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  1. Anyone aware of a mk2-compliant rover cockpit? Trying to make a rover around a mk2 passenger cabin, and piecing one together from flaps and external seats is a little wonky. Heres a doodle of what I'm talking about: Or something like that.
  2. Jeep R7 While working on the WSH-500 Wingship I wanted to use a vehicle to bring the Kerbals to the new craft as I've done in previous videos and I decided to use a Jeep that I made a while back. After reviewing it I decided to build another Jeep. This one is much like the original but without a Mun Launcher. Craft File: Jeep R7 Parts: 72 Mass: 2.352t Height: 3.0m Width: 3.1m Length: 4.3m Craft File with Can Attachment: Jeep R7 WCA I've supplied 4 MK1 Lander Cans for those who are not using mods.
  3. Alright, this is the last Takumi EVA evolution. I call it the Wasp EVA. It's a performance supercar that can apparently fly. It is recommended you stay on the ground, though. Oh yeah, and they finally got their car show. Craft file for anyone who wants it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p7f1h1hzr9dzsfn/Wasp EVA.craft?dl=0
  4. So, I got bored, and since I'm lazy, I decided to modify the already successful bodywork of the Takumi EVA, and I decided to go with a dune buggy sort of design. This is what I came up with. Here is the download link if you want it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s4d78khur2xan4q/Raid EVA.craft?dl=0
  5. After completing a contract for a mobile base, I noticed that there are few published mobile bases, most of them single-service. I decided to try my hand at creating a modular model. I succeeded, technically, though there is no provision for launch or for assembly. I recommend that existing infrastructure be used to assemble it on-orbit, or simply that it be launched in one piece under a giant fairing. The download can be found at KerbalX, along with an Imgur gallery and a silly toy-commercial write-up. Updated on 10/25 with a slightly reduced wheel height. The whole thing should now actually fit inside of a Size3 fairing(fairing included in craft file for demonstration). Additionally, I've replaced the Swivel engines with Vectors, which should allow a fully assembled Kentipede to land under its own power, if you can provide the deltaV(I recommend drop tanks. A Big Red, attached at the rear, provides roughly 1400 dV, and can serve as a lithobrake when depleted.).
  6. Hi, So I built my first rover.... Its rather wide so I had to transport it to Minmus slung under the lander. I tested everything, well almost everything on Kerbin. Dropping the lander and driving it away using the built in probe body worked fine so I launched and landed on a slope just short of one of Minmus' flats. I dropped the lander, but when I tried to drive it the Kraken struck and everything exploded into bits of exploding rover, lander and terrified Kerbal. I tried to move the rover repeatedly but every time - Boom. The only way I could get around this was to use the landers RCS and hop it away from the rover. I could then drive the rover fine. The other issue I have with this rover is that Kerbals get fired vertically out of their seats several metres every time they try to get out of the seat. I have not played KSP for some time, but don’t remember that happening in previous versions any ideas? On the plus side I was able to visit Minmus’ Lesser flats, Slopes, Lowlands, Midlands and Poles all in a few hours of driving which gave well over 1000 science points Has anyone else had these problems?
  7. Universal Landing System Mk II I have developed a combination ship that incorporates everything I believe you need to have for an exploration flight system. The Universal Landing System Mk II is an interplanetary transfer vehicle that doubles as a refueling and science station capable of deploying a manned lander/rover combination craft with mining and fuel production capabilities. Two interplanetary shuttles are also included in the system for ferrying science and personnel back and forth to Kerbin. Steam Guide for the Universal Landing System Mk II Operational Test Flight to Minmus There are three ships included with this flight system. Universal Landing System Mk II Lander Only This is the Lander only launch system. A small interplanetary fuel tank and engine are also included in this configuration. Craft Details Class Lander Type VAB Mass 4,908.52t Cost 3,052,737.0 No. of Stages 7 Crew Capacity 3 Part Count 674 No. of Struts 200 Root Part SYdocking7m Built in KSP 1.2.1 Size 30.49 x 48.3 x 30.49 Universal Landing System Mk II Lander Only on KerbalX Universal Landing System Mk II Main Vehicle The Main Vehicle section of the Universal Lander System Mk II includes the Main Transfer Vehicle interplanetary engines, large fuel storage capacity, docking ports in multiple sizes, monopropellent fuel storage, communication relay antenna, lander with mining and fuel manufacture capability, science experiments, science storage,and a manned rover with full science package. Craft Details Class Lander Type VAB Mass 14,366.8t Cost 