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King of the Hill


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Me and my sandwich army move onto the small hill. Because it is relatively small and houses a whole army of incredibly ferocious sandwiches, a drastic turn of events may come in place soon, but it is closely monitored by @greenTurtle1134. Anyone who dares try and take it will be utterly annihlated by bloodthirsty sandwiches.

Our hill. 

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I appear, bringing a new hill. It can't end. It can never end. I've died so many times and I always come back, every time on a different hill, on a different planet. I don't know how it happens, or why. I don't know whether it's a blessing or a curse.

My existential hill.

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12 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

Just in case @The Raging Sandwich didn't see it...


It's now my hill, and thanks for lunch... :D

I saw everything else, just not the sandwich. Sometimes my school doesn't allow pictures and sometimes it does. Just weird!

And you're welcome by the way. Were we tasty?

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