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[1.3] [Kopernicus] New Horizons v2.0.1 [2JUN17] - It's Back!


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  Coga19000 said:
Waitwaitwaitwautwait, that means that either Kerbals live on Laythe now (so the game must be called Lathan Space Program), or your space program starts off around a frakking gas giant?!?!?!

and what gave you that idea? from the op: Kerbin : A terrestrial planet orbiting Sonnah

If you read the OP it'll tell you all you need to know about the pack and when it's all about :wink:

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No, when I said " around the gas giant " I meant "on a planet orbiting a gas giant ". See, I would immediately say you start of at Kerbin, but my nerd mode engaged just in time to tell me that condirions at the new position of Kerbin are no longer exactly suitable for intelligent life -and thus my question was created.

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I've not looked at the system in detail, but I assume Kerbin gets the same amount of sunlight as normal. Kerbin obviously retains its atmosphere, which will provide ample shielding from any radiation belts Sonnah might have.

As far as science goes, even if the science multipliers aren't altered, generally the game is quite "forgiving" on that front. If anything I shan't be surprised if New Horizons is in some ways more generous, with the early game offers the Mun, Aptur, Serran, and Sonnah itself as good science targets. (I'm messing with the game balance further myself though, I have science gains at 60% but extra science parts from DMagic and ScanSAT).

Edited by cantab
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  Coga19000 said:
No, when I said " around the gas giant " I meant "on a planet orbiting a gas giant ". See, I would immediately say you start of at Kerbin, but my nerd mode engaged just in time to tell me that condirions at the new position of Kerbin are no longer exactly suitable for intelligent life -and thus my question was created.

i misread, im afraid it happens at 4:45 am :wink:

  cantab said:
I've not looked at the system in detail, but I assume Kerbin gets the same amount of sunlight as normal. Kerbin obviously retains its atmosphere, which will provide ample shielding from any radiation belts Sonnah might have.

As far as science goes, even if the science multipliers aren't altered, generally the game is quite "forgiving" on that front. If anything I shan't be surprised if New Horizons is in some ways more generous, with the early game offers the Mun, Aptur, Serran, and Sonnah itself as good science targets. (I'm messing with the game balance further myself though, I have science gains at 60% but extra science parts from DMagic and ScanSAT).

i have balanced it and that process is always ongoing, it focuses on the early game, getting out and exploring the sonnah system before leaving the home giant to go interplanetary. Science is low in the home system, and the planets aren't exactly easy so theres always a challenge around. The focus of the layouts came from a gameplay standpoint over realism, at times i had to stretch physical rules to get the desired challenge.....

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Well, I understand the atmoshpere part, but I don't really think Jool has been moved close enough to Kerbin to get the same amount of sunlight. Since I did read the OP, Jool seems to remain at the outermost parts of the Kerbol system, so this would mean that either the majority of the system (which is much bigger than the stock Kerbol system) has been stuffed in one KAU's (Kerbal Astronomical Unit) radius, or Kerbol is much larger than stock.

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currently Sonnah, Kerbin's parent, sits at about 2.3KAU or 2.3x the distance Kerbin originally orbited. The entire system has been reshuffled and reorganised into a completely new layout, Jool currently sits probably around Eeloo's orbit in stock, if not past it. Yes I am aware that the system layout is probably not the most realistic, especially since i left the star as stock until I finish the modifications for the new star types to come in. The reason I have it so far out s to have a relatively "stable" system in place. The system was balanced in universe sandbox 2 so the orbits themselves are stable (apart from aptur, but until i can correctly create lagrange points that is staying put), however the SMA for each planet was scaled down afterwards to fit a reasonable scale that players can actually get to.

The reason is the same i said above. Gameplay always wins over realism. Creating my system realistically would make it unplayable for most KSP players. All I have been trying to do is create a fresh start for the system, as that's what i needed to get back into the game seeing as i haven't actually had a playthrough since 0.25

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Yeah, I see your point as regards both the position and science. It is true that, despite what science nuts like me want to believe for lack of a more fun game to compare to RL, KSP is just that ;a fun game, not a realistic space flight simulator. KSP players pay the game not (exclusively) for its attention to realism (even though it is much closer to home than others obviously), but for its fun factor, and therefore KSP is not always obliged to file some arbitrary rules just because we have been taught that's the right way - especially when fan -made mods come into play.

