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The complaining thread!


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There's a bad trend for people to put in-complete products onto the market, then expect customers to find the faults - This is a bad business trend which will eventually undermine people faith in that particular market.

If you open up a box and find what you've bought is broken do you ..-

1) Suggest to the supplier how to improve it, and wait for them to 'glue' it together so it remotely resembles as advertised.

2) Take it back, complain and demand your money back or a replacement (This is how the real world works).

Sorry, if you sell a broken item.. you deserve all the flak that is sent your way.

How you interpret the flak, determines whether you'll stay in business.

If you buy something and then bolt on a bunch of stuff that isn't made by that manufacturer and it then doesn't work you won't be able to get your money back.

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To be honest, I saw the title of this thread and I was thinking about complaining, but then I started to think "complain about what?".

Any complains that I could have about the game, are probably, the most complains that any KSP player have and that Squad already knows the problems people complain.

Sure, I would like to see the game more refined, with this or that, with this bug fix and so on, still many people that complain are forgetting something.

KSP is Squad first project, due to this reason, I do not have anything to complain. It is really amazing what Squad Devs do, and there is one thing that in my honest opinion beats any other gaming company out there: Squad really listens the community and talk.

On the opposite side, I already quit of buying a couple games that were in development because of no information given to the community, no news, no support, nothing.

But if you really need a complain, well, I complain Squad do not have more human resources to improve the game and fix everything. Oh, yeah, I would complain about KSP 64bits, but then again why would I complain about a problem that Squad KNOWS, and in time they will fix it?

Now, in less educated terms: Screw the complains and let Squad do what they do best: Keeping refining and evolving KSP.

I say, go Squad go, as all of you that complain should say, go Squad go!

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"I absolutely hate how darn fragile the horrible bonds between mk3 parts are! They disassemble at like 3m/s!

ABSOLUTELY! Ive never heard any stories even Scott Manley has never got an MK3 to land. They split up like wooden blocks the second the landing gear touches down. Could struts fix that temporary? Why isnt this hotfixed?!

Okay for my complaint..............................s

1. The saves still break at times when only playing for a little while

2. Un-docking Bug

These bugs have been around since .23 or even earlier.

3. Long loading times......KIDDING! They dont bother me since if the game was ever gonna be bug free, would this be a sacrifice we all should take?

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There's a bad trend for people to put in-complete products onto the market, then expect customers to find the faults - This is a bad business trend which will eventually undermine people faith in that particular market.

If you open up a box and find what you've bought is broken do you ..-

1) Suggest to the supplier how to improve it, and wait for them to 'glue' it together so it remotely resembles as advertised.

2) Take it back, complain and demand your money back or a replacement (This is how the real world works).

Sorry, if you sell a broken item.. you deserve all the flak that is sent your way.

How you interpret the flak, determines whether you'll stay in business.

I spent 'hours' perfectly balancing this little bumble-bee... having it 'fly' perfectly first time.


A long time to get within 100m of the mothership only to have the mother 'teleport' away.. QuickSaves stopped working and Persistence had 'jammed' a few hours back, when I tried to reload.

Complain.. for sure I'll complain.


I understand this completely. However if I buy an incomplete product after being warned it is incomplete then I can only expect an incomplete product. That being said SQUAD has done an absolutely fantastic job at making the game as bug free as possible and I have had very little to ragequit over except my own shortcomings. My only fear will be for SQUAD when 1.0 goes live and is marketed as a complete game, but that's another story.

When you buy the game in early access, they state it is in early access and do not deceive you in any way about this. Suggestions and constructive criticism is the only way to proceed with the current product and development stage. When the full retail release goes live then go nuts (not that I have too many concerns anyway).


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I really don't see how anyone can have any major complaints. I bought a pretty cool game that was in pre-beta, well informed that it was incomplete and had glitches needing to be ironed out quite some time back. I played the hell out of it, enjoyed it, eventually got a little bored and moved on to something else, as I do with games.

More than a year later, I loaded it up again and there are new modes of play and a number of irritants fixed.

A few days after I start back up, it moves to actual beta.

I'm playing the hell out of it again enjoying it all over, while failing completely to see how anyone can be upset.

My biggest complaint? Having to upgrade the VAB all the way unlock custom action groups.

