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[1.8] PersistentRotation 1.8.6


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Hey guys, I'm having some issues, using Persistent Rotation v 1.8.4 with Realism Overhaul v11.5.1 with Principia Christoffel on KSP-1.2.2.

I left my craft rotation very slowly and went to the tracking station. When I came back, it started rotating much faster. I also noticed that my rotational velocity increased quite a bit every time I jumped out of time warp.

What's going on here? Is this a known issue or did I misunderstand the usage?

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  • 1 month later...
5 hours ago, maculator said:

Why doesn't it show in the stock toolbar?!

KSP 1.4 (or 1.4.1) changed something in AppLaunche API, so I think all mods using it need updating. Usually a simple recompile will do, but redrawing the icon (from 38x38 to 96x96) makes it look better.

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3 hours ago, garwel said:

KSP 1.4 (or 1.4.1) changed something in AppLaunche API, so I think all mods using it need updating. Usually a simple recompile will do, but redrawing the icon (from 38x38 to 96x96) makes it look better.

Not sure if we're talking about the same thing. I don't have a blanc button, I have no button.


This is kind of embarrassing... forget what I said. :( 

Nice mod, love it. Gotta get my eyes checked I guess. Too be fair that red color really is hard to read on my monitor!!

Edited by maculator
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi ! 
I have a small question for the creator of the mod : On unloaded vessel, does your mod modify the ship orientation ?
If yes, does it do it by modifying a "ship orientation parameter" of the game or by simulating its own ship orientation internaly ? 

If it's the second solution : how your mod work with other mod that use ship orientation ? Have you to make compatibility patch for each or are the other creator to make it ?

I ask for this because i have strange thing that happened with mod that manage unloaded vessel ressources (like background processing or tac life support etc...), they seems to make their calculation while unloaded without taking care of the fact that the momentum is taken into account by your mod ...

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/17/2018 at 8:26 PM, Nicky21 said:

I have 2 questions, if you please: 


1) what is the cpu hit for this mod ?

2 does this affect negatively bases built on the ground ? Liek will I come back a month later and find my base somwhere else or blown up?

1) It doesn't seem to hit performance at all.

2) No.

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  • 1 month later...

Is there a way to add some default reference bodies into the Select Body list for Relative Rotation?  I'm running KSP 1.4.3 with Grannus Expansion Pack (adds Grannus as a star orbiting Kerbol) and Extrasolar (adds Valentine).

Kopernicus recognizes both secondary stars, for purposes of solar panel tracking selection, but Persistent Rotation gets a little confused.  If I have a probe orbiting the secondary stars themselves, they will appear in the Select Body list.  However, when a probe is orbiting a planet around that star, only The Sun (Kerbol) and that planet are on the selection list.  In the Map View, I can't select the stars as Targets.

I can create artificial targets in very close orbits around the other stars (presumably as close as they can get before they start melting), but it would be nice to be able to select the stars themselves. 

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  • 3 months later...

For my personal taste the persistence of rotation after reentering the atmosphere is way too much in many cases, especially for light objects like the upper remains of sounding rockets ...

Without this mod a sounding rocket stabilizes with the "heavier end toward ground" (aka. retrograde) way quicker when in the middle of the atmosphere (RSS, at about 70 km).

With this mod the sounding rocket jiggles around much longer and eventuelly gets really retrograde by physics alone (no reaction wheel) at about 20km altitude - if it survived until then.
(using DeadlyReentry)


Does this mod take atmosphereric pressure and dynamic pressure take into account or does it just ignore it?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/10/2018 at 12:09 PM, MarkusA380 said:

I recompiled the mod for 1.4 and integrated a pull request containing code cleanup by GitHub user dkvolis.  

Happy rotating!

Hey one of the most mandatory mods for me :)
any chance of an update to 1.5.1?

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On 12/6/2018 at 9:10 PM, mrvice said:

does not work with 1.5.1
vessel´s that try to reenter at kerbin will get destroyed at 60-80km height

Actually I've tried it and it works perfectly, reentry is not affected and I don't see why it should be. Maybe your problem comes from another mod. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I don't know how many people may have brought this up in the past (I don't feel like reading through all 24 pages of this thread), but if there is one feature that I would recommend, it would be a way to temporarily disable this mod. I have found in numerous situations that I have had to use timewarp to stop a craft that is spinning out of control. Is it cheaty? Yes, it is. However, most of us have used cheats at one point or another.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/28/2018 at 10:54 PM, winged said:

@MarkusA380 hey could you tell me how to keep prograde orientation during time warp? I need that to do spiral burn with my realistically powered Ion tug. I have reaction wheel installed but it doesn't work during time warp. KSP version 1.2.2


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I've found that you need to go to prograde in order to line yourself up, then switch to regular stability hold in order to keep that orientation. For some reason, if you have anything else but the regular hold it disables the rotation with the orbit. This is most likely so that you can line yourself up with a maneuver node (which is the only node that really moves as you rotate around a planet) and then still be lined up with it when you come out of warp.


However, don't be fooled. Those holds merely disable the rotation with the planet, and will not stop the ship from spinning. I have found this out the hard way as I've tried to rotate my massive station to line up the right way and then time warp only to realize that it kept going.

It seems that the momentum override does nothing, as whenever I've tried to stop something rotating by typing in 0 RPM or 1 RPM or any other number, it continues moving.  This has been extremely frustrating as sometimes when constructing things in orbit they will break loose of the grip of the arm I'm moving them with, tumbling away from the station.  No matter what I try to do, I cannot slow their rotation to grab hold of them with a tug. 



In this instance, a solar panel truss got loose when I was attempting to remove it from a shuttle's bay with the aptly named "Krakenarm" canadarm analog. The station began to spin and I was forced to let go of the panel less I destroy the station. While the station was brought under control, the truss started tumbling away. The truss was rotating on two axes, making it impossible to line up to dock without running circles around the truss. Without enough acceleration from the RCS jets to stationkeep and running low on fuel, Bill was forced to abort.

This has led to a rather dismayingly large amount of derelict station segments around my station, tumbling too quickly to be captured by a TRS (Teleoperator Retrieval System, AKA RCS tug) and some very upset administrators in the funding department.

Instances like these are where I wish that either the rotation override actually worked, or there was a way to temporarily disable persistent rotation without uninstalling the mod.

Edited by Raptor22
Left out some information.
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On 1/6/2019 at 11:33 PM, Raptor22 said:

I've found that you need to go to prograde in order to line yourself up, then switch to regular stability hold in order to keep that orientation. For some reason, if you have anything else but the regular hold it disables the rotation with the orbit.

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In this instance, a solar panel truss got loose when I was attempting to remove it from a shuttle's bay with the aptly named "Krakenarm" canadarm analog. The station began to spin and I was forced to let go of the panel less I destroy the station. While the station was brought under control, the truss started tumbling away. The truss was rotating on two axes, making it impossible to line up to dock without running circles around the truss. Without enough acceleration from the RCS jets to stationkeep and running low on fuel, Bill was forced to abort.


Thank you. Everything works fine now. I've made 200 day spiral burn within just 20 minutes. 

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