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[1.3] [Kopernicus] New Horizons v2.0.1 [2JUN17] - It's Back!


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haven't heard of that one lol, but yeah currently there plenty of bees under the bonnet, I'm updating to the stand alone kopernicus which fixes the ship dissapearing bug and (hopefully) includes fixes for the contract issues. I'd probably assume any SOi problems would be fixed by this update, it just might take a little while (I'm having a hard time with porting oceans across mods atm). When it updates to 1.3 expect MANY fixes to all major issues i have atm.

But thanks for letting me know...and welcome to the forums!

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  KillAshley said:
that is my exact thoughts about this, which leaves me with the dilemma of what to do about the problem, leave the system with the bug, or simply remove sonnah and bring Kerbin back to it's own orbit again. I'm not too fond of the idea of removing Sonnah, as it changes the entire atmosphere of early game mechanics so im hoping the stand alone kopernicus will do better with the issue. I'm currently in the process of upgrading to the latest dev build and seeing how it turns out.

I remember the alternis mod from novasilisko, he had put jool on kerbins orbit and turned kerbin into a jool-moon, together with minmus, laythe, moon, bop and pol (one of them later became a kerbin-moon).

and he had similar issues, spaceships which should spawn on the launchpad spawned in mid space (at the position where kerbin should have been, and launchclamps in mid space are fun...). the ksc didn't show the correct daytime, and didn't show jool in the sky.

and sometimes parts in orbit of kerbin or other joolian objects suddenly were on a trajectory that sent them directly into the sun.

he managed to solve these problems, maybe he tells you what he did. that would save you from searching for the problem...

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1.3 should be out tomorrow with any luck! The ship dissapearing bug is GONE! And so is the transparent ring aaround atmospheric planets! My ocean planets are working fine thanks to kittopiatech, but everything runs off kopernicus.

Also have retextures of planets, and I'm redoing the clouds so there will be compatability with ksprc as well as avp! Just need to do a few tweaks to try and save some more memory for peoples pc's


UPDATE: found a serious issue as i was packaging the mod for release, unfortunately i have to leave for work right now and wont be able to fix it till after. Luckily, it should be a relatively quick fix, so it should be live in about 12 hours or so.

Edited by KillAshley
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Yeah unfortuanely during a last minute check I realised I didn't update the file paths for textures after I reorganised things and it broke, is only a 10min fix, but I'm already running late for work :(

I'll have it up asap, trust me I want it to be out as much as you do!

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v1.3 is live!

[/SIZE]Ported mod to Kopernicus 0.0.6
Retextured Ete
Resized Serran
Fixed the blurryness os Serran's texture.
Fixed a texture seam on Derso
Tweaked atmosphere setting
Tweaked colours for orbits & atmospheres
Tweaked landscape for Nolas, Eli, Atell & Derso
Improved cloud layers
seperated EVE configs for KSPRC compatibility

If you encounter any issues please let me know on this thread.

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I'll be honest here, I don't really like that you ported over to the pre alpha 0.0.6 Kopernicus. I mean, it's a PRE ALPHA, and from all I can tell is that it doesn't use Kittopia for PQS and the rings are not affected by the atmosphere in ScaledSpace anymore. I don't see anything wrong with using KittopiaTech for PQS, and I didn't even notice the tiny partial ring 'invisibleness' caused by the atmospheres of atmospheric planets.

Anyway, as KCreator said on the KopernicusTech thread:

Until Kopernicus adds an ingame UI for editing PQS components, this mod remains relevant. And the particle system thingy in KittopiaTech has yet to be integrated into Kopernicus, so that's one more reason this mod is still relevant.

Don't demoralise Gravitasi with sayings like that, as he is the only person to ever show an interest, and skill, in continuing my plugin.

See? Tekno's Kopernicus doesn't even have an ingame UI yet! See what I meant by pre alpha?

So, what I'm saying KillAshley, is that you should port it back over to KopernicusTech, as Tekno's Kopernicus is just in no where near developed enough yet.

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@ nicholander

or i just could not port back? the major save breaking bugs that effect my mod are all caused by KopernicusTech, and switching to stand alone kopernicus has solved amost every issue i faced. Yes i know its PRE-ALPHa as you keep repeating, but the results of switching are far superiour than remaining with a mod that has ships flinging themselves out of planets SOI's, dissapearing on reload of saves and orbits not updating properly. The lack of in-game UI isn't a bad thing, and is being developed now, but that doesn't mean i should stick with a mod that causes me so many major issues!

I don't know what your intentions were with your post, but the way its worded comes off as an attack towards me. maybe you should stop and think that theres reasons people do what they do before you start making demoralizing statements towards them, as usually there are perfectly understandable reasons.

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Thank you for your great and swift work Ashley, I will check it out today. Assuming there are no game-breaking issues (I could even live with a few broken worlds) this will be my new main 0.90 career :)

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Ok so I've just gone and installed 1.3 into a fresh install, and I am now getting the NaN bug A LOT. Not sure what is causing it, but here's the output if you want to have a look. I haven't been able tto see how everything else is, because my game now crashes within about 5-10 mins

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  dom700 said:
Thank you for your great and swift work Ashley, I will check it out today. Assuming there are no game-breaking issues (I could even live with a few broken worlds) this will be my new main 0.90 career :)

thanks mate, there shouldn't be any of the old bugs in there, but if you spot any please let me know! The only thing that could be wrong is oceans having islands where there shouldnt be....but we'll pretend they arent there for the time being, wont we :wink:

now back to writing these damned science defs :(

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  KillAshley said:
@ nicholander

or i just could not port back? the major save breaking bugs that effect my mod are all caused by KopernicusTech, and switching to stand alone kopernicus has solved amost every issue i faced. Yes i know its PRE-ALPHa as you keep repeating, but the results of switching are far superiour than remaining with a mod that has ships flinging themselves out of planets SOI's, dissapearing on reload of saves and orbits not updating properly. The lack of in-game UI isn't a bad thing, and is being developed now, but that doesn't mean i should stick with a mod that causes me so many major issues!

