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[1.2.2] Contract Pack: Bases and Stations 3.6.1 (30/04/2017) (formerly Kerbin Space Station)


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Great mod! I was wondering though, I notice a setup of you have a life support mod installed. However, no missions for regular resupply of LFO or mono. Looking at the contract code its a bit too complex for me. Any chance of adding regular supply contract?

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  rosenkranz said:
Great mod! I was wondering though, I notice a setup of you have a life support mod installed. However, no missions for regular resupply of LFO or mono. Looking at the contract code its a bit too complex for me. Any chance of adding regular supply contract?

Not as easy as you would think. Well it is, but the difference is, I know that LS is being constantly ran down, so will need replenishing. LF+O is a bit different, as you may not always use it.

I keep meaning to fiddle with expressions to try and generate a contract when it gets low, but never quite got round to it. It's on the list though.

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Contract Pack Kerbin Space Station:

Contract Configurator:

I am been using the pack for quite a number of hours now. Some of the missions don't seem to be popping up:

Space Station Crew Rotation - This one i get quite often, i have done many rotations now

These ones i have never seen.

Repair a faulty Power Module

Replace a faulty Power Module

Evacuate your station

Life Support Resupply Missions (supports TAC LS, USI LS, IFI LS) - open to support others on request.

Do science on your station

Might i suggest the initial "core" be split up into a few seperate missions?

Core Module - at least 2 kerbals, simple powerplant and at least 1 docking port

Science Module - add a science lab

Cuppola - attach a cuppola to your station. optional hitchhiker container

Power plant - Add a new module that extends the power generation of your station. Charge must increase by xx

Fuel tank - Add an orange tank to your station for refueling purposes. Optional: empty tank

Refuel station - Add 1000 LF+O to your station

Refinery - attach a refinery to your station.

If you added a simple part, "civilian science box" you could have another mission that simply asked you to ferry this experiement to the station, wait X hours and bring it back safely.

I really wan't to build awesome space stations, but the current career mode isn't very fixated around it. Building stations nets very little science and apart from the initial mission rarely makes you any money what so ever. I hope this contract pack can help bring that aspect into KSP :) Thank you for your hard work

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  Kebra said:
...contracts not showing up...

Simply put, that's by design, although it sounds like the RNG is messing with you a little. Let me explain briefly how it works:

Each maintenance mission has a "random" cooldown (anywhere between 30 kerbin days, and 120 days) built into it. The thing is, each time a maintenance mission completes, that cooldown is reset for ALL of them. The contracts are weighted so that certain contracts are more likely to appear than others. If you are seeing mainly Crew Rotations, that's exactly how it should be. Now that's not to say the weighting doesn't need fiddling with, it may well need a rebalance. You'll have to wait until I get that far in my career though (nearly there) so I can do a proper balancing pass.

The weighting works as follows - as mentioned, any time one of these missions are completed the cooldown resets. All times are in Kerbin days.

Most Likely: Resupply and Crew Rotation - cooldown 30-120d - weighting 0.8 - if you've done a crew rotation and have never seen resupply, then you won't. It only shows up if you have a supported life support mod installed.

Next Most likely: Repair/Replace a faulty power module & Do science. (this last one was originally in the "most likely" - may go back there one day.) cooldown 60-120d weighting 0.4

Very rare: Evacuate the station - cooldown 100-120d weighting 0.2

Might i suggest the initial "core" be split up into a few seperate missions?

You people are never happy! Originally it was like this, but some people wanted to be able to launch basically working stations in one go, so I made it how it is so you can still do it modularly if you like (as I do).

If you added a simple part, "civilian science box" you could have another mission that simply asked you to ferry this experiement to the station, wait X hours and bring it back safely.

Station Science already has this one covered, not to mention the "do science on the station" mission.


Fuel tank - Add an orange tank to your station for refueling purposes. Optional: empty tank

Refuel station - Add 1000 LF+O to your station

Your the second person in as many posts who has asked for this, so let me explain why I'm inclined not to do it.

The problem I have, is that not all stations are refuelling outposts. Now, I can use CC to get the amount of a said resource on a vessel (such as LF). So maybe I could tell it to only generate contracts if it finds LF on a vessel (even if it's just a little), so it knows it's a refuelling station. but what happens if you run it dry? A false negative (ie contract won't generate). What happens if you dock a shuttle, which has LF on it? false positive (contract will generate but shouldn't.).

