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[Mod Collection] Sigma Mod Expansions


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Sigma: PluronKhato[v0.9.0] is now available

I will probably make a new thread for PluronKhato since it's time to make a proper planet pack out of it.

In the meantime here's some GitHub links:




- Updated to SigmaBinary v1.1.1

- Flipped Pluron normal texture (idk how I've missed that before)

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Absolutely love the work you've done on these mod expansions! I'm starting a new career campaign with a story-driven ultimate goal based on Mass Effect (i.e. an alien-built interstellar transport relay---and gateway to galactic civilization!---is discovered at Khato: prepare a civilian colony & transport hub way the hell out there). In short, your work is critical for the future of kerbality!

Question: The 64K rescaling mod (which scales up the Kerbol system by 6.4x; here's the GameData folder on GitHub) is compatible with Outer Planets Mod, once you incorporate this 64K Config for OPM by Tellion. I was wondering if you've looked into providing compatibility configs for your expansions to OPM? I've tried to do it myself, but I'm not familiar with ModManager so I'm not quite sure which values to change---it doesn't appear to be quite as simple as multiplying all of the numbers by 6.4! Some of your changes do work "out of the box", but others don't, specifically:

  • RemoteTech Expansion: 64K includes this RemoteTech config file, which automatically upscales the range of RemoteTech antennas by 6.4x using a simple "RangeMultiplier = 6.4" entry. But (possibly because of ModManager load order?) it doesn't seem* to apply to the new antennas added by your RemoteTech expansion.

I'm basing this on the descriptions in the tech tree, and I've read that those may be misleading. Should that RangeMultiplier value apply to your added antennas (regardless of what the tech tree says), or do they need to be modified separately?

  • PluronKhato: While the solar orbit of the DunaIke binary system is scaled up and appears in the right place, PluronKhato is unaffected (and ends up becoming an inner planet under 64K). Should fixing this simply be a matter of multiplying the semi-major axis in your config file by 6.4, or is there more I need to consider? Such as...
  • Moons/Barycenters? I'm not sure whether scaling is needed for moons or barycenter offsets for any of the systems you've changed (i.e. DunaIke Binary, PluronKhato Binary, Tilted Urlum's moons), or if they're already covered by the "across-the-board" scaling provided by either 64K or Tellion's configs.

I realize I've been a little vague with the above---I uninstalled the 64K mod after seeing that it didn't work, so I can't easily check the details. But I am of course more than happy to reinstall and report back with more precise information on what is and isn't being scaled, I just wanted to check in before I do---in case you already know what has to be done (or indeed if it has already been done), and/or to see if you're willing to help with the config tweaks in the first place, what with you already on a mission to redefine "busy" for us mere mortals ;)

If so, let me know if the above details would be sufficient, or if there are any other tweaks you've made that I should verify are working alongside 64K.

Again, thanks for all of your effort on these mods! It's hard to appreciate how awesome something like barycenters or Urlum's tilt are, until you're planning transfers or watching the sun do weird things in the sky ;)

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Eunomiac, thanks for the kind words :)

I'll try answer most of your answers:

1- 64K is not supported on PK yet, but I can easily write a config for you to use untill I get it into the mod.

2- I expect the RemoteTech rangemultiplier to work with all the antennas my expansions add. the description will not reflect the correct range of the antenna.

you can check the antennas range using hyperedit to put a craft in a suitable orbit and point the antenna back to a craft orbiting kerbin

3- as long as the planet pack supports 64K, SigmaBinary will generate the correct barycenter for it. so answer 1 will solve this issue as well.

4- OPM Tilt *should* not have any problems with rescaling, you should do a quick check just to be sure :)

I'll pm you the 64K config, in the meantime you have the time to check everything else and report back if you find any other issue :)

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Welp, I thought I found a terrain glitch on recolored Eve resembling that one time Danny got under Minmus's surface but it turned out to just be a small lake.

I think you should be able to find that feature on stock eve too. I didn't change the shape of the planet. Just the color... (I think)

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Eunomiac, thanks for the kind words :)

I'll try answer most of your answers:

1- 64K is not supported on PK yet, but I can easily write a config for you to use untill I get it into the mod.

2- I expect the RemoteTech rangemultiplier to work with all the antennas my expansions add. the description will not reflect the correct range of the antenna.

you can check the antennas range using hyperedit to put a craft in a suitable orbit and point the antenna back to a craft orbiting kerbin

3- as long as the planet pack supports 64K, SigmaBinary will generate the correct barycenter for it. so answer 1 will solve this issue as well.

4- OPM Tilt *should* not have any problems with rescaling, you should do a quick check just to be sure :)

I'll pm you the 64K config, in the meantime you have the time to check everything else and report back if you find any other issue :)

Wow! Thank you very much for the quick response, and I definitely appreciate the configs you've sent me. I haven't yet had a chance to check them out, but I'll certainly do so and get back to you!

