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True Konfessions: Is there anything you're hiding in your current save?


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Fess up! Me, Iv'e got Jeb riding 'round Kerbol in an endless journey! He was coming back from Minmus and got an unwanted free trajectory from the mun, (cause he ran out of fuel) and ended up in a solar orbit. So, yeah it's going to be a while before he gets rescued in this current career save. So, I just kind of ignore the situation and try to plod on with my game. Am I a bad admin? Should I feel guilty? Anyone else have kind of the same situation?

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I sent Jeb to Moho on a "quick"mission to get *** rank before leading the grand mission to Duna. Well, he's has been trying and failing to get an intercept for at least a year now. After many km/s of delta vee expended he MIGHT get it in another year. The tanker I sent to make sure he can get home will almost certainly be in orbit on the first try. Meanwhile Bob, Bill and two not-jeb pilots have already been to Duna (mission in my sig) and all have *** rank.

Hm. You know, i was on hold and just doing challenges waiting for V1 to come out... maybe it's time for One. Last. v0.90 mission: the KSS 'Moho Maybe' WILL get its intercept and Jeb will return triumphant!

Or not.

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So a few years back Jeb tried to fly off Minmus with his jetpack. After getting to orbit he insisted that he go all the way back to Kerbin. I may or may not have ordered him to do this due to budget constraints (LKO recovery is cheap). He ended up in a high Kerbin orbit. Unfortunately after the space program accomplished a manned mission to Gilly and back I noticed he had been ejected from the system by the Mun. I promise I'll pick him up when he nears Kerbin again. Promise.

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So... My konfession would probably be that I put up a station out on Eeloo thinking that Jeb wasn't on board because it took hours to get the station set up; i was not about to send a rocket to go there and back. So Jeb is now freezing on a station around Eeloo...

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  kuibird said:
So... My konfession would probably be that I put up a station out on Eeloo thinking that Jeb wasn't on board because it took hours to get the station set up; i was not about to send a rocket to go there and back. So Jeb is now freezing on a station around Eeloo...

"Jebsicle" You're bad.

- - - Updated - - -

  RocketPilot573 said:
So a few years back Jeb tried to fly off Minmus with his jetpack. After getting to orbit he insisted that he go all the way back to Kerbin. I may or may not have ordered him to do this due to budget constraints (LKO recovery is cheap). He ended up in a high Kerbin orbit. Unfortunately after the space program accomplished a manned mission to Gilly and back I noticed he had been ejected from the system by the Mun. I promise I'll pick him up when he nears Kerbin again. Promise.

Yeah, make sure you do, promises, promises.

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It's ok, I'll remember to land you one day.


I may have also abused hyperedit to bring non-trained kerbals who've already done a number of things from a pre 0.90 save up to speed.

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I got a Mission Controller2 contract of landing a Luna 16 probe on the Mun, then return to kerbin. I never did return it to kerbin, since the "land on kerbin" flag is completed as soon as I launch the thing. So technically I completed the contract. Though the thing is still on munar surface, unable to return because I misjudged the amount of fuel needed to get back to Mun orbit to rendezvous with the waiting transfer craft after landing. I should try to recover it sometimes some way.

If I am jeb, I might be able to do a docking on ballistic trajectory and pull the thing off Mun...but too bad I am not.

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I keep compensating for the changing-orbits bug by turning on infinite fuel and doing massive burns to put my ship(s) back on course.

(Not really sure if that's cheating or just good use of the debug menu...)

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The orbits wouldnt leap about so much if you didnt warp over SoI boundries at massive time-clip. Thats why KAC even has an SoI alarm.

Really, be more patient as you cross those lines and this bug becomes fairly moot. It still likes to break your carefully planned aerobrake trajectories but not by hundreds or thousands of dV

My own konfesson is that I may have accidentally set up a Lunar surface habitat in RSS/RO with liquid oxygen rather than life support oxygen. One is rocket oxidizer, the other you breathe. I didnt notice until the little hopper bringing the first astronaut had dropped him off, returned to orbit and made its Earth Injection. Which was right about when the real breathable O2 in the cockpit ran out. First death... Im sending another mission to recover the body and erect a memorial.

Edited by celem
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I hate the lazy, unmodifiable, name based procedural for assigning specializations to kerbals because when it was implemented it basically changed the jobs of every kerbal that I was using for specific jobs and couldn't be tweaked. But it could be slashed-and-burned out...

So that's what's in my save. Irresponsible landscape clearing.

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I almost lost Jeb in my "realism" save, because I screwed up my realchute settings. I don't know precisely how I goofed the desired landing velocity, but apparently I had set it at 50 m/s. Anyhow, after a couple of quicksave reloads (which were made while already in the atmosphere, riding the heatshield..) to change the deployment altitude higher, I finally noticed the tiny, tiny parachute.

Already having no hope, I sent Jeb on EVA and he plummeted to the surface...bounced...and lived. In fact, he looked quite thrilled with it all.

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The worst I've done is after I BUILT Mir in orbit the docking bug hit so I deorbited it, built a whole one in the VAB and hyper edited it to orbit as one ship. The edited my save game to get back the funds from building Mir a second time.

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i purposely stranded a kerbal "war criminal" on the mun so he can eternally plant flags. he managed to get back some how but upon reentry he discovered the craft was equipped with no parachutes and lacked enough fuel to slow down enough and he died on contact with the ground. recovery missions have shown that what is believed to be the liquified form of his body splattered on the majority of the internal part of the cockpit.

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  mythbusters844 said:
I killed Jeb early on in Career,

That's still better than mine. I fired him for destroying my latest SSTO. Mundock Kerman has done the same mission just a few minutes after Jeb cleared his desk, and he's still up there, docked to a space station.

Now all that Jeb can do is to watch launches via binoculars, because I will never allow him to come nowhere close to the KSC!

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My Munar outpost crash-landed. I ran out of fuel a little above the surface, on the suicide burn. I savescummed over and over to get it down, and it just. Wouldn't. Reach.

So the final attempt crashed, destroyed a few legs and the engine, but rolled to a halt. Good enough.

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After the first few space missions, I tend to put Jeb, Bill and Bob into a pod, which I place somewhere at the KSC, so they can not sneak on missions anymore.

They are just too valuable as propaganda subjects, to risk their lifes in space. Hopefully they do not die in a plane crash on Kerbin...

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