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Please avoid posting dark pictures!


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  parameciumkid said:
Guys, how about this: download a free image processing program like IrfanView and click "Auto Adjust Colors" - THEN upload and post the image. Even at night with no lights on we'll at least be able to see the ship.

Or as someone else suggested, GIMP. Which is free as in freedom AND free as in beer. :)

  MasterSounis said:
Thread title: please avoid using dark pictures!

*thread turns into dark picture showcase*

Streisand effect? :)

Oh, I had this really EXCELLENT view of Laythe and Tylo rising over Jool's limb the other day. Here, check it out:


(err, I think I left the lenscap on?)


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Fix for the poster; ambient light mod will boost the ambient light in the game and brighten up the picture.

Fix for the complainer; don't look at the pictures....no one says you have to look at them right. This complaint sounds more like a complaint to have something to complain about, oh wait that is the nature of the forums I forgot :D.

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  LordFjord said:
I confess I am guilty.

#1: build a cool SSTO

#2: lauch it

#3: keep making pics

#4: upload to imgur, make an album

#5: post it, realize its all dark and black :(


I vow to improve. honestly.

This is quite common. The reason for this is that you usually launch your vehicle during the day. By the time you are circularizing the orbit you have traveled half way around the planet and you are in shadow. To avoid you must either launch at night, or launch very early in the morning.

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  Yukon0009 said:
Dark pictures are okay when you're being artsy, but a no-no when you're trying to show something off.

It also depend on that your purpose is, if you want to show an new space station you don't take the image then you are on the shadow side/ base.

If this is something who happens at an point like you impact your giant station with your shuttle it can be in the dark.

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  Randazzo said:
It's almost as if the initial premise got voted down by the forumites or something.

It's a mundane thing anyway, not worth complaining. Besides, this is the first time I actually saw someone outrightly complain about pics on dark side.

Pic related:


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  Randazzo said:
It's almost as if the initial premise got voted down by the forumites or something.

Its like anarchy or madness...madness I tells ya! I invent a spurious, selfish idea just for my peace of mind and people get all silly. Bah, bloody kids today. We need a good war to teach 'em some respect, that's what. And don't get me started on the price of gas today!

- - - Updated - - -

  Flixxbeatz said:
this is the first time I actually saw someone outrightly complain about pics on dark side.
To be fair, it was hardly a complaint. More a suggestion that if people wanted to show off a craft/mission or get help then an unintentionally black picture isn't terribly good. Acknowledging of course how nice arty dark pictures are.
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