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How to make a SSTO?

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So, when I was making my space station, I thought, "I just need to learn how to make a SSTO and dock it to this Station and I'll have something like the ISS."

Problem is, I don't have any clue on how to make one.

I tried and gave myself 10 tries before asking around, all of my attempts have been less encouraging.

All I'm asking for is some tips, tricks and other stuff to make an SSTO. (Sorry if its in the wrong forum or category.)

Edited by Forty21112
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and you are in the correct forum category.

also rapiers are the bomb. at least for me, i find them really useful. i know it might seem irrelevant because i never used sstos until very recently so i can say all those charts about how your ascent should look like are VERY important. also the lighter the better when aiming for a plane type. i myself never tried a rocket style ssto.

thats all i can throw at you right now so good luck

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So, when I was making my space station, I thought, "I just need to learn how to make a SSTO and dock it to this Station and I'll have something like the ISS."

Well, do you want to dock a vertical-launched rocket propelled spaceplane (i.e. a Space Shuttle) to your station, or a horizontally launched, jets-then-rockets SSTO? Modeling a Space Shuttle is a LOT harder than making a jet-rocket or rocket SSTO in KSP, though Space Shuttles have existed in our world and SSTOs not quite yet.

If you can be a bit more clear on your goals the forum can give you loads of help. Let me put it this way: describe the movie that plays in your head when you imagine your ship lifting off from the space center and meeting your station in orbit. I guarantee someone here has done something like that, and I also guarantee when you play long enough you will do something no one else has thought of. :)

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I have a performance evaluation in six minutes, so I ain't got time to type. Try here if you're using stock aerodynamics or here as well if you're using FAR, and that's assuming you're wanting to build a spaceplane - SSTO just means "single-stage to orbit", meaning no parts come off of the craft, it can be applied to both rockets and spaceplanes but most commonly on the forums refers to spaceplanes.

EDIT: For an SSTO rocket, assume a 4% payload fraction and 1.2 TWR at launch, and be willing to throttle back so that you stay at the top of the green zone of the gee meter after you make your turn. That's with stock aero; to be honest, I've yet to try an SSTO rocket launch in FAR, but I imagine the procedure'd be the same (1.2 is what I've heard is recommended for general all-stages rocketry in FAR, so I imagine you could pull off a better payload fraction there...).

Seriously, those links I've posted above will help out a lot - keptin's guide is an essential for newcomers to the world of spaceplanes, while DocMoriarty's guide is good for the specifics in stock aero. The second link is a chronicle of my personal adventures in FAR; it would be useful to you if that's the aerodynamic model you're using, or are thinking about using.

Edited by capi3101
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When I first tried to design and fly a SSTO to orbit I really struggled too. The problem I had was that I wasn't sure if it was my flying or my design that was preventing me from being successful. It doesn't help that the ascent profile for getting a spaceplane to orbit is substantially different from that of a rocket. If you continue to struggle I would recommend downloading a proven SSTO from the spacecraft exchange thread and flying that. If you fail to get one of those to orbit, at least you know you need to improve your flying skills. Once you can get such a craft to orbit is the time you can try with your own designs knowing that if you then fail with those, it's the design that needs tweaking rather than your flying.

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@Red Iron Crown: I thought it might be more of a plane style flying. Like I said, before not much luck. And I actually thought that the Space Shuttle was an SSTO.:blush:

@Kuzzter: Jets and Rockets, definitely. I found that Rapiers wasn't as efficient compared to separate jets-and-rockets craft. My goal was to just dock an SSTO and deorbit it back to Kerbin. It may have a tank full of Life Support and some Monoprop and fuel.

@Xruler: I use FAR and usually stay within stock parts with the occasional Fairing mod.

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A lot comes down to how you fly it. If you try and launch straight for space you'll struggle- the trick is to keep running on jet engines for as long as possible, building up speed around 25-30km. You should be able to get a suborbital trajectory while still running on jet engines. After the jets shut down, very little rocket or RCS thrust is then needed to circularize.

For a 1-man spaceplane, you need less fuel than you might think. I built a basic jet/monopropellant spaceplane that will get to orbit using just a single jet fuel tank, turbojet engine and two of the O-10 monoprop engines.

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I've seen it before, I read it when I downloaded FAR. Its just that the craft somehow doesn't make it to orbit. ;.;

Ah, this is important--Are you in fact trying to make an SSTO spaceplane with FAR installed? If so, a lot of the pointers we can give go right out the airlock--for example you cannot get a turbojet up to 2000m/s in FAR, as it (realistically) limits thrust at high Mach numbers.

See this thread for more discussion on SSTOs in FAR: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90780-FAR-jet-engines-are-seriously-nerfed

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@Red Iron Crown: I thought it might be more of a plane style flying. Like I said, before not much luck. And I actually thought that the Space Shuttle was an SSTO

The shuttle was three stages to orbit, or two-and-a-half if you're being generous. First it jetisoned the side-SRBs, then the huge orange tank of fuel. It's the imbalance of these and the large changes of balance that makes replicating that design hard in KSP, where our engines don't have anything like the same gimbal range.

Single Stage To Orbit just means something that doesn't jettison anything on the way up; whether that's a pure rocket, vertical-launch jet (assisted) or spaceplane is immaterial.

The ones in 'Exploring The System' don't work in FAR, by the way, so forget that reference.

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It does make it harder. The jets in stock KSP can reach extremely high speeds with excellent fuel economy; FAR nerfs them a bit while AJE nerfs them much harder.

FAR makes pure rocket-powered SSTOs a bit easier though, in that the required dV-to-orbit is reduced by about 20% or so.

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Yes, I am using FAR and AJE, if that will help. Does this mean it will be hard to make an SSTO?


Harder than stock, but not anything that could really be called "hard".

The guy you want to talk to about this is Wanderfound. He's kinda the resident guru of FAR SSTO spaceplanes.

*edit* In fact... Here ya go: Your one- stop shop for all your FAR SSTO spaceplane needs.


Tell 'em Slashy sent ya ;)



Edited by GoSlash27
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my design checklist is pretty simple

design plane that can hit hypersonic (1800 m/s ish+) on air. the more excess to that the better.

add rockets, add electricity, add docking port, add RCS.

test test test.

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