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  1. i was messing around and i made some planes where instead of using control surface parts for pitch they use servos attached to wings they are also attached to the keybinds for pitch surprisingly they are very stable and only start krakening at extremely fast speeds it uses breaking ground of course supersonic bomber: 34k deltav with afterburner 78k without 77 parts 40.157 t H 4.4m W 15.2 m L 17.8 m https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3305781475 testbed: 68k deltav without afterburner 30k with it 26 parts 11.868 T H 4.1 m L 10.2 m W 8.7 m https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3305766315
  2. Even though they are set to "yaw only", when tail control surfaces are placed at an angle (not 90 degrees) they also have an influence on pitch or roll. This should be cancelled out by other control surfaces, preferably automatically. This opens up the ability to design more diverse looking craft without performance loss.
  3. I attempted to use CKAN to install RO with other mods that i like such as RP-0 and Lack's Stock Extention, 89-95 Mods total. My issue is that whenever try and make a plane/use wings is that they dont function, I cant adjust pitch yaw and roll, i don't get a center of lift, all i get is a blue circle hovering below my plane. I really wanted to make a plane so i could complete the X-Plane mission, But there may be a few mods clashing with one-another, Please help! List of mods: { "name": "AIESAerospace-Unofficial" }, { "name": "ALCOR" }, { "name": "AtomicAge" }, { "name": "HazardTanksTextures" }, { "name": "ConnectedLivingSpace" }, { "name": "CryoEngines" }, { "name": "CryoEngines-LFO" }, { "name": "CryoEngines-SurfaceAttach" }, { "name": "DeadlyReentry" }, { "name": "DMagicOrbitalScience" }, { "name": "FASA" }, { "name": "FilterExtensions" }, { "name": "Firespitter" }, { "name": "ForgottenRealEngines" }, { "name": "FShangarExtender" }, { "name": "KAS" }, { "name": "KIS" }, { "name": "KSP-AVC" }, { "name": "KWRocketry" }, { "name": "MechJeb2" }, { "name": "NearFutureConstruction" }, { "name": "NearFutureProps" }, { "name": "NearFuturePropulsion" }, { "name": "NearFuturePropulsion-LowThrustEP" }, { "name": "NearFutureSolar" }, { "name": "NearFutureSolar-Core" }, { "name": "NearFutureSpacecraft" }, { "name": "PersistentRotation" }, { "name": "ProceduralFairings" }, { "name": "ProceduralFairings-ForEverything" }, { "name": "ProceduralParts" }, { "name": "RasterPropMonitor" }, { "name": "RasterPropMonitor-Core" }, { "name": "RCSBuildAid" }, { "name": "RealismOverhaul" }, { "name": "RP-0" }, { "name": "RemoteTech" }, { "name": "RLA-Stockalike" }, { "name": "RN-Skylab" }, { "name": "RocketdyneF-1" }, { "name": "RealSolarSystem" }, { "name": "SCANsat" }, { "name": "ScienceAlert" }, { "name": "SemiSaturatableRW" }, { "name": "SXT" }, { "name": "TACLS" }, { "name": "Taerobee" }, { "name": "Tantares" }, { "name": "TantaresLV" }, { "name": "TestFlight" }, { "name": "TextureReplacer" }, { "name": "UniversalStorage" }, { "name": "VenStockRevamp" }, { "name": "NearFutureElectrical" }, { "name": "RSSDateTimeFormatter" }, { "name": "ASETAgency" }, { "name": "ModuleManager" }, { "name": "CommunityTechTree" }, { "name": "CrossFeedEnabler" }, { "name": "B9PartSwitch" }, { "name": "CommunityResourcePack" }, { "name": "CryoTanks" }, { "name": "DeployableEngines" }, { "name": "FirespitterCore" }, { "name": "FirespitterResourcesConfig" }, { "name": "KWRocketry-CommunityFixes" }, { "name": "AdvancedJetEngine" }, { "name": "FerramAerospaceResearch" }, { "name": "ModularFlightIntegrator" }, { "name": "SolverEngines" }, { "name": "KerbalJointReinforcement" }, { "name": "RealChute" }, { "name": "RealFuels" }, { "name": "RealHeat" }, { "name": "RealPlume" }, { "name": "SmokeScreen" }, { "name": "Kopernicus" }, { "name": "BDAnimationModules" }, { "name": "NearFutureElectrical-Core" }, { "name": "RSSTextures2048" }, { "name": "KerbalConstructionTime" }, { "name": "ProceduralDynamics" }, { "name": "KerbalRenamer" }, { "name": "KSCSwitcher" }, { "name": "ContractConfigurator" }, { "name": "CustomBarnKit" }, { "name": "MagiCore" }, { "name": "KerbalConstructionTime-RP-0-Config" }, { "name": "ReCoupler" }, { "name": "VensStylePPTextures" } Sorry for the exessive { } and "name" Stuff, I just took my modlist from CKAN and Copy pasted it for convenience. Please help!
  4. Ok, so it has been about 20 years (almost - holy cow) since I last did anything that resembled coding - I could get my Gorillaz to throw a mean banana across the city skyline - and I'm hoping there are one or two fantastic people out there who'd be able to help me get a few parts to "work", at least visually. Essentially when I tell the craft to pitch up, the ailerons show a roll to the right. Pitch down they show a roll to the left (the craft does what it's told for the most part, but it looks awful). If I tell it to do a roll to the right, the ailerons show a pitch up. If I tell it to roll left, they pitch down. Thoughts? Is this something that can be edited in a config/patch - or the part's config file itself? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch.
  5. I have had this problem before but I don't remember how I fixed it. I am used to pressing S on the keyboard to pull up and w to nose down with an aircraft in KSP but on this new aircraft I am making it is the opposite, when I press W it pulls up and when i press S it pulls down. I am not sure what to do. I rotated my control surfaces 180 degrees and the probe module and that did not work. If you know anything please leave a comment down below. Thanks! When I press W: http://imgur.com/08DJ5ir When I press S: http://imgur.com/wpWTGxP
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