stream so can't recall what they said about it. I know they said something about precision being improved. But anyway it's only a minor inconvenience for me personaly, I use mechjeb to set up the nodes, I burn manualy.
  23. @keptin Thank you thank you thank you. At 3am Saturday night, after re-reading your guide this week and installing the Procedural Wings mod to go along with F.A.R., I finally achieved stable level flight. Design looked very much like the F-14 style in your "flat spin" example. Takeoff was a joy, less-than-full throttle straight down the runway, the lift picked the nose wheel up, and the gentlest tap on the "up" key put me into flight. Best KSP feeling I've had since my very first successful docking. Landing .. well, let's not talk about the landing.
  24. So I did a little math: Real SLS diameter (first stage at least lol) is 8.4 meters. If we 64% that, we get 5.3 meters. From there we can chop off the decimal and make the final diameter compatible with Novapunch at 5 meters (and probably FASA pack as well). 5 meters in KSP is size 4 before the 1.25 modifier is applied. This means that the size 3 parts we're getting will not be up to snuff for the hardcore rocket people we have here on the forums who would more than likely want a scale SLS to play with. I'm fine with the new parts, I'm just sort of making a prediction that there will be complaints about the sizes. I'm just waiting for the FASA Apollo mission release which will hopefully proceed 23.5 since the update should have the stronger joints/modify joints feature that Frizzank needs, but that's off topic, so talk about the new parts in KSP, not FASA
  25. Greetings, In prep for REAL missions acquisition, tonite we will look at hyperedit in a big way: to put roids into orbit; or so we think...! Unfortunately, hyperedit will not be used when REAL missions start, but I am looking at the possibility of setting up orbital bodies in prep for this asteroid redirect challenge thingy; since my streamin isnt of ksp-tv qualilty wysiwyg...but we will go a step further...accessing astronomy programs and integrating them with KSP ! How Kool Is That ! I am only going to touch base but we will see how far it goes tonite; I am anxious to get to work on parts placements in the Science Nodes and get REAL Kerbin missions going...I have been at this for a week nite and day...been thru memory hurdles as it seems, but am doing good! Now we are just looking at Planet Factory options; I found that the DLL alone corrypts the Science archives; but without it will the orbital bodies still be there - enter hyperedit !!! I also have 2 or 3 methods of asteroid placement so we will look at them... I know Manley has a video out on trying to get a roid to crash into Kerbin by advancing the clock and making cfg changes; I am looking into this later but am also looking into doing this on a more scientific way, using astronomy programs. Unfortunately Twitch and non-gaming stuff dont jive and I aint goin to ustream to do this; I got a few program up my sleave I will talk about and try to simulate a few Kerbin bodies; this I can do while in KSP. Dont miss out ... http://www.twitch.tv/cdr_zeta Cmdr Zeta
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