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Whenever I scroll down and see who is online there is something that bugs me. Next to the clearly visible text saying, "Who's Online" there is completely unreadable grey text against a blue background. I'm not sure if it's only a problem for light theme but I wouldn't understand why it would be any different in dark mode. It is supposed to say how many people are online.
Hello all! As you probably know, on the vBulletin forums, we had reputation bars under our names. The number of bars was representative of how much reputation we had, and after 500, the bars turned light green. Well, sadly, now we just have a number, and we don't have the distinction of a light green bar. So instead, join me in honoring the people on this forum with over 1000, 1k, or 1 grand of reputation points. Which makes them the famous.... Rep Grand Group! Note: The old LGG still exists in it's final updated form. I updated it right before the forum migration, and it can be found here, as well as some nice badges for your signature! This is meant to be a catalog for newbies and experienced forum-goers alike, as to the most notable individuals on the KSP forums. If one of these guys stops by to say hello on a thread, or even give reputation, be sure to say hi! Okay, so I'll start with examining the color-coding that you see around the Forums (and in the Group). People whose names appear in YELLOW are employees of SQUAD, top level moderators, or they are artificial accounts created by SQUAD. (e.g. SQUAD, Jeb, Bill, Bob, Valentina Kerman) People whose names appear in GREEN are lower-level moderators, and are in charge of maintaining the Forum. Without further ado! Here they are in person, listed in order of decreasing +Rep (as of 03/28/16): Kuzzter. A "Powerpointillist" with a pretty wonderful graphic novel series, now on his third novel, "Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey" Red Iron Crown. Red Iron Crown is very knowledgeable and likable. Always enlivening conversations, he is fair and well-deserving the rep he has received. He is also now a moderator, and does it well. 5thHorseman. 5th Horseman has a good YouTube series going, and is very insightful with with his posts. One time, he made an asteroid into a plane!. 5th Horseman has a good YouTube series going, and is very insightful with with his posts. One time, he made an asteroid into a plane!. 5th Horseman has a good YouTube series going, and is very insightful with with his posts. One time, he made an asteroid into a plane! Majorjim. This "Waterman" builds really great craft, and lots of them. He also puts out many high-quality, insightful posts. He's a great person to have around the Spacecraft Exchange. NathanKell. Creator of a variety of wonderful mods, including Deadly Reentry and Real Solar System, as well as a distinguished "Modder-ator." RoverDude. He's a "Cat Herder" and a notable and widely respected modder. Creator of the "Umbra Space Industries" series. His mods are widely believed to be among the coolest additions to the game. sal_vager. Fair and exalted moderator. Sal_vager recently passed the 10,000-post mark, the highest post count of any member of the KSP forums by far!. Fair and exalted moderator. Sal_vager recently passed the 10,000-post mark, the highest post count of any member of the KSP forums by far!. Fair and exalted moderator. Sal_vager recently passed the 10,000-post mark, the highest post count of any member of the KSP forums by far! KasperVld. The new Lead Moderator! Kasper's insights and comments make him well deserving of his position. Rune. Another builder of a variety of lovely craft, another excellent poster, and a great help to the new builders of the Spacecraft Exchange. Geschosskopf. Creator of several very nice tutorials. You wouldn't believe how many times I tried to spell his name before I got it right. Mad Rocket Scientist. Well, the name pretty much says it all. Mad Rocket Scientist creates some pretty cool KSP craft of all types. GregroxMun. The official conductor of the Hype Train, GregroxMun is a streamer, an artistic, creative type, and an all-around good guy.. The official conductor of the Hype Train, GregroxMun is a streamer, an artistic, creative type, and an all-around good guy.. The