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  1. Tourism Overhaul: Completely Revamps Tourism Contracts Tourism Overhaul is a contract-pack that completely replaces the stock tourism contracts. It fixes lots of the common complaints with vanilla game tourist contracts, while also expanding the system in general, adding things such as Space Hotels which can be put in orbit around different planetary bodies to rake in lots of kerbucks. Something this mod does that other mods didn't do was properly balance tourism between early and late game. With this mod, early game contracts will pay large amounts for sending tourists to the Mun & Minmus, but once you start going interplanetary your tourists will realize that the Mun & Minmus isn't really worth it anymore, and will pay slightly less for those trips while they will pay more for interplanetary missions. The contract layout was also designed to mimic stock Kerbal Space Program, showing the names of each Kerbals itenerary individually instead of grouping them together, which will allow you to split up tourists into seperate ships if you so desire. This mod is compatible with other planet packs, and has been fully tested with the Outer Planets Mod. FEATURES Better Balancing: Get what you deserve for your contracts. Contract rewards are adjusted based on your current achievments in your space program. Early game / easier tourist contracts will pay a higher amount during early game, while harder contracts will have a higher payout for late game. Contracts are balanced so they don't overpay/underpay. Space Hotels: Now you can construct space hotels. Not just around Kerbin, but also around other planetary bodies. Revamped Contracts & New Unique Contracts: This mod completely replaces the stock tourist contracts, and adds 7 brand new contracts! Stock-Alike Tourist System: Now contracts give you each individual tourist as its own objective, this gives the mod a similiar feel to stock. Other mods do not do this, they group all tourists into one objective. (See spoiler) NEW CONTRACTS REVAMPED CONTRACTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have an idea for another contract? Let's discuss it in the comments! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD SPACEDOCK GITHUB CKAN REQUIREMENTS CONTRACT CONFIGURATOR MODULE MANAGER RECOMMENDATIONS STRATEGIA This mod is theoretically compatible with Tourism Plus and Tourism Expanded but is not recommended due to these mods adding similar styled contracts / different balancing. LICENSE: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
  2. Field Research - Get paid to do science! Description This is a Contract Pack that gives contracts to perform various science experiments. There are contracts for: Biome studies - collecting results from a number of experiments in a single biome. Climate studies - performing various climate experiments on bodies with atmospheres. Geological studies - performing geological experiments on various biomes of a celestial body. Experimental studies - run one experiment under multiple conditions (including experiments from mods). KSC Science - contract to go around and collect all the various small science around the KSC. Scientist Ferry - bring a scientist to a specific location to perform a specific experiment. Rare Science - contract with suggested location for difficult biome/situation combinations (eg. Splashed down at Kerbin's Mountains). Re-run experiment - contracts for science completionists - re-run an already done experiment to get a little bit more science out of it. Notes: The contract pack works for RSS and planet packs - you will receive contracts for any celestial body that is loaded in the game. This mod disables the stock "Collect Science" contracts, as they become somewhat redundant when this is installed. https://imgur.com/a/R9WvJ Download CKAN: In CKAN, select and download the mod "Contract Pack: Field Research". GitHub: For the direct download option, please ensure you have all the dependencies before raising a support request: Contract Configurator is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the Contract Configurator release thread. ModuleManager is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the ModuleManager release thread. The Field Research Contract Pack can be downloaded from GitHub. Waypoint Manager is an optional (but highly recommended) dependency and can be downloaded from the Waypoint Manager release thread. Optional Stuff Crowd Sourced Science - You're likely going to be getting a lot of science reports with this mod. Why not make the reports into some more interesting reading with hundreds of unique science reports. Science Alert - Never miss an opportunity to collect science. Also includes a super convenient UI for collecting multiple experiments. [x] Science! - Contains a great GUI for tracking how much science is remaining for various biomes/experiments/etc. No More Science Grinding - Get 100% science from running stock experiments (no more need to re-run experiments multiple times). Waypoint Manager - For viewing contract waypoints in-flight to much more easily hit your target (recommended for the scientist contracts in particular). Source The full source is available on GitHub. Change Log Special Thanks @arkie87 - For giving me the idea and getting me started on making this. @DMagic - For providing code and general KSP science systems support. @xEvilReeperx - For providing a great block of code to get the list of science subjects out of KSP. @amorymeltzer - More general science support! @ObsessedWithKSP - For all the things you do. Everyone else who posted in this thread where the idea got started. @Zeenobit - For his very cool mod Historian, (now maintained by @Aelfhe1m) which I used to put together the images for this post. License The Field Research Contract Pack is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 Like what you see? Consider donating to the beer fund! It will not go directly to supporting this or other mods under my care, but it may keep my motivation up!
  3. History of Spaceflight is a contract pack that aims to accurately reproduce historical missions as they happened. Currently this contract pack covers roughly 800 missions, covering nearly every real mission that was ever flown up until 1967 and selected missions from later years. The contracts progress on a chronological basis, starting with the early rocket tests, going into the very first satellites and to early interplanetary and manned missions. All the major programs are there: Vanguard, Explorer, Sputnik, Kosmos, Keyhole, Vostok, Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Soyuz, Pioneer, Mariner, Proton... I could go on. The missions aim to accurately reproduce the real profiles, as reported by various sources, most prominently the NASA Master Catalog, Astronautix and Space.skyrocket.de. There is still plenty of room for variation in how you deal with them however, mission requirements have been left mostly open to interpretation - you don't have to do historically matching builds if you don't want to! Version Guide There are 3 main versions of this mod: 1. RSS: This is the RSS version of the contract pack, which is exclusively suitable for the RSS planet pack (NOT KSRSS, use Stock version for that!). It is made with RP-0/RP-1 in mind and should suit those who use those mods very well. 2. Stock: This is the Stock version of the contract pack, which is made to fit any custom planet pack with a roughly Sol-like system (including KSRSS) . It scales both rewards and contract objectives to the system used by the player and so works well on any scale and in most systems. Planet packs that reparent the homeworld or where the homeworld is NOT the 3rd rock from the sun, will have issues with interplanetary objectives however. Nothing to be done about that except manual editing for the specific use case. 3. Pocket Edition: This Pocket Edition is based on the Stock version of the contract pack. The difference between the Stock version and this Pocket Edition is that this version does not include failed missions and leaves out most of the repetitions of missions that the player has already successfully completed. That results in this version having 370 missions, as opposed to the 800 of the full pack. The stock and PE versions currently also include additional parameters for users of BDB, Tantares and ProbesPlus. For the RSS version compatibility extras are more limited, since RSS mods are a different matter altogether and I am not personally familiar with them. Oh and don't try mixing multiple versions of this mod together, that will lead to issues. Progression Guide In terms of progression, the pack has been divided into 3 main sections: US missions, Soviet missions and International missions. Each can be played separately and you can even delete their respective maps from the mod folder if you don't wish to use them. Further, within each of these trees the pack is structured by the actual programs involved, keeping progress mostly within each program where possible. This means that mostly you will have to do each program's missions if you want missions from further in that same program. It is also possible to skip ahead with a little cheating however, by using the CC debug menu. When in the main KSC view, press alt-F10 (by default). Navigate to the History of Spaceflight contracts and find the contract you want to do. It will have a CompleteContract requirement with a button next to it. Simply press this button to disable the requirement, allowing the game to load the contract to be directly available. You may need to fastforward a bit for it to load. DOWNLOAD Spacedock: RSS version - https://spacedock.info/mod/2385/History of Spaceflight RSS Stock version - https://spacedock.info/mod/2386/History of Spaceflight Stock Pocket Edition - https://spacedock.info/mod/2387/History of Spaceflight Pocket Edition GitHub: https://github.com/Frylovespi/History-of-Spaceflight/releases Or get it on CKAN, thanks to the excellent support of @HebaruSan each version is on there separately and properly setup. Dependencies: Contract Configurator by Nightingale is required to be able to use this contract pack: Compatibility: This contract pack should be compatible with any version that's supported by Contract Configurator, starting with 1.2.2. There WILL be some conflicts if this pack is used together with other historical contract packs that use the same contract names - CC is unable to load identically named contracts and will simply choose the first one in. Of course, you can manually rename the offenders if you really want to. Recommended mods: There's a bunch of mods out there that go really well with this pack, as they recreate historical parts with high fidelity. This is definitely not all of them, but certainly some of the top quality stuff that can be used for these missions. Bluedog Design Bureau - This mod has parts for nearly all the US launch vehicles that were flown in this pack as well as many of the capsules and probes. The Stock and PE versions also include a lot of extra stuff specifically for users of BDB, I can't recommend it highly enough! Tantares - While the focus of this mod is currently on later era Soviet parts, it does already see some and is now fully supported with extra parameters. ProbesPlus - Like Tantares, this mod mostly focuses on later era probes parts, but these are on the list to be added and currently Mariner 3 & 4 already use Coatl if installed. CRE - While not explicitly supported with extra stuff, this mod adds some beautiful parts for UK rocketry that fit the timeframe and were used to launch a few of the UK missions in this pack. Issues and feedback: Feedback and input are very welcome. Please report any issues in this thread or on the mod GitHub issues page: https://github.com/Frylovespi/History-of-Spaceflight/ Credits: @Frylovespi- The original mastermind behind this mod @wolffy_au - Additional early missions and gameplay improvements for existing early missions @Gordon Dry - Editing @pap1723 - for the stock credit reward structure @Whitecat106 - for the Historic Missions contract pack, which this pack is inspired by and builds upon License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 --- This contract pack was originally developed by @Frylovespi. The original development thread is here and all included work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0:
  4. Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose 2.11 For KSP 1.12.5+ Requires the latest release of Contract Configurator from https://github.com/KSP-RO/ContractConfigurator/releases/ Requires the latest release of Module Manager from https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/ Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) is a contract pack for your aerospace program, providing aviation milestones to achieve, regular flights to service, and Coast Guard rescue . This contract pack is compatible with all stock and modded careers (except RSS). Purpose: To provide a useful purpose for the existence of aircraft in a Career game, and promote the use of stock runways, helipads, and DLC airfields. Spiel: Runways and helipads are meant to be used, not just sit there and look pretty. This pack provides a small set of repeatable contracts for early career aircraft, and thus provides the career player with a predictable source of income, science, or reputation return (depending on the type of contract) using a standard fleet of aircraft you design. It beats having to design a science car, or one-time use craft, or send a probe to nowhere, when all you need is just a little bit more cash, science, or reputation to advance your space program. Of course, you may have so much fun flying things around that you may forget you have a space program, but if so, then I've succeeded! All contracts and vessels included in this pack are completely playable in stock KSP (except the BDArmory expansion), but I highly recommend these mods to enhance your gameplay with GAP: AirplanePlus (Propellers, Jets, Airplane parts) (GAP recognizes AirplanePlus parts) Kerbal Aircraft Expansion (KAX) (Minimalistic set of stock-alike propellers and helicopter parts) (GAP recognizes KAX parts) Kerbal Rotor Expansion (Additional rotors for contract completion) Waypoint Manager (For better waypoint management and navigation) (GAP uses a lot of waypoints) Wider Contracts App (Increases the width of the contract checklist for better readability) To complete helicopter or part retrieval missions, I also suggest these mods: Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) (For attaching winches, fuel ports, and parts to parts on EVA) Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) (For carrying the above parts while on EVA) I recommend that you consider taking the helmet off your Kerbals when flying in the open air in a command seat: TextureReplacer with Cetera's Suits (get both on CKAN!) (Non space suit Kerbals while on Kerbin, smell the fresh air from your Command Seat flying machine) If You Stream or Record While Playing GAP: You sir/madam are amazing. Please post a note in this thread or PM to let me know if you use this mod in a recorded play through or mod review as I and others would love to watch! If your recording and play is fairly decent and will help players get familiar with GAP, I would love to reference it in this OP! Featured Reviews: Inter - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUe9-qPHLVs LupiDragon - Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lupidragon/profile million_mights - Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/million_lights Allohmon - YouTube: GAP Episode 1 Contract Pack Goals: Missions to test aviation prototypes and achieve progressive aviation milestones. Regular repeatable stunt, tourist, and scheduled passenger flights. Rescue missions to retrieve mountain climbers, downed test pilots, and adrift sea crews. Fully compatible with new and existing stock and modded careers. To Get Started: The first immediate contracts are not contracts at all but rather GAP: Economy contracts that are originally intended to give starting players basic parts from which to fully enjoy playing GAP. Originally intended so that Wright Flyer type aircraft could be built, the part contracts were free in previous versions of GAP, but now require funds to purchase these prototype technologies. The economy contracts are designed to help bypass any need for GAP to recommend a tech tree for starter technologies. There are three contract trees each with starting contracts: The Wright Aeronautical: Build and fly your first glider! contract will appear when you've acquired a Command Seat, and any flying control surfaces. The KSC Airclines: Flight 101 contract will appear when you flown to completed the 2500 meter altitude contract. The KSC Coast Guard: Coast Guard Rescue Certification contract will appear when you've completed the helipad mission. Agencies: These are the agencies in the pack that will offer regular or semi-regular contracts, and special missions: Prototype Marketplace - Offering loans, and part prototypes for aeronautical and utility parts for a fledgling aviation program. Giving Aircraft a Purpose - Aerospace milestones, and stunt goals for your aviation program. KSC Coast Guard - Our motto is Always Ready - Kemper Keratus! Providing air, land, and sea rescue. (Used for occasional rescue and recovery opportunities, mostly near KSC ocean) KSC Airlines - The official airline of the Kerbal Space Center. Download & Installation: SpaceDock GitHub Changelog: https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/CHANGELOG.txt KNOWN ISSUES: Please raise any and all issues or enhancement requests on the GAP GitHub issue tracker. Recovering a vessel via the Space Center View or Tracking Station will not complete a contract if it requires recovery of a vessel. Work around is to simply recover all vessels in flight mode view. https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/issues/7 Failing a contract may not always clean up any extra Kerbals used for the contract. If you can't revert, or don't wish to, then to clean up, simply recover the affected Kerbals, and then simply remove them from your roster. All failed contracts will reappear in Mission Control eventually. Use Alt F12 and access the Contract cheat menu to decline multiple contracts quickly and force regeneration of any contract that fails to appear, if necessary. CREDITS: Thanks goes to the following individuals for their contributions to this contract pack. Without them, none of this would have happened: @nightingale - creator of Contract Configurator. tirelessly responsive and an amazing coder and modder without whom this mod would not exist. @theonegalen - graciously donated funds for the KSP DLC Making History expansion and ongoing development, so I can continue developing GAP for DLC users. Also an awesome tester of GAP contracts! @ThunderofZeus - graciously donated funds for KSP DLC Making History expansion and ongoing development, so I can continue developing GAP for DLC users. @seanmcdougall - creator of Take Command mod @keptin - creator of Kerbal Aircraft eXpansion @maculator- creator of Kerbal Aircraft Builders, for inspiring me with his pioneering example into aircraft based contracts @severedsolo - always a great resource for contract development @pandoras kitten - designer of a number of craft seen in the series above @RixKillian - designer of the KSS Rix aircraft carrier @Speeding Mullet - designer of a number of props for GAP and dozens more who have contributed their time and talent to make this pack one of the most useful for KSP.