7,238,381.0 No. of Stages 7 Crew Capacity 3 Part Count 932 No. of Struts 192 Root Part SYtank10mL07500 Built in KSP 1.2.1 Size 32.67 x 61.82 x 32.61 Universal Landing System Mk II Main Vehicle and Lander on KerbalX Universal Landing System Mk II Station/Transfer Vehicle The Laboratory/Transfer section of the Universal Lander System Mk II includes an orbital research laboratory, orbital science experiments, fuel storage, interplanetary transfer engines, and two manned interplanetary shuttlecraft. Craft Details Class Station Type VAB Mass 3,099.7t Cost 1,854,876.0 No. of Stages 7 Crew Capacity 10 Part Count 284 No. of Struts 56 Root Part Large.Crewed.Lab Built in KSP 1.2.1 Size 32.54 x 47.59 x 32.54 Universal Landing System Mk II Station/Transfer Vehicle on KerbalX All three designs are available at KerbalX in a single hanger. Universal Landing System Mk II Hanger on KerbalX Mod Pack for Universal Landing System Mk II on KerbalX
  8. Dear all, I know I am being thick here, but I cannot work out how to remap rover controls so that something makes it go forwards, backwards, and turns. At the moment w and s just spin the rover. Lots of forums say remap the rover controls but I cannot find any mention of wheels in the options other than steering axis and throttle axis. If I click on the < button I get a window with three lights in it marked staging docking (translation) docking (rotation) and have no idea what this is or how it relates to making the darn thing move. Can someone please post an idiots guide to how to remap the rover keys, where it is in the options and how to get a rover to move rather than just spin on its axis. I have a Probodobodyne OKTO as the control pod and this is sitting upright in the center of mass. Is this the problem? or is it that I just dont understand how to control a rover? Help!
  9. Three of my trusty Kerbalnauts are taking an extended driving trip on the Mun. Is there a way to find out how far they travel in each session? I know you get details about speed and distance travelled on the info box that appears after a vehicle is destroyed, but I can't find it in game. My current method of keeping track is to simply place a flag every 40km, but that's the distance as the crow flies (assuming some kind of Mun crow that can fly in a vacuum!). Obviously the actual distance is further as you alter course to avoid craters etc. Are there any other methods for keeping track of distance traveled across land?
  10. A very small versatile rover that can be used for almost anything but mostly recreational camping. It has a whole host of things that it comes with. Features It is semi-stable It *Only* weighs around 6 tons It Compact! It has stabilizers! It has a wide wheels because that helps in Kerbal Space Program! Pictures Download https://kerbalx.com/Duk/Vehicle-platform-V2
  11. Stealth Rover! Post compilation. Formatted and reposted for a new generation, these are the adventures of Stealth Rover! Probably the largest sneaky rover out. Open the spoilers for military mystery and supersize sneakiness. Each post is pretty short. Do it. You know you want to. Nothing to see here.... Introduction to Stealth Rover Antarctic Escape Capture Spaaace! The Chase Blog Special Return of Stealth Rover?? Stealth Rover and the Krystal Kerbs A show of force Nothing to report
  12. Hi so i decided to do my rover mission before i go to bed so i did and decided to take pictures to post on imgur so i could share it well here... on the Kerbal Space Program forums...... that ok?. but anyway to spoil it the mission was a huge success and well lets just cut to the chase here is the imgur link to explain it all for you http://imgur.com/a/U7Dlb Name of course inspired by the Osiris - REx mission i just think Osiris is an awesome name
  13. Hello guys! This is the mission report of my trip around Kerbin. I am going to drive as much of the trip as I can, but I will have to cross the sea in a few places, and also some rivers along the way. I am doing it because i haven't really seen anything of this magnificent planet further away from the KSC, than a 100 Km. K.R.A.C.I.I [krey-zee] K.R.A.C.I.I is the rover I am going to use. It is an acronym for Kerbal Racing-car with Amphibious CapabIlIties. It has a cruise speed of about 40 m/s on land, and a bit below 20 m/s in water. It brings enough solar panels to deliver power all day, but it can not drive in the night. The front spoilers pushes it down so it can drive fast over edges without destroying its tail. The Map I have planned a route on a polar path. (The yellow line). It will take me trough mountains, across rivers and by the beaches. If there should come a point i can not cross, I have emergency routes. (The orange lines). So if the mountains are to rough, I will have to drive another way around. The grey line is the route I will take by plane, and the yellow dot represent my desired landing spot. Progress so far This map will be updated and more flags will be added as Jeb move on. The newest pink flag, represent Jeb's position. Please tell me what you think about it, i would love to hear your opinions!
