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Found 8 results

  1. New build just uploaded! (Mk.1e1) ---------- original OP ------------- So, I'm making this game: As the thread title says, the concept is basically what would happen if you took the stylish ambience of Crimson Skies, then put it together with the assemble-and-physics of KSP in an open world elite-like environment. It's a concept I've been sitting on for a very long time. Anyways - since I have a production budget of just about what loose pennies I can find under my seat cushions, this is an early-access release. Here we have a very first playable preview of what will gradually build up into the full game - It's free for now, as getting people involved with the project is currently the most important thing. Eventually there'll be a pre-order option and things should follow pretty much in the same lines as the sales method used for KSP. It's all about the player community, as we all know so well. Anyways, enjoy! Updates should come up very frequently in this early stage, so make sure to keep an eye on it!
  2. So, what songs or soundtracks do you listen to while playing KSP or any other games? I listen to an epic music Spotify playlist while playing Star Wars Empire At War
  3. Hi all, I'm new here--just purchased a license for KerbalEDU. My name is Rachel and I'm a PhD student in geology. I'm reviewing this software for a graduate-level Games for Learning and Simulation class. I only have about two weeks to play this game and write a paper judging its classroom merits. So I'm hoping I might get some feedback from educators who have used KerbalEDU in their classrooms as part of a curriculum. Do your students enjoy the game? For about how long do they play it in one sitting? For how long (days/weeks?) do you use KerbalEDU as instructional material? How easy/hard is it for students to learn the game? Do they find the story line engaging? Do you think that playing KerbalEDU improves learning outcomes in your classroom? Is there anything else you would like to share with me about using KerbalEDU in an educational setting? Thanks in advance for your time!
  4. Chel


    Wow. After only two days, I got hooked on KSP again. I have 2-3 months to play it, as school just finished for the year! We go back on February the 15th, so roughly 12 weeks of holidays is here! It was total madness. When the bell rang, everyone just cheered and ran out of the hall. Some kids were yelling "Free! Free at last!" while others were screaming, and one kid even went a little overboard and took his shirt off, diving into the pool outside the gym. 3 whole months of gaming is finally here! YYEESSSS!!!!!!!
  5. Thinking about grabbing a gaming controller for use with KSP, but not a full blown joystick. Does anyone have any thoughts or preferences on their gaming controllers of choice? This is the one I'm thinking about grabbing: Logitech F310 PC Gamepad.
  6. It's the game we've all heard about and played, and no doubt many of you guys are playing it as we speak - myself included! But why? Despite all it's amazing features, the Universe suffers from countless flaws that some have found extremely irritating. No mods! There is no modding community to speak of! Don't get me wrong, there are loads, LOADS of DLC for sale. But the really good ones are all far too expensive! You have to fork over billions just to leave your starting planet TEMPORARILY! And even then, you can disconnect unexpectedly There's that old glitch where you can't reconnect after you've disconnected. Apparently the game bans you for that. The devs cheat round this by calling it a feature "death". Random disconnects. The quests are EXTREMELY repetitive and boring. Where are the devs? We haven't ever seen them for real nor made contact with them! Submit your reviews, people! My opinion is that, despite these flaws, the universe is still a pretty good game.
  7. This christmas i'm looking to purchase a pair of bluetooth gamepads, on for myself and one to give to my brother. I'm just looking for a standard bluetooth gamepad priced at around $30 a piece. Does anyone have any recommendations about a specific model?
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