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SimpleConstruction! (SCON) This mod aims to provide simple craft building capability in flight mode with stock parts and streamlined IRSU mining. By zer0Kerbal, originally by @MatterBeam and then by @RealGecko; then previously from @Ericwi adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo Preamble by MatterBeam Features No extra parts No RAM usage Added functionality for the Mobile Processing Lab in the late game Simple, configurable and adds levels of depth to the gameplay without a learning curve Ore --> Metal --> RocketParts --> rockets! See More See our Parts Catalog for part pictures For more images, see our Marketing Slicks Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues GitHub Pages : See Pages Documentation remember - this is the FULL Extraplanetary Launchpads PDF Manual manual and not written specifically for SimpleConstruction! Youtube review by Kottabos Gaming Kottabo Talks SimpleConstruction! (SCON) Cabin notes Will remain prerelease until taniwha releases Extraplanetary Launchpads as release instead of alpha/beta/prerelease WIP - work in progress Am open to adding more features, great project for someone! I have not personally tested the patches Have a request? Glad to have them, kindly submit through GitHub push. Known issue(s) If the offset/rotation gizmo's are used on the docking ports, the spawn location might be off. This is a known issue and a feature request has been sent to taniwha Kerbalism compatibility is considered EXPERIMENTAL. certain builds may require no RocketParts and time to complete. We are aware of this and any assistance with this issue would be appreciated Help Wanted Localizations SimpleConstruction! (SCON) Extraplanetary Launchpads Installation Directions 1 Use CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies) Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods. Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains. Beware, CKAN can really mess up though it tries very, very, very hard not to. or Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Either 3 Module Manager Module Manager /L Recommends KerbalStats - keeps tract of time on task, which can increase task efficiency Not So SimpleConstructon! (NSSC) Keridian Dynamics Vessel Assembly (KDVA) SimpleLogistics! (SLOG!) Foundations (FND) - beta Helps prevent ground constructions from floating away GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Suggests Mods that benefit SimpleConstruction! (SCON) KaboOom! (BOOM) another way to not go to space today On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC)) ISRU Thanks but no Tanks! (QBTT) Six Crew Science Lab - simple patch that re-adds the missing four seats Mining Expansion B9 Stock Patches Not So SimpleConstructon! (NSSC) Alternative Resource Panel Olympic's ARP Icons (ARPI) Community Trait Icons Either: B9 Part Switch or Interstellar Fuel Switch Core Kerbal Inventory System Kerbal Attachment System Supports TweakScale Toolbar Controller Blizzy's Toolbar B9 Stock Patches Kethane/KethanePlus Community Resource Pack Extraplanetary Launchpads - No More Production Experimental: Kerbalism Conflicts Extraplanetary Launchpads Possible Conflicts Modular Kolonization System (MKS) maybe? Tags parts, plugin, config, flags, convenience, editor, resources, crewed, uncrewed red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks @taniwhataniwha for creating Extraplanetary Launchpads. @MatterBeam for creating this cool mod. @RealGecko and @Ericwi - previous maintainers eengie o7 see for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) DONATIONS: How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal and it is true. Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎ the license was changed around this time.
