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Squadcast Summary (2015-03-28) - Back With A Bang Edition!

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Hello everyone and here's the Squadcast Summary for this week!

Sorry for spelling mistakes, I'm a terrible transcriber. I try and clarify what is an actual quote from Max (if it's wrapped in "quotation marks", it's the best transcript of an official Squad member you'll find on the web), and what is a summary from myself as I'm aware I switch between the two with 0 notice. When I say 'Squad', I mean 'the relevant people who are currently developing the game'.

Also apologies for the lack of activity on my end - RL has taken a turn for the worse here. I'd rather not explain, but I'll try still bash these summaries out :)

As always, this is just a transcript of an off the cuff vlog of a non-native english speaker - some details may change or be entirely incorrect.

Squadcast Summary for 2015-03-28 - Watch it here!

Today, we're going to talk a little bit about development, at the end, we can see Valentina in game :)

Not much info about fairings, maybe something next week. The way you build them with your mouse is incredible, RoverDude is in love with it.

SoI changes right now are annoying - high timewarp transitions cause massive disruption. The ship goes through the transition faster than the physics can keep track of. The game will now compensate for that and it'll be a lot more seamless. The end result is something that a lot of people in QA are happy with.

Having a toggle for the AP/PE numbers, rather than having to re-enable them every time you re-enter map view - "having a toggle for those might be a good thing for the game."

Better DX11 support - not 100% sure, but some changes to how the game works, Mu's DDS loader is working great, it brought "some graphics enhancements you should all enjoy".

A bunch of memory leaks have been fixed in 1.0, Squad are crazy happy with how fast the game loads and how efficient it uses its assets. PJ and frizzank have been incredibly awesome with their IVA implementation, it really doesn't eat up as much RAM as you'd expect.

Max isn't a fