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KSPBlender - Blender Addon for importing .craft files (now with complete mod support!)


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  • 2 months later...
On 8/10/2017 at 7:35 PM, MEngence said:


What version of KSP did you import the craft files from? I've implemented all the fixes so far on the thread, and using KSP1.2.2 stock for testing. Importing gives the same error you mentioned AND only loads parts attached to the root. Same result for Blender 2.78c and 2.79, 64bit for both of them.

Edited by Supergamervictor
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 1/24/2018 at 3:38 PM, barkhauer said:

Is this thread still active? I'm trying like mad to get this to work on Win 10, and have gone through all the various and edits and file overwrites, and am not getting anywhere.  Does anyone actually have a working install?


Not working for me either... I've tried everything.

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ya, not working for me either...
seems to have a harcoded gamedata location in a file, as well as one of the files in the .mu importer itself....
i tried changing those, and it got past those, gave even MORE errors, but did load "some" of the parts of a craft file...but not complete craft... plus the parts were duplicated, but in different locations/orientations...

I tried using selfish_meme's patch, too... vOv


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I have not tried this yet, but someone told me on a reddit thread they use an older copy of blender and it still works. I am on 2.79 and it does not work for me, but you should still be able to get 2.76, which is around the right age. If someone could try it, with my files from the previous page? @Stone Blue @IamIam @barkhauer

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Hello, I think I found a way to avoid the 'cannot convert string to tuple' error.

open ksparser.py ,change line 176,177 to: (probably not the best way

            if line.split()[0] == "modSize":                                    #(line below this one) "modSize = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)" -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), y<>z
                    self.modSize = tuple([float(" ".join(line.split()[2:]).split(", ")[0][1:]), float(" ".join(line.split()[2:]).split(", ")[2][0:-1]), float(" ".join(line.split()[2:]).split(", ")[1])])
                    a = list(line.split()[2].replace(',',''))
                    a[1],a[2] = a[2],a[1]
                    self.modSize = tuple(a)

then the error won't occur.

Edited by Cat91
got a solution of error
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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone on this thread actually gotten this working? I'm trying on Windows 10 with I believe the latest Blender and KSP 1.3.1. It gives me an error regarding conversion between, iirc, strings and floats.

I'll update this post later with the actual error.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It just gave me a "Error 1" everytime when I tried to import a craft

I installed the 64 Bit version, got Anti-Alasing turned on and inputed the path to my KSP(1.3.1) file path to kspdir.txt


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  • 6 months later...

I've read the posts above me so I'm not alone.

But why have people given up on this? IIRC I still see some blender posted crafts on the internet. I can only assume some of those pics are modern and people have this one working. I tried this with Blender v 2.79 and v 2.73 as that seems to be the version used with the plugin according to the readme.

In my case blender doesn't show any craft files in the KSP directory as if the craft file plugin isn't working even though it is activated.

I'm on Windows 10 64bit.

Yes I followed every step in the readme!!


Edited by Aeroboi
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  • 6 months later...
  • 5 months later...
4 hours ago, TheLoneliestShyGuy said:

But I can still import the .mu files for the individual parts. If anyone still reads this thread could they help me?

Are you using *this* plugin, or the .mu importer plugin? ... I thought Taniwha had recently added/fixed .craft import in his .mu import tool


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  • 1 month later...
On 9/22/2019 at 8:26 AM, TheLoneliestShyGuy said:

I know this post is years old, but I keep getting errors when trying to import a craft file. I have both the addons installed and I keep getting this error when I try to import .craft files. But I can still import the .mu files for the individual parts. If anyone still reads this thread could they help me?


On 9/22/2019 at 12:58 PM, Stone Blue said:

Are you using *this* plugin, or the .mu importer plugin? ... I thought Taniwha had recently added/fixed .craft import in his .mu import tool

Yeah, definitely try this one, instead:


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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...
59 minutes ago, Send help(to Ryan) said:

umm why is this happening? I tryed every thing but can't fix it. https://imgur.com/Vcm8hqP Help please. :)

This thread has NOTHING to do with Taniwha's plugin... this thread is for a seperate, different plugin, that only deals with *built craft with multiple KSP parts*.... NOT for someone who is doing modelling for *single* KSP parts...

Go back to the other thread, and provide a link to your .blend file that is causing problems. Taniwha *needs* the file, so he can load it up to see *exactly* what is going on with it. ;)

Unless you *are* trying to work with a .craft file, specifically...?? vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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2 minutes ago, Send help(to Ryan) said:

Any file does not work I can import one single part at a time with import mu but craft file does not work. like I can't import any file.

so.... you *are* trying to import a .craft file into Blender? vOv

If thats the case, then are you using Taniwha's plugin, or the one listed in the OP of *this* thread?
They are two seperate plugins, having nothing to do with each other... Altho Taniwha's plugin *does* have the same functionality.

Edited by Stone Blue
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1 hour ago, Send help(to Ryan) said:

is it from this?

Yes, that is Taniwha's plugin... Mainly for people who actually *make parts* for KSP, altho it can also import built .craft files into Blender.

*THIS* thread we are posting in, is for *this* plugin, which ONLY does .craft files.... So TWO different plugins/programs. We need to know which one you are trying to use.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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