official conductor of the Hype Train, GregroxMun is a streamer, an artistic, creative type, and an all-around good guy.. The official conductor of the Hype Train, GregroxMun is a streamer, an artistic, creative type, and an all-around good guy.. The official conductor of the Hype Train, GregroxMun is a streamer, an artistic, creative type, and an all-around good guy. UpsilonAerospace. Mastermind behind this thread, and keeper of this thread until recently! Give this man some rep! sarbian. Mod maker, intelligent poster, "Purveyor of the Nyan Cat," and nice person as a whole. Sarbian is especially helpful with teaching new modders the tips of the trade. Just Jim. He's not out to conquer the galaxy...I swear! Actually, that's exactly what he's trying to do! If you haven't already, check out the ULTIMATE CHALLENGE! in which Just Jim challenges you to visit every body in the Kerbol System in a single vessel! Snark. When Snark isn't modding the game, be it adding biomes to jool or fixing burn time indicators, Snark also moderates the forum as a newly tasked moderator! Congratulations! Vanamonde. A great and long-lasting moderator. Apparently, his posts come from inside my house. Who knew? Claw. "Claw-erator" who has created plugins and moderated the Forums for a while now. His bugfixes are very much appreciated by the community... Thanks TxeKnab! Azimech. If you haven't seen his turboprop engines, do so. Like, right now. They're really cool. (He's working on new ones, too, now that 1.0 has dropped...) NecroBones. Another modder, who also creates video tutorials and goes on impressive missions... and is also a great and honest poster. He does pretty much everything. zekes. "First Sea Lorde," Founder of Zokesia Skunkworks, and clever person overall. His shuttle still impresses me a lot. Beale. Mod-maker extraordinaire, with a very, very creepy avatar. Like, seriously. It's bread... but... I'll stop now. You're welcome. Alshain. An honest and kind poster who does his best to solve problems and help others across the Forum. According to his life's persistent file, he's a smartS.. An honest and kind poster who does his best to solve problems and help others across the Forum. According to his life's persistent file, he's a smartS.. An honest and kind poster who does his best to solve problems and help others across the Forum. According to his life's persistent file, he's a smartS. ferram4. Created Ferram Aerospace Research, or FAR, along with other nice mods. He makes things fly properly in KSP. (And he's continuing to do so, even after the release of 1.0!) Yukon0009. Formerly Majorjim's Apprentice, this great builder is now a self-proclaimed Weavy Geapons Huy, and a builder of great historic rocket replicas and other neat little craft. Nertea. Well-known for his gorgeous mods, including Near Future Technologies and Stockalike Station Parts. Parkaboy. It's no wonder Parkaboy rose to the RGG quickly, as he has produced one of the most popular graphic novels on the KSP forums, Plan Kappa! Go check it out yourself here! ObsessedWithKSP. Clever poster, good suggest-er and a smart person in general. He's informally in charge of the ever-helpful Squadcast reviews as well. cantab. A knowledgeable, clever poster with no shortage of good ideas, cantab tries to help out or offer his opinion wherever possible. GoSlash27. An intelligent and rather prolific poster, and a "Sliderule Jockey." GoSlash is knowledgeable with both KSP and real-world spaceflight.. An intelligent and rather prolific poster, and a "Sliderule Jockey." GoSlash is knowledgeable with both KSP and real-world spaceflight.. An intelligent and rather prolific poster, and a "Sliderule Jockey." GoSlash is knowledgeable with both KSP and real-world spaceflight. lajoswinkler. Lajoswinkler is a prolific and helpful poster, mostly in the Other Forums. He's a 'Kapsulni kommunikator,' to use the... um... Russian, maybe? blackrack. Creator of a gorgeous atmospheric scattering mod ("Scatterer"), blackrack has quickly accumulated enough +Rep to join the Group. Brotoro. Goes on a variety of grand and fun KSP adventures in the Jool system and more recently on Duna. He is not my neighbor, though. Where did you get that idea? CobaltWolf. No Description Yet! Columbia. This "Aviation and Rocketry