What I really need is a way of detecting resource capacity. So I could say "generate a contract if x vessel has more than x capacity AND less than y resource on board" I might ask nightingale for it at some point, but I hassle him enough, and it's really not a high priority for me.

I really wan't to build awesome space stations, but the current career mode isn't very fixated around it. Building stations nets very little science and apart from the initial mission rarely makes you any money what so ever. I hope this contract pack can help bring that aspect into KSP

If you want science download Station Science. (seriously, go download it, it's a great mod).

The point of this pack is not to make stations profitable, it's to make them useful! (lets face it, by the time you are in a position to build station, you usually are ok for cash) I hate putting stations into orbit and then forgetting about them, I wanted something to keep me vested in my station.

Edited by severedsolo
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  severedsolo said:
What I really need is a way of detecting resouce capacity. So I could say "generate a contract if x vessel has more than x capacity AND less than y resource on board" I might ask nightingale for it at some point, but I hassle him enough, and it's really not a high priority for me.

Added Vesel.ResourceCapacity() for next release (it was really, really easy, and made sense to have even if you don't end up using it. ;))

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  nightingale said:
Added Vesel.ResourceCapacity() for next release (it was really, really easy, and made sense to have even if you don't end up using it. ;))

So whats the syntax here something like

targetVessel = AllVessels().Where(v => v.Vessel.ResourceCapacity(LiquidFuel)>1000 && Vessel.Resource(LiquidFuel)<100)

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  severedsolo said:
So whats the syntax here something like

targetVessel = AllVessels().Where(v => v.Vessel.ResourceCapacity(LiquidFuel)>1000 && Vessel.Resource(LiquidFuel)<100)


EDIT: Wait, no. No Vessel.

targetVessel = AllVessels().Where(v => v.ResourceCapacity(LiquidFuel)>1000 && v.ResourceQuantity(LiquidFuel)<100)

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I wanted the curved solar panels, realistic RTGs, and fission reactors from Near Future Solar & Near Future Electric to be recognized as power modules for these contracts, so I wrote a patch. For anyone who is interested, you can copy and paste the below into a ModuleManager config file, and I think it should work.

name = PartValidationCurvedSolar
type = PartValidation
hideChildren = true
title = Have a Curved Solar Panel on board

partModule = ModuleCurvedSolarPanel

minCount = 1
name = PartValidationDecayRTG
type = PartValidation
hideChildren = true
title = Have a RTG on board

partModule = ModuleRadioisotopeGenerator

minCount = 1
name = PartValidationReactor
type = PartValidation
hideChildren = true
title = Have a Reactor on board

partModule = FissionReactor

minCount = 1
name = PartValidationCurvedSolar
type = PartValidation
hideChildren = true
title = 1 or more curved solar panels

partModule = ModuleCurvedSolarPanel

minCount = 1
name = PartValidationDecayRTG
type = PartValidation
hideChildren = true
title = 1 or more RTGs

partModule = ModuleRadioisotopeGenerator

minCount = 1
name = PartValidationReactor
type = PartValidation
hideChildren = true
title = 1 or more reactors

partModule = FissionReactor

minCount = 1


I can confirm that the patch appears to work as intended.

Edited by Fraz86
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  Fraz86 said:
I wanted the curved solar panels, realistic RTGs, and fission reactors from Near Future Solar & Near Future Electric to be recognized as power modules for these contracts, so I wrote a patch. For anyone who is interested, you can copy and paste the below into a ModuleManager config file, and I think it should work.

I'll add these to the next patch.

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So yeah, you know how when

updating a while ago, I lost the offered Launch the KSS contract? Removed as it was erroneously offered because I didn't have the parts? Well, now I have the parts and now I'm being offered the contract for Munar Space Station and not the KSS. It doesn't make a lot of sense..


This screenshot was taken a few hours after unlocking the science lab and station core parts needed (not even any launches of any kind between then and now). So now I'm wondering if I missed out totally on the KSS.. I was kinda looking forward to it :/

Any ideas? Will the KSS contract come back? KSS 1.3.3 with CC 1.0.4.

