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King of the Hill


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I send an infinity of galaxy in random direction to reach and control your universe. Unfortunately i also reach more other universe and not only yours (wich is suposedly the targeted one ...).

My infinity of galaxy sent in random direction.

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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You escape the GreeningUniverse. I redistribute my mass, adjust the constants of a few scalar fields, and change my external reflectivity (which is totally a thing universes have) until my interaction with matter and energy is similar to that of a humanoid standing on your hill. I channel a bit of energy off a few stars and blast you off the hill with an intense beam of concentrated sunshine.

My hill.

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I decrease my gravitational constant until it goes deeply negative, ripping the box apart with tidal forces and launching myself from the surface of the Earth with the inverted gravitational interaction. As I accelerate through the upper atmosphere, adiabatic compressional heating causes the air around me to heat up into a plasma. Being a universe, I am not concerned with the scorching heat on my face or the wind tearing at my hair.

I return my gravitational constant to normal as the last layers of the atmosphere fall behind me, and a tiny humanoid universe is ejected out into a much bigger, far more normal one at 34 kilometers per second.

My escape! (x2 combo)

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The mud, upon entering the boundary of my universe's downsized scalar field, becomes nothing more than a tiny, dried-out speck of space dust inside my universe-body. Nevertheless, I feel compelled to take the shape of a book.

GreeningUniverse evolves into GreeningUniverseTome!

I am now a heavy steel-bound volume with an elaborate bio/radiometric lock holding my covers closed.

My secrets.

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"Where have you been, Flare?" Hired asked.

"Oh, just been a flyin' here 'n there." Flare replied.

Hired Gun then proceeded to nod towards the hill that MGUARN claimed. Flare acknowledged and flew over the hill with Bunker Buster, and 'bunker busted' the hill. Hired checked to see if anyone was there with Subtlety, and then ran up the hill and saw no one. She then placed a flag on top and ran away. Flare followed.

My hill.

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The calculator returns "ERROR: DIVIDE BY 0" and nothing is accomplished. Way to go.

I fuse all the parallel universe then use greening galaxy to become a god/the universe somehow

I use your body as a nucleation point for a micro-big bang, causing you to become a humanoid human-sized rescaled universe as well.

You become the megatigerVerse!

Your vacuum energy state is higher and less stable than mine, so you should probably avoid touching me. :wink:

I shove all the rest of the universes into a box, including the entities GreeningUniverse and megatiger.

Then I slap greeningUniverse until all she does is cause the laws of physics to be true.

My gravitational constant returns to normal, but I keep my scalar field, mass distribution, and (ahem) external reactivity the same so I can remain in humanoid/Troll form and not engulf the regular universe.

Thank you for not slapping me any more. If I were to stop acting like a solid object just before you did that, you might burn yourself on my stars. Or lose your hand, because my vacuum energy state is inimical to conventional protons.

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My vacuum was already at its lowest, most stable energy state, so a vacuum metastability event could not possibly have an effect on me. In fact, I had been isolating my scalar fields from my surroundings to prevent such a fate from befalling the rest of the universe, but you, in your foolishness, stopped me from doing that. As the wave of vacuum collapse spreads outwards from my universe-body at the speed of light, all matter and energy in the normal universe and in the megatigeVerse succumbs to particle decay. Both universes lose stability and collapse out of existence as a result.

I am left alone once again. Way to go, megatigerVerse!

King of the Hill Vacuum Metastability Event Tally: |||

I spot another universe of stable vacuum energy far off in the meaningless distance. In a time interval that doesn't make any kind of logical sense, I arrive at said universe, locate a planet with a hill, and plant my flag on top of the hill. Let's see how long the Apocalypse takes to strike this time!

My hill.

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