Nut" Isn't totally nuts. As far as we know, pending further tests But he has however made some really nice replica aircraft! Go check them out! Angel-125. Angel-125 is a hard working modder, who is the current maintainer of the CactEye Telescopes mod, a mod that has been around for pretty much forever. Although I have to say, my favorite mod from Angel-125 has to be JetWing! r4pt0r. Formerly "Proudly 99% Stock," and an Amateur Ancient Historian, r4pt0r is a intelligent poster and an honest guy. . Formerly "Proudly 99% Stock," and an Amateur Ancient Historian, r4pt0r is a intelligent poster and an honest guy. . Formerly "Proudly 99% Stock," and an Amateur Ancient Historian, r4pt0r is a intelligent poster and an honest guy. . Formerly "Proudly 99% Stock," and an Amateur Ancient Historian, r4pt0r is a intelligent poster and an honest guy. . Formerly "Proudly 99% Stock," and an Amateur Ancient Historian, r4pt0r is a intelligent poster and an honest guy. (He likes my plugin songs, too.) Cupcake.... One of the best VTOL builders in KSP, Cupcake...'s builds are always quite nice (and very impressive)... perhaps even more so in 1.0! nightingale. Nightingale's superior work creating mods has earned this Forum-goer a lot of Reputation in a very short time. Congrants, nightingale! DMagic. Yet another awesome mod creator. DMagic has created mods such as ScanSat and DMagic Orbital Science. Streetwind. A nice person and prolific poster in the "Other Forums." He "Talks to boosters," too, but I'm afraid that can't be helped. BahamutoD. Modder and creator of BD Armory, among other lovely and very pretty mods. He's also a pretty serious metal guitarist, and his epic KSP theme is definitely something to look into. GusTurbo. He's a Craft Design Craftsman who creates a variety of quality spacecraft! He's never afraid to share his knowledge, state his opinions, or partake in competitions on the Forum. Starwhip. Everyone's favorite Red Dragon, and a very helpful Forum-goer. He's artistic and intelligent and very kind. tater. A great poster in all parts of the Forum, tater is both prolific and wise. He's a newer member of the Forum but already has over 1,700 posts! Cydonian Monk. This Space Monk is usually hanging out in the Mission Reports section, giving us...reports...of his missions! The most recent of these reports being the Forgotten Space Program. Go check it out! NovaSilisko. "Spherical Scientist" and former dev. His new game, "Science of the Spheres," looks really cool. Oh, and he does music too! Whackjob. Wait, you can make rockets that big?! Whackjob is nice, even if he's a... little... nutty. Plus, he was the first member of the Light-Green Group! So that counts for something. pandoras kitten. "Little kitty, big meow." This is meant to be taken literally I believe. When not chasing space tuna and unfurling the secrets of intergalactic yarn, pandoras kitten is building some sweet aircraft! katateochi. Craft builder, YouTuber, co-host of KerbalX, and "Bewildered Kerbal." Everything that katateochi does is quite high-quality and very nice. Tw1. He builds some neat craft, creates creative things in Fan Works, and an all-around nice guy. Also, he's a self-proclaimed "Space Nutter.". He builds some neat craft, creates creative things in Fan Works, and an all-around nice guy. Also, he's a self-proclaimed "Space Nutter.". He builds some neat craft, creates creative things in Fan Works, and an all-around nice guy. Also, he's a self-proclaimed "Space Nutter." pTrevTrevs. "Vintage Plane Addict" is solidified when you look at his amazing Sopwith Pup. Like how do you even do that? Kerbart. This grumpy-yet-lovable Forum-goer is never afraid to speak up loudly about matters he's passionate about, as well as creating some humorous posts. inigma. This Forum-goer's spacecraft builds are quite nice. (You might have seen his shuttle; he's quite well-known for it. It's good.) Starwaster. A frequent poster and a notable modder, Starwaster is the Defender of the Sandbox. TriggerAu. Creator of Kerbal Alarm Clock, one of the most useful and frustration-preventing mods in KSP (in my opinion, at least). Avera9eJoe. From Twitch streaming to YouTubing to modding to music, Avera9eJoe is simply 100% awesome. KSK. The stories that KSK weaves are simply fantastic. This great