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  1. MAP Contract Pack for Air flights to bases in Kerbin Side Remastered Current status: Current V2.1.7 bug fixes Overview Trans Kerbin Airlines: Each base to have 4 Airline flight contracts The initial test flight to the airport can be done once Flight service for 4-8 passengers depends on completion of mission 1. Can be run multiple times Flight service for 8-12 passengers depends on completion of mission 2. Can be run multiple times Flight service for 12-80 passengers depends on completion of mission 3. Can be run multiple times New base missions open up as the first mission 1 is completed. Bases are ordered by their distance to the KSC. Each base mission #1 completion opens the next base mission #1 United Knations Navy: Two initial certification missions available; Helicopter or VTOL aircraft Rescue Certification Seaplane Patrol Certification 4 Patrol missions for all Naval Air Stations 4 Rescue missions for all Naval Air Stations If you try it let me know if you run into any issues. For more information visit the Wiki Notes: Contains flight contracts from KSC to Bases in the Kerbin Side Remastered mod. modeled after flight missions provided in Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) V1.6.1 but not dependent on this mod Contains flightplans for Kramax Autopilot Continued mod Flightplans provide landing information for the various runways at the individual bases Runways where the AoA of the landing sequence proved to be too steep due to terrain were omitted from the flight plans. Complete site to site flightpalns as provided by the original Kerbin Side GAP mod are not included. Install: Available on CKAN Published on Space Dock - https://spacedock.info/mod/2573/Kerbin Side Remastered GAP Download from: https://github.com/caerfinon/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP place directory KerbinSideRemasteredGAP and all sub directories and files in your Gamedata/ContractPacks directory (Create if it does not already exist) Thanks and Acknowledgements: Lots of inspiration and ideas from the following creators inigma - Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP)- https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/129208-contract-pack-giving-aircraft-a-purpose-gap-161-milestones-air-flights-coast-guard/ Keniamin - Kerbin Side GAP - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/133545-13x-kerbin-side-gap/ TranceaddicT - For the fork of Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) - https://github.com/7ranceaddic7/GAP Nations States - Kerbin - https://www.nationstates.net/region=kerbin For providing the Geographical backdrop for the flight contracts. Required Mods Eskandare - Kerbins Side Remastered - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/174336-kerbin-side-remastered-101-173/ AlphaAsh,ozraven,Ger_space - Kerbal Konstructs - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/151818-181-kerbal-konstructs-18115-15dec2019/ nightingale - Contract Configurator - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/91625-1101-contract-configurator-v1305-2020-10-05/ Optional Mods (support files in "Patches" directory) linuxgurugamer - Kramax Autopilot Continued - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/150846-19x-kramax-autopilot-continued-course-guidance-and-auto-land-for-spaceplanes/ Ser - NavUtilities continued - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162967-140-181-navutilities-continued-ft-hsi-instrument-landing-system-v072-2018-apr-1/ Test Planes from KerbalX.com My list of useful Aircraft for use with this Contract Pack Mod I've used, built or modified these aircraft to fit the parameters of the flight missions in the Mod. Kudos to the original creators on their builds! License: MIT Change log: Kerbin Side Remastered Gap Extras v1.0.5 Overview Provides 20 additional Airstrips for Kerbin Side Remastered which can be used during flight missions that require ground operations. For more information see the Wiki Install: Available on CKAN Published on Space Dock - https://spacedock.info/mod/2685/Kerbin Side Remastered Gap Extras Download from: https://github.com/caerfinon/KerbinSideRemasteredGapExtras place directory KerbinSideRemasteredGapExtras and all sub directories and files in your Gamedata directory (Create if it does not already exist)
