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[1.3] [Kopernicus] New Horizons v2.0.1 [2JUN17] - It's Back!


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it has to do with the general 'resolution' of the derived heightmap...still not 100% but it works really nicely for general smoothing. The material section governs the ground textures for any given planet, you can set them manually in the .cfg's if you want custom textures or if you use a template then you can just leave them out and it'll use your template's ground textures. There's no tutorial on them (yet....) so for now you'll have to experiment a lot :wink:

Thanks! :)

Oh and: We should really try to collect all that information in some place, don't you think? Right most attempts at planetmaking do not go much further than a SE export and that really is a shame given all the potential of Kopernicus...

Edited by Tellion
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Something slightly fishy about going to warm-Laythe for less than 1km/s...


Discovered Modular Fuel Tanks and dumped the oxidiser out of those mk2 parts and swapped it for pure LF. Good, robust atmospheric probe with over 4km/s. Really useful partner to NH, possibly as handy as Near Future :)

Floats on Kerbin, assuming it will do so on Laythe... maybe.

...and is it my imagination, or does the horizon not glow like that in stock?

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...and is it my imagination, or does the horizon not glow like that in stock?

it must be your imagination dude, the only thing i edited about the stock planets is the positions :wink: you can double check yourself in the .cfg files but if there is an issue with stock planets it's not on my end (for once!)

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it must be your imagination dude...

Fair enough - still not quite used to how Kerbin looks without EVE and clouds... sadly it was just eating my RAM and had to go. High hopes for Unity5 sorting out the 64 bit issue ^^

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Fair enough - still not quite used to how Kerbin looks without EVE and clouds... sadly it was just eating my RAM and had to go. High hopes for Unity5 sorting out the 64 bit issue ^^

yeah i had to resort to the 64-bit hack to get my game going again...miss out on a couple mods like FAR, and theres no bug support, but imho it's worth i for how nice my game looks lol

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I am tempted to try out the 64 bit hack myself... by and large I have a very stable PC (haven't rebooted for a month) and KSP has only actually crashed once, excluding all the regular memory-leak restarts that I have to do. Maybe something to try tonight ^^

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I have an observation that is missing the appropriate .craft file to reproduce because I didn't even consider saving it until now! I have been playing New Horizons for a few months and have had a ship glitch out and explode on the launch pad 1 time prior to my most recent session. I was testing a rocket by adding all the mass and some of KWs separators to the top of the rocket and when I initially loaded this at the launch pad I ended up with a scene that has been posted here earlier where the terrain is all giant planes slicing through Kerbin at extreme angles. The rocket was placed high above the launch pad, reloaded to the same location and then fell and exploded. Reverting to launch or going back to the VAB and launching again gave me just the launch pad (I only had the terrain glitch the 1 time) but the rocket would still explode 100% of the time. I was just testing dV variances based on weight for different situations and when I removed the test stage I had placed on top of my rocket everything fixed itself.

The only thing that I can think of is that the bulk of my craft and mass was placed above the root part of my rocket, which is the opposite of how I build my actual ships. The separator was not placed upside-down so the bottom part of the rocket I wanted to keep would be considered the throwaway component, but I was just using it to divide a stage for dV purposes.

Edited by Tynrael
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I've seen the same issue occur myself. And I believe it's the root cause of the explosions on launch some people have suffered - that the rocket gets put in the wrong position vertically on the launchpad. If it's too low it clips into the pad and kaboom, if it's too high it drops onto the pad as you saw. I've seen both happen with the exact same rocket.

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The terrain slicing is odd... I was originally blaming an interaction twixt NH and Kerbal Construction Time, but I still (more rarely) have it happen without KCT too. My suspicion comes back to Kopernicus, rather than NH specifically - unless it's a stock thing - but it's definitely quite rare and a revert to VAB/SPH usually clears it.

Rockets/planes being above/below the pad/runway is something I've had in stock and it's darned annoying :/ Oddly, a game restart seems to get rid of the problem when it happens though.

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I've seen terrain glitching occur in stock if you fly a ship very far from the Sun then go back to the Space Centre. Makes me wonder if it isn't some glitch in the way the world origin is handled and that's causing floating point errors.

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It's a Kopernicus bug. I reported it here on page 85 (along with what causes it, and why KCT seems to make it worse) and on the Kopernicus thread on page 138. Not a single person replied to it, except Nori in a PM saying that he could reproduce it as well. E: Now also reported on the Kopernicus Github page. Shoulda done that earlier :rolleyes:

It seems only to happen if Kerbin is reparented (it happens in New Horizons and Alternis Kerbol, but not with just Kopernicus or KScale2). If you timewarp enough in the Space Center scene and then launch a vessel without a scene change, your terrain will get totally messed up and it will 9 times out of 10 destroy your vessel (either by putting it underground or way in the air). There might be other ways to make it happen, but that's the way that KCT exasperates, since you often have to timewarp in the space center scene.

With KCT, I advise everyone to timewarp only in the tracking station and then switch back to the Space Center to launch.

Edited by magico13
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Useful to know, thanks Magico :) I'll put KCT back into my game and have a go with tracking station only for warps. It works better under NH that way too, since the KSC screen doesn't update the diurnal cycle properly and I never know if I'm about to test drive a rover in the daylight or darkenss ^^

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Anyone know why it looks like this when I launch stuff?

That was literally the discussion in the previous half dozen posts :) Yes we do - and as Olympic1 says, it's strongly connected to time warping in the KSC view, then launching.

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That was literally the discussion in the previous half dozen posts :) Yes we do - and as Olympic1 says, it's strongly connected to time warping in the KSC view, then launching.

I've also seen it from just loading up the game and launching from the Space Center without another scene change (no timewarp required, just start game -> load save -> launch = terrain bugs). That's the only other case I could find in the few hours I spent testing things, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were more ways.

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Just recently tried this planet pack. Very nice, especially with the custom GFX addons. I was hooked when I first saw Sonnah over the horizon from low Kerbin orbit. Also, good call on having Kerbin as a moon - it certainly adds a new layer of challenge and planning to interplanetary trips.

Only issue I've had is that as a Science Mode + CTT player, my career is pretty much stalled in the Sonnah system. I don't know if this mod is meant to be played in Stock full career, but there don't seem to be enough available science points around the local bodies to progress to technologies required for manned landings (i.e. 2.5m rocketry, landing legs, crewed landing modules) or to even advance to the intermediate level of science instruments. I might either add some initial science points, or make a MM config for players who can't or won't play with contracts, in order to counteract the science-poor early game. I don't mind difficulty curves, but as a Science Mode player, the experience feels a little discontinuous.

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I've not looked at the details, but considering you have Mun, Aptur, and Serran with biomes plus Sonnah without I'm not sure there's that much of a science shortage. I'm playing with the stock tech tree, 60% science gains, but DMagic Orbital Science parts present. Once I had jets and wheels I did do a bit of science grinding around the KSC and I have needed to choose my tech nodes well, but so far progression was fine, and that's with being cautious with Kerbals because I'm playing without reverts.

Plus I'd say none of what you list is needed for a Kerballed landing. Provided you have stack and radial decouplers, struts, and ideally decent-sized fuel tanks you should be good to go. Remember the advantage of science mode is no worries about mass or part count.

But if you do want more science points then to me the obvious thing is to chuck probes at the other planets.

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