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SimpleLogistics is a Polyglot! It now speaks twelve languages. (English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Swedish, Norwegian, and Brazilian Portuguese) Additions and corrections solicited and welcome! SimpleLogistics! (SLOG) An add-on for simple resources sharing between vessels within physics range. By zer0Kerbal, originally by @RealGecko adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo Preamble by @RealGecko See more YouTube review by Kottabos Gaming Help Wanted Localizations: SimpleLogistics! is a polyglot and speaks 12 major languages! Just in case of some of your kerbals are picky (in this sense)! Installation Directions 1 Dependencies Either 2 Module Manager /L Module Manager Toolbar Controller [Click Through Blocker][ctb] (not required >= v2.0.99.0-prerelease) Kerbal Space Program 3 Recommends Blizzy's Toolbar (tool) Suggests Other addons by zer0Kerbal Biomatic (BIO) Field Training Facility (FTF) Field Training Lab (FTL) Kaboom! (BOOM) another way to not go to space today Keridian Dynamics Vessel Assembly (KDVA) Komplexity (KPLX) MoarKerbals(MOAR) Not So SimpleConstructon! (NSSC) OhScrap! On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) Papa Kerballini's Pizza (PIZZA) ScrapYard SimpleConstructon! (SCON!) SimpleLife! (LIFE) Solar Science (SOL) The Gold Standard! (GOLD) Transparent Command Pods) (TCP) Supports GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) Blizzy's Toolbar (tool) TweakScale (twk) B9 Part Switch (B9PS) Community Resource Pack (CRP) Conflicts none known Tags addon, resources red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List Release Schedule
Download on Curseforge or Github or SpaceDock. Also available on CKAN. ARPIcons (ARPI) Alternative Resource Panel Icons by @Olympic1 Add icons to popular mods! Adopted by @zer0Kerbal, originally by @Olympic1 FAQ by @Olympic1: What does this mod do? It adds new icons to the Alternate Resource Panel that aren't included in the main download. Can I add new icons for this mod? Yes! New icons for mods that add resources are always appreciated. Yes! New compatability patches for mods are always appreciated. Maintainers: zer0Kerbal Authors: Olympic1 TriggerAu Additional Changes incorporated from Kerbas-ad-astra Installation Directions: Use CKAN Changelog Summary See ChangeLog for full details of mod changes Known Issues See Known Issues for full details of feature requests, and known issues Dependencies The following are needed to use these icons - [x] Kerbal Space Program (KSP) may work on other versions ]/YMMV/ - [x] Module Manager Recomends [x] Kerbal Changelog [x] Alternate Resource Panel by @TriggerAu Suggests By zer0Kerbal - [x] On Demand Fuel Cells {ODFC)} - [x] Field Training Facility (FTF) - [x] Field Training Lab (FTL) - [x] Docking Port Descriptions(DPD) - [x] PicoPort Shielded (PPS) - [x] Transparent Command Pods Repressurized(TCP) - [x] Stork Delivery System (SDS) - [x] Biomatic - [x] B9 Stock Switches (B9S) - [x] KerGuise Engineering eXperimental (KGX) - [x] Oh Scrap! - [x] ScrapYard - [x] DaMichel's AeroRadial - [x] DaMichel's CargoBays - [x] DaMichel's Fuselage - [x] DaMichel's Spherical Tanks - [x] Stork Delivery System (SDS) - [x] SimpleConstructon! - [x] Not So SimpleConstructon! - [x] Stack Inline Lights - [x] Stack Inline Light Patches - [x] KaboOom! - [x] More Hitchhikers Under construction - [x] SimpleLife! - [x] SimpleDeadly! - [x] MoarKerbals! - [x] Nuke Tiny Parts Other wonderful mods - [x] TweakScale - [x] Community Resource Pack Supported Mods [x] TweakScale [x] Kerbal Changelog Install at least one of these mods to see the icons - [x] Alcubierre Warp Drive - [x] Community Resource Pack - [x] DangIt! - [x] Deadly Reentry - [x] Extraplanetary Launchpads - [x] Firespitter - [x] Ioncross Crew Support - [x] KSP Interstellar Extended - [x] Mission Controller 2 - [x] MoarKerbals! - [x] Not So SimpleConstructon! - [x] 'Project Orion' Nuclear Pulse Engine - [x] SimpleConstructon! - [x] SimpleLife! - [x] Snacks - [x] USI Life Support Mods that integrate these icons [x] Biomass [x] Deepfreeze Conflicts [x] none known Downloads You can download the icons pack by clicking on one of the links: red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support License aka Legal Mumbo Jumbo Source: GitHub License: All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under their own licenses Original Author: @Olymplic1 Thread Download Source: GitHub License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, which means: - You are free to share, copy and redistribute my work "as-is". - You may adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material. Under the following terms: - You may not use the material for any commercial purposes. - You must use the same license as the original work. - You must credit the following people when publishing your derivatives in the download and forum posts: - TriggerAu (Alternate Resource Panel and icons) - Olympic1 (Icon Packs) - Kerbas-ad-astra {Contributor} - zer0Kerbal {Maintainer} See for full details. Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date v1.0.0.0 original: 01 Oct 2019 zed'K | updated: 11 Apr 2020 zed'K
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Been playing KSP for a few months now, and i was wondering how to transfer fuel multiple times. I don't know if im missing something, but after successfully transferring fuel between two tanks i cant transfer between them a second time. No, crossfeed has zero affect on it either. Im also playing on KSP 1.10, so no fuel transfer mods past KAS work either, and I'd prefer to not have too many non-stock parts.
