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Found 6 results

  1. As you see, KSP is published on the magazine Aerospace Knowledge December 2023 issue(Build your own spaceship , Page 68). And I think there will be more Kerbans join us. Make Kerbal Great Again!
  2. I've been looking around the forums at real life counterparts of KSP engines, and all the lists mark the Thumper as "generic." I think that I have found the real life counterpart of it. It comes from the Titan series of rockets from the late 1900's. More specifically, the UA120 from the Titan III series. The only difference I can really see here is the nozzle is not slanted. (BTW I'm talking about the revamped version, not the original.) Just thought it was interesting.
  3. I haven't printed it out yet, and it needs to be painted afterwards, but here is my progress for now...
  4. I have started to stream my miss adventures in a new series that will follow Captain KneeBall's space exploration company on Kerben. Each new discovery will involve death deifying advancements in the KneeBall space program. Already the price is almost unbearably high as we lost two brave Kerbalnauts in early flight tests. The loss of the first female Kerbal ever in the 2 day history of the KneeBall space program has shot venomous doubts into the minds of all Kerbals. KneeBall News has obtained these two amateur videos of the recent incidents that claimed the lives of Jebediah and Valentina Kerman, two valued and iconic faces in the KneeBall space industry. Jebediah kerman's Final moments Valentina Kerman's Final moments "Should we be risking our life for exploration of our unknown planet and star system?" "We have lived here for millions of years and never needed to explore anything why start now????" These questions are flooding the news stands as anticipation builds for the next mission at hand. Far from our safe and forgiving homes is a point that is slotted for exploration. Location DV9-C is an unknown area on the southern tip of our continent. It holds unknown horrors and the romantic allure for explorers like Bardock Kerman, who is slated for the upcoming mission. Bardock and his team will take off in the "First Bird 3.1", A robust science vessel created just for this mission! Things to expect and look forward to: No hitting replay No Quick Saves Live or Die by quick wits or intelligent design Stock game with only the SpaceX mod installed No Mechjeb Doing everything the hard way Entertainment I will post back here on any updates of KneeBall space industries progress. If you would like updates on when I go live in Kerbal space Program on Twitch please follow me on Twitter and follow me on Twitch
  5. Hey guys I was wondering, using few of the parts which I guess usually exist in reality, we can make so many advanced methods and spacecrafts to reach as far as Eeloo in this game. So this got me thinking, suppose we move factors such as economy, propaganda, sjw, politics, division, aside; can we replicate these practicals in real life? Using today's tech, or a bit more research and improvements later? Reach as far as Pluto (manned) easily? First of all, its obvious that I'm only talking about the stock game, not mods. And it is really idiotic to compare a game and real life, i know all the math, but still, I just wanted to know. Don't be harsh on this *Silently waits for badass @Nibb31 and his words*
  6. Or is it just Americans realising how far they are behind Mexico? http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35736435 compared to... Peace... Edit - realised this should have been in Science Forum. My apologies (please move!)
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