I don't know what your intentions were with your post, but the way its worded comes off as an attack towards me. maybe you should stop and think that theres reasons people do what they do before you start making demoralizing statements towards them, as usually there are perfectly understandable reasons.

Wait, so I just criticize the switch of platform from KopernicusTech to Kopernicus for your amazing mod (No seriously, I haven't seen anything this good since Alternis Kerbol and OPM!) and you say that is an attack against you? Okay, I admit, I might have made my post a bit too strongly worded (I think that's the correct phrase in this context), sorry about that, but that doesn't mean it's an attack against you. As I said before, I just didn't like your decision to convert to Kopernicus, and perhaps what you say about the advantages of Tekno's Kopernicus are true, but I would like to say that I haven't run into any major problems with KopernicusTech, the only one I can think of off the top of my head is some occasional lag.

I'd just like to say again that I'm not trying to be angry at you, I just prefer KopernciusTech at the moment and thought it'd be nice if you could use that instead.

EDIT: I noticed that you changed the Kerbol Minor Bodies link from "(removed temporarily)" to "(removed indefinitely)". Like I said above in this post, I'm not angry at you, and I'm also not fully convinced this is just because KopernicusTech is incompatible with Kopernicus. I'm thinking about switching Minor Bodies to Kopernicus when it's out of pre-alpha, but I won't switch it now in it's current 0.0.6 state.

EDIT 2: KillAshely changed that back in the OP, but I'll still look into Kopernicus, maybe even before it's out of pre-alpha, that's one thing for sure. :)

Edited by Nicholander
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i may have acted a bit harsh, been a bad couple days, been drinking a bit tonight and may have taken it personally...sorry dude

looki had MAJOR issues with koptech, thats why i had to switch. Kopernicus may still be fresh, but I've had no issues since porting. mainly the cause i think was because i moved all the stock planets around (especially kerbin) and it screws with alot of things. I had ships in orbits getting flung out of SOI's as soon as you went into time warp, i had ships vanishing as soon as you shut the game down, i had ships spawning underground instead of the launchpad, so yeah lots of issues! but

Since updating though ive had none of the old issues and ive been trying to make them bugs happen, so it's a no brainer for me to stay on kopernicus i still have to implement kittopatech as kopernicus' oceans arent fully worked out.

- - - Updated - - -

  Chimer4 said:
Ok so I've just gone and installed 1.3 into a fresh install, and I am now getting the NaN bug A LOT. Not sure what is causing it, but here's the output if you want to have a look. I haven't been able tto see how everything else is, because my game now crashes within about 5-10 mins

ill look into it tomorrow when i get a chance

Edited by KillAshley
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  Chimer4 said:
Ok so I've just gone and installed 1.3 into a fresh install, and I am now getting the NaN bug A LOT. Not sure what is causing it, but here's the output if you want to have a look. I haven't been able tto see how everything else is, because my game now crashes within about 5-10 mins

can you give me more specifics? i cant seem to replicate this problem, it's working fine for me no matter what i do. I copied your mod list exactly and getting nothing :(

what are you doing when it errors, what os you on, anything you did or could have done because i'm a little confused about this one...

on the plus side, testing for your issue made me realize i forgot to put in the science multiplier overwrites i did to compensate for having 32 bodies in the system, and i also noticed there's a problem with texture replacer and rings, seems they dont like them at all! I'll have to look for a fix....

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I'll keep that in mind if i find any more problems, but it turn out it was the old ATM issue, not TR (got myself confused) fixed it by changing my normal ATM fix from.

keepLoaded = ^New_Horizons/

to this:

keepLoaded = ^New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/

when i look more into Chimer4's problem I'll let you know.

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hmmmm sounds interesting, but I've already got alot of work ahead of me so it'll have to go on the 'low priority' list. Tweaking the sun was something i thought about and definitely is a possibility now, but at the moment my list keeps growing so it'll get sorted eventually.

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If anyone wants it, here's a patch I made to move some of the Kopernicus example planets:


@referenceBody = Sonnah
@semiMajorAxis = 20600000
@referenceBody = Sonnah
@semiMajorAxis = 147500000

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The problem I'm having seems to be confined to the SPH for some reason. At the time I was messing with some VTOLs and it just wasn't having it. Going back and trying some more, rockets seem fine, but I'll either crash on launch or a few minutes into the flight from the SPH. Both instances seem ro be related to the NaN bug from what I can tell from the logs. I posted the log in my first post about this, but here they are again log. Trying out 1.15 (I hadn't tried planes with NH intil 1.3) any planes I launched spawned in orbit around the sun, and editing them into orbit around kerbin crashed the games, yet rockets worked fine.

OS Win 8 64bit running 32bit exe

  • Toolbar
  • ATM
  • EVE
  • Karbonite
  • DOE
  • Planetshine
  • KAS
  • KerbalEngineer
  • JointReinforcement
  • Hyperedit (only installed after the problem to get my ships back into orbit)
  • This
  • OPM
  • Fairings from KW
  • PFairings
  • MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage
  • NEAR
  • All NearFuture
  • PreciseNode
  • QuantumStruts
  • RealChute
  • SCANsat
  • TR
  • Trajectories
  • TTransferWindowPlanner
  • Tweakscale
  • VenStockRevamp

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