  5. Hello! This is the continuation to my first mod, Planes with Purposes. Unfortunately, I previously abandoned this mod because I was very busy with school work, but after 4 years, I can finally continue work on it. The purpose of this mod is to make Aircraft useful. Big thanks to @inigma for making the mod that inspired this one! His mod: Link to GAP Original PWP forum: Link to PWP The mod is by no means finished or bug free, so please report any bugs encountered in the comments of this forum page, the Github issues thingy or my discord (tudor69420) Known bugs: There are no bugs because I'm the best (Anyone that says otherwise will be given an internship at the experimental rocket testing program) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You can download the mod on: SpaceDock CurseForge GitHub CKAN: (I don't think I can link to that, but you can find it by searching for PWP or Planes With Purposes) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dependencies: Module Manager ContractConfigurator _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To do: Fix bugs Add rescue contracts Add more distance/flight time contracts Add KSC Airlines (transport passengers) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Changelog: v1.0 Mod Released ---------------------------------------------------- v1.1 Fixed Bugs ---------------------------------------------------- v1.2 Added 1 stunt contract Added 2 flight duration contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.3 MADE SSTO CONTRACTS WORK!!!!!! Also added 2 sunt contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.4 Added more SSTO contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.5 Added Mach 9 Kontract Fixed bugs ---------------------------------------------------- v1.6 - Major Update Added Tourism Contracts Fixed some old contracts v1.6.1 Changed Contract Rewards (I don't know what I was thinking giving 500 Prestige for a Duna mission) Fixed Contracts Added a new contract Changed contract groups
  6. Increase the variety of tourism contracts available! Have tourists visit your stations, and build new attractions for them! (image credit MalevolentNinja) Description This is a Contract Pack that gives contracts to take tourists into space. There are contracts for: Taking tourists all around the Kerbin system. Taking tourists to your existing stations and bases. Building space tourism attractions. Taking tourists to your newly built attractions. Unlike the stock tourism contracts, all tourists for a given contract want to go to the same place. You'll also start receiving tourist contracts for 20-50 Kerbals to visit your attractions at a time. There are 10 randomly regenerating tourism contracts and 4 one-time contracts that progress your space tourism program. Will you be able to build the space casino and start printing funds? Download CKAN: In CKAN, Select and download the mod "Contract Pack: Tourism" GitHub: For the direct download option, please ensure you have all the dependencies before raising a support request: Contract Configurator is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the Contract Configurator release thread. ModuleManager is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the ModuleManager release thread. The Tourism contract pack can be downloaded from GitHub. Waypoint Manager is an optional (but highly recommended) dependency and can be downloaded from the Waypoint Manager release thread. Optional Stuff It is recommended that you install Waypoint Manager, as there is one contract that involves touring the KSC, and it will be more difficult to hit the waypoints without it. The contract pack works for RSS and planet packs - there's a late-game contract to visit gas giants that will pick up any gas giant loaded in the game. Source The full source is available on GitHub. Change Log License The Tourism Contract Pack is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 Like what you see? Consider donating to the coffee fund! It will not go directly to supporting this or other mods under my care, but it may keep my motivation up!
  7. Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting for your entertainment and delight, Exploration Plus - an overhaul of the stock Exploration Contracts. So, I really like the new Exploration contracts introduced in 1.2, but they aren't without their problems. Do I really need to prove that I can rendezvous or dock around every body before I can move on? Aren't the skills transferrable? I also feel like your progression can get bogged down, as you only have one of these contacts at a time. So here is an attempt to fix this: Features Multiple exploration contracts at a time. The moment you perform a flyby of a body, the mod will encourage you to push to the next one, while offering follow up contracts for the body you just reached. Works better with Monthly Budgets. The stock exploration contracts make heavy use of parameter level rewards, which my Monthly Budgets mod doesn't like, as it can't intercept the rewards. This pack only uses contract level rewards, so if you are using Monthly Budgets the budgeting system will work better. Better Progression. No more "must perform a rendezvous/docking around x body before you move on" - You will be asked to demonstrate your skills once around the homeworld and then we assume you know what you are doing. Even if you are dragging your heels on that mission, the other contracts will still generate. In addition, if you miss any of the "minor milestones" (returning, planting flags etc) you'll get a follow up mission to finish it off. Obviously this will disable the stock Exploration Contracts Fully Planet Pack compatible - The screenshot above is from Galileos Planet Pack, as that's what I'm playing at the moment. I can safely say, if it works on that one, it will probably work on almost any planet pack. If you do find any issues, let me know. Known Issues: Rewards have been generally balanced against what the stock contracts would pay you, but there may be some hiccups. For instance, "Mopping Up" assumes you have missed all the potential milestones and pays you accordingly. If you find any others, please report them. [Not really a bug] - You'll get a "perform a spacewalk" mission, even if you've already done it without the contract. Unfortunately I can't check for this. Licensing CC-BY-SA 4.0 Download First you'll need Contract Configurator Then grab the pack from here Acknowledgements As ever thanks to @nightingale for Contract Configurator.