Anyways -great job on that mod, man. I'll be sure to try it after I finish my Apollo challenge ;)

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thanks dude, it's not a bad thing to be a science nut, trust me theres nothing i find more interesting...however yeah I had to sacrifice a lot of ideas when creating this!

and just so you know, in v1.0 the orbits were set to "realsitic" but i had to change it withing an hour when i realized just how incredibly hard it was to get anywhere. That's how the system ended up in it's current configuration :wink: and it's been carefully balanced for gameplay since

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Checking your configs, you've only nudged Jool about 10% further from the Sun than in the stock system actually, and a similar eccentricity. Also, it's pretty cool that you tested the system stability out.

Do you know any way to tell if there will be SOI overlaps, other than finding them in game? It's something I'm looking into but it doesn't seem easy.

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well the distance isn't actually something I've looked at tbh, I've been more focused on getting things running nice and smooth.

None of my Soi's overlap, the best way is always to test manually...but thats just personal preference probably. I like the peace of sitting there in time warp watching myself float about

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Is there a way to delete some parts of the mod after downloading so I just get Arin and its moons added to my game when I open it, and none of the other bodies or moving of the stock planets? I think Arin looks amazing but I don't want to rearrange the rest of my system.

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You can probably just copy in the relevant files from New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/NewHorizonPlanets/ , as well as the science definitions file. You might want to tweak Arin's orbit in its .cfg too.

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  Alexoff said:
I updated kopernikus and now I can see this

Well, it's beautiful, but what should I do to see Jeb on the Mun in menu?

As minimumSky5 said:

  MinimumSky5 said:
No, as I understand, that is intended, I have no idea how to get the Mun on the loading screen. (But Arin is pretty enough!)

it's not a glitch. It's a deliberate feature of New Horizons. Seeing as how I have completely reworked the system I though a new menu would emphasize these changes...you can remove the change though, simply find Arin.cfg in the maze of folders i have and remove the line that says "%mainMenuBody = Arin" and it'll go back to normal.

  Ekken said:
Is there a way to delete some parts of the mod after downloading so I just get Arin and its moons added to my game when I open it, and none of the other bodies or moving of the stock planets? I think Arin looks amazing but I don't want to rearrange the rest of my system.

All of the planets are in individual folders, simply delete the ones you want and go for it. You may also want to look for the vanilla planet .cfg's as they change the stock orbits around.

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  Thomas P. said:
That's not quite correct. Kopernicus removes the abillity to launch into the "Mun-Surface" scene, to make the custom Main-Menu bodies possible. The function is always executed, even if you don't have a mainMenuBody-definition (It finds home automatically then). Sorry, but until I have time to understand the more complex Mun-Scene, Space is the only Scene you'll get. :(

maybe this could help your search


  • There is another main menu image with multiple kerbals, apparently digging out the crashed lander. Note that this is not in the stock game and is in fact added by the toolbar mod.

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  cantab said:
As for New Horizons, could Aptur or Sonnah work instead of Arin? That way Kerbin might be visible in the background sometimes.

i tried all the different planets really, and the best one was Arin ;) you can toy about with it yourself and see what works best for you in the Arin.cfg, just change the %mainMenuBody = Arin to any planet you desire

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This planet pack continues to make me work for it... :)

to handle rescue missions around Sonnah, Aptur, Serran, and Kerbin with a single launch. The Serran one had to get home with 433m/s... had to bring it down rough in the tundra, but apparently I didn't have that surface sample yet so it worked out well

Also, rescue from 156Mm retrograde orbit around Sonnah... I cheated him back to prograde, and he still cost 95,000 roots to retrieve. I seem to get a lot of Sonnah-retrogrades, is there something in the config that might be doing that?

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haha eddiew, thats pretty cool. Na nothing that i would have done...although I'm looking into the contract system a little I haven't done anything to it so far apart from stop those 'mine ore' contracts from appearing at gas giants. You might just be getting unlucky :P

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