Fan-Works-goer also loves to help out new writers as they strive to become as good as him. stupid_chris. A great former moderator who also developed RealChute parachute systems. That penguin, though... it vibrates! And vibrates, and vibrates... Foxster. This foxy users sorry not sorry is your average forum user, except not at all. He recently ascended to orbit from 950m above sea level on Eve with only a 33.83 ton lander! That's crazy light for an Eve lander! is your average forum user, except not at all. He recently ascended to orbit from 950m above sea level on Eve with only a 33.83 ton lander! That's crazy light for an Eve lander! is your average forum user, except not at all. He recently ascended to orbit from 950m above sea level on Eve with only a 33.83 ton lander! That's crazy light for an Eve lander! is your average forum user, except not at all. He recently ascended to orbit from 950m above sea level on Eve with only a 33.83 ton lander! That's crazy light for an Eve lander! is your average forum user, except not at all. He recently ascended to orbit from 950m above sea level on Eve with only a 33.83 ton lander! That's crazy light for an Eve lander! is your average forum user, except not at all. He recently ascended to orbit from 950m above sea level on Eve with only a 33.83 ton lander! That's crazy light for an Eve lander! is your average forum user, except not at all. He recently ascended to orbit from 950m above sea level on Eve with only a 33.83 ton lander! That's crazy light for an Eve lander! sgt_flyer. A clever builder of a variety of different, unconventional designs. I personally love his little turbofan engine... it's such a cool idea! selfish_meme. selfish_meme has made lots of replica craft, as well as a mod that drains all fuel from launched tanks, forcing you to go find fuel yourself! The mod is called NoFuel! Giggleplex777. A great builder of small craft, and the head of the famous "Pico Space Program!" Giggleplex is also simply an all-around nice Forum-goer.. A great builder of small craft, and the head of the famous "Pico Space Program!" Giggleplex is also simply an all-around nice Forum-goer.. A great builder of small craft, and the head of the famous "Pico Space Program!" Giggleplex is also simply an all-around nice Forum-goer. parameciumkid. Creator of some very neat craft, great poster, and "Kerbal Pamperer." He has some great, well-thought-out ideas. rbray89. Creator of several notable mods, including Active Texture Management and EVE (Environmental Visual Enhancement). RocketPilot573. Builds a variety of really awesome craft, and has a number of wonderful ideas. CatastrophicFailure. No Description Yet! Starhawk. Starhawk is one of the most devoted KSP fan fiction readers I've ever seen. In just about every fan fic thread you'll find Starhark, expressing his enjoyment from reading the story. Starhawk also helped me to start my own fan fiction, which I am very thankful. I should probably get back to that... Felsmak. Creates zany and wonderful craft and zany and wonderful ideas. His creativity is nearly infinite, and his voice could buy Russia. (Great Naked Space Man reference!) Xacktar. Hilarious guy with a YouTube channel. All hail Xacktar, he's really cool! (Seriously, though. Valentina the Rocket Lady is great.) Zucal. Zucal just joined this March! His meteoric rise to fame was a result of his astoundingly good craft and very clever ideas. However, he has opted to hide his rep, and is not on the list. pizzaoverhead. Another wonderful modder, pizzaoverhead creates some small but significant additions to the game that make it feel more realistic. Proot. I... AM... PROOT! (Sorry, had to get that out of my system.) Proot is the creator of the wonderful Renaissance Arts compilation, a plugin that makes the game look wonderful. Nibb31. Nibb31 is a friendly forumer who is approaching the 5k post count mark! Nibb31 was one of the early joiners of this forum, and is part of a handful of people still going after all that time. and somehow his account survived April 2013 and November 2015! Robotengineer. This "Kerbal Space Pundit" is frequently snarky, even more frequently hilarious, and a rising star on the KSP forums. cubinator. No Description Yet! Porkjet. Creator of Spaceplane Plus, a mod that was recently