EDIT: phew, declining that MSS contract spawned the KSS contract. Panic over :D

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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  ObsessedWithKSP said:

EDIT: phew, declining that MSS contract spawned the KSS contract. Panic over :D

So yeah, you know how when
updating a while ago, I lost the offered Launch the KSS contract? Removed as it was erroneously offered because I didn't have the parts? Well, now I have the parts and now I'm being offered the contract for Munar Space Station and not the KSS. It doesn't make a lot of sense..


This screenshot was taken a few hours after unlocking the science lab and station core parts needed (not even any launches of any kind between then and now). So now I'm wondering if I missed out totally on the KSS.. I was kinda looking forward to it :/

Any ideas? Will the KSS contract come back? KSS 1.3.3 with CC 1.0.4.

Oh good :) I had thought one of the requirements for the MSS was that you had done the KSS... but obviously not. I'll fix that up in the next patch.

Edit: Why are you still on 1.3.3? Latest version is 1.3.4

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
1.3.4 "fixed a problem with LSResupply missions" only - I don't have any LS mod installed, so I didn't think the issue affected me... am I wrong?

That makes sense. I forget not everybody runs LS mods.

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Kerbin Space Station 1.4 released!

Added support for Near Future Solar (rest of NFE pending - but at the moment they say they are unsupported and outdated)).

To encourage contract diversity, once you complete a maintenance contract, it will temporarily place itself in the "rare" category. In other words, it will be less likely to generate two of the same contract in a row.

ScienceExperimentModule has been moved back into the "common" category.

ReplaceFaultyPowerModule moved to the "uncommon" category (for some weird reason it was sitting in it's own category somewhere between uncommon and rare)

KSS requirements will now accept "Station Science" lab as an alternative to unlocking the stock Science Lab.

Mun and Minmus missions now require the core KSS missions to be completed first.

All Maintenance contracts have had their deadlines extended.

Updated first post of forum post to explain which category each mission sits in.

Edited by severedsolo
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  severedsolo said:
Kerbin Space Station 1.4 released!

Added support for Near Future Electric (only curved solar panels right now, as the others say they are outdated and unsupported).

Solar panel are in NF Solar pack, not in NF Electric. And NF Solar is fully compatible with 1.0.2.

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Thanks for the update! I haven't installed it yet because I have a question about this change:

Mun and Minmus missions now require the core KSS missions to be completed first.

In my current game, I've completed the "Build KSS" and "Resupply KSS" contracts, and I'm now working on a second "Resupply KSS" contract. In the meantime, I've already taken the "Build Mun Station" and "Build Minmus Station" contracts, and I'm in the middle of building a core for Minmus. (I'm using Kerbal Construction Time, so building a station takes time.) If I install the new version, will my "Build Minmus Station" contract poof?

Edit: I installed the new version, and my "Build Mun" and "Build Minmus Station" contracts are still there, so I guess things are OK? I'm just not sure I've finished the "core KSS missions" that are now prerequisites for the Mun/Minmus missions. I've done one build-KSS mission and one resupply-KSS mission.

Edited by Mister Spock
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Despite having launched Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus stations to complete the "Launch the Mun Station!" contracts I still get repeats of these contracts offered all the time. When I decline one it just gets replaced with another one 95% of the time so I have a few contract slots that seem permanently used up by them. Kind of annoying.

The payout on the contracts seems to vary wildly, too. Sometimes I can get offered nearly a million to do a crew rotation. Sometimes it's 100k.

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  bonesbro said:

The payout on the contracts seems to vary wildly, too. Sometimes I can get offered nearly a million to do a crew rotation. Sometimes it's 100k.

That would be the serious balance issues I mentioned earlier. I'm working on this.

...I still get repeats of these contracts offered all the time....

To be clear, are you getting "Launch the Kerbin space station" missions AND crew rotations for the KSS at the same time? Because that suggests my failsafe isn't behaving properly.

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I've been using this for 2 or 3 weeks, and kept up to date via CKAN. I have a KSS and MSS, but just got a "Build the KSS" contract. Is this normal (a second KSS), or should I debug it somehow?

Also - since the station docking port part is no longer needed, could you set it to category 0 so it doesn't show up in the VAB? Also, be sure to fix the "optional" cupola text in the contracts!

Edited by curiousepic
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