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[1.1.2]AoA Tech Aviation Parts Ver. 1.3.5 PRE 04MAY2016


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  On 2/9/2016 at 1:03 AM, Avalon304 said:



I just wanted to infomr you of a potential issue with one of your mod patches, for FAR:




Blowfish describles in that link.


Thanks! I'll fix this ASAP.

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Um I have a "Legacy" folder that has the old KU47 cockpit.... There's also a GameData folder that has all the parts in it. Maybe CKAN doesn't like the way I structured my folders. I don't use CKAN so I'm not aware of all the quirks to make it work.

If someone knows a way of fixing that, then let me know.

Please make sure to delete any old installation of the mod, as many things have changed.

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ya clueless about that stuff myself lol went ahead and got the main download. figured you might wanna know lol almost forgot, GREAT WORK! love the new engine, any chance of a RAPIER version in the distant future?

Edited by Elith
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Thanks for keeping this updated; these are some of my favorite parts. Any chance you could include the B9 props with the pack? I don't want to install all of B9 because it's humungous, but I love interactive IVAs. Just a suggestion! Keep up the good work.


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  On 3/4/2016 at 7:27 AM, Kirk0007 said:

Thanks for keeping this updated; these are some of my favorite parts. Any chance you could include the B9 props with the pack? I don't want to install all of B9 because it's humungous, but I love interactive IVAs. Just a suggestion! Keep up the good work.



Hi, I won't include B9 props only because I will be transitioning away from it in favor of a custom props/ASET props mix.


Other than that, see the OP for the changelog and future plans.


Thanks all for the support and for using the mod!

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Hey all I just realized that a couple cockpits don't have hatches... I'll fix this in a next update.

Also, I don't know how CKAN works, but I'll be splitting this mod into the main mod, legacy mod, and experimental, and this will be exclusively on Spaceport starting with the next update.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. First, tank you for this mod, it's great, the parts (especially the cockpits) looks really cool.

Now, I've a little problem with the new Ku34 part. When I use it, I get a warning: JSI Action Group Switch, Initialization Error, Check configuration. I didn't have this problem with the old version, just with the 1.3.1. The other parts has no problems and they work flawlessly. There is some kind of conflict with RasterPropMonitor, which I use to get transparent windows in the Kerbal Planetary Base Systems mod. Without RPM, the Ku34 part doesn't give me any warning and everything is normal. Is there any way to fix this? A tweak on some .cfg that I can do or something?

Anyway, sorry for asking this, maybe is something simple that I can't figure it out. And again, thank you very much for this great mod.

Edited by Tekka
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  On 3/25/2016 at 10:19 PM, Tekka said:

Hello. First, tank you for this mod, it's great, the parts (especially the cockpits) looks really cool.

Now, I've a little problem with the new Ku34 part. When I use it, I get a warning: JSI Action Group Switch, Initialization Error, Check configuration. I didn't have this problem with the old version, just with the 1.3.1. The other parts has no problems and they work flawlessly. There is some kind of conflict with RasterPropMonitor, which I use to get transparent windows in the Kerbal Planetary Base Systems mod. Without RPM, the Ku34 part doesn't give me any warning and everything is normal. Is there any way to fix this? A tweak on some .cfg that I can do or something?

Anyway, sorry for asking this, maybe is something simple that I can't figure it out. And again, thank you very much for this great mod.


Ugh, I believe it's an issue with one of the B9 switches. I remember messing with it a while back. I think I'm just going to remove the B9 dependency and move to ASET Props sooner than later.

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  On 3/26/2016 at 2:41 AM, martinezfg11 said:

Ugh, I believe it's an issue with one of the B9 switches. I remember messing with it a while back. I think I'm just going to remove the B9 dependency and move to ASET Props sooner than later.


Ah, ok. I'll be using the old cockpit for now. Thanks again for your quick response.

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Major issue with your dual f119 mk2 engine. It voxelized incorrectly with FAR :(. It need solid closed colliders as I think not having that is causing the issue. FAR sees the nozzle areas as hollow which incorrectly adds obscene amounts of drag. I can get pics if needed, but if you look at how every other mod/stock jet engine voxelized you will see the difference with yours. I think the collider is the problem as I have seen the issue before with quiztech engines which is mentioned in their thread if an example helps.. I love the mod and hope that can be fixed b4 1.1, but I understand if you want to wait. :) Thanks!

