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It resets immediately after using F9, even when its turnt of in the settings... This is very frustrating, when you are for example in the VAB, and all you have done is gone, bcs you accidentally hit F9
This has happened to me every time I load a save and go to the tracking center. I had Kerbals launched from the Mun surface when I tried to rescue them. It only seems to happen when the Target is not in focus and only when controlling something else or being at KSC
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- bug
- tracking station
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Hey, I don't know if I am posting this on the right place, just singed in and not really in the system. So I got a question, since a few days I got a really weird problem in KSP, from a certain point I just can't quicksave anymore while playing. I can quickload but I can't quicksave and its extremely annoying. In addition to this I also can't leave the flight, meaning I can't go back to the KSC or the tracking center. I don't know what triggers this but I can after I start flying I can normally make a quicksave, then I fly a probe to the Mun to land it and while flying there I can also quicksave, but as soon as I get a bit closer to the surface I just can't save anymore or leave to the KSP. It's really annoying and I don't know what to to about it. Has anyone experience with a situation like this or does anyone know what to do about this? I really just want to finish build my Mun Base
What is KISS? Kerbal Improved Save System (KISS) is a small plugin that provides an improved "Save game as..." mechanic while in flight. It is intended as a replacement for the stock "Quicksave as..." dialog and provides a filename selector for existing quicksaves similar to the stock MOD+F9 alternate quickload "Choose an SFS file to load" dialog. In addition the default suggestion for the quicksave name is the current date and time plus the name of the active vessel ("YYYYMMDD_hhmmss_{activeVessel}") instead of using an automatically increasing number to differentiate quicksaves. BONUS feature (discovered by @Apollo13) : KISS allows you to quicksave while moving on the ground! (KISS is not intended to be an automated quicksave system. Such plugins already exist.) Why? We have all been in the situation where we are creating many quicksaves during a critical mission before every important event/maneuver so that we can backtrace to (almost) any point in the mission in case something goes wrong. However after a few quicksaves simply numbering them isn't enough because it becomes hard to remember which one is which. Giving them names is an option, but once you reload an old quicksave and want to overwrite another (no longer useful) quicksave at a later time in the mission, you then have to remember the name of the quicksave in order to overwrite it, AND you have to type it in manually. KISS makes finding and overwriting an existing quicksave easy! Screenshots Current Version 2.4.2 For KSP 1.9.1 - 1.12.3 Download from SpaceDock | Download from GitHub | Sourcecode also on GitHub Release notes Instructions Press F8 to bring up the KISS dialog (you can reconfigure the shortcut in the settings panel of KISS). You can: store a quicksave with the provided default filename. store a quicksave with any name you want. get the name of a previous quicksave from the list by clicking it once. Now you can overwrite that quicksave by clicking "Save", or modify the filename to store a new quicksave with a similar name. directly overwrite an existing quicksave by double clicking it. reload the default filename suggestion by clicking the "Default" Button. Click on the sprocket button in the upper right corner to show settings panel where you can configure the behavior of KISS. Attention: When you enable the "Quicksave mode" to save the game without showing the GUI, you have to press MOD + F8 (or MOD + <yourCustomKeyBinding>) to show the interface again! Note: the standard "persistent" savegame is excluded from the list. As I understand it, saving into this file that makes little sense as it gets overwritten every time you load another save. Planned features ("soon" ): License KISS is licensed under the MIT License Acknowledgements While I do have a background in software engineering, this project started as: My first Mod for any game (not just KSP); My first C# project (first time using MonoDevelop); My first time using git/GitHub; My first Unity related project (only did a beginner tutorial once sometime back when Unity 3 was the current version)... So without the following people, I could not have done this (small) project! @cybutek- for his plugin tutorial videos that told me the basics of how and where to start. @TaranisElsu - for his example plugin projects that helped me a lot. @magico13 - for his "Dated QuickSaves" modlet that provided inspiration. @Nereid - for his S.A.V.E automatic backup system that also helped me along the way. and last but certainly not least @Z-Key Aerospace / @Bodrick - for the "[x] Science!" mod that showed me how to create a dynamic list of GUI elements and how to handle tooltips. As well as everybody else in the great KSP modding community!
