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How many people fail to catch the squadcasts?

John FX

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I always find that by the time I can get to a computer with enough spare time to sit and watch a video, the squadcast is just not there anymore.

How many other people would want the information from the squadcasts but don't watch them for some reason?

EDIT : It has been said that there is an archive of old squadcasts but it seems hidden by deep arcane magic as in 'past broadcasts' on twitch it just says No Past Broadcasts Found...

Edited by John FX
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I don't watch them, simply because even on mobile quality, my internet is just slow, so it still gets interrupted. With the squadcast summary and the fact i'm just not too interested on exactly what's in the next update, I just don't need to.

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I never watch them, and likely never will. I prefer to read information. Unless very targeted to showing something visual, video is pretty much always worse/less efficient. If they want to do video casts, every second of the video should be new content to observe or I'm entirely uninterested.

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Well, I just watched my first squadcast (well, recorded). Two things struck me;

1. Does Maxmaps make stupid ships on purpose?

2. Shouldn't the squadcast be for demonstrating new features, rather than 50 minutes of someone playing KSP not very well, followed by 2 minutes of new features?

Also, why they don't publish the recorded stream to their Youtube channel is a bit beyond me.

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  Sonny_Jim said:
Well, I just watched my first squadcast (well, recorded). Two things struck me;

1. Does Maxmaps make stupid ships on purpose?

2. Shouldn't the squadcast be for demonstrating new features, rather than 50 minutes of someone playing KSP not very well, followed by 2 minutes of new features?

Also, why they don't publish the recorded stream to their Youtube channel is a bit beyond me.

1. Normally Max plays a little better than what he did yesterday ( not much better, but better :D ). I guess he got into the game with left foot because of technical issues he had to start the stream ...

2. Well, Max playing is pretty much just filler to give the audience some time to ask questions ( it is better than a full screen of Max face for 50 min :D ). And if you seen the recording you might have heard that Max was to play some planes in the new atmo yesterday, but again his technical issues prevented him to do so ...

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  Robotengineer said:
This, does anyone have a link to this weeks Squadcast summary?


And let's remember they're not "invariably" made by the community - we only get them thanks to the hard work of ObsessedWithKSP :-)

I never watch the squadcast and never will - I have to pay for broadband and don't intend to sit through an hour of not much for just a little bit of information. One day Squad might notice that video - SquadCast, Video Wednesday, Twitch Thursday, et al. is not the only or best way to communicate. Thankfully, they do at least write DevNotes Tuesday.

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Oh you guys... :D

Honestly, I don't mind the time/day, nor even the location. Twitch loads fine for me and it's at a time when I don't have any real life distractions (current illness aside). I just wish that, I dunno, the format was changed somehow. I mentioned on reddit recently that the current format is fine as I take quick notes during the infodump section and flesh them out somewhat during the non-infodump sections, but one thing I found with the most recent episode was that the summary I made wasn't all that big with only a few bits of update info and the big reveals had their own threads anyway. Now, that could be down to me feeling like death warmed up, or it could be that there just wasn't a lot of update info. But I think it'd would be too much pressure on Squad and Max in particular to provide 30 or 60 minutes of non stop update info. I'd like to think that a week of coding and testing and creating could be summed up in 30 minutes, but then again, as always, some information may be subject to change or be totally incorrect... I don't want them to stop, that's for sure. But something's clearly wrong, as can be seen by the replies here.

Yeah, it's a weird situation. I'm not quite sure how to improve it.. You can't have Squadcast exclusive content because A, people who miss it will feel left out (half the reson I started writing the summaries in the first place) and B, people can always screenshot or record and post it anyway.. I dunno, really.. but the KSP youtube channel suuuure is quiet. I know you can watch past broadcasts on Twitch, but it's not the easiest place to find, especially if you're not familiar with Twitch.

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  Sonny_Jim said:
Well, I just watched my first squadcast (well, recorded). Two things struck me;

1. Does Maxmaps make stupid ships on purpose?

2. Shouldn't the squadcast be for demonstrating new features, rather than 50 minutes of someone playing KSP not very well, followed by 2 minutes of new features?

Also, why they don't publish the recorded stream to their Youtube channel is a bit beyond me.

A million times this.

I've watched two or three live, and everytime max just wastes a huge amount of time demonstrating he doesn't know how to play the game he's in charge of but somhow gets to tell us what tools we need to play it while stringing the viewers along.

So, yeah, I guess I "miss" their live streams because they're a massive waste of time.

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
Oh you guys... :D

Honestly, I don't mind the time/day, nor even the location. Twitch loads fine for me and it's at a time when I don't have any real life distractions (current illness aside). I just wish that, I dunno, the format was changed somehow. I mentioned on reddit recently that the current format is fine as I take quick notes during the infodump section and flesh them out somewhat during the non-infodump sections, but one thing I found with the most recent episode was that the summary I made wasn't all that big with only a few bits of update info and the big reveals had their own threads anyway. Now, that could be down to me feeling like death warmed up, or it could be that there just wasn't a lot of update info. But I think it'd would be too much pressure on Squad and Max in particular to provide 30 or 60 minutes of non stop update info. I'd like to think that a week of coding and testing and creating could be summed up in 30 minutes, but then again, as always, some information may be subject to change or be totally incorrect... I don't want them to stop, that's for sure. But something's clearly wrong, as can be seen by the replies here.

Yeah, it's a weird situation. I'm not quite sure how to improve it.. You can't have Squadcast exclusive content because A, people who miss it will feel left out (half the reson I started writing the summaries in the first place) and B, people can always screenshot or record and post it anyway.. I dunno, really.. but the KSP youtube channel suuuure is quiet. I know you can watch past broadcasts on Twitch, but it's not the easiest place to find, especially if you're not familiar with Twitch.

Sounds like an official (or unofficial) highlight reel on YouTube for each Squadcast is what you're suggesting here. And I can see where you're coming from on that. Most of us commenting on this thread about not watching it don't watch because we just want the information (which your summaries handily provide). Having a highlight reel that covers that information would pretty much do the same job.

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Well, Max playing is pretty much just filler to give the audience some time to ask questions

That's a fair comment and makes sense, although it really did feel like a NerdCubed/Pewdiepie Lets Play. How can the guy who's in charge of it all be so terrible at the game?

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I've never been able to sit and watch someone play a video game. It bores me completely, and I have no idea why anyone would watch it.

I'd much prefer a video simply showing new features, or a post with text and pictures to provide the information.

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Like a lot of folks, I'm in a completely different time zone than our squadcaster. So...

Record the new feature bits, post it on Daily Kerbal. Job done.

If max needs questions to answer then he should scan the forum!!! No need to wait 30 or 40 minutes for suggestions.

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I used to make time for Squadcast but once it just became Max flying terribly I decided to just catch up with the community summary. Seriously ObsessedWithKSP, you're doing ~~*:The Lord's Work:*~~. Any time I don't have to watch Max fly is a bonus.

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