  8. My first forray into the world of plugins is this pack of 15 contracts. Players will be rewarded for traveling to the most extreme elevations (both high and low) of the various bodies in the Kerbol system and planting flags. The contracts for celestial bodies with unique, non-sea-bed base elevations (Eve, Kerbin, Minmus, Laythe, and Tylo) only require the player to summit the body's highest mountain. *** Please note: As this is my first attempt at writing a plugin, I expect there to be hiccups here and there. I encourage reporting of those issues here, and will do my best to address them. Credit: Coordinates of maximum and minimum elevations obtained from kerbalmaps.com (temporarily located here) Installation Changes/Updates Known Issues Pack distributed under the MIT License.
  9. Planes With Purposes v1.5 Hello! This is my first mod, Planes with Purposes. The purpose of this mod is to make Aircraft useful. Big thanks to @inigma for making the mod that inspired this one! His mod: Link to GAP The mod is by no means finished or bug free, so please report any bugs encountered in the comments of this forum page, the Github issues thingy or my discord (Tudor#8762) Known bugs: There are no bugs because I'm the best (Anyone that says otherwise will be given an internship at the experimental rocket testing program) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To do: Fix bugs Add rescue contracts Add more distance/flight time contracts Add KSC Airlines (transport passengers) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Changelog: v1.0 Mod Released ---------------------------------------------------- v1.1 Fixed Bugs ---------------------------------------------------- v1.2 Added 1 stunt contract Added 2 flight duration contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.3 MADE SSTO CONTRACTS WORK!!!!!! Also added 2 sunt contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.4 Added more SSTO contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.5 Added Mach 9 Kontract Fixed bugs _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dependencies: Module Manager ContractConfigurator _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You can download the mod on: SpaceDock CurseForge GitHub CKAN: (I don't think I can link to that, but you can find it by searching for PWP or Planes With Purposes)
  10. Welcome To Kerbal Academy's Kerbonaut Training Program Kerbal Academy is a contract pack consisting of training mission scenarios for educating your Kerbals. These missions are intended to provide in-field training experience to kerbonauts, advancing their skills for use on future missions. Each Kerbal Academy contract awards the trainee being trained experience when a specified mission task is completed. Are you tired of your Kerbals not being able to reach the highest levels without planting a flag on Duna? Ever wondered how planting a flag on Minmus shows your engineers how to fix wheels? Enroll your Kerbonauts in the Kerbal Academy today! We provide logical and simpler Kerbal experience progression contracts for a better training experience! (Kerbal Academy is NOT liable for any injuries or rapid unplanned disassembles during missions) Version 1.2.0 Released "A Fresh Coat Of Paint" **Version 1.2.0 Changes** -Added New Logos And Flags -Updated All The Contract Descriptions -Cleaned Up Spelling And Syntax Errors -Rebalanced Contract Costs -Contract Costs Now Generated Based On Kerbal Experience Level -Boot Camp Contract Cost Now Generated Based On Cost Of Next Kerbal -Boot Camp Now Uses New Drill Craft -Bugfixes Full Change Log Here; [Change Log] *Report Issues On The Forum Page Or The Issues Section Of The Github Repo* What does this contract pack currently do? Kerbal Academy provides a series of contracts that will allow your Kerbonauts to advance their skillset, by actually doing the things that relate to their skill set. For example; the Pilot training scheme will have your Pilots practicing changing orbital inclination, as well as how to do flyby's of various bodies. (More mission scenarios, as well as in atmosphere missions are being investigated) Scientists will be practicing going actually collect science, and engineers will be doing simulated repairs on various craft. Only after they have demonstrated their skills in their field will experience be awarded. Kerbal Academy is a for-profit venture* , you pay them to provide missions and programs in order to train your kerbals. Think of it as an investment. Contract prices are currently being re balanced for training missions, and the "Boot Camp" mission as it allows for the recruitment of new Kerbalnauts without the expense of rescuing them from various wrecks. *(Ingame) Current Available Missions (v1.2.x) : There are three programs available at Kerbin Academy: Boot Camp - If the pack finds that you are lacking in a certain role, you will be offered the chance to put a Kerbal through Boot Camp. This involves proving basic skills in that role. On completion of the course you will be reimbursed half of your hiring cost, plus your new applicant will be advanced to level 1. For pilots this mission consists of a quick takeoff, flight, and landing at a predetermined location Scientists must complete and collect a experiment specified by the contract Engineers complete a quick intro to vessel operations and maintenance The Basic Program - Where a kerbal is severely lagging behind their colleagues in terms of experience, or one Kerbal is much further advanced than the others, the more experienced kerbal can "mentor" one of their less experienced peers. Obviously only kerbals of the same skillset can be mentored. So a pilot couldn't mentor a scientist (because that would be silly). On completion of the course, the less experienced kerbal will be given a hefty experience boost, which can (but is not guaranteed to) bring them to within 1 level of their mentor. Pilots are tasked with flying a course complete with way point markers Scientists are tasked with doing some more science! Engineers are tasked with completing simulated repairs on a vessel The Advanced Program - If a Kerbal is near the top of their field they will be put forward for the advanced program. This involves demonstrating their skills in the field. On completion of the course, the Kerbal will be advanced one level. Pilots do some orbital maneuvering to improve their skills Scientists do some more science! (Improving Scientist Missions Has Been Made A Priority, Please Suggest Some Ideas) Engineers complete tours of duty on various bases and stations, performing a few simulated maintenance tasks. Known Issues/Workarounds (1.2.x) : -Drill Ship spawning may have been fixed. Further Testing Needed Other Stuff This contract pack will disable the stock rescue missions by default, as they are a horribly cheaty way to get new kerbals perfectly valid player choice, if you like that sort of thing, and this pack already provides a way to recruit new kerbals cheaply. In order for Engineers to advance through the program, vehicles must be marked properly. So a lander (with legs) should be marked as a lander (by clicking rename vessel in the flight scene), stuff with wheels should be a rover, and stations and bases should be marked as such. If you don't do this, you won't see any Engineering contracts offered. Future Plans By Version; Version 1.2.0 Released May 12th Version 1.2.1 Released May 12th v1.2.0 (May 2-4) Flair Overhaul Add updated logos Add mission patches Kerbalize contract descriptions Rebalance Contracts Change Advance Payment Add Completion Payment (Shouldn't Effect Current Active Contracts) v1.3.0 More Missions For Engineers Better Missions For Scientists Release TBD, work not started General Future Plans; Bugfixing for spelling/grammar errors reported in v1.1.8 (v1.1.9) Rebalance Contract Pricing (v1.2.0) Add updated logos (v1.2.0) Add mission patches (v1.2.0) Kerbalize contract descriptions (v1.2.0) New Atmospheric mission profiles for Pilot training (TBD) New Station/ Base "maintenance simulation" mission profiles for Engineer training (TBD) New Docking/ Rendezvous mission profiles for Pilot training (TBD) New mission profiles for Scientist training (TBD) Add Spacedock page under @Mark Kerbin (v1.2.0) (Spacedock Page Added) Investigate CKAN support (TBD) (CKAN Support Added, I Clicked A Button.) Continue investigating flipped contract ship spawning. Likely caused CC, has been reported to dev. Current Version is 1.2.1 For KSP 1.4.3 Dependencies Contract Configurator 1.25 & Module Manager 3.0.7 Downloads; (v1.1.9-10) (v1.2.x) (v1.1.x) (v1.2.x) Dependencies (Make Sure These Are Installed); Legacy Thread by @severedsolo: Licensing Kerbal Academy 1.1.9+ licensed under MIT @Mark Kerbin Kerbal Academy 1.1.8 & prior versions licensed under MIT @severedsolo Acknowlegments "Continued" (But not actually) by @Mark Kerbin with permission from @severedsolo @nightingale as ever for his tireless work on Contract Configurator (you rock!) @severedsolo For the original Kerbal Academy pack, and a good bit of this forum page @severedsolo 's wife for creating the original Kerbal Academy flag.