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- kerbal improved save system
- kiss
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My game glitched while timewarping and two of my on-mission Kerbals somehow got marked as MIA. I'm trying to bring them back via save file editing (marking them as "Assigned" rather than "Missing" in the roster, and correcting the mission's crew count to 3) but it doesn't seem to be working. Is there anything else I can do? The mission is kinda screwed without them.
Hello. I have encountered a problem with the game, for some reason, I cant quicksave or save, im trying to get my ship into orbit(i have done this before and ive saved my game in while doing these maneuvers many times before). When I try to save, or return to the space center the game is unresponsive, if I click the button nothing happens. I've looked into the game log and it says this: [EXC 17:34:39.944] NullReferenceException PopupDialog.Dismiss (System.Boolean KeepMouseState) (at <a1ca58b5ca7140639de29a81de5e3f32>:0) PopupDialog.Dismiss () (at <a1ca58b5ca7140639de29a81de5e3f32>:0) QuickSaveLoad.OnSaveAsClose (System.String saveName, System.Boolean pauseGame, QuickSaveLoad+FinishedSaveLoadDialogCallback onSaveAsCloseReturn) (at <a1ca58b5ca7140639de29a81de5e3f32>:0) QuickSaveLoad+<>c__DisplayClass31_0.<ConfirmDialog>b__0 () (at <a1ca58b5ca7140639de29a81de5e3f32>:0) DialogGUIButton.OptionSelected () (at <a1ca58b5ca7140639de29a81de5e3f32>:0) DialogGUIButton.<Create>b__23_1 () (at <a1ca58b5ca7140639de29a81de5e3f32>:0) UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0) UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0) UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () (at <2d96a890bfa54a0e8b00b1a5c3019a1a>:0) UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) (at <2d96a890bfa54a0e8b00b1a5c3019a1a>:0) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) (at <2d96a890bfa54a0e8b00b1a5c3019a1a>:0) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents+EventFunction`1[T1] functor) (at <2d96a890bfa54a0e8b00b1a5c3019a1a>:0) UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() Thanks for reading and every comment is appreciated. Cheers. Edit: Nevermind, somehow by reversing the flight to launch the problem solved itself.
So, here's the scenario: I'm flying a passenger jet and just coming in to land... thinking that it'd be a good idea to quicksave in case of a failed landing. After a dangerous approach and hitting the ground too hard, I quickloaded only to find that both wings detach from the airframe as soon as it is fully loaded in, and the jet comes crashing down just short of the runway. I tried pausing the game before this happens, timewarping to try and avoid it, even quicksaving and making sure that I didn't hold down any of the control keys. Nothing worked, so I started wondering if there's an effective way to counter this unfortunate occurrence. Any ideas on this? I'd be more than happy to provide evidence should anyone request it.
I was going to the Mun and I had actually made it. Here is a screenshot if you want to see what happened. My engine broke. I made a new and improved ship that should work. But I don't want to go through that same complicated process to get there again. I had quicksaved right before I landed so i want to go to that quicksave with my new rocket. Is it possible to load a quicksave with a new rocket?
- 11 replies
Having an issue on PS4 EE version. I can save at the space-centre gives me a new quicksave #?? however in space or during a mission I normally get the stock 'quicksave' this would overwrite the old quicksave which was good .. anything went wrong I could reload. However I have about 30 regular quicksaves now.. the last couple missions quicksave failed to take. brings up the dialog.. but X doesnt do anything just sits there. I can edit and change the filename but again doesnt actually save. Worse yet is once I fail to save I cannot switch back to the Space Centre for a regular quicksave.. yea.. its pretty bad.. last night this happened after landing on minmus and I am just hoping that persistent save worked I had this happen about a week ago once but it cleared up after a couple missions currently though seems to be a continual issue now. btw I tried deleting older quicksaves.. I even deleted the quicksave file itself incase it was a filespace issue. In career mode and unlocked upto 160 science tier
I recently came across a bug that I do not know how to correct. While attempting to land a rover on Mun, i noticed the game stopped autosaving and it would not allow me to quicksave before crashing. In my true nature, it was now not about landing the rover, but finding out how to beat the "bug". On loading the last quicksave, I would continue to spam quicksave until it stopped again. Even leaving the game, it would revert to the very first quicksave and then I would load the latest one. I've gotten to the point where rover is 1.4k from base on surface of Mun. Now when I enter the game, it gets me to this point without loading a quicksave. But, the problem persists as I get closer to Base. Keep in mind, the autosave and quicksave work just fine, so long as I am not trying to get rover closer to base on Mun. Perplexed #$%*&@ . Any ideas?