  2. Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose 2.11 For KSP 1.12.5+ Requires the latest release of Contract Configurator from https://github.com/KSP-RO/ContractConfigurator/releases/ Requires the latest release of Module Manager from https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/ Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) is a contract pack for your aerospace program, providing aviation milestones to achieve, regular flights to service, and Coast Guard rescue . This contract pack is compatible with all stock and modded careers (except RSS). Purpose: To provide a useful purpose for the existence of aircraft in a Career game, and promote the use of stock runways, helipads, and DLC airfields. Spiel: Runways and helipads are meant to be used, not just sit there and look pretty. This pack provides a small set of repeatable contracts for early career aircraft, and thus provides the career player with a predictable source of income, science, or reputation return (depending on the type of contract) using a standard fleet of aircraft you design. It beats having to design a science car, or one-time use craft, or send a probe to nowhere, when all you need is just a little bit more cash, science, or reputation to advance your space program. Of course, you may have so much fun flying things around that you may forget you have a space program, but if so, then I've succeeded! All contracts and vessels included in this pack are completely playable in stock KSP (except the BDArmory expansion), but I highly recommend these mods to enhance your gameplay with GAP: AirplanePlus (Propellers, Jets, Airplane parts) (GAP recognizes AirplanePlus parts) Kerbal Aircraft Expansion (KAX) (Minimalistic set of stock-alike propellers and helicopter parts) (GAP recognizes KAX parts) Kerbal Rotor Expansion (Additional rotors for contract completion) Waypoint Manager (For better waypoint management and navigation) (GAP uses a lot of waypoints) Wider Contracts App (Increases the width of the contract checklist for better readability) To complete helicopter or part retrieval missions, I also suggest these mods: Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) (For attaching winches, fuel ports, and parts to parts on EVA) Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) (For carrying the above parts while on EVA) I recommend that you consider taking the helmet off your Kerbals when flying in the open air in a command seat: TextureReplacer with Cetera's Suits (get both on CKAN!) (Non space suit Kerbals while on Kerbin, smell the fresh air from your Command Seat flying machine) If You Stream or Record While Playing GAP: You sir/madam are amazing. Please post a note in this thread or PM to let me know if you use this mod in a recorded play through or mod review as I and others would love to watch! If your recording and play is fairly decent and will help players get familiar with GAP, I would love to reference it in this OP! Featured Reviews: Inter - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUe9-qPHLVs LupiDragon - Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lupidragon/profile million_mights - Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/million_lights Allohmon - YouTube: GAP Episode 1 Contract Pack Goals: Missions to test aviation prototypes and achieve progressive aviation milestones. Regular repeatable stunt, tourist, and scheduled passenger flights. Rescue missions to retrieve mountain climbers, downed test pilots, and adrift sea crews. Fully compatible with new and existing stock and modded careers. To Get Started: The first immediate contracts are not contracts at all but rather GAP: Economy contracts that are originally intended to give starting players basic parts from which to fully enjoy playing GAP. Originally intended so that Wright Flyer type aircraft could be built, the part contracts were free in previous versions of GAP, but now require funds to purchase these prototype technologies. The economy contracts are designed to help bypass any need for GAP to recommend a tech tree for starter technologies. There are three contract trees each with starting contracts: The Wright Aeronautical: Build and fly your first glider! contract will appear when you've acquired a Command Seat, and any flying control surfaces. The KSC Airclines: Flight 101 contract will appear when you flown to completed the 2500 meter altitude contract. The KSC Coast Guard: Coast Guard Rescue Certification contract will appear when you've completed the helipad mission. Agencies: These are the agencies in the pack that will offer regular or semi-regular contracts, and special missions: Prototype Marketplace - Offering loans, and part prototypes for aeronautical and utility parts for a fledgling aviation program. Giving Aircraft a Purpose - Aerospace milestones, and stunt goals for your aviation program. KSC Coast Guard - Our motto is