  11. Find Easter eggs and other anomalies! Description This is a Contract Pack that gives contracts to go search out the various Easter eggs that are included in KSP. There are 14 one-time contracts included in the pack of varying difficulty. There's some bonus new content that is only available as part of the mod. If you want to see it then you will need to finish both the Kerbin and Mun monolith contracts. Download CKAN: In CKAN, Select and download the mod "Contract Pack: Anomaly Surveyor" GitHub: For the direct download option, please ensure you have all the dependencies before raising a support request: Contract Configurator is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the Contract Configurator release thread. ModuleManager is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the ModuleManager release thread. The Anomaly Surveyor Contract Pack can be downloaded from GitHub. SCANsat is an optional dependency and can be downloaded from the SCANsat release thread. Waypoint Manager is an optional (but highly recommended) dependency and can be downloaded from the Waypoint Manager release thread. Optional Stuff It is recommended that you install Waypoint Manager, as there is one contract that involves touring the KSC, and it will be more difficult to hit the waypoints without it. If you use SCANsat, then the contracts will have an extra requirement before they show up - you must have done a multi-spectral scan of the area in question. To offset this, if you have SCANsat, the contract rewards are slightly better. Source The full source is available on GitHub. Change Log Special Thanks 5thHorseman for the video featured on this page. He did an absolutely incredible job! Nicholander, who gave me permission to use his monolith part for the final Jool Monolith contract. License The Anomaly Surveyor Contract Pack is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 Like what you see? Consider donating to the coffee fund! It will not go directly to supporting this or other mods under my care, but it may keep my motivation up!
  12. I really like the satellite contracts in KSP, but I get fed up of KSP asking me to move my Remote Tech or SCANsat probes. So, I decided to try and fix it. I present to you: Clever Sats. A replacement for stock Satellite Contracts. How is this different to the stock Satellite contracts? Intelligent target selection. Instead of just picking anything that "might" be a satellite at random, you will only be asked to move satellites deployed by this pack. Like your remote-tech comm relay where it is? That's fine, CleverSat will leave it alone. Moved your sats into a constellation? Don't worry about it. CleverSat knows that satellites in a constellation should stay in a constellation. (please see known issues). RemoteTech Integration - CleverSats will not ask you to deploy a satellite unless you have 50% RemoteTech coverage (assuming you use that mod of course). Highly recommended that you combine this pack with the RemoteTech pack by nightingale. What sort of contracts can I expect from this pack? Right now, I have these missions: The basic "launch a satellite into orbit" mission. This is pretty much like the stock missions. The harder the contract, the further out, and the wilder the orbit. You'll probably find that one star contracts will give you mainly equatorial, low orbits. Three stars, well all bets are off. Create a satellite constellation - this is a bit of a clever one. It will try and find two satellites which are close by. If it finds them, you'll be asked to synchronise their orbits. Any satellites that are part of a "constellation" should be ignored by other missions (but see Known Issues) Move a Satellite - this is basically like the stock enhanced contracts, you'll be asked to move your satellite to a new position. Move a Constellation - move a constellation of satellites to a new position. Repair a Faulty Satellite (Coming Soon) - Decommission a satellite (Coming at some point - maybe.) Deploy a GPS network Please feel free to suggest more. Known Issues: One satellite in a constellation may not be marked as protected, and you may be asked to move it. Probably some reward balancing issues at the moment. On the move a constellation mission - the orbital parameters will be displayed multiple times (one for each sat in the constellation). I know how to fix this, I just haven't got round to it yet. Special Thanks @nightingale as ever, for his tireless hard work on Contract Configurator. Installation: Highly recommended that you install from CKAN (when available). However, if you insist on installing manually you will need: Module Manager (available here) Contract Configurator (available here) The CleverSat contract pack (duh) (available here) License CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin Source available at the release link above.
  13. Requires contract configurator: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases/tag/1.26.0 and BD armory: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases IF THE AIRCRAFT DON'T FLY: Go into advanced difficulty options, disable require signal for control. This can also be found in the cheat menu. May not be necessary, only happens to a few people. KAF is a small contract pack featuring various intercepting and dog-fighting missions, pitting your user made aircraft and air defense systems up against a variety of Russian aircraft. Enemies include: MIG 15, MIG 21, MIG 25P, MIG 25BM (SEAD), SU 25, SU 25T and the SU 27 Each successful mission will net you a small amount of science, reputation and funds. It is recommended that you extend your phys distance to make the most of this mod. Download: http://spacedock.info/mod/1060/Contract Pack: Kerbin Air Force [KAF] I plan to slowly add more missions and aircraft. Please leave any feedback, suggestions or requests in the comments! Many thanks to TheKurgan for testing and fixing this mod
  14. Defense Combat Advisors [DCA] DCA is a BDArmory military contract pack for Contract Configurator DCA contains 18 missions of enemies from the Air, Land & Sea. Requirements: Contract Configurator: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases BDArmory: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases Download on SpaceDock & CKAN: http://spacedock.info/mod/1090/Contract Pack: Defense Combat Advisors Installation: Extract Zip File Drop GameData folder from either Legacy Aim Mode or Default Aim Mode folder into the KSP installation directory. May need to launch game and open contract configurator and select DCA contract, may need to turn off other contracts to make DCA contracts visible. License: This mod for Kerbal Space Program is developed by Tazius and distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0. Please read about the license at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ Changelog: v1.2.2.1 Compatibility with KSP v1.2.2 v1.2.2.2 Ended legacy aim support. Removed craft files without missions. Invalidated possible dependencies with Mechjeb & Engineer for All. Adjusted mission rewards to minimize impact on player careers. Redesigned enemy crafts with probe cores more exposed, to increase likelihood of triggering completion conditions.