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Not sure what's going on with Jool here...



Installed OPM, Stock Recolor and OPM Expansion. Happened after installing Stock Recolor. Removing it still leaves it looking like that, reinstall didn't help. How can I fix this?

Also, Stock Recolor does this to all OPM planets, OPM Expansion fixes all except Jool...

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Not sure what's going on with Jool here...



Installed OPM, Stock Recolor and OPM Expansion. Happened after installing Stock Recolor. Removing it still leaves it looking like that, reinstall didn't help. How can I fix this?

Also, Stock Recolor does this to all OPM planets, OPM Expansion fixes all except Jool...

There was a problem in the last Jool recolor. I had a fix ready so here it comes.

Sigma Jool Recolor [v0.2.5]

[TABLE=width: 500]




[/B] - Fixed Kopernicus Expansion compatibility





Quick Announcement:

I decided to move all the mods to github, the process will take some time so for now I won't release a new "SigmaModExpansion" full pack just to add the Jool recolor, or the eve recolor.

Edited by Sigma88
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There was a problem in the last Jool recolor. I had a fix ready so here it comes.

Sigma Jool Recolor [v0.2.5]

[TABLE=width: 500]




[/B] - Fixed Kopernicus Expansion compatibility





Quick Announcement:

I decided to move all the mods to github, the process will take some time so for now I won't release a new "SigmaModExpansion" full pack just to add the Jool recolor, or the eve recolor.

Awesome! Thanks for the quick fix, worked like a charm! But what about the issue where Stock Recolor does the same to the added OPM planets? Initially I had OPM and only wanted Eve and Jool recolored, but it messed up the rest as well.

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Awesome! Thanks for the quick fix, worked like a charm! But what about the issue where Stock Recolor does the same to the added OPM planets? Initially I had OPM and only wanted Eve and Jool recolored, but it messed up the rest as well.

Stock recolor changes only Jool and Eve

OPM recolor changes OPM Gas Giants.

you need to make sure you have installed only what you want :)

OPM recolor is installed in:

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That's strange because I first only installed OPM and its prerequisites, then your antennas and stock recolor, and then Jool and the opm planets were green and black stripes. Through CKAN.

wait, green and black is not my fault :)

it has probably something to do with Kopernicus Expansion. you should ask MrHappyFace about it.

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Sigma Stock Recolor was temporarily moved from KerbalStuff to Dropbox. This is the first step towards moving all my expansions to Github.

Once everything will be moved over all the expansions will be officially released. (in a proper release thread, no more Development forum)

I'll try making the passage as smooth as possible. Remember that the full packs may not contain the most up-to-date versions of each feature.

sorry for the inconvenience, but this is a long needed step. having everything in the same mod was a nightmare to handle.

I never expected these mods to get so much development, and I now can't continue keeping everything bundled together.

this is probably a good thing, since if there was no interest in my mods I would have never come so far.

a thank you must go to everybody pushed me to do more. :)

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wait, green and black is not my fault :)

it has probably something to do with Kopernicus Expansion. you should ask MrHappyFace about it.

Yeah I'll go give it a mention, but installing your OPM expansion fixed it all except Jool, which you gave me the fix for, so I'm happy!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am going to be adding your recolor mod into my KRSS mod. I will have a license, so don't worry.

honestly, I am no fan of redistributing work of others.

So much so that I went on a mini-crusade to ask clouds pack to not redistribute EVE, effort which was completely pointless since noone cared in the least about the topic.

Of course the license allows it, but I would rather if you made people download the files from this thread instead of redistributing it.

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Nice collection of mods! Since you made Eve orange instead of purple, can you make Duna another colour?

I could, but I would need some kind of inspiration for that :)

since all terrestrial planets are colored like their counterpart except for Eve (venus), recoloring orange was a way to fix that.

I could make a pack with alternate colors for all the other planets, but that would require a lot of work and I'm a bit swamped by RL and galactic neighborhood

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You could recolor the Joolian moons, so they match better with the Jool recoloring.

Vall -> Europa

Tylo -> Ganymede

Bop -> Themisto

Tylo would become browninsh-grey, to better match Ganymede, and Vall would become white with some brownish coloring like europa has.

Bop becomes Themisto because Themisto is a small moon that orbits at a high inclination, very close to the Galilean moons, just like Bop does. We haven't seen Themisto up close yet, but it's albedo indicates a dark grey color.

Laythe and Pol don't have very good Jovian analogues that I know of.

Edited by MrHappyFace
added bop
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The Eve recolour isn't working for me. :S

- - - Updated - - -

I could, but I would need some kind of inspiration for that :)

since all terrestrial planets are colored like their counterpart except for Eve (venus), recoloring orange was a way to fix that.

I could make a pack with alternate colors for all the other planets, but that would require a lot of work and I'm a bit swamped by RL and galactic neighborhood

Oh ok. I laugh to be decending down to a Blue Duna XD

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