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[1.3] [Kopernicus] New Horizons v2.0.1 [2JUN17] - It's Back!


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I love this whole concept. Not sure how you put it exactly, but even version 1 just has so much wonder in it, as so much about the systems arrangement is actually alien. I find the game is more immersive with NH. Also starting to try your other packs too. Thanks for all the time you put into these things! 

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Regarding New Horizons 2, I'll just say that the New Horizons I've known I've adored. Serran is gorgeous, Titanus splendid. Descending into the depths of Leouch was one of the most truly awe-inspiring things I'd done in KSP, and flying through the canyons of Nolas felt straight out of Star Wars.

Basically, don't change too much.

I think I mentioned it before, but would Uncharted Lands support be on the cards? I'm thinking UL planet overhauls in the NH system layout.

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  On 5/3/2016 at 10:45 PM, Gallium Games said:

I have been having the frequent crash issue with 1.1. Will I be able to update to NH 2.0 without needing to give up my career mode progress? Will all the new additions corrupt my progress?


As KillHasley stated in a past post, NH 2.0 will be a lot different from the one we're used to, so probably no saves will be saved.

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I've kept saves going through planet additions, removals, and updates before. It can take some fiddly manual save editing, and there's no guarantee every craft can be preserved - in particular anything landed may go boom when you switch to it if the planet terrain has changed. But the overall save should be able to stay.

PS: And so far so good for KSP 1.1.2, Kop 1.0.3, and NH 1.7. The system loads and is playable. There are a few glitches - I just ran over to Leouch on fuelhack and the atmosphere is physically present but visually invisible.

And then the game crashed during the atmo descent, but I believe that that is a general crash issue on Linux independent of the mods. Sadly even if NH works fine, that crashing could well nix my KSPing.

Edited by cantab
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  On 4/26/2016 at 8:52 AM, Dombi said:

Yup it is. I deleted every mod besides kopernicus and NH and it didn't even last for 5 minutes. Will try now a fresh install with no mods to see if the problem still persists but this wasn't hapenning before trying NH


Would you happen to be running CKAN?  If so, know that uninstalling any mod, let alone multiples, is prone to leave ghost files and ghost folders behind.  It stems from CKAN's safety feature of not deleting anything it doesn't recognize having put there to begin with, so if any mod generates a .cfg or something similar, it'll delete what it recalls putting there and it'll leave the husk behind.  Going in to manually delete GameData folders after a delete spree is a good idea, but I think it's a better idea to fully uninstall KSP, manually delete the Kerbal Space Program folder from Steam, and then reinstall from Steam, just to ensure that you have a solid working copy clean of partially-uninstalled mods.  It's been known to cause issues.

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Breaking News!

A probe on a standard flyby of Jool has provided fleeting footage of what appears to be one of Jool's most mysterious moons. It appears this small moon is in the process of literally tearing itself apart, with what appears to be deep chasms across it's surface. Scientists think that due to the material loss of the body, it is definitely not dense enough to support any kind of atmosphere, however limited thermal imaging has revealed intense heat in the chasms leading down into the mantle of this small moon. A large debris field of smaller asteroids has been detected in the vicinity of the body, leading to the conclusion that it could very well be debris flung from the crust. While footage and facts remain very limited at this current stage, we hope to bring you more news in the future.

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  On 5/6/2016 at 5:05 PM, KillAshley said:

Breaking News!

A probe on a standard flyby of Jool has provided fleeting footage of what appears to be one of Jool's most mysterious moons. It appears this small moon is in the process of literally tearing itself apart, with what appears to be deep chasms across it's surface. Scientists think that due to the material loss of the body, it is definitely not dense enough to support any kind of atmosphere, however limited thermal imaging has revealed intense heat in the chasms leading down into the mantle of this small moon. A large debris field of smaller asteroids has been detected in the vicinity of the body, leading to the conclusion that it could very well be debris flung from the crust. While footage and facts remain very limited at this current stage, we hope to bring you more news in the future.

