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The 'new forum' is a joke.


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KasperVld confirmed.

In the interest of maintaining forum sanity, here is the quote.

Is it a joke? If so, a bit to cruel.

All I say is you should check your calendar to see which day a week from next Wednesday is... ;)

--v-- edit by KasperVld --v--

So, now that the cat is out of the bag on the early April fools joke, I'd like to provide a little context. I think to start I'll quote a reply I wrote to someone who messaged me about this.
I'm reading the threads, and honestly I hadn't anticipated people would take this post as seriously as they did, and in retrospect it would've been better to post this closer to April 1st, the references weren't that strong in the announcement.

That said, this isn't just a joke, I tried communicating a message with the premium accounts that would pay modders, YouTubers, streamers and all those people that invest so much time and skills into this community. We often watch their videos and use their mods without thinking twice, and while they volunteer their time I think that we, as a community, should perhaps realise that those people mean a lot to us, in different ways, and that we should support them.

Maybe I'll post this later in those threads as well, but my hope is that some people will take that away from all this, and hopefully realise that Squad would never, ever do something as ridiculous as was announced in that post.

After the first reactions came I realised that people actually thought it'd be possible that a company in the games industry would in fact do something along these lines, and that's a sad realisation. However, I understand that when the April 1st reference isn't immediately clear then of course this announcement becomes a ridiculous proposition. I do hope that most people realised that Squad would never do this sort of a thing, and that we support our community, and like I said in the private message I hope we can all look back at this, and realise that perhaps we can hit that donate button for our favorite mod or YouTube channel k_smiley.gif

In light of the easy confusion I've added a small print to the announcement post and removed it from the articles.


We do plan to update the forums in the future, as we discussed in the devnotes a while ago. That's still very much a thing but of course we'd be looking to improve the community, rather than to destroy it.


vent all you wish k_smiley.gif

Edited by Robotengineer
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  • 'Gene' level ($10): the forums will be ad-free to you and you get the ability to use smilies and signatures on your posts.
  • 'Mortimer' level ($15): use the forum search engine, get access to avatars, in-line videos and spoiler tags.
  • 'Jebediah' level ($25): get access to threads older than three months, email other forum members directly and a free copy of the Pro version of the Kerbalizer.

Really guys? Charging money to get access to features we've always had access to? This is some EA tier stuff. The part about not having access to forum threads older than three months, and not having access to the (crappy) search engine is really pissing me off. I don't know how they came to the conclusion this was a good idea, but it's clearly an awful one.

Also, this:

  • You will gain the ability to up- and downvote threads and threads will be sorted according to their rating. To prevent new threads from being buried in older ones the rating will be offset against a thread’s age, so you can easily see the most popular threads of the moment.

seems like they're trying to compete with the KSP subreddit.

We will tag your age, gender and location onto your posts, and introduce a feature to match you with other KSP players in your region to make it easier to get into contact with other fans in real life!


Edited by RobotsAndSpaceships
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What is wrong with the new forum.

  1. An interactive forum assistant.
  2. Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Spotify, Vine and other social media crap integration.
  3. All posts limited to 140 characters.
  4. Tagging age, gender and location in your posts.
  5. Premium accounts! Pay to get emotes, a signature, ad-free, email other forum users, access threads older than 3 months, use the forum search engine, etc.


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Really guys? Charging money to get access to features we've always had access to? This is some EA tier stuff. The part about not having access to forum threads older than three months, and not having access to the (crappy) search engine is really pissing me off. I don't know how they came to the conclusion this was a good idea, but it's clearly an awful one.

you're not required to pay to use the forum, only to access certain feature

and as a bonus, you'll support modders, YouTubers and people like me'

Edited by goldenpeach
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Running a server as big as these forums, the store and the other services provided by Squad is costly.

That's why they was ads before.

Why not do donations? I would donate 10-20 USD to keep this forum running.

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Asking users to pay to access the forum??? Have you guys lost any and all sense or reality? Have you gone completely nuts?

People won't pay to use a forum. They simply won't. The only thing that will come out of this is an independent forum SQUAD has no control over. Is that really what SQAUD wants? To chase away their loyal followers?

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Running a server as big as these forums, the store and the other services provided by Squad is costly.

That's why they was ads before.

I think that if they put a "Donate Button" that simply add a nice emblem near the nickname they would earn more money and in a more "correct way"

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Theyre chopping up our forum and feeding it to us in pieces... with all sorts of paid access.

G****G Squad.

So, everyone has basic fears removed, then we get ads.

Pay to get back this ad-free forum and all the features.

GG. Way to kill a forum.

Note how this Shortish post is over 140 chars too.. this is going to be ridiculous. Forget using threads for KSP mods I guess!

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I'm going to assume that the fan works section is going to disappear completely then?

I consider myself to be a fairly laid back, reasonable person. This is insane.

Oh I can't believe I fell for that. :confused:

Nailed me, right and proper. :D

Edited by Ten Key
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Asking users to pay to access the forum??? Have you guys lost any and all sense or reality? Have you gone completely nuts?

People won't pay to use a forum. They simply won't. The only thing that will come out of this is an independent forum SQUAD has no control over. Is that really what SQAUD wants? To chase away their loyal followers?


They sold themselves out to Curse. Making their "Official" modding "community" get boycotted in favor of Kerbalstuff.

And this is why we can@t have nice things!

I wonder what changed inside Squad to cause this new line of going. (Notice the rushed 1.0 for the money and the Curse thing)

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The only thing that will come out of this is an independent forum SQUAD has no control over. Is that really what SQAUD wants? To chase away their loyal followers?

This is what WILL definitely happen

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seems like they're trying to compete with the KSP subreddit.

Well MAYBE if Max and other devs stop posting the news and making answer ONLY on Reddit (Let's remember this quote from Max: "Nobody on REDDIT guess the blablabla" while on forum about 20 person said it)

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Why not just have Facebook and twitter? Why even bother with a forum?

Because Facebook has many many issues, Twitter has the 140 char limit, which we shall see in its glorious effect and how it will murder anything.

I guess Subreddit it is/fanmade forum... what is next, a fan made patch to fix their .... after abandoned 1.0???

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Okay, this is not right. Really not right.

I don't know if I'll ever really come back here if they switch it as they are planning to...

We're integrating Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, pInterest, Spotify, Vine and dozens of other websites right into the forum. Tweet your post directly to us and have it published, or automatically share all your forum posts on your favourite social media website. A side effect of the integration with Twitter is that all posts will be limited to 140 characters. We've heavily debated and tested the pros and cons of this, and we've found that ultimately the short posts improve communication efficiency drastically.

No. Just no.

But that hardly compares to this:

We've also thought long and hard about an issue we feel exists in the community: the people who volunteer their time are not usually rewarded in any meaningful way, and we've come up with a solution: premium memberships will be made available to support the KSP community, and all proceeds will be used to compensate moderators and content creators (YouTubers, Streamers, modders etcetera) for the time they invest into the community. The premium account system will use a one-time subscription fee, and will grant you the following perks:

'Gene' level ($10): the forums will be ad-free to you and you get the ability to use smilies and signatures on your posts.

'Mortimer' level ($15): use the forum search engine, get access to avatars, in-line videos and spoiler tags.

'Jebediah' level ($25): get access to threads older than three months, email other forum members directly and a free copy of the Pro version of the Kerbalizer.

Volunteer: noun

a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task.

a person who works for an organization without being paid.

freely offer to do something.

So, we pay the people who didn't expect to be paid for things we already have? :huh::mad:

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And if it's an old mod, you'll have to pay to see it. Preposterous.

I had forgotten... yes pretty much 80% of mods on here will be gone. (Good ones)

So they are promoting the mass produced quick throw togethers of models (That probably don't work) since putting a month of coding/modeling into your mod is not worth it for the 3 months of time it will be relevant.

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