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Found 7 results

  1. I need help figuring out what my KSP Gamedata and Tweakscale folders should look like. A little while before this, I had been having no problems with or warnings from Tweakscale whatsoever. Then, I updated KSP (Not to the current newest version, but a newer version; can't remember what version or when), and saw a warning how it may not work with this version. I ignored it, and had no troubles. Recently, after I updated to the current newest version (Version 1.11.1), I decided to install the newest version of tweakscale, and attempt to get rid of the "May not work with this KSP version" warning. In doing this=, I messed up my files, and now Tweakscale does not work and all my tweakscaled craft files are corrupted. I can deal with the files, I just need to know how to get Tweakscale working again; Please help!!!
  2. I wasn't even aware people did it differently, but apparently some of you guys copy a mod's GameData folder to Kerbal Space Program. I copy the contents of the mod's GameData to KSP's GameData folder So, which one do you do? may or may not have made the longest title on a thread on this forum...
  3. Hello, I recently had to reinstall all my mods because I hadn't played since before 1.3's release. I didn't have much trouble updating all the relevant mods and getting them reinstalled and my game now opens and works correctly. However, the only issue I have is that when I tried to load up one of the specific ships I made earlier, it fails and says that it can't be loaded because it requires a missing component 'scienceModuleAdvanced'. Does anyone know what mod this component might be from as I may have missed one of my mods while reinstalling or something. Thanks Image of error
  4. Hi , I'm playing modded KSP for a while and some of my friends who are not that good at modding the game wants me to give them my gamedata folder but someone said me it was illegal beacause that's a part of the game wich you have to buy . I hav'nt given the gamedata yet and if i give them the gamedata , i will not give them the Squad folder . That's kind of a stupid question but i prefer to ask it beacause i don't want to do illegal this even for that So if it's illegal I will have to find an other way to help them modding the game xD Hoping for a fast answer , Thanks Aymcoder .
  5. Hey guys, I started modding this game with very little understanding of how everything works. I've corrupted several GBs of data that I literally can't delete. I'm wanting to uninstall everything and start over. But at this point, I'm wondering if I should just reformat... Corrupted data is never good. Any advice from someone in the know would be greatly appreciated.
  6. This is very handy, so you can copy and paste in the content of your GameData folder quickly, rather than creating a screenshot. Just keep in mind, that this may not show all mods, as some mods just create cfg files inside other folders as is the case with scatterer and EVE configs, or texture replacers for instance. Also, some mods have patches that change how other mods behave, SSTU is a good example but there are others. If you have CKAN installed then simply go to File menu->Export installed mods... This creates a KSP CKAN Mods Export.ckan file which really is just a text file like the game config files. Otherwise... Few notes: This will create a simple text file containing the listing of the directory. You will be able to open it and just copy and paste the list into a forum post. In both cases, Mac and Windows hidden system files are not shown, but we don't need them for this. Both files and folders are included in the list. The list will be alphabetical and will ignore the Windows "folders first" directory listing convention, so that may throw off Windows users. There may be other ways of doing this. How to create a text listing of a folder's content and save it as text so it can be pasted or emailed? Windows Go to the directory you want to list. For example, GameData to list all your mods. While holding the SHIFT key right-click inside the directory. Select "Open Command Window Here". In the command window type the following and hit ENTER: dir /b >directory.txt There is a space between "dir" and "/b" then space after "/b" again. This will create a text file called directory.txt in the same directory. Explanation: - dir lists the content of a directory - /b makes the output bare, i.e. without all the dates, sizes and permissions as we only want the file ad folder names. Mac Open the Terminal If you know how to, then change to the directory you want to list. Otherwise, find and open the Terminal.app Start typing cd then hit space then drag and drop the directory to the terminal window and hit Return. (example if I was listing my Dropbox folder I would drag and drop the Dropbox folder and see this: cd /Volumes/Storage/Kerbital/Dropbox). Do not miss the space after cd! Now type in the Terminal ls > ~/Desktop/directory.txt. Again, pay attention to spaces, there is a space after ls and after > This will create a text file called directory.txt on your desktop. Explanation: - ls lists the content of a directory like dir does on Windows - as opposed to Windows, ls output is bare by default.
  7. I saw mostly when i install mods that they go with the file name "Gamedata" this allows the mod to work. but when i use ones with any other name it doesnt work. Why Does it Happen?
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