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  1. so ive been playing this game for about a year now and i now just got a glitch that ive never seen before btw im using a mod pack if that helps with the answers the glitch is that when i have thrust going and i hit x it doesnt stop all the way it lowers the thrust but goes for a few seconds before stopping im wondering how can i fix this that would be cool to know Thanks!
  2. This is where I'm going to post the video installments for my In Wrath's Shadow cinematic series. All worlds present in this series are from the Beyond Home planet pack by @Gameslinx. I will post each additional installment as a comment below so people can comment on it without having to quote the OP, but I will also post each one in OP so they're easier to find. Chapter 1 - Lua Terraformer Repair Chapter 2 - Ash
  3. I wouldn't really call this a full graphic novel because it's pretty short, and it's my first one so it's probably not the best, but I still hope you all enjoy it! This will be the first part of a series taking place in the "Beyond Home" version of the Kerbol system. I was inspired to make this part specifically because of Tribute's in-game description, which is really great. Well, all the descriptions are great, really, as well as--actually, you know what, just play the darn mod, it's amazing. Here it is: Sorry about that typo on page 4, btw. I'll try to make as little of them as possible (Yes, English is my native language--I just suck at writing/typing it sometimes lol). Finally, some criticism would be nice--I want to know how I can make the future parts better, after all! (Credit to @Gameslinx for the amazing mod "Beyond Home"!)
  4. Beyond Home Beyond Home (BH) is the final chapter in the story of Kerbalkind. It can be played independently of Before Kerbin and After Kerbin. Billions of years after Kerbol exploded, a few colony vessels survived and found a new system to inhabit. The Tempus System. The Tempus System is a binary star system, slightly larger than the Kerbol System. The two stars Destiny and Fate orbit each other, almost like a slow dance. These stars are the heart of this expansive system. The Kerbals have begun the colonization of two celestial bodies: Rhode, the home planet, and its moon Lua. Rhode's gravity is slightly less than Kerbin's. Its atmosphere is slightly thinner. It's a lot more modest than what the Kerbals were used to billions of years ago, however it is still a beauty to marvel at. Your task is to explore the Tempus System and uncover its secrets. Beyond Home is a planet mod for Kerbal Space Program that raises the bar by achieving many things once thought impossible. Each planet has custom surface features that the player can explore. These can range from simple rocks to vast structures and crashed starships. Each planet has had at least a week (or more) of time dedicated to making it perfect for the player to explore. Beyond Home may sound easy, but leaving the home planet is no longer the challenge. The journey is what counts - especially what lies at the end of it. Your focus will not be learning how to fly, it will be putting those skills to the test in wild, unique environments never seen before. See the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9llIkFVXAE Trailers There are a number of trailers for Beyond Home. Here is the main trailer and a few popular ones, including upcoming features: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9llIkFVXAE - The main trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zm6vzBzuGGU - Gas giant overhaul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRoTx2NC9Jc - Mining base https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3_hijMmj04 - Cities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5PSsIbgoBs - The original trailer I also have my own career mode series where I play the planet pack as a player myself: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKfbvijUql4RUpLsJLJ-Zdenn6ArbOPik World-Firsts Beyond Home is the first planet mod to feature a fully functional binary star system at its core. Not only this, but entire structures can be procedurally generated on each planet - yes, you can land on those floating islands. Beyond Home comes with its own visual suite, meaning you can finally bring out the most performance you possibly can with one of the most optimized planet mods in the community. As well as this, Beyond Home offers the ability to collect bonus science rewards from various biomes across every planet - you will know where the challenge lies. There is even the option for you to launch from the moon of the home planet to aid with the system expansion and exploration. This planet pack is entirely about exploration and discovering vast, dynamic worlds that actually feel alive. Structures that indicate that an alien race has been here before you exist. The lore is extremely extensive. And yes, there are easter eggs! Compatibility Beyond Home is compatible with (or provides support for) the following mods: Environmental Visual Enhancements Scatterer Rescale (The recommended rescale factor is 2.5 or 3.7) Distant Object Enhancement Kopernicus Expansion Sigma Replacements: Skybox Kerbal Konstructs Astrogator (Use for transfer windows!) KS3P Principia - Download the patch for Beyond Home here: https://pastebin.com/m2QAyA7S Beyond Home is not compatible with: External visual mods (SVE, AVP, SVT...) External planet mods (JNSQ, GPP, GPO...) Scale Beyond Home is built at the stock scale. Each planet has been hand crafted for use within Kerbal Space Program. Beyond Home avoids all of the pitfalls that the stock planet has and sustains incredible detail even at the stock scale. There is also support for Sigma Dimensions configurations, where the recommended rescale factor is 2.5x or 3.7x for a challenge. You can download Sigma Dimensions here: https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Dimensions/releases Installation Please navigate to the following pages to download and install the version of each dependency for your KSP version: Required To Function Beyond Home - https://github.com/Gameslinx/BeyondHomePlanetMod/releases Parallax - https://github.com/Gameslinx/Tessellation/releases/tag/1.0.1 - DOWNLOAD PARALLAX 1.0.1, NOT THE LATEST VERSION Kopernicus (CHOOSE ONE): FOR 1.10.1 - https://github.com/prestja/Kopernicus/releases Upon starting the game YOU MUST go to settings and enable terrain scatters and turn the density up to 100% for key features of the mod to work! Recommended Environmental Visual Enhancements (Clouds) - https://github.com/WazWaz/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases Scatterer (Atmospheres) - https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/releases Sigma Replacements (Skybox) - https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Replacements/releases/tag/B_v0.5.0 Hardware Requirements Beyond Home is an incredibly well optimized mod that almost anyone will be able to run, but there are some bare minimum requirements that your system must meet for an enjoyable experience: 6GB RAM (System memory) 1-2GB VRAM (Graphics memory) Delta-V Maps With the amazing help of @JadeOfMaar, the Beyond Home Delta V map is finally here! You can download it in both light and dark modes at incredible resolutions and finally know just how much fuel you're spending Donations I have developed Beyond Home almost completely by myself, keeping outsourcing to an absolute minimum. As of writing this forum page, I have worked on Beyond Home almost every day for just over a year. In 2020 I will not have as much time to develop the mod because I will be in university. Donations are by no means asked for, but are greatly appreciated. Thank you for downloading the mod or if you're a long time supporter, thank you for sticking with it throughout its development Support If think you have encountered a bug you will only get support if you submit screenshots or your KSP log file. Without evidence or logs, I will not help you. Licensing Beyond Home is licensed under All Rights Reserved. This means: You cannot redistribute my work You cannot use my work in another project You cannot create derivatives of my work I reserve all the rights to my work If you would like to derive my work or use my assets elsewhere you must contact me directly requesting permission to do so.
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