integrated into the official game! Porkjet continues being closely affiliated with SQUAD. John FX. Another intelligent poster. I personally enjoyed his graphs on engine performance, though many of his other posts are quite high-quality as well. razark. A noted poster and kind helper across the entirety of the Forum, razark is also the newest member of the Light-Green Group! Welcome! Endersmens. (me!)"Rumored to stalk you at night, teleport, and eat your soul, Endersmens is actually a friendly Forum-goer who is quite helpful across the board. At least, that's what I'm supposed to say........... don't eat me" - UpsilonAerospace, 2015. RIP. klgraham1013. klgraham's snarky but very valid opinions have earned him some serious Reputation, especially as 1.0 approached. worir4. Fabulous poster, owner of the most distinguished mustached-Kerbal avatar on the Forums, and "Nose Cone." (A lot of people seemed to like this description the last time around, for some reason.) Overfloater. Creator of gigantic stock SSTOs, "Rocket Bottleer," and all-around good guy. His profile pic is quite mesmerizing. Dman979. No Description Yet! magico13. Creator of Kerbal Construction Time and other fantastic plugins, magico13 is a notable modder and a friendly community member. Jon144. "Some guy on the forum," Jon144 has risen to fame most likely from his amazing aircraft. And have you seem his stock STS Shuttle? Seriously, go look at it! CliftonM. No Description Yet! Redshift OTF. Builder of some wonderful sci-fi ships, including the Death Star and a Skylon SSTO concept! Frank_G. Another awesome craft-builder and great poster, Frank_G is a "Kerbol System Explorer" and a good graphic designer! Jett_Quasar. No Description Yet! Randazzo. Not only does Randazzo have an avatar of a "like a sir" kerbal, he is also the author of the Vanguard Astrodynamics mods. Go check them out!. Not only does Randazzo have an avatar of a "like a sir" kerbal, he is also the author of the Vanguard Astrodynamics mods. Go check them out!. Not only does Randazzo have an avatar of a "like a sir" kerbal, he is also the author of the Vanguard Astrodynamics mods. Go check them out! sumghai. "Sumdumerator" (moderator), creator of numerous mods, and a helpful Forum-goer to new modders. KerrMü. No Description Yet! DuoDex. Can into editing other user's posts. Also a moderator, and speaks French. Did not edit this post because he felt neglected without a description. Touch this and die. Gaarst. No Description Yet! Frozen_Heart. This "White Walker" is a great poster, but more importantly, she came up with the name before the movie came out. Padishar. A very helpful forum goer, Padishar spends a lot of time helping people out in the support forums, as well as being the author of the Part Angle Display mod. Shadowmage. No Description Yet! RevanCorana. Creator of a number of distinctive and fun KSP craft of all types. "Strut Tamer." (I really should learn to tame my struts too.) HarvesteR. KSP Developer who has been fundamental in making the game what it is today. Thanks, HarvesteR! Thomas P.. No Description Yet! Spartwo. An ardent "militarist," Spartwo's military-oriented craft are great for space battles and aesthetically pleasing, too!. An ardent "militarist," Spartwo's military-oriented craft are great for space battles and aesthetically pleasing, too!. An ardent "militarist," Spartwo's military-oriented craft are great for space battles and aesthetically pleasing, too! benjee10. Benjee is astoundingly great at creating short films, high-quality graphic designs, and even some mods. He's also a "Salmon of Knowledge," for better or for worse. tetryds. No Description Yet! hoojiwana. No Description Yet! Camacha. A very funny and frequently quite intelligent poster in the Other Forums, Camacha is well-deserving of being in the Group. Tex_NL. No Description Yet! Tiberion. Creator of space shuttle mods, as well as other nice game add-ons. Tiberion's also a long-time Forumgoer and former Moderator. Pecan. Another wonderful poster, and the creator of some lovely tutorials. Pecan is, according to his profile picture, "Only slightly nuts." astropapi1. Knowledgeable, nice, and very informative, astropapi usually frequents the Other Forums. He's an Aerospace Engineer-to-be, and I'm sure he'll make a