Download on SpaceDock or Github or Curseforge. Also available on CKAN. Alternative Resource Panel (ARP) by TriggerTech An alternate view of vessel resources plugin for Kerbal Space Program Adopted by @zer0Kerbal, originally by @TriggerAu Do not bother @TriggerAu with anything concerning this. Documentation / Manual Documentation Manual Preamble by @TriggerAu: About Basically the Alternate Resource panel displays a view of resources in the current vessel with a bit more clarity. It also lets you see the remaining value in the currently active stage for fuels as you fly - which is useful for asparagus staging. It also has some Staging capabilities added so you can stage from map view and also have autostaging on ascent (tied it in because of the resources/last stage tie in) The KSP Alternate Resource Panel is a plugin to the Kerbal Space program game and was created to provide me an alternate view of the resources list and also add some staging functionality to the map view. Basically installing this gives you an extra button labelled "Alternate" next to the Resources button in the top right corner. When you hover over it it will keep the panel displayed while the mouse is over any part of the panel, or if you click it it will be toggled on. It displays a list of all the resources that are present on your vessel with a bar graph of the amount on vessel and the amount remaining. It also has the following additional capabilities: Displays stage amount/usage - so you can see how much fuel is left in your current stage, esp in an asparagus configuration - Now configure which side the stage is displayed on (*New in Adjust the order and Grouping of the Resources so they display how you like - some can even be set to only show up when a threshold is passed - Now with Drag And Drop and Separator Inserts (*New in Optionally displays the change rate (or instant consumption) values Optionally displays time till empty/full (*New in Optionally hide a resource on empty (New in or on Full (New in Select Resources to see part windows and look at individual components Transfer Resources between parts - like the standard part windows (*New in Add Alarms to get visual and Audio queues for what needs attention - even add your own sounds Maintains settings and visibility between vessel switches/restarts KAC style update checker added Movable and lockable panel Option of the KSP or Unity styles Ability to add icons by simply placing files in the right folder Ability for Modders to provide icons with their mod and have them display in KSPARP Ability to configure the order of preference for icon sets Ability to configure resources to hide on full/empty as well as cater to disabled flows for full vessel resources Ability to configure non-staging resources to show Active/Reserve values using the green/blue bars (*New in Optional Staging facility with Ability to Activate Stages in Map View, and Ability to use Space Bar in Map view to activate stages - like in standard flight mode Autostaging Controller to activate stages on engine flameout (*New in Now contains icons for resources from: Kethane, Deadly Reentry, Extra Planetary Launchpads, KSP Interstellar, Life Support By Bobcat, RealFues, Near Future, TAC Life Support API for information reading and alarm acknowledgement (*New in Currently is Feature Complete Here's some vision of the ARP in use - updated for 2.1 Hopefully @TriggerAu has built this simple enough that the pic below explains all you need... OK, we've moved past that point . The below will give you an eyeball at the main screen, but you will find the details on rest of the settings on the Documentation site linked below Player Created Icon Sets Icons by Olympic1 by Olympic1 [Icon Set by pheonix_ca] and [IMGUR Gallery][IMGUR:url] Network Connectivity Details This Mod contains a version checker which can be managed and triggered from the About tab of the settings. It is configured to check once a day by default, and this check also can be disabled. The technical details of it are as follows: It will once a day download this page to read the current up to date version number. It issues an HTTP GET - and sends no data It parses the response for the version tag and then notifies you if there is a more recent version is available Installation Directions: Use CKAN Changelog Summary See ChangeLog for full details of mod changes Known Issues See Known Issues for full details of feature requests, and known issues Dependencies [x] Kerbal