  15. Contract Pack: GAP for JNSQ - a missionpack with milestones, airline and rescue missions. This mod is aimed for use with JNSQ and Kerbal Konstructs only. If you play without a planet pack, you should look at the original GAP mod instead. Main Features: Milestones to complete and to unlock all the other missions. Airline flights to different Airports on Kerbin Coastguard Missions Air Freight Missions Autoloading Passengers Communications Dependencies: Contract Configurator Module Manager JNSQ Kerbal Konstructs Recommended: Airplane Plus or other part mods for more airplane parts AtmosphereAutopilot for better cruse flight at timewarp Waypoint Manager Download: Github SpaceDock Notes: You need to finish some of the milestones first, to unlock other missions. If you dont see the different runways in JNSQ: "JNSQ provides at least 14 facilities powered by Kerbal Konstructs and requires Omega's Stockalike Stuctures. (also on CKAN) If you have performance issues with 60 kerbals spawned on the bigger flight missions: LowPerformancePatch Gap-for-JNSQ. This lowers the spawned kerbals to 4-6 on these missions but keeps the rewards and requirements for these missions. Read the README file for install instructions !
  16. History of Spaceflight Contract Pack for Stock/RSS/RO/RP-0/RP-1 This mod aims to basically transcribe the entire NASA Master Catalog into missions for Stock/RO/RP-0/RP-1. This project initially started as an expansion pack to Whitecat106's popular Historic Missions contract pack, but after he quit I decided to rewrite the entire mod from start to finish. This mod will feature and expanded 1942-1958 contract set of sounding rockets from all over the world. Plus complete mission sets (including failures) of every spaceflight launched to date(when completed). It also has more accurate orbital specifications for you to reach including historical Apogee, Perigee, and Inclination(RSS Version). Since there will most likely be two version of Realistic Progression, RP-0 and RP-1. I will be making a version of this mod for both RP-0 and RP-1. Currently playing through the beta of RP-1 and collecting historical rocket costs and rollout costs to balance RP-1. The main balancing and release of the RP-1 version won't be until after an official RP-1 version has been released. Currently this mod contains 670 contracts for RSS/RP-0. and 622 contracts for Stock. It contains every mission (might be missing a few but still adding) from the time frames 1942-1967, basically the first 25 years of spaceflight, and contains: - 53 Pre-Sputnik sounding rocket and ballistic missile contracts including but not limited to : A-Series, Aerobee series, Deacon, Corporal, Hermes 1-3, Kappa 1-6, Veronique, X-17, Cajun, Wasserfall, RTV-A-2/ RTV-A-3, Terrapin, Nike series, Eole, Deacon, Skylark-1, R-Series, Thor, Redstone, Atlas, Jupiter and more. NASA Master Catalog USA Missions 1942 to 1967 Ats (3) OGO (2) Gemini (17) MISC (32) Biosatellite (3) OSO (2) Mercury (10) Midas (10) ERS (3) Pegasus (3) Missile Tests (7) Samos (11) Explorer (41) Pioneer (11) DMSP (6) Ferret (7) GGSE (3) Ranger (9) Echo (3) Corona (17) Lunar Orbiter (2) Solrad (7) Intelsat (2) Discoverer (39) Mariner (4) SECOR (8) LES (4) GambitKH7 (36) Vanguard (11) Surveyor (2) Syncom (3) GambitKH8 (9) Transit (22) Vela (3) Telstar (2) Tiros (10) launcher tests (15) ESSA (6) Soviet Missions Sputnik (3) Vostok/Korabl-Sputnik (11) Kosmos (123) Missile Tests (7) Elektron (3) Polyot (2) Zond (3) Marsnik (2) Luna (21) Mars (2) Molniya (4) Proton (3) Venera (6) Voskhod (3) China Missions Dongfeng-1 (3)S (5)RSS Dongfeng-2 (3)S (5)RSS Dongfeng-3 (3)S (5) RSS Dongfeng-4 (3)S (5) RSS Canada Italy United Kingdom Japan Alouette (2) San Marcos (1) Ariel (2) Lambda (2) Blue Water (1) Kappa (6) More info and screenshots to follow. Currently testing and balancing what is done right now and Version 1.0 will be released once that is complete. Should take a few more weeks to finish that off barring any unforeseen catastrophes. How to install History of Spaceflight: 1. unzip contract packs to a new folder 2. Choose which version you want to play. Either RSS/RP-0 mod or Stock 3. Copy the HistoryofSpaceflight folder into your KSP game directory under GameData/ContractPacks 4. When updating to a new version it's best to delete the previously installed HistoryofSpaceflight as well as ModuleManager.ConfigCache, and ModuleManager.ConfigSHA from your GameData folder to make sure it loads the new contracts that were added. License: This pack and associated plugin is Licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0. The beta for Stock/RO/RP-0 is available here- GitHub Also Spacedock, and Curse Report Issues Here Incompatible with Kerbalism or any other historical contract pack. Do not install these mods with this History of Spaceflight or you will have issues! Requires: Thanks to @Whitecat106 for his hard work on Historical Contracts. A few of his contracts were helpful in understanding the bugs in my own for the early parts of writing this mod. This is my first attempt at a mod and my coding skills are pretty basic. I'm learning as I'm going. I do have a lot of free time though as I am disabled and unable to work a job. So expect a lot of work coming out in the next few months as my condition permits. Websites referenced to make this mod: Encyclopedia Astronautica Gunter's Space Page Spacecraft Encyclopedia National Space Science Data Center Spacecraft Search Wikipedia
  17. Contracts for RemoteTech, built using Contract Configurator! Description This is a Contract Pack for the popular RemoteTech mod. Note that I am not affiliated with the Remote Technologies Group, but think the work they do is awesome! There are 14 one-time contracts included in the pack of varying difficulty. Here's a peek at what some of the contracts look like: Download CKAN: In CKAN, Select and download the mod "Contract Pack: RemoteTech" GitHub: For the direct download option, please ensure you have all the dependencies before raising a support request: Contract Configurator is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the Contract Configurator release thread. RemoteTech is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the RemoteTech release thread. ModuleManager is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the ModuleManager release thread. The RemoteTech Contract Pack can be downloaded from GitHub. Source The full source is available on GitHub. Change Log Note for Existing RemoteTech Saves If you are installing this on an existing save with RemoteTech, the contracts will work - but the coverage system will need about two minutes either in flight or in the tracking station to fully initialize. Until then it will assume 0% coverage of all bodies - which means that the contracts offered may not be the ones you expected. New saves are not affected. License The RemoteTech Contract Pack is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 Like what you see? Consider donating to the coffee fund! It will not go directly to supporting this or other mods under my care, but it may keep my motivation up!
