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The Completely Agreed Addition Thread

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This is the place for all the suggestions that everyone (or almost everyone) agrees in.

"What!? that's impossible! At least one person is going to disagree with everything!" you may have just thought to yourself. Well, that is probably true, but it has not been proven!

This is how it's going to work:

If someone suggests adding a suggestion to this list, that suggestion will be added.

If someone disagrees with a suggestion on the list, that suggestion will be removed.

If a bunch of people really want a suggestion, and a few people really don't want that suggestion, it will be settled in a discussion/poll in another thread (I'd guess that 3/4 majority would be fair enough to call that suggestion agreed upon).

Features that are already confirmed for future updates will not be on this list.

That is all. I hope this works out.


-made in part by CaptainSnuggler

(links are for mods that (mostly) fix/add these features)

this list is getting very long...

Feel free to add anything to this list.

Edited by quasarrgames
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I disagree with volcanoes/geysers.

The processing and programming required is not worth the minor gameplay benefits.

I really really do want cockpit lights along with better MFDs during IVA like RPM.

Actually, to post a bunch of acronyms as suggestions, I`d like KAC, KAS, FAR, DRE, RPM, EVE...

Edited by John FX
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  John FX said:
I disagree with volcanoes/geysers.

The processing and programming required is not worth the minor gameplay benefits.

I do not want volcanoes and geysers either. Sounds time consuming for squad, full of bugs and pretty useless.

Id like

- cockpit lights

- airbrakes

-hinges and motors

-more smoke when burning SRBs : even a scripted smoke would be cool, just a big cloud that floats around the pad for like a minute after the rocket takes off

-option to have an umbilical tower on the launchpad

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  John FX said:
Actually, to post a bunch of acronyms as suggestions, I`d like KAC, KAS, FAR, DRE, RPM, EVE...

FAR and DRE (or Squads interpretations thereof) will be stock in 1.0.

Totally agree with KAC and KAS.

I'd add various science packs to that list (MSEP, OMS, DMagic OS) especially ones which make probes/stations more useful.

Also some sort of additional flight instrumentation (such as KER) - no reason why we should have to switch from flight to map mode to see what the current periapsis/apoapsis is! Or switching to IVA to see current Height-above-terrain.

Graphical upgrades; well, nice to have, but before they are done (especially if they impact performance) there's tons of other things I'd like to see done first.

1. Performance/bug fix improvements; especially port to Unity5 (I know, I know, it'll be coming post-1.0)

3. Revamped career mode - science not as a currency to unlock parts, but as the high-score (ie, the reason for actually running a space program). To unlock parts, must spend funds (and time?). Possibly a new currency "research points" which accumulate slowly in the R&D center (by assigning scientists?) or quicker by doing specific parts-tests or similar technical (rather than science) contracts.

4. Improved and saner tech tree (start equally with planes, unmanned, and manned craft at basic tech for each)

5. Time to be more of a factor (eg, KCT)

6. Improved mission/contract system (eg, build up on previous missions; instead of creating a new station to hold Yet Another 5 Kerbals, be given a contract to add a specific module to an existing station. ).

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Make some iteration of Astronomers Visual Pack stock (or at least add clouds to bodies with atmosphere). I can live without actual weather, but this little change makes a huge impact on the game visually.

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