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  On 3/27/2016 at 6:22 AM, Svm420 said:


Major issue with your dual f119 mk2 engine. It voxelized incorrectly with FAR :(. It need solid closed colliders as I think not having that is causing the issue. FAR sees the nozzle areas as hollow which incorrectly adds obscene amounts of drag. I can get pics if needed, but if you look at how every other mod/stock jet engine voxelized you will see the difference with yours. I think the collider is the problem as I have seen the issue before with quiztech engines which is mentioned in their thread if an example helps.. I love the mod and hope that can be fixed b4 1.1, but I understand if you want to wait. :) Thanks!


Hi, some pictures would be nice. I checked the voxels, and it indeed does voxelize the hollow areas. But I also noticed B9's f119 engine doing that and I didn't see any major drag penalties using the FAR Cd Shader.

But, please do show pictures, so I may rectify this ASAP.

Edited by martinezfg11
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  On 3/28/2016 at 3:58 AM, martinezfg11 said:

Hi, some pictures would be nice. I checked the voxels, and it indeed does voxelize the hollow areas. But I also noticed B9's f119 engine doing that and I didn't see any major drag penalties using the FAR Cd Shader.

But, please do show pictures, so I may rectify this ASAP.


On it! I will upload pics in a few minutes. I appreciate the response!

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Pics show yours is hollow mostly FAR doesn't like that. That makes FAR see the area/volume as dropping rapidly leading to lots of drag. The second pic is from inside the engine showing the extent of the hollowness. If that was a solid closed collider I think it would work better. I am no modeller so if that doesn't make sense I am only going by what i heard. Similar issue back with Quiztech details here. The b9 f119 engine was probably a bad example because IMO it too needs updated more solid colliders to better work with FARs voxelization, but @bac9 is very busy and isn't around much, so I hope your may turn out better. :) 

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  On 3/28/2016 at 4:52 AM, Svm420 said:

On it! I will upload pics in a few minutes. I appreciate the response!

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Pics show yours is hollow mostly FAR doesn't like that. That makes FAR see the area/volume as dropping rapidly leading to lots of drag. The second pic is from inside the engine showing the extent of the hollowness. If that was a solid closed collider I think it would work better. I am no modeller so if that doesn't make sense I am only going by what i heard. Similar issue back with Quiztech details here. The b9 f119 engine was probably a bad example because IMO it too needs updated more solid colliders to better work with FARs voxelization, but @bac9 is very busy and isn't around much, so I hope your may turn out better. :) 


Perfect, thanks for the thorough explanation. I'll fix this ASAP, seems to be easy enough.

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  On 3/28/2016 at 4:34 PM, SpaceToad said:

Stockalike or nah?


I'm afraid I don't follow?

My mod is "stockalike" as in it shares the same color combinations as the stock parts (i.e. white with dark sides and grey accents).

But the design's on my parts are different than something @Porkjet or @BahamutoD or even @Quiznos323 would texture. Their textures are probably better but I just make what I want and what I like so there's that...

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@martinezfg11 since you just added hatches to your cockpits could you please shoot me a brief description on how to add them? I have tried to in the past with my mod and have never gotten them to actually work. Thanks in advance for your help and that FA-18 cockpit is freaking sweet man! Well done.

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  On 3/29/2016 at 9:50 PM, TMasterson5 said:

@martinezfg11 since you just added hatches to your cockpits could you please shoot me a brief description on how to add them? I have tried to in the past with my mod and have never gotten them to actually work. Thanks in advance for your help and that FA-18 cockpit is freaking sweet man! Well done.


Hi, I used this tutorial to add airlocks and ladders to my parts. 


Edit: So all you do is add a cube or cylinder collider, then add the appropriate layer and tag IAW the link above. Then you can do the same with a ladder, now the tricky part is getting the hatch and ladder to line up just right so your Kerbal can get on the ladder upon exiting the hatch.

Also look at this video.


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