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Does this game have the ability to approximate magma / lava?  I know in your design notes for v2.0, you indicate a "partially molten" inner planet.  We already have water, and we have ghost-water in terms of the KSC wading pool.  Would the heat and slow-melt effects of lava even me possible?  Or hell, active volcanism?

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I played early versions of New Horizons, currently play Uncharted Lands, because I really like the experience of exploring a new system. I'm looking forward to this getting redone.

The only comment/feedback I would have on the general makeup is that after playing Uncharted Lands I can definitely say that I prefer a normal Kerbin+moons  start over the New Horizon "gas giant+Kerbin as a moon". It's no major issue but if there is a chance for it to be considered I would lobby for a normal Kerbin+Moon start with maybe a gas giant as the first, easiest to reach step after that.

Thanks for all the work! Have fun.


Edited by Therlun
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I noticed that the science archive in the Research laboratory was not changed, and showed the solar system without the mod, dose this mean I can't get science or It just wont show on the Archive? Can you please fix this next update 

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  On 5/7/2016 at 1:45 AM, Therlun said:

I played early versions of New Horizons, currently play Uncharted Lands, because I really like the experience of exploring a new system. I'm looking forward to this getting redone.

The only comment/feedback I would have on the general makeup is that after playing Uncharted Lands I can definitely say that I prefer a normal Kerbin+moons  start over the New Horizon "gas giant+Kerbin as a moon". It's no major issue but if there is a chance for it to be considered I would lobby for a normal Kerbin+Moon start with maybe a gas giant as the first, easiest to reach step after that.

Thanks for all the work! Have fun.



Or, maybe minmus can orbit Kerbin again, and they both orbit the gas gaint, kerbin could be a moon with a moon!

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  On 5/8/2016 at 7:41 AM, BashGordon33 said:

Or, maybe minmus can orbit Kerbin again, and they both orbit the gas gaint, kerbin could be a moon with a moon!


Sadly, that arrangement is physically impossible in a real solar system. All satellites of satellites are in inherently unstable orbits. You could do it in KSP I imagine but would seriously break the idea of realism. 

I would honestly love it if the KSC was located on an alien world and Kerbin was a moon somewhere else. 

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  On 5/8/2016 at 6:38 AM, BashGordon33 said:

I noticed that the science archive in the Research laboratory was not changed, and showed the solar system without the mod, dose this mean I can't get science or It just wont show on the Archive? Can you please fix this next update 


Known Kopernicus bug. Workaround is to load up the game and go straight into the Tracking Station and Science Archives. The archives get broken when you go into another scene, such as the VAB or the Tracking Station, and then back to the Space Centre screen.


  On 5/8/2016 at 8:46 AM, Aerindel said:

Sadly, that arrangement is physically impossible in a real solar system. All satellites of satellites are in inherently unstable orbits. You could do it in KSP I imagine but would seriously break the idea of realism. 

I would honestly love it if the KSC was located on an alien world and Kerbin was a moon somewhere else. 


Subsatellites are possible in some situations. Though I like New Horizons laid out the way it is. I've enjoyed getting to grips with departing from LKO for an interplanetary transfer, it adds a bunch of new considerations that the stock game doesn't.

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OK so before the situation goes further, yes sub-satellites are possible, but they are very VERY rare as the orbits they have would be inherently unstable. I was given the suggestion for a sub satellite over a year ago during the first few months of NH's creation, however it's something that i wont do given it's instability. The compromise i made was to create a "new Minmus" and have it relatively easy to get to, which is how Aptur came to be. Although I will be juggling things around to create a more stable structure to the system, adding a moon to Kerbin, or considering any other sub-satellite idea, isn't on the agenda.

Also in regards to the suggestion by @Therlun about the "normal start" principle, this has been asked for in the past and I have always said no, as the main challenge for NH was the starting point, and having to re-balance everything to adjust for a normal Kerbin start position is more work than I'm willing to do :P




Also one more thing;

Breaking News!