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I understand this completely. However if I buy an incomplete product after being warned it is incomplete then I can only expect an incomplete product. That being said SQUAD has done an absolutely fantastic job at making the game as bug free as possible and I have had very little to ragequit over except my own shortcomings. My only fear will be for SQUAD when 1.0 goes live and is marketed as a complete game, but that's another story.

It is a great concept and can make a great game, no doubt.. I've spent 4 weeks try to get it to work without breaking!!

Coming in at 30 USDs, knowing about in being beta (incomplete), maybe I expected to much..:D

At that price I didn't expect it to 'bomb' so often.. even with mods.

With the code having some serious problems.. how can the mods be blamed for running on a unstable base !


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An example...

With KSP.. once you can get off a planet, the greatest, most exciting challenge is docking. you can spend and hour(+) getting it just right.

So of course you need to save on the way.. and when you finally are within a 100 metres... do you want to be 'robbed' of all your effort ?.

Here's a short clip of the problems I'm having... all at TimeWarp = 1

The first bit shows how getting back to the space station to save, is 'locked' = no saving ??

Quick Save (F5) at this point doesn't work either..

The biggest disappointment is the second bit, where you can see the point where the target ship starts to teleport.

This always seems to happen when the target is catching up to me...!!


It would take a large stretch of the imagination to convince me that these are Mod problems.

Even it it were then the main code should prevent Mods from interfering such.


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OP has definitely got a firm troll hand.

99% of the people participating in this thread know that it's a self-referential joke, and demanded that Squad fixed these issues immediately ROFL.

1% of the people participating in this thread took one look at it, thought it was serious, and demanded that Squad fixed these issues immediately.

To the 1% - you do know that you're participating in a Beta test, don't you?

Edited by Frannington
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I absolutely hate the fact that people hate things.

Edit: I also hate the fact that my game refuses to load when I have a VAB load of mods installed. However, I take full and complete responsibility for this.

Edited by djnattyd
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Can't people see that the entire 1st page (including the op) was.... sarcastic.... This was probably meant to be just a big joke....

People have untuned their sarcasm detectors, plz fix this squad

(oh no, did I just invite squad to use their mind control device, wait I did, noo~~~ *zap*....)

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I have this bug where I can't get 1.1 to load, just this 0.90 crap.

This complaint has auto-placed all other complaints into their appropriate orientation - which is under the nearest sofa in the fetal position. Well played sir. Well played indeed!

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I dislike when the "take visual / temperature / pressure readings on Kerbin" contracts generate surface sites on a cliff face.

Also, the game needs an option for Wernher Von Kerman to pop up and say: "It looks like after staging is complete some parts of this vessel have a command pod, but no batteries or power-generating parts" or "There are no valid tanks supplying fuel to this engine." Kinda like Microsoft Sam.

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I dislike when the "take visual / temperature / pressure readings on Kerbin" contracts generate surface sites on a cliff face.

Hehe I like those :) And usually there's somewhere flat in the radius.

Also, the game needs an option for Wernher Von Kerman to pop up and say: "It looks like after staging is complete some parts of this vessel have a command pod, but no batteries or power-generating parts" or "There are no valid tanks supplying fuel to this engine." Kinda like Microsoft Sam.

You'll be happy to know that some sort of pre-launch checklist will be in 1.0. They asked us a while ago what all we'd want in it and that second one was on the list. I am not sure of the first one but it sounds like something reasonable.

EDIT: Oh and I should complain as well.

I hate that parachutes always get put in the bottom stage and launch clamps somewhere in the middle. So unless you fix them EVERY SINGLE TIME you invariable get the situation where you hit the spacebar and your rockets go, the parachutes kick off, and the ship sits still because it's locked to the launch pad.

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True.. but these are all 'simple' features that should have been considered at stage #1 :D

They were considered, years ago - as were most of the things you see so commonly in the suggestions forum - but with a development team size countable with your fingers things take a long time.

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They were considered, years ago - as were most of the things you see so commonly in the suggestions forum - but with a development team size countable with your fingers things take a long time.

So it's a matter of 'financial priorities'... pity :D as it's nothing more than a maths/FPU error/accumulation

Also this is indicative in the wildly varying Apo/Peri's....

Essentially there is no control in the maths numbers here.

This is also an indication of 'FPU maths' inexperienced/amateur programmers - sorry to say this !!

Edited by ColKlonk
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