Always Ready - Kemper Keratus! Providing air, land, and sea rescue. (Used for occasional rescue and recovery opportunities, mostly near KSC ocean) KSC Airlines - The official airline of the Kerbal Space Center. Download & Installation: SpaceDock GitHub Changelog: https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/CHANGELOG.txt KNOWN ISSUES: Please raise any and all issues or enhancement requests on the GAP GitHub issue tracker. Recovering a vessel via the Space Center View or Tracking Station will not complete a contract if it requires recovery of a vessel. Work around is to simply recover all vessels in flight mode view. https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/issues/7 Failing a contract may not always clean up any extra Kerbals used for the contract. If you can't revert, or don't wish to, then to clean up, simply recover the affected Kerbals, and then simply remove them from your roster. All failed contracts will reappear in Mission Control eventually. Use Alt F12 and access the Contract cheat menu to decline multiple contracts quickly and force regeneration of any contract that fails to appear, if necessary. CREDITS: Thanks goes to the following individuals for their contributions to this contract pack. Without them, none of this would have happened: @nightingale - creator of Contract Configurator. tirelessly responsive and an amazing coder and modder without whom this mod would not exist. @theonegalen - graciously donated funds for the KSP DLC Making History expansion and ongoing development, so I can continue developing GAP for DLC users. Also an awesome tester of GAP contracts! @ThunderofZeus - graciously donated funds for KSP DLC Making History expansion and ongoing development, so I can continue developing GAP for DLC users. @seanmcdougall - creator of Take Command mod @keptin - creator of Kerbal Aircraft eXpansion @maculator- creator of Kerbal Aircraft Builders, for inspiring me with his pioneering example into aircraft based contracts @severedsolo - always a great resource for contract development @pandoras kitten - designer of a number of craft seen in the series above @RixKillian - designer of the KSS Rix aircraft carrier @Speeding Mullet - designer of a number of props for GAP and dozens more who have contributed their time and talent to make this pack one of the most useful for KSP.
  3. I've been trying to reprogram some contracts so that the passengers require be flown to other locations; https://imgur.com/a/NZkCoqR The file Airline-Flight-101.cfg contains information about the destination: name = WaypointGenerator type = WaypointGenerator PQS_CITY { name = Island Airfield icon = marker pqsCity = IslandAirfield pqsOffset = -129.870222771593, -227.36909617722, 25.4157831746222 altitude = 50 } I've used Kerbal Konstructs to create runways at these places (NorthEast Island and East Peninsula). However I cannot seem to change where the contract is asking me to go, the pqsOffset does not seem to have any effect. What should I change to the contract files ?
  4. Just finished my video for the world's fist KSC tower gap. If someone has done this before I am sorry for claiming this title and will edit it. Would love if people in the community took a peak. Take Care -Paelu {video snipped pending editing}
  5. Give Aircraft a Purpose doesn't work with Galileo Planet Pack. When GPP is installed, GAP doesn't show up at all in mission control, but the flags still do. Is there any way to make GAP work with GPP? such as with a MM patch? http://imgur.com/a/QMd71 The two screenshots are from the same install of KSP 1.2.2, one with GPP and the other without. GAP and all dependencies were installed through CKAN, GPP and all dependencies were manually installed.
  6. From the GAP (Give Aircraft a Purpose) contract pack: GAP contract: Speed 100 (or, How it started out so well) Craft: K-35-100 Flounder (KerbalX link) Operation: Stage to ignite lower engine, which has plenty of power for takeoff and supercruise, and is probably the safest and most efficient way to fly the plane. Stage again to ignite the upper engine and fly it the Kerbal way. Conventional landings are possible, but dangerous. Due to the high thrust of the engines, they must be completely throttled down before enough airspeed can be bled off to safely touch the ground. And then the plane tends to do donuts on its wheels before coming to rest. Facilities: Level 1 Crew: Pilot Kerman is recommended for SAS. Mass 7.66t Cost 12,322.0 No. of Stages 3 Crew Capacity 1 Part Count 16 Built in KSP 1.1.3 Size 8.99 x 3.88 x 9.06 Edit: I really wish there was a way to resize images in this editor.