great one.. Knowledgeable, nice, and very informative, astropapi usually frequents the Other Forums. He's an Aerospace Engineer-to-be, and I'm sure he'll make a great one.. Knowledgeable, nice, and very informative, astropapi usually frequents the Other Forums. He's an Aerospace Engineer-to-be, and I'm sure he'll make a great one. eorin. A "Blackbird-addicted" Forumgoer who created Sparrowhawk Aeronautics, and a load of great craft to boot! SpaceplaneAddict. No Description Yet! Wanderfound. A great builder of SSTO craft, and a big fan of Mk2 parts. Wanderfound's spaceplane emporium features some really nice stuff. Renegrade. "Sir Wingsalot" makes loads of great posts across the Forum. He's frequently got a point. SaturnianBlue. No Description Yet! xEvilReeperx. EvilReeper's stock clamshell fairings propelled him to the Group, thanks to their high desirability after 1.0's release. DMSP. No Description Yet! luizopiloto. No Description Yet! Spaceception. No Description Yet! A special welcome to all of the new members! I wasn't able to catch them all this time, but next time the program will tell me who is new to the group so I can properly welcome them to the group. A very special thanks to magico13 for giving me a program that spits out the list. I still have to write descriptions, but now I just have to click a button and the list is more or less updated. Once I get into the swing of things, I might even be able to do nightly updates. Give that guy some rep! And also, thanks to Starwhip for making the very nice logo! Give him some good ol' rep too when you get the chance. Speaking of logos, there's also a nice one for you sig! If you're on the list, feel free to use this badge in your sig. Just highlight it and copy+paste it to your sig. Oh, and since the creation of these groups, UpsilonAerospace put over twenty hours of work into it total, making it perhaps the most heavily-edited and painstakingly revised thread in the history of the Forum! And now I will be taking it on, and updating it as much as I possibly can. If you want to briefly thank UpsilonAerospace or me for the work we've done, some +Rep would be a very nice gift. (we don't need it nearly as much as some of the other people on the Forum, though.) Anyways. Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or revisions that need to be done. If you recently passed 1000 points, or jumped some positions, let me know and I can update the list again. I hope this is helpful to you guys! -Endersmens. *poof*
- 929 replies
- 39
- reputation
- forums
(and 1 more)
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So, it appears that on the forums, users who are at school may go on the forums during class/lunch, or not (for example, I always have a window with opened when I do computer science). What about you?
Every once in a while, we all just slip up and say something stupid. Or we say something, that makes total sense with the rest of the conversation, but alone, is completely nonsensical. What quotes have you seen on this forum that are super weird / nonsensical out of context? Rules: 1. Don't put in things you have said. 2. It must be from the KSP forums. Not reddit, not some Discord server, not some other forum. Just the Official KSP Forum. 3. Do not ridicule others, make sure you are not doing so unintentionally. See the first post for details on why this is. To start us off:
.jfif is the same as .jpg (.jpeg) and should be supported.
- 2 replies
- 1
- suggestion
- meta
(and 2 more)
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Is it just me, or did the notification sound just come back? I heard it this morning!
See title. I was thinking it would be handy to have a subforum specifically for sharing missions, akin to the Spacecraft Exchange. Thoughts?
- 3 replies
- forums
- making history
(and 1 more)
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The file sizes for the cover photo and profile picture are far too small. I can't even use a screenshot from KSP as a cover photo due to the size limit. Everything has to be shrunk so much it looks bad. Please, hear me out here and change this! You can see the distortion in my profile photo by the way. I had to remove the background for my profile cause it was too blurry.
Preparing to colonize Duna, from Eeloo!