Space Program may work on other versions ]/YMMV/ [x] Clickthrough Blocker Recommends [x] ARPIcons by @Olympic1 Suggests By zer0Kerbal - [x] On Demand Fuel Cells {ODFC)} - [x] Field Training Facility (FTF) - [x] Field Training Lab (FTL) - [x] Docking Port Descriptions(DPD) - [x] PicoPort Shielded (PPS) - [x] Transparent Command Pods Repressurized(TCP) - [x] Stork Delivery System (SDS) - [x] Biomatic - [x] B9 Stock Switches (B9S) - [x] KerGuise Engineering eXperimental (KGX) - [x] Oh Scrap! - [x] ScrapYard - [x] DaMichel's AeroRadial - [x] DaMichel's CargoBays - [x] DaMichel's Fuselage - [x] DaMichel's Spherical Tanks - [x] Stork Delivery System (SDS) - [x] SimpleConstructon! - [x] Not So SimpleConstructon! - [x] Stack Inline Lights - [x] Stack Inline Light Patches - [x] KaboOom! - [x] More Hitchhikers Under construction - [x] SimpleLife! - [x] SimpleDeadly! - [x] MoarKerbals! - [x] Nuke Tiny Parts Other wonderful mods - [x] TweakScale - [x] Module Manager - [x] Community Resource Pack Supported Mods [x] TweakScale [x] Kerbal Changelog Conflicts [x] none known Replaces [x] Alternate Resource Panel (original) Tags resource, skin, mod, ksp, plugin, mit, addon Downloads You can download the icons pack by clicking on one of the links: red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support License aka Legal Mumbo Jumbo Source: GitHub License: All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under their own licenses Original Author: @TriggerAu Thread Download Source: GitHub License: Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date v2.9.5.0 original: 01 Oct 2019 zed'K | updated: 16 Mar 2020 zed'K
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Hello everyone, is there a way to force a generator to only operate in space or put a resource in space that can be collected by a generator?
Can anyone reply with example source on how to write a resource consumer code ? I need it in form of custom code that will both consume a resource under specific conditions and manage loading/saving to/from persistence and vessel cfg (i already know how to handle load/save, i just mentioned it so it may be known in advance what my code needs to do). And if resource generation is also not so much different from consumption code, an example for that too would be appreciated.
I need sound files for my part / plugin - and i couldn't find links in this forum i had found before. Any help ? Specifically, i'm looking for sounds of hydraulics (i had some luck finding a few promising sources) and a heavy door slamming sounds (as clean as possible from any echoes, this is a tough one for me). Some sci-fi versions are also welcome. I need them for sound of hydraulics driving a large metallic gate or door (that has a single rumbling thump). Also, if anyone has info on sound creation - used software, education and similar - i'd be thankful.
I'm trying to get the ModuleResourceHarvester working for atmospheric CO2, but it doesn't show up on the part menu. Here's the cfg: PART { name = CO2Compressor module = Part author = Chirality mesh = scale = 1 rescaleFactor = 2.1 node_attach = 0.03, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 TechRequired = precisionEngineering entryCost = 6400 cost = 20 category = Utility subcategory = 0 title = Surface Mount CO2 Compressor manufacturer = Chirality Technologies description = Filters CO2 out of the atmosphere and compresses it. Fuels CO2 thrusters! attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0 mass = 0.01 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 7 maxTemp = 2000 bulkheadProfiles = srf MODULE { name = ModuleResourceHarvester HarvestorType = 2 Efficiency = 0.15 ResourceName = CarbonDioxide ConverterName = CO2 Filtration StartActionName = Start Filtering CO2 StopActionName = StopFilteringCO2 AutoShutdown = true UseSpecialistBonus = false INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 10 } } MODULE { name = ModuleResourceConverter ConverterName = CO2 Compressor StartActionName = Start Compressor StopActionName = Stop Compressor AutoShutdown = true GeneratesHeat = false UseSpecialistBonus = false INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = CarbonDioxide Ratio = 1.0 FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 20 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = LqdCO2 Ratio = 0.1 DumpExcess = true FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL } } } The converter function works (or at least, it shows up). Any ideas?
