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  1. so this is the problem. When i go to launch a craft with the latest version of bdarmory there is some sort glitch where behind the HUD there is a huge black orange and yellow circle and nothing responds. How do i fix this or is it a compatability issue with the new ksp version.
  2. The Vulture is one of my more functional craft designs, since it is quite maneuverable yet stable. It's designed for FAR, KJR and Dynamic Deflection, warranty void if exposed to stock atmosphere/physics. Abort triggers the emergency cockpit separation, intended for the pilot surviving aerodynamic failures / wings made of Swiss cheese. Abort does not work well if the plane is nosediving into the ground due to the time it takes for the chutes to deploy. It carries 8 AGM missiles, a targeting pod, a radar receiver, and a mostly useless ECM pod (since it drains too much electricity to have on all the time). Power is provided by both the turbofan as well as a fuel cell. Secondary armaments are 2 rocket pods and a vulcan. By default, all my craft carry a probe core because I keep obliterating them and I would go through too many kerbals if I didn't always use them. I have tuned BDA's AI pilot for the plane to reliably work, or at least not immediately nosedive into the ground, so have fun! https://www.dropbox.com/s/y98t7y96udwmo0h/Vulture.craft?dl=0 Requires BDArmory to load.
  3. I would hope you send me some crafts. i would like if they use BDarmory and stock parts. And if they are aircraft, put the AI control thingy on somewhere. THANK YOU! Ax1don
  4. Hello. So, if anyone has a link to a download of Bd armory Version 1.0 for KSP V 1.0.5. That would be great. Since kerbal stuff is down.
  5. MODERN COMBAT WEAPONS By Zacharii Updated as of 12/4/2015 RELEASE 0.5 Initial release - one weapon AIM-120C - An ungraded/updated version of Baha's AIM-120. This version has more agility and maneuverability. Physical changes include clipped fins for maximum space efficiency. Cosmetic changes include a dark grey tone(rather than a white one)
  6. I got interested in some speed record craft (1379ms with fairing and sacrificial fairing nose) and extended this plane into a bomber, then added some BDArmory cruise missiles for fun. It can super-cruise (half throttle) at nearly Mach 4 and deliver 2 cruise missiles nearly anywhere on Kerbin if fully fuelled. It almost does not do any other speeds than barely in the air and supersonic. Not what I thought I would be building this week. Download
  7. Top Gun AI: Shoreside ArenaHere is it, my first completed dogfighting arena. Please read the notes on the video carefully. AI dogfighting where the planes started next to each other on the ground meant that the ability to reach minimum altitude, turn and fire first was the overriding design concern. Part of the reason for this was the inability to launch planes far apart - getting their autopilot to detect and launch meant line of sight within 3.5km, and planes launching much further than 6km from the object in focus were vulnerable to inaccuracy in collision detection, and could tear themselves apart on the ground during take-off. This arena, and more like it to come, is designed to expand distance between the planes in opposition. There are two runways about 11km apart, with a launchpad halfway between. Each runway also has a pad nearby on a hill to deploy a radar. The setup uses a centrally positioned pair of rockets as lures (one for each team). These launch simultaneously, and are then detected by radar pods, which alert the planes they are linked to, and cause them to scramble. By keeping focus on the starter rockets, both planes are close enough to safely launch. The rockets are quickly disabled using a Smart Parts timer - it decouples the probe core from the BD Armory weapon manager. Once in the air, each plane is visible to the opposing radar pod. The datalink alerts each plane to it's opponents position, the approach each other and engage. As it works out, because the planes begin their battles about 12km apart, AMRAAM missiles are at their effective range.
  8. Naming: (Type)-(Class)-(Aircraftname) Types: INT-Interceptor BMB-Bomber F-Fighter RCN-Recon/Spy DRN-Drone CAS-Close Air Support (Like A-10) CIV-Civillian X-Experimental Classes: P-Prop aircraft G1-First generation aircraft (like p80, me 262, he 162) with Jumo engines preferably and 50. cal MG G2-Swept Wings G3-Afterburning Engine(No gimbal)/20mm Vulcan/Radar/Missiles G4-Supermaneuverability/Countermeasures/ECM Pod/Gimbal G5-Stealth Design + any of the above GX-All of the above + Rapier or Ramjet engines Allowed mods: Kronal Vessel Viewer (Awesome to take "Blueprint" pictures) Share pictures, name and description of your airplane! And if you want feel free to share the files! I want to see your creativity, cheers! PS: If you used a mod not listed in the list above please post it in your description. I'l start with one of mine! F-G4-Sukhoi a hypermaneuvrable aircraft capable of high speed flight and wicked maneuvres even for FAR Hope you like it! DOWNLOAD
  9. Here's the sitchiashun: I'm currently testing one of my best fighter designs ever, the K-39. As you see in the screenies, I'm on team B, and the Radar and SAM site are on team A. I have Radar and SAM in guard mode, and my trigger is on. The data link between the two is active. No matter how close I fly, something between the Radar and the SAM doesn't click. When I switch to the Radar, I see myself on it, but it won't lock. I have a Weapon Manager on each vehicle. Any ideas?
  10. Just to see if people are interested, if so this topic will expand in the future. As you may or may not know, I'm developing the mod WW2 Warships, with it it's possible to build real sized warships and sink them. This might be interesting for people who like World of Warships to have some battles in the future. There are topics aimed at jets and WW2 aircraft having tournaments, this would be something similar. My mod is being developed for use with BDArmory and NAS, stock weaponry would only scratch the paint. The mod will really come to life after the KSP 1.1 update, you can build with a relatively low part count but it's still high compared to airplanes. Any ideas, suggestions, comments ... go ahead! Some albums, starting with the building tutorial:
  11. MODERN COMBAT WEAPONS By Zacharii Updated as of 12/4/2015 RELEASE V0.5 Initial release - one weapon AIM-120C - An upgraded/updated version of Baha's AIM-120. This version has more agility and maneuverability. Physical changes include clipped fins for maximum space efficiency. Cosmetic changes include a dark grey tone(rather than a white one) and a circular split exhaust pattern, much like the real counterpart. IRIS-T - in production AIM-9X - in production GBU-12 - in production GBU-10 - in production That's it for now! Gallery Installation - Drag "Zacharii" folder into gamedata - done Download (For some reason, Kerbalstuff refuses my connection when trying to save changes and/or publish the mod, help would be appreciated) Kerbalstuff: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1330/%20%5B1.0.5%5D%20WIP%20Modern%20Combat%20Weapons?noedit=True Reliant on BDarmory: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/76926-104-bdarmory-v0991-ai-improvements-dlz-2-new-parts-dev-thread-aug-31/ Licence MIT
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