While coming into the gravity well of Jool, one of the KSC's prize probes spotted a glimpse of one of the more unusual moons of Jool. It has been reported by scientists all over Kerbin that this newly-discovered moon would be made up of almost pure ice with a lot of impurities the further down into the terrain you go. Although Scientists are unsure of the composition of the subterranean chemicals present in the moon, as the probe was only able to get a distant, passing glimpse, they are only certain of one thing; it's pink color is VERY pleasing to the eye. While current information is till very limited due to the distance at which the probe passed the moon, it appears that would resemble deep tectonic cracks run across it's surface. Scientists hypothesize that these cracks are not from internal planetary activity, but merely crevasses formed due to the constant melting and movement of it's glacier-like surface.

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  On 5/8/2016 at 7:50 PM, KillAshley said:

OK so before the situation goes further, yes sub-satellites are possible, but they are very VERY rare as the orbits they have would be inherently unstable. I was given the suggestion for a sub satellite over a year ago during the first few months of NH's creation, however it's something that i wont do given it's instability. The compromise i made was to create a "new Minmus" and have it relatively easy to get to, which is how Aptur came to be. Although I will be juggling things around to create a more stable structure to the system, adding a moon to Kerbin, or considering any other sub-satellite idea, isn't on the agenda.

Also in regards to the suggestion by @Therlun about the "normal start" principle, this has been asked for in the past and I have always said no, as the main challenge for NH was the starting point, and having to re-balance everything to adjust for a normal Kerbin start position is more work than I'm willing to do :P




Also one more thing;

Breaking News!


While coming into the gravity well of Jool, one of the KSC's prize probes spotted a glimpse of one of the more unusual moons of Jool. It has been reported by scientists all over Kerbin that this newly-discovered moon would be made up of almost pure ice with a lot of impurities the further down into the terrain you go. Although Scientists are unsure of the composition of the subterranean chemicals present in the moon, as the probe was only able to get a distant, passing glimpse, they are only certain of one thing; it's pink color is VERY pleasing to the eye. While current information is till very limited due to the distance at which the probe passed the moon, it appears that would resemble deep tectonic cracks run across it's surface. Scientists hypothesize that these cracks are not from internal planetary activity, but merely crevasses formed due to the constant melting and movement of it's glacier-like surface.

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Looks awesome! Can't wait for NH2.0. Also your doing great driving the hype train! Keep at it:D

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  On 4/27/2016 at 4:33 AM, Skyfligher said:

While we wait for New Horizons 2.0 I went ahead and updated the old EVE files so that they work for EVE in its current release. I don't know if this has already been done elsewhere if it has I would love to know where as this is just a basic patch that I threw together without any understanding of how EVE works. NH_CustomEVE I learned a lot while doing it but I can't say that it's anything special just me trying to put what was in the original configs in the new system.


I made these files as a patch for now, they will work with the current EVE mod. They aren't great but I will be working on them after my finals are finished this week to make them a bit nicer until NH 2.0 is released.

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  On 5/8/2016 at 8:46 AM, Aerindel said:

Sadly, that arrangement is physically impossible in a real solar system. All satellites of satellites are in inherently unstable orbits. You could do it in KSP I imagine but would seriously break the idea of realism. 

I would honestly love it if the KSC was located on an alien world and Kerbin was a moon somewhere else. 


Yeah I know, the conflicting tidal forces between the sun and earth would prevent the moon from ever getting a moon. But, if Kerbin was a moon, and no moons can have moons, how would space stations ever be allowed? I personally have like 3 stations that would have burned up if New Horizons was realistic. And remember, even artificial moon satellites in RL crash within 2-3 years, so realism is already out the window. In my opinion: Its a game, while realism should be important lets not forget how fun games are when there not realistic. Another thing that really blew New Horizons for me was that they nerfed science in the Sonnah system, so its hard as excrements to get science 

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