Hey all. As of late I've been playing around a bit with module manager and just editing .cfg files, mostly as a way of familiarizing myself more with KSP's back-end, and partly because I do have some interest in maybe developing some kind of mods in the future, even if only for practice/personal use. Anyways, I spent the better part of my afternoon and evening today playing around with resource definitions and modules, and as a practice exercise I've been trying to make a simple set of .cfg files for a resource pack (Stuff like water ice, carbon, uranium ore, and processing these materials into other things with ISRU units). I get the gist of what I'm doing but there are a few things that I've yet to find answers to, and I'm looking for advice. Forgive me if my questions have been asked before. I did some googling, and found next to nothing, so I suspect this isn't a problem, but if so, please feel free to point me to the exisiting posts. 1) in the ResourcesGeneric.cfg file (GameData/Squad/Resources), what is hsp, and is it worth modifying for a new resource? 2) in the Ore.cfg file, I understand that I'm looking at the resource distribution parameters, but I don't know what Variance or Dispersal correspond to, also 3) is the PressenceChance parameter per planet? Per Biome? Per savefile? 4) still in Ore.cfg, what is ResourceType? I've yet to see an example of anything not equal to zero for that parameter... 5) It occurs to me that a few resource parts are configured by default to only work with the standard "Ore" resource, such as the Narrow Band Scanner, and the Drill Parts. Is there a simple way to make either of these function for all available resources, or must I add new modules to the .cfg for every mineable resource? 6) how do these changes apply to asteroids? do I have to use a MM patch to add mineral resource to a roid? Or are all of the other resource definition and distribution cfgs enough? I'm sure that I'm yet to encounter more questions on the topic of Resources, ISRUs, Drills, and scanners, so If you can think of anything else helpful for working on this kind of stuff, please, don't hesitate to fire your pointers my way! Happy Launching, happy Modding!
Hi I'm trying to modify some part, and I'm putting empty resource in the parts, like this RESOURCE { name = EnrichedUranium amount = 0 maxAmount = 50 } But now my part show up with negative price tag. It's like the cost of the part is inclusive the resources. Is that true? Or is it something else, like a bug or me doing something wrong?
Hello world SirLaurenceNZ here and I recently had an idea for an interesting concept (if you know of anyone who has previously brought up this idea up previously I'd love to know and knowledge them.) The idea placing your rockets from the VAB on the launchpad with empty fuel tanks, then using a vehicle with the appropriate mining equipment to refuel your rocket prior to launch. This can be done using a set of radial decoplers with fuel cross feed on and a docking port (which can be ejected before launch.) Alternative ideas that might be worth investigating in terms of refueling is having a helicopter type plane with jet engines and rcs for lateral translation. this would help you to refuel things from above if refueling if the angle on the launchpad is not an option. Below is an example which I had tested on the grass next to the runway and also on the launchpad (the launch pad is significantly more difficult.) Note, the three of those fuel tanks would refuel in approximately 7-8 days (ksp time) adding essentially a construction time for fueling your rocket. (anyone know how to directly attach an image?) I'd just like to thank Marcus House for highlighting fuel costs in career mode in the most recent episode of his great LP (180k funds in fuel,) cheers. Marcus's channel here --> (suggested improvements is using the claw instead of the docking port, cheers Marcus)
Hi All, I realise an accurate answer is impossible due to the vast variety of mods and other factors, but here it is: How much of an impact on RAM, CPU or other limiting resources does the average non-part/texture plugin take? If Im on 90-95% RAM usage, and have already made my peace with the fact that more parts will likely cause much more frequent crashes, is it worth contemplating mods like "CraftHistory", "Ship Manifest", "Persistant Rotation" etc.? Or should i just forget it until I can increase my RAM? I don't need to know the properties of those exact mods, just wondering in general, because there are one or two that have caught my eye, but I have just reached a point of stability with my build and dont want to rock the boat too much Thanks! Pete
I get my fuel from Minmus using a large ISRU lander. (photo below). I seems to take a lot longer than it did on some previous missions. In my latest fuel mission, I have 8 drills taking up 0.00525 units of ore/second. But after 30 days, I only get 1103 units of liquid fuel. (Using Lf only on the ISRU converter.) By my math, this is 1/5 of what I should have gotten?