- 3 replies
- 6
- eelon musk
- ksp
(and 2 more)
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Hello. I was quite unsure of where a question about the forum itself would go, so I put it here. I've probably just completely missed it, but is there a way to change my display name, or will I just have to make a new account? I don't quite like the one I am using now, and have a new one in mind. I checked user settings, but the "display name" thing cannot be edited. Whether I simply cannot change it, or I have completely missed the option, any answers are appreciated.
So basically you just tell about what was your first post,what was it about and why you created your account My first post was on the Planet cyran thread telling about a problem with the clouds on the planets in the game. I created my account to write that comment because I noticed none of the bugs I found were being mentioned.
This will probably be the dumbest question ever asked on the ksp forums... How do I change my rank!?? In my profile settings, it says nothing about changing ranks... Help me...
- 11 replies
- dumb question
- ksp forums
(and 1 more)
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Does anyone on these forums know how to upload a craft file? Answers greatly appreciated!!!
I have been on KSP for almost a year, but I still can't post a photo, please take mercy on my mortal soul
A lot of people come here for help. The Tutorials Forum should carry these sub-forums. Getting into orbit. Rocket Design Spaceplane Design Lander Design Intercepts. Landing Docking Orbital Construction Space Stations RCS Explained SAS Explained KerbalNet Explained Science Explained To make this forum Noob Friendly, there should be sub-forums in the Tutorials Section for all these things. I would be happy to post tutorials too but the current section is a jungle and finding anything is difficult at best. The more people that are interested in KSP then the knock-on effect means more patches, updates and of course mods. Everybody wins.
Suggestion and Request: With a lot of new players entering the fray I'd like to suggest a seperate forum for at least PS4 Technical Support, PS4 Gameplay Discussion and PS4 Suggestions. It's already hard enough to follow the discussion with people between vanilla and RSS+TCC+ABFS+KKLT+KAS+TAC. Imagine the turmoil when every second poster and his dad suggests using a mod that cant be used as the original poster plays on console or vice versa.
Not a big one at least, I can be small. You see some mods think the whole "battle" between the "krakenist's"(see the " ?) and dres lovers is a massive set up for role playing, but in actuality it's a forum war. You may think "but role playing gets too aggressive." Actually... No, role playing may be a tiny bit aggressive, but that aggression is quickly resolved. So please, KSP forum staff. Add a role playing forum so those who want roleplaying can get it, and they will leave the rest of the forums 99.9% untouched. Please...
The title says it all really. In a few different browsers on mobile, there is no Earthly way to remove quotes from posts, as far as I can tell. On Desktop, it is as simple as right-clicking the quote box. On Mobile, I have tried double-tap, hold-press, swipe, pinch, you name it!
- in the way that robot account creation has been optimized for it. Seriously, I've been here since the end fo 2013, and I have seen maybe three random spambot threads on the KSP forums, ever. All three of them, I will point out, were in the last two days! This is a very worrying development from my point of view, because it looks like the start of something I've seen in pretty much every IPS-based forum I've ever frequented. The technology as it comes out of the box is extremely vulnerable to automated account creation. And if the operators of the automated spam robots notice that they regularly get through the registration progress, they will shift more and more focus on the forum in question, and custom-tailor their scripts specifically to further improve their chances of success. Case in point: the forums of "Feed the Beast", a popular Minecraft modding community, were at one point so inundated with spambots that over 60% of all threads visible on the first page of the general discussion forum at any given time of day, around the clock, were spam - as were over 95% of all newly created threads. There was so much spam that the moderators simply stopped deleting the threads in order to have time to deal with actual issues of actual human users. And this happened not to an old, abandoned forum, but to a fresh and active community of over 150,000 users at the height of its popularity! It took the admins more than half a year of trying various solutions to finally succeed in shutting this down completely. That is one example of multiple identical cases I have witnessed happening to IPS-based forums. I don't want to see the same thing happen again here, but it's already starting as we speak. Therefore I urgently ask the forum team to pretty please with a cherry on top make effective spambot protection your number one priority. If the existing vulnerability is not fixed, it will be exploited on a massive scale, guaranteed. Better get a head start on things before we're at the point where you have to make use of the search function to find KSP-related content among the deluge of spam. Thanks for reading.
vBulletin vs. IPS, from your average user's perspective.