I recently came across a bug that I do not know how to correct. While attempting to land a rover on Mun, i noticed the game stopped autosaving and it would not allow me to quicksave before crashing. In my true nature, it was now not about landing the rover, but finding out how to beat the "bug". On loading the last quicksave, I would continue to spam quicksave until it stopped again. Even leaving the game, it would revert to the very first quicksave and then I would load the latest one. I've gotten to the point where rover is 1.4k from base on surface of Mun. Now when I enter the game, it gets me to this point without loading a quicksave. But, the problem persists as I get closer to Base. Keep in mind, the autosave and quicksave work just fine, so long as I am not trying to get rover closer to base on Mun. Perplexed #$%*&@ . Any ideas?
What is KISS? Kerbal Improved Save System (KISS) is a small plugin that provides an improved "Save game as..." mechanic while in flight. It is intended as a replacement for the stock "Quicksave as..." dialog and provides a filename selector for existing quicksaves similar to the stock MOD+F9 alternate quickload "Choose an SFS file to load" dialog. In addition the default suggestion for the quicksave is the current date and time plus the name of the active vessel ("YYYYMMDD_hhmmss_{activeVessel}") instead of using an automatically increasing number to differentiate quicksaves. My original goal was to somehow replace the stock dialog completely, but I couldn't figure out how. So instead I settled for the alternate route of using a custom keybinding and leaving the stock "Quicksave as..." dialog as it is. KISS is not intended to be an automated quicksave system. Such plugins already exist. Why? When playing for some time I usually come to a point where I loose a mission due to an error and having been too lazy to make quicksaves. After such an event I usually try to avoid this scenario from happening again by creating quicksaves of the next mission before every important event/maneuver so that I can backtrace to (almost) any point in the mission and try to improve my maneuvers. However after a few quicksaves simply numbering them isn't enough because it becomes hard to remember which one is which. Giving them names is an option, but once you reload a previous moment and want to overwrite the later, no longer useful quicksaves with new ones, you now have to remember the names of the quicksaves in order to overwrite them, AND you have to type them in manually. Screenshots Comparison of KISS and the stock "Quicksave as..." dialog: Download You can grab the latest build on GitHub here. Instructions Press F8 to bring up the KISS dialog (will be possible to configure in the future). You can: store a quicksave with the provided default filename. store a quicksave with any name you want. get the name of a previous quicksave from the list by clicking it once. Now you can overwrite that quicksave by clicking "Save", or modify the filename to store a new quicksave with a similar name. directly overwrite a previous quicksave by double clicking it. reload the default filename suggestion by clicking the "Now + shipname" Button. Attention: whenever you use an existing filename, that quicksave will be overwritten! Note: the standard "persistent" savegame is excluded from the list. As I understand it, loading that makes little sense and it gets overwritten anyway every time you load a quicksave. Planned updates ("soon" ): add confirmation dialog before overwriting existing files. make keyboard shortcut configurable. let players choose between system time and ingame time for the timestamp. make KISS available in the space center. Possible future extensions: provide a similar functionality for saving crafts in the editor (VAB/SPH), since the default save mechanic there annoys me similarly to the stock quicksave dialog. License KISS is licensed under the MIT License Acknowledgements While I do have a background in software engineering, this is My first Mod for any game, not just KSP My first C# project (first time using MonoDevelop) My first time using git/GitHub My first Unity related project (only did a beginner tutorial once sometime back when Unity 3 was the current version) So without the following people, I could not have done this (small) project! @cybutek- for his plugin tutorial videos that told me the basics of how and where to start. @TaranisElsu - for his example plugin projects that helped me a lot. @magico13 - for his "Dated QuickSaves" modlet that provided inspiration. @Nereid - for his S.A.V.E automatic backup system that also helped me along the way. and last but certainly not least @Z-Key Aerospace / @Bodrick - for the "[x] Science!" mod that teached me how to create a dynamic list of GUI elements. As well as everybody else in the great KSP modding community! Feedback I would really appreciate any feedback about this little plugin!