  14. So getting a human to land on Mars and come back is very hard. But here's an idea for a less sexy mission, but still sends people to Mars and if anything gets us some practice. Apparently, a mission to Mars will involve 18 months on Mars itself. That's a tall order, but theoretically doable. What if, instead of landing the astronauts, you leave them in orbit and land one rover per astronaut. Each one with certain specialized equipment. Each astronaut then spends 18 months working long hours driving them around, no need to tie up the DSN. You have one or more land close to a rocket capable of docking with your orbiting station in LMO so at the end of the mission you can bring back some samples. Now, we don't get that sexy shot of humans standing on another world, but in terms of science we would have three curiosities running around, probably something more sophisticated. The real utility of this project comes from that 14 minute delay no longer being a problem. Any possible benefit of having humans on Mars with less risk, and without having to go all the way down to the surface. Which means it will be easier to bring them home. Which gets to the title of this thread, what is that 14 minutes (and a free DSN for other missions) worth? And, this tech can possibly be applied to longer missions to Jupiter or Saturn, where the delay time is more severe so you get a bigger benefit.
  15. Anyone else have the problem of having a 4x4 rover wheel but it seems that 3 wheels roll faster than that single one and it makes the rover circle until it points at a certain point and drives straight all the way? I seem to have that problem with my rovers. Even in a 6 wheeler.
  16. K, I am stuck with this rover I am making. I am new on the forum but I have played for over 300 hours easy. The one thing I never spent too much time on was rovers and now that I'm trying to build some my rover is stuck. It moves it can go relatively fast at I clocked it at 20 m/s but if I'm lucky enough to get anywhere near that speed it will spin out and flip over. It likes to pull slightly to the right and as I go faster it turns more more to the right. The wheels are all going in the same direction and turning in the same direction, and as far as I can tell the wheels are aligned. The center of mass is right smack dab in the center. I can't do snapshots because of circumstances, can anyone help me? I forgot to mention that it uses the TR-2L wheels.
  17. I finally got a rover landed on Eve, with an engineer on board to fix broken tires, only to find that the tires (the Ruggedized Vehicular Wheels, no less) are breaking just from ground contact. I've literally watched them break instantly after being repaired while the rover is not moving. Please tell me this is a bug and Eve is not THAT harsh!
  18. Hello all you forum users! I am currently planning my first Kerbin Elcano challenge, and I am super excited. Most of the trip will be on water, because the land is too rough, but that doesn't matter. I am in development of a mark2 hull based pontoon boat, with an outer deck, seating for 6 Kerbals, solar arrays on the rear, and ore harvesting equipment. Man, I wish I had photos, but Flickr isn't working yet. MODS I PLAN TO USE: KAS, KIS, Ven's stock revamp, (for textures) KER, MechJeb, and MK2 expansion. Anyway, when I get some shots up I'll showcase my craft. Thanks for visiting my little corner of the forums!
  19. One thing that I have been interested in with KSP is making machines for ground use. Among these ill-fitting machines to a space game, I have begun making motorcycles. Anyone out here make any motorcycles? It would be nice to see what others have made. Let us know what mods you have used for your motorcycle, and try to post a pic of it. Motorcycles are perhaps useless in KSP. I have found that using both reaction wheels and motorized wheels tend to be problematic, causing me to use jet engines for propelling the motorcycle. I have constructed one for use on the Mun and Minmus using the stock Xenon thruster, and that was nice for ground travel, until I crashed it. But I think my favorite was constructing the Mach Fenrir. I had to use Tweakscale, and it has been known to reach 67 M/s (150 MPH). Nice for Kerbin use. A link to it is below. https://kerbalx.com/Core/AAA-Mach-Fenrir
  20. Is there any awesome mod I'm missing that adds large high-speed wheels? Something slightly smaller than the huge stock wheels, ideally. I have a kinda-newfound love for making big manned rovers with lots of features and self-sustainability, but I can see them reaching a point where they start to resemble train carriages rather than offroad vehicles due to the finite size of the ruggedised wheel. I could just use TweakScale, but that won't change the wheel's limited suspension travel. I wanna bounce around like the Mako from Mass Effect (most everyone hated it but I'm a fan). I'm also after a boxy cabin like the Orca Transport below. Doesn't have to be from a rover mod. The only cockpits I've thus far found that offer good ground visibility are rounded and I just don't like that look when I build big angular monstrosities that can survive kilometre drops (under Mun gravity, anyway; I wouldn't trust anything with wheels on Kerbin or Eve).
  21. Duna III Duna I was a probe sent to duna in 140 days, Duna II was a unmanned lander sent to duna in 350 days, And then Duna III a rover sent to duna in 1 year and 450 days. The Duna ™ Series is mostly about exploring Duna as you would expect in any science fiction, Which this is a science fiction right? Duna I Duna I was a probe that went around Duna and Ike all in one neatly packed mission! *Note the probe is a scansat and died very fast when it entered the DARK SIDE* Duna II Duna II A bold idea that landed on the approved area! Lacked any scanning equipment also the mobility on this is the same as a stubborn donkey Duna³ Duna³ Is a rover sent to duna for biome hopping or simply Duna driving and only 500 science was gained from this mission while a similar rover mission the mun got up to a 1000... Maybe that is why most people never go interplanetary... Just maybe.... Duna IV So far no actual mission data for this... Because this all being designed and planned! Duna IV is a manned landing mission to mars Duna and back! The spacecraft itself is going to consisting of two vessels the mothership and the lander which the lander will land in the polar regions of Duna and perform the experiments and then bring the experiments on board the mothership via the science to process the data and send the science home and kerbals! And that is the end of this chapter in this era! Eve I It is already a thing it's just that the fact that Eve is a nasty planet and it's even nastier moon, The exact same craft as the Duna I probe, But this instead of the polar orbit Duna I is in this is in a equatorial orbit, meaning that I failed to scan out the whole planet not to mention it suffers the same issues as Duna I... Batteries as soon it goes into the DARK SIDE it dies very quickly, perhaps quicker than a potato battery, well we did use potatoes for batteries and lets say things didn't go well for the poor potato... Eve II Again like Duna IV but this time nothing is really planned out for this mission So that is it for this report of science! and potato energy! and faulty solar panel science! So what about getting these crafts? Well I'll be glad to post the links for them but I don't think anyone is really going to enjoy a slow moving craft... So if you(s) want the crafts then I will make a uhmm what now? Oh right a separate post for all the technical stuff and downloads! (The DARK SIDE is a dangerous place)
  22. I built this Van looking thing and I put the Xl3 rover wheels on it because the other wheels would be too small.It was working just fine when I put them on (I was able to turn easily and go to speeds up to 25 m/s using the diff steering to make me go faster),but now I switched some settings to make my game run better and now the Rover can only go 5 m/s and I cant even turn the vehicle.I didn't mess with it to much except add some struts and maybe a few other things but I don't think it would affect the wheels. I understand that these wheels aren't the best for the game, but I cant use any other wheel because of how big the vehicle is.
  23. I'm designing a Jool multi-lander with a Rover, but the rover refuses to function after it has been deployed. You can see here that the rover is not moving, despite all of its wheel motors being active, and the brakes off. How do I fix this? Here is the designed function: A rover and four science pods on a Lander which will be taken to and from each of Vall's biomes, then the rover will be left behind and additional science pods will be used when landing on Bop and Pol, all to be retained when on the return journey. (Laythe and Tylo are getting mission-specific vehicles.) In order to verify the functionality of the rover configuration, I was giving the Lander and the Rover a shakedown in the hopes of doing with them the exact thing I'd do in the real mission: Drop the Rover Move the Rover underneath a science pod, and drop the pod onto the Rover Drive the Rover with science pod to and from a distant biome Reconnect the used science pod. Repeat from 2 until all four biomes have been scienced. The shakedown was going to have me deploy the rover, drop a science pod and take it down to the beach, then return and pop it back on.
  24. Anyone know of any computers intended just for rovers? While normal computers will do the job, I was wanted to know if there were those who had additional SAS options that allowed for the rover to land on the ground (such as when it flips into the air due to low gravity) or compensate for reaction wheels (since those can alter the traction of the rover). Nothing urgent, just would be convenient to have. EDIT Land on the ground, as in, wheels first, in a prepared position. It's always going to land in the first place, regardless.
  25. Any way out of this? I've checked settings, as far as I can tell the wheels are configured properly and have ground contact. "A" or "D" key makes them steer, "W" or "S" key makes motor indicator ramp up (as per below picture), but wheels don't spin and rover doesn't go. Install is modded slightly but I don't think any of those mods are affecting the present situation; rover is stock and in a stock situation. Worked fine in 1.1 driving on Minmus. Any ideas? ETA 27 July: Created a clean file with no Intrepid, Kerbulans or other spoilers. The rover Sarge is in is the original, it steers but does not go--as though the brakes are stuck on (and yes, I tried toggling them ) The rover Melbe is in is the replacement, it seems to work fine.
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