  18. Contract Pack: Bases and Stations Continued This is an update to severedsolo's fantastic Bases and Stations contract pack since they have stopped supporting it. Original thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/102390-122-contract-pack-bases-and-stations-361-30042017-formerly-kerbin-space-station/& I plan to add a few more features and try to fix some of the lingering bugs, please let me know if there's anything specific you want me to add! Introduction A complete overhaul of the stock Space Station and Base missions. Featuring no fewer than 15(!) extra missions for your stations/bases when they are in orbit. Also stops continuous "build a new space station" or "build a new base" missions. You'll only be asked to build one if there isn't one already on that celestial body. The Pack This pack will completely disable the stock space station (and build a base) missions, and replace them with my own flavour of missions: The Missions Additional Mods that are required or supported by Bases and Stations. (that isn't to say other mods won't work, but these are the ones that B&S is specifically aware of). Contract Configurator by nightingale - available here - REQUIRED DEPENDENCY Module Manager by sarbian - available here - REQUIRED DEPENDENCY StationScienceContinued by ethernet and tomf is highly recommended because it's one of my favourite mods and the pack is specifically written with it in mind. It is available here NearFutureElectric available here TAC Life Support available here USI Life Support available here IFI Life Support available here Kopernicus Support available here Contract Pack: Tourism Plus by nightingale is also recommended The Legal Bit This pack is licensed under MIT License It also contains elements of CosmoBro's Base Construction pack (with permission) which is licensed under MIT License (see below). I have sublicensed this under CC-BY-SA-NC 4.0. Contract Configurator is licensed under MIT License. Mini-AVC is licensed under GNU General Public License v3 Thanks/Credits Massive thanks to Nightingale for all your help, and Contract Configurator - without which this would not be possible. Thanks to metl for your time, patience and massive amounts of code contributed to this project. Thanks to CosmoBro for allowing me to take over Base Construction Agent Flag by Dale Humphries on www.flaticon.com and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0 Thanks to severedsolo for the original creation of this pack Known Issues Possible problem with vessel definitions. More Data needed. Please see this post if you can help. ScienceExperimentModule may require a scene change before it will complete once you recover the science at KSC. This is a minor enough issue that I let it through the net. I think it's a CC bug and nightingale is investigating. Life Support checking is... sloppy to say the least. Don't rely on the pack telling you to send up a crew only when you have LS on board. Check first (working on this) Planned Features Installation CKAN Download: https://github.com/LemonSkin/KerbinSpaceStation/releases
  19. Attention: This thread is now outdated. Kerbal Academy is now maintained by @Mark Kerbin - new thread here: Are you tired of your Kerbals not being able to reach the highest levels without planting a flag on Duna? Ever wondered how planting a flag on Minmus shows your engineers how to fix wheels? Enrol your Kerbonauts in the Kerbal Academy today! What does this do? Simply put, it's a series of contracts that will allow your Kerbonauts to advance their skillset, by actually doing the things that relate to their skill set. So, to give you an example, the Pilot training scheme will make your Pilots learn to change orbital inclination, how to do flyby's of various bodies. Scientists will have to go out and, you know, actually collect science. Only after they have demonstrated their skills in their field will experience be awarded. One thing to note: This is not a contract pack in the conventional sense of "do this and get paid". This will cost you funds. To be precise, you will have to pay (approximately) 100k (on normal - scales with difficulty level) for each level advanced using this pack. Why you ask? Well, most of these contracts can be completed without leaving the Kerbin system, and I felt there needed to be a trade-off. Besides, it's not like Funds are a problem in Career anyway. Available Missions: Known Issues/Workarounds Other Stuff This contract pack will disable the stock rescue missions by default, as they are a horribly cheaty way to get new kerbals perfectly valid player choice, if you like that sort of thing, and this pack already provides a way to recruit new kerbals cheaply. This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin. In order for Engineers to advance through the program, vehicles must be marked properly. So a lander (with legs) should be marked as a lander (by clicking rename vessel in the flight scene), stuff with wheels should be a rover, and stations and bases should be marked as such. If you don't do this, you won't see any Engineering contracts offered. Licensing Versions of Kerbal Academy prior to 1.1.7 licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 Kerbal Academy 1.1.7 licensed under MIT Download Highly recommended you grab through CKAN (where available) However, if you insist on installing manually you will need: Contract Configurator Kerbal Academy Pack Acknowlegments @nightingale as ever for his tireless work on Contract Configurator (you rock!) My wife for creating the Kerbal Academy flag for me.
  20. Career Evolution Contract Pack The smart contract pack that fixes many of the issues in stock career mission progression. THIS IS NO LONGER A BETA. SEE THE RELEASE THREAD HERE!
  21. Download: Download from Spacedock Licence: Mission Based R&D is licenced under the MIT licence Description: This is the successor to my old little mod. The objective is to reduce the grind on career mode. I do this by nullifying the science points and making tech nodes ulockable by completing missions. Each node of the tech tree has a mission that unlocks it when you complete it. The missions themselves are simple, go somewhere and perform a certain experiment, the recovery method is specified in the mission. To balance this, the missions are organized in tiers (8 tiers), with each tier making you go further away from KSC and Kerbin. Some missions might be very difficult if not impossible without certain technologies (having completed other missions first), however I made sure that needed tech should be available when a mission shows up. Also it is possible to complete multiple missions in a single flight. Since missions were designed based on tiers you should try to complete all or most of the missions of a tier before doing the next one, although missions can become available as soon as the requisite tech has been unlocked. All the missions can be cancelled with little concequence, they will appear again. They can only be done once for obvious reasons. Unlike MBR&D1 there is no custom tech tree, so mods that add parts should be fully compatible, however any new science parts will be pretty much useless, you can still use them and read their reports if you like. Any mods that modify the tech tree are incompatible. New tech nodes will have pretty much no way of being unlocked. I might add support for CTT in the future. Maybe. Also, due to the workings of this mod scientists are pretty much useless, as their function (boost SP output) won't work. They can still reset materials bays and such, but that is not very useful now. Also the laboratory part has lost its function of generating SP, so it's useless now as well. Finally, there are sources of SP I just couldn't remove, so you will earn SP over time, however, since all tech nodes cost 9999 SP it shouldn't be possible to unlock them. So, if you're planning to play carrer without a modded tech tree and don't feel like grinding SP to progress you should try this mod. Required mods: Contract Configurator Module Manager
  22. If I play the game completely unmodded, the game runs completely smooth, no sudden drop in framerate or freezes whatsoever. If I install just one contract pack, stuttering happens. The more contract pack, the worse the stutter, sometimes reaching half a second freeze every 3-5 seconds. This happens when controlling the vessel outside VAB/SPH. Any idea why and how to fix it?
