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Sudden Affluence


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  • 6 months later...

In my face means cash, so I cannot easily spend it here - will keep it then to diversify my savings!

The next user receives a 5,00 DEM (Deutsche Mark) bill and is hopefully wise enough to know what to do with it. :wink:

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*Goes to London stock exchange and buys a share*

-- 30 Days later --

*Sells the share for 3 pounds more, buys another, more expensive, more promising share*

-- Approx. 15 years later --

*Buys Barclays for money earned share trading.*

Now when I am rich...

*Throws $314159.26 at the next user...*

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A single penny to the soup kitchen. The rest gets put into some IPOs, some growth stocks, maybe some CD's, and is left to the Boy Scouts or the Salvation Army when I die.

Next user gets one single United States dollar. Use it wisely.

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