Endersmens posted a topic in Kerbal Network
So, it's been a few days since the forums got migrated to the new forum hosting software, IPS. Many of you are displeased, some of you like it, and some of you don't care. However, I'm going to try to put together the best comparison between the two that I can. I consider myself somewhat unbiased, since I have participated in many other forums on different softwares than vBulletin, so I'm not a fanboy. And I've also never been on an IPS forum, which means this is all new to me. So, here goes: NOTE: This comparison isn't just IPS vs. vBulletin. This is a comparison between what we had with vBulletin on the KSP forums and what we have now with IPS on the KSP forums. Firstly, lets compare just the main features. No opinions here, just a direct comparison between the two. Feature: vBulletin IPS WYSIWYG editor. Yes, although buggy. (Backspace would delete all the characters since the last format change) Yes, and not buggy. BBcode in editor. Yes, there was a BBcode only mode, edits and unposted quotes still contained the code. Yes. You can use BBcode in the editor. The only drawback is that once it is posted it is converted into WYSIWYG. (excludes certain codes like tables) Reputation. Yes. Rep power was determined by post count and rep given, maxed at 5 per rep. You couldn't give rep to the same person until repping 5 or so others, and couldn't give out more than 10 per 24 hours. Yes. Rep power is 1, but there are no limits besides you can't replike the same post twice. Notifications upon being quoted or mentioned: No. Yes, and they are configurable and can be turned on or off. Ability to keep up with your friends: Sort of, by becoming friends with someone their posts would pop up in your feed. Yes, you can "follow" users and keep up with them. Thread subscription notifications: Sort of. Sometimes failed to work, especially email notifications. Yes, can be configured. Not sure about email updates yet. Search: Yes, but it was terrible unless you knew exactly which 17 options to choose to find the content you want. Haven't tested, please give your experiences with the search feature. Blogs: Yes. Sort of. You can post "Updates" to your profile, although not in a specified place like a blog. "Who's Online" list Yes, and in nice alphabetical order. Yes, but random, extremely hard to check if someone's online using only this. That's all I can think of for now for the basic feature differences and important points. Now for opinions. Styling: vBulletin: It looked OK, but a bit on the older side. Wide body text, fills up 16:9 aspect ratio. IPS: I kind of like it a bit. Of course, I have the style addon that you can find [url=]here, which makes contrast better and widens it to fill screen space. By default there is a lot of space on the sides of the forum, as the entire screen is not used. However the addon I linked works to fix this. Editor: vBulletin: WYSIWYG was a bit broken, upon hitting backspace it would delete all text that was typed since the last format change. BBcode was ok, if a bit time consuming. IPS: WYSIWYG works well as intended, and is easy to use. BBcode is still an option for those who prefer it. Reputation: vBulletin: I liked the old system. You could give up to 5 rep per user post, and there were restrictions in place to prevent rep spamming. IPS: Only one rep point per like slows things down from the old system, and isn't totally offset by the no limits on repping someone. You can go rep every post they're ever made in one day if you've got the time. Just not the same post twice. Thread Pages: vBulletin: default was 10 posts per page. Made it easy to gauge how many posts were in a thread by looking at the page number. It also made it easy to scroll to the top and bottom of the thread, while still allowing a good bit of reading before clicking to the next page. IPS: Default is 25 posts per page. This means less "next page" clicks, but it also means its a workout to scroll to the top or bottom of a thread with over 15 replies. Well, that's all I got off the top of my head. If you've got something else to add, let me know! If I think the same thing, or if it's just blatantly obvious, I will add it. For me, the ultimate conclusion is this: I was skeptical at first, but its growing on me. I miss a few features of the old forum, but I also very much like the features of this new forum. Well? What do you think?