  23. In another thread I mentioned how my game was plagued by stutters, and by removing all my mods, I removed the stutters from my gameplay. I did some testings, and found out it was the contract packs that caused them. Even just one is enough to cause stutters. Another player also had a similar problem, and by removing the contract pack, the stutter was gone as well. So what causes this stutter with contract packs? Is there a way to fix it?
  24. GAP 1.0 Beta has been released. Please see the Add-On Released thread for future development, discussion, and support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/129208-contract-pack-giving-aircraft-a-purpose-gap-10-beta-air-flights-tours-coast-guard-sts-105jan-4-2016/ Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose 0.3 Requires Contract Configurator 1.9.1 from https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases an Aerospace Exploration (Development and Testing), Coast Guard Rescue (and Retrieval), and general Operations (charters, flights, cargo drops) contract pack compatible with all stock and modded careers. I've never done a mod in my life. I guess this is the easiest way to test the waters. Be kind. Requires: Contract Configurator 1.9.0. Download here: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases All contracts and vessels included in this pack are completely playable in stock KSP, but I highly recommend these mods to enhance your gameplay: - Take Command (Launch and Spawn into Command Seats) - Kerbal Aircraft Expansion (KAX) (Minimalistic set of stock-alike propellers and helicopter parts) - Waypoint Manager (For better waypoint management and navigation) - Wider Contracts App (Wider contract checklist popup) - Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) (For attaching winches, fuel ports, and parts to parts on EVA) - Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) (For carrying the above parts while on EVA) - TextureReplacer with Cetera's Suits (get both on CKAN!) (Non space suit Kerbals while on Kerbin, smell the fresh air from your Command Seat flying machine) Purpose: To provide a useful purpose for the existence of aircraft in a Career game, and promote the use of stock runways and helipads. Spiel: Runways and helipads are meant to be used, not just sit there and look pretty. This pack provides a small set of repeatable contracts for early career aircraft, and thus provides the career player with a predictable source of income, science, or reputation return (depending on the type of contract) using a standard fleet of aircraft you design. It beats having to design a science car, or one-time use craft, or send a probe to nowhere, when all you need is just a little bit more cash, science, or reputation to advance your space program. Of course, you may have so much fun flying things around that you may forget you have a space program, but if so, then I've succeeded! Contract Pack Goals: Prepatory missions to test prototypes and setup locations. Regular repeatable stunt, tourist, charter, and scheduled passenger and cargo flights to those destinations. Rescue missions to retrieve adrift sea and undersea crews, downed test pilots, spent stages, crashed craft parts, the first splashed down space crews, and more. A small set of boat and submarine contracts to provide context for the above. STS Challenges and rescue missions Fully compatible with new and existing stock and modded careers. Current Contracts: GAP Version 0.3 Career Contract Availability - 18 Contracts: (To see the full list of contracts I intend to develop, go here) Career Contract Availability - 18 Contracts - SSI Aerospace: Join SSI Aerospace! This is your first contract. Offers you an Experimental Command Seat for keeps, as well as a few other basic parts for getting a boat into water, and ejecting a manned Command Pod if you are not using the Take Command mod. You are NOT required to accept this contract. After you acquire the J-29 "Juno" Basic Jet Engine, or the KAX A7 AeroSport Engine, the first three starter contracts become available: - Wright Aeronautical: Build and fly your first airplane! - KSC Coast Guard: Coast Guard Rescue Certification - KSC Island Tours: KSC Shorline Tour - Seats: (2-6) The following contracts appear after completing the above contracts for their mission track: - Wright Aeronautical: Give an airplane ride - Seats: (1-2) - Wright Aeronautical: Barnstorm the R&D Center! - KSC Coast Guard: S.O.S. Distress Call - (shipName) - SSI Aerospace: Fly an airplane to 2000m. - SSI Aerospace: Fly a Mk1 Crew Cabin to 5000m. - SSI Aerospace: Land on a Helipad! - Kerbal Space Program: KSC Island Aerial Survey - Kerbal Space Program: KSC Island Landing - Kerbal Space Program: KSC Island Airfield Preparation - KSC Island Tours: Aerial Tour: Flight 1 - Seats: (2-4) - KSC Island Tours: Aerial Tour: Flight 2 - Seats: (2-6) - KSC Island Tours: Seaplane Tour: Flight 38 - Seats: (4-8) - KSC Airlines: Charter Flight 10 - Seats: 2-4 And I added this for testing and fun: - Space Transportation System: STS-1: Fly space shuttle to orbit, launch satellite, return. (requires KSC Airlnes: Charter Flight 10 completion) Agencies: Agencies in the pack that will offer regular or semi-regular contracts, and special missions: SSI Aerospace - An engineering cooperative focused on developing and testing aerospace assets. (Used for initial flight tests and unlocking mission stories that lead to regular repeatable contracts) KSC Island Tours - Providing air, sea, and undersea tours of the beautiful KSC Islands and surrounding areas. Wright Aeronautical - Offering airplane rides to the public, and provides air show stunt contracts. Kerbal Space Program - Led by Gene Kerman, authorizes, launches, and commands the world famous space program at the Kerbal Space Center. KSC Coast Guard - Our motto is Always Ready - Kemper Keratus! Providing air, land, and sea rescue and stage recovery. (Used for occasional rescue and recovery opportunities, mostly near KSC ocean) KSC Airlines - The official airline of the Kerbal Space Center. Space Transportation System Space Shuttle Mission Control managed at KSC 2. Spoilers: KAX with Take Command mod will take this Contract Pack to the next level of fun and early aircraft realism (also seen is Texture Replacer with Cetera's suits): Fun with pandoras kitten PBK craft to help test these missions: pandoras kitten Ady Gil test craft for the Shoreline Tour Island Survey mission The HMS Rix carrier landing mission (in development) KAX part aware Helicopter prototype mission (you are free to use a stock VTOL as well) Island Tour to an exotic location: Ok... ok... now it's exotic: Download the Zip from GitHub: https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP Installation: To install the contract pack, simply download the zip on the right, and extract the GAP folder to your GameData/ContractPacks folder. Launch a KSP career game. Changelog:https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/CHANGELOG.txt Master Plan Devnotes (Spoiler Alert!): https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/DEVNOTES.txt (Contract filenames, titles, and mindmapped dependencies) CREDITS: Thanks goes to the following individuals for their contributions to this contract pack. Without them, none of this would have happened: nightingale - creator of Contract Configurator. tirelessly responsive and an amazing coder and modder seanmcdougall - creator of Take Command mod keptin - creator of Kerbal Aircraft eXpansion maculator - creator of Kerbal Aircraft Builders, for inspiring me with his pioneering example into aircraft based contracts severedsolo - always a great resource for contract development pandoraskitten - designer of a number of craft seen in the series above
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