  7. hi all crashateers, Since 1.0.5. ive just messing bout making contraptions til 1.2 arrives, when i noticed a big gap between floor and a parked vehicle on flat ground, looks terrible!! i havent noticed this before til now, havent really looked to be fair or played that much, but like i say, looks amateurish. its not just me is it? have a check and see how detached a vehicle seems from the ground to you. im 1.1.3 btw steam & 17 mods, this isnt bug report as i dont think it is a bug or mod effect, probly collider of those wheels......anyhoo Ive attached some pics in both db & imgur, if neither work let me know https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=20160822210747_1.jpg http://imgur.com/a/Hpqcr what dya reckon? Aah, i embed wrong image lol this ones doing 11m/s, but i have jpg same vehicle parked, brakes on honest.
  8. I need boats to spawn in distress and rescue Kerbals from. I need at least three more good boats, could be any size, but preferably small stock part count (under 100), with Command Seats and maybe even cabins. Crewed by anywhere from 2-10 Kerbals. They do not have to functional (heck they could even look disabled) since they are props meant to stage a Kerbals in distress. Contract Configurator can spawn any vessel from my GAP\Assets folder anywhere in the game. Example of a rescue mission: (see link to the GAP Contract Pack in my sig) UPDATE: Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose 1.0 Beta is released! Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/129208-contract-pack-giving-aircraft-a-purpose-gap-10-beta-air-flights-tours-coast-guard-sts-105jan-4-2016/
  9. GAP 1.0 Beta has been released. Please see the Add-On Released thread for future development, discussion, and support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/129208-contract-pack-giving-aircraft-a-purpose-gap-10-beta-air-flights-tours-coast-guard-sts-105jan-4-2016/ Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose 0.3 Requires Contract Configurator 1.9.1 from https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases an Aerospace Exploration (Development and Testing), Coast Guard Rescue (and Retrieval), and general Operations (charters, flights, cargo drops) contract pack compatible with all stock and modded careers. I've never done a mod in my life. I guess this is the easiest way to test the waters. Be kind. Requires: Contract Configurator 1.9.0. Download here: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases All contracts and vessels included in this pack are completely playable in stock KSP, but I highly recommend these mods to enhance your gameplay: - Take Command (Launch and Spawn into Command Seats) - Kerbal Aircraft Expansion (KAX) (Minimalistic set of stock-alike propellers and helicopter parts) - Waypoint Manager (For better waypoint management and navigation) - Wider Contracts App (Wider contract checklist popup) - Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) (For attaching winches, fuel ports, and parts to parts on EVA) - Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) (For carrying the above parts while on EVA) - TextureReplacer with Cetera's Suits (get both on CKAN!) (Non space suit Kerbals while on Kerbin, smell the fresh air from your Command Seat flying machine) Purpose: To provide a useful purpose for the existence of aircraft in a Career game, and promote the use of stock runways and helipads. Spiel: Runways and helipads are meant to be used, not just sit there and look pretty. This pack provides a small set of repeatable contracts for early career aircraft, and thus provides the career player with a predictable source of income, science, or reputation return (depending on the type of contract) using a standard fleet of aircraft you design. It beats having to design a science car, or one-time use craft, or send a probe to nowhere, when all you need is just a little bit more cash, science, or reputation to advance your space program. Of course, you may have so much fun flying things around that you may forget you have a space program, but if so, then I've succeeded! Contract Pack Goals: Prepatory missions to test prototypes and setup locations. Regular repeatable stunt, tourist, charter, and scheduled passenger and cargo flights to those destinations. Rescue missions to retrieve adrift sea and undersea crews, downed test pilots, spent stages, crashed craft parts, the first splashed down space crews, and more. A small set of boat and submarine contracts to provide