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Fanwork Friday: Bite my shiny metal ass!


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<figure data-orig-height="92" data-orig-width="480"><img data-orig-height="92" data-orig-width="480" src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/301cb0bc17ca76a396dc75e2651dee4d/tumblr_inline_nl67g6f9Gt1rr2wit.jpg"/></figure><p>This week’s Reddit challenge was to build a statue honoring the success of Kerbalkind and land it on Minmus or Mun. </p><p>Flakbadger entered his statue of Futurama​’s Bender. In the words of the creator: “Looks like this is yet another thing that can be solved by bending!”.</p><p>Curious to see what it looks like on Minmus? Click <a href="http://goo.gl/HORIic"><b>HERE</b></a>!<br/></p><figure data-orig-height="675" data-orig-width="1080"><img data-orig-height="675" data-orig-width="1080" src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/bebc6a28edcafdd9da722f2ad5d1a01f/tumblr_inline_nl67gl2n2A1rr2wit.jpg"/></figure>

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So the staff can use swear-words, but we can't? Let's see what happens if I do this:


EDIT: Those five dots are the f-word followed by a full stop. I don't see any reason to ban swears from this forum, since the vast majority of the members are mature enough to use them responsibly. This isn't the minecraft forums.

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I don't see any reason to ban swears from this forum, since the vast majority of the members are mature enough to use them responsibly. This isn't the minecraft forums.

If you think about it, though, don't you think some people find bad language unpleasant or offensive, even if they are not children? Wouldn't permissive use of vulgarity likely bring down the tone of the forums?

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