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The 'new forum' is a joke.


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"We will tag your age, gender and location onto your posts, and introduce a feature to match you with other KSP players in your region to make it easier to get into contact with other fans in real life!"

badBADbadBADbadBAD maybe as an optional feature

And i understand the thing with paid upgrades, but i think that smiles and signatures should be free

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  goldenpeach said:
you're not required to pay to use the forum, only to access certain feature

If by "certain features," you mean, "the entire forum," then yes...only "certain features."

Let's recap:

  KasperVid said:
'Gene' level ($10): the forums will be ad-free to you and you get the ability to use smilies and signatures on your posts.

'Mortimer' level ($15): use the forum search engine, get access to avatars, in-line videos and spoiler tags.

'Jebediah' level ($25): get access to threads older than three months, email other forum members directly and a free copy of the Pro version of the Kerbalizer.

$10 to use emoticons and signatures? Something I can do....right now? :mad:

$15 to search topics? Something I can do....right now? :rolleyes:

$25 to get access to relevant thread topics?! Something I can do....right now? :huh:

  goldenpeach said:
and as a bonus, you'll support modders, YouTubers and people like me'

Don't take this the wrong way, but how is that a "bonus?" How does me giving money to you benefit me in any way? That's not a bonus, it's a tax.

Most, if not ALL moderators on every forum are comprised of volunteer staff. If you wanted to get paid to be a moderator, you need to actually apply for a job at Squad. Till then, you're on your own time, not theirs.

I'll be leaving the forums if these "new and improved" updates actually make a landing.

  Whovian said:
98.6% sure this is an April fool's joke, but what I don't get is who thought it would be funny.

Problem is, though, it isn't April first. Not even close. It's more than a week away. So even if it is an April 1st joke, it's extremely poorly delivered.

Edited by Greenfire32
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  Whovian said:
98.6% sure this is an April fool's joke, but what I don't get is who thought it would be funny.

Looking like some mod actually stated that's a good thing in a really serious way i won't be so sure about the joke idea

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  goldenpeach said:
you're not required to pay to use the forum, only to access certain feature

But i AM requiered to pay to get mods from the official forums because the threads are older that three months

And not actually a cheap price, actually having to pay a similar price as KSP without disccount

and as a bonus, you'll support modders, YouTubers and people like me'

Youtubes get money from youtube

mods can put donation buttons in their threads

And i rather pay EA that people like you, at least they actually make games

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When did everyone lose their critical thinking abilities? This is the most obvious April Fool's joke I've EVER seen. And I really mean that.

Don't you remember the thread we had a couple of weeks ago, complaining about how news was always posted on Twitter and Reddit instead of the official forums? And you think their response is to turn the official forums into Reddit and Twitter?

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  goldenpeach said:
you're not required to pay to use the forum, only to access certain feature

and as a bonus, you'll support modders, YouTubers and people like me'

My private information is the cost of using the forum evidently.

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  GregroxMun said:
Paying for access to forum features that are already expected as free and normal of all forums on the web? Seriously guys, this is not cool. At all. It would make Squad look bad, and discourage new users from the community. It's not April 1st yet, is it? No, it's not. Was this announcement posted 10 days too early?

You know why online forums haven't changed since the 1990s? Because they work. Any time you have an intelligent device helping you, it's shortcomings are frustrating because they're not your own fault. And 140 character-only posts? That's not a forum at all, that's just a messaging system.

At the very least, if you're going to have a paid forum, don't have the paid features be features that you would expect as normal and free on any other forum. No ability to post videos or use signatures or avatars? This just causes classism to begin. Poorer people won't be able to afford these features.

The Kerbal Space Program community has long been the best, and most supportive community on the internet. This is a sure way to destroy that. When I first saw the paid features list, I had to take a break from the internet so that I wouldn't submit a post of pure rage.

Screw this. I'm driving the HypeTrain as far away as possible from the new forum. I'm going to cherish every moment I get to spend on the old forum.

Please pay attention to the time when they say they will implement this. XD

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  goldenpeach said:
you're not required to pay to use the forum, only to access certain feature

and as a bonus, you'll support modders, YouTubers and people like me'

I think that more people would pay if you just said "please help us keep up the forum by donating a few bucks". It has a nicer sound and it doesnt TAKE AWAY THE FEATURES WE ALREADY HAVE!!!!!!!!

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besides, look at the mail address in the post :)


and seriously ? how people could believe that ?

We will tag your age, gender and location onto your posts, and introduce a feature to match you with other KSP players in your region to make it easier to get into contact with other fans in real life!
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I hope it's a joke...

Why do people have to pay for smilies??? That would make absolutely NO sense.

And the age, gender, etc. thing tagged onto posts? What?

This doesn't seem very 21st century like. Unless the 21st Century is terrible.

And the auto matching made some sense, but then it just looked weird.

It can't be legitimate.

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Robotengineer , the Poll in use could get better results if the answers were not just YES or NO. My initial thought was I need to say NO because NOOOOOOOOOOOO....

I suggest a question like this

Is the new forum a ridiculous idea?

-It's a Terrible Idea

-It's a Great Idea

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What happened to proposing big changes like this, and asking for feedback, well in advance?

No long form posts?

Pay to search posts?

While I would agree some posts would be better after a little editing, 140char just so it works well with twitter, goes too far.

Devnote Tuesday in 140 chars? Probably not, that will be an Article of some kind, but our replies will have to be 140.

Folks will have to make a separate reply for each topic discussed, if they have anything more substantive to say than "Feature X sounds great - can't wait!"

KSP will need a new third party forum similar to this, to fill the void.

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  jmanidb said:
Robotengineer , the Poll in use could get better results if the answers were not just YES or NO. My initial thought was I need to say NO because NOOOOOOOOOOOO....

I suggest a question like this

Is the new forum a ridiculous idea?

-It's a Terrible Idea

-It's a Great Idea

I didn't make the poll, I will make a thread poll though.

Edit: Can't make a poll for some reason.

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Making an April 1s joke 12 days early is a VERY good way to .... everyone off (as they have, click Robotengineer's link), because when it's that far out, there's no real connection.

It would have been in MUCH better taste if they announced a new forum is coming on the day of April 1st, instead of 12 days before.

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  Robotengineer said:
IIRC, they released .23.5 on April 1st, and they weren't joking.

But ... (from a few posts up)

"When did everyone lose their critical thinking abilities? This is the most obvious April Fool's joke I've EVER seen. And I really mean that."

And I must add: Knowing Squad, do you really think this would take them just over a week to finish?

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