context for the above. STS Challenges and rescue missions Fully compatible with new and existing stock and modded careers. Current Contracts: GAP Version 0.3 Career Contract Availability - 18 Contracts: (To see the full list of contracts I intend to develop, go here) Career Contract Availability - 18 Contracts - SSI Aerospace: Join SSI Aerospace! This is your first contract. Offers you an Experimental Command Seat for keeps, as well as a few other basic parts for getting a boat into water, and ejecting a manned Command Pod if you are not using the Take Command mod. You are NOT required to accept this contract. After you acquire the J-29 "Juno" Basic Jet Engine, or the KAX A7 AeroSport Engine, the first three starter contracts become available: - Wright Aeronautical: Build and fly your first airplane! - KSC Coast Guard: Coast Guard Rescue Certification - KSC Island Tours: KSC Shorline Tour - Seats: (2-6) The following contracts appear after completing the above contracts for their mission track: - Wright Aeronautical: Give an airplane ride - Seats: (1-2) - Wright Aeronautical: Barnstorm the R&D Center! - KSC Coast Guard: S.O.S. Distress Call - (shipName) - SSI Aerospace: Fly an airplane to 2000m. - SSI Aerospace: Fly a Mk1 Crew Cabin to 5000m. - SSI Aerospace: Land on a Helipad! - Kerbal Space Program: KSC Island Aerial Survey - Kerbal Space Program: KSC Island Landing - Kerbal Space Program: KSC Island Airfield Preparation - KSC Island Tours: Aerial Tour: Flight 1 - Seats: (2-4) - KSC Island Tours: Aerial Tour: Flight 2 - Seats: (2-6) - KSC Island Tours: Seaplane Tour: Flight 38 - Seats: (4-8) - KSC Airlines: Charter Flight 10 - Seats: 2-4 And I added this for testing and fun: - Space Transportation System: STS-1: Fly space shuttle to orbit, launch satellite, return. (requires KSC Airlnes: Charter Flight 10 completion) Agencies: Agencies in the pack that will offer regular or semi-regular contracts, and special missions: SSI Aerospace - An engineering cooperative focused on developing and testing aerospace assets. (Used for initial flight tests and unlocking mission stories that lead to regular repeatable contracts) KSC Island Tours - Providing air, sea, and undersea tours of the beautiful KSC Islands and surrounding areas. Wright Aeronautical - Offering airplane rides to the public, and provides air show stunt contracts. Kerbal Space Program - Led by Gene Kerman, authorizes, launches, and commands the world famous space program at the Kerbal Space Center. KSC Coast Guard - Our motto is Always Ready - Kemper Keratus! Providing air, land, and sea rescue and stage recovery. (Used for occasional rescue and recovery opportunities, mostly near KSC ocean) KSC Airlines - The official airline of the Kerbal Space Center. Space Transportation System Space Shuttle Mission Control managed at KSC 2. Spoilers: KAX with Take Command mod will take this Contract Pack to the next level of fun and early aircraft realism (also seen is Texture Replacer with Cetera's suits): Fun with pandoras kitten PBK craft to help test these missions: pandoras kitten Ady Gil test craft for the Shoreline Tour Island Survey mission The HMS Rix carrier landing mission (in development) KAX part aware Helicopter prototype mission (you are free to use a stock VTOL as well) Island Tour to an exotic location: Ok... ok... now it's exotic: Download the Zip from GitHub: https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP Installation: To install the contract pack, simply download the zip on the right, and extract the GAP folder to your GameData/ContractPacks folder. Launch a KSP career game. Changelog:https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/CHANGELOG.txt Master Plan Devnotes (Spoiler Alert!): https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/DEVNOTES.txt (Contract filenames, titles, and mindmapped dependencies) CREDITS: Thanks goes to the following individuals for their contributions to this contract pack. Without them, none of this would have happened: nightingale - creator of Contract Configurator. tirelessly responsive and an amazing coder and modder seanmcdougall - creator of Take Command mod keptin - creator of Kerbal Aircraft eXpansion maculator - creator of Kerbal Aircraft Builders, for inspiring me with his pioneering example into aircraft based contracts severedsolo - always a great resource for contract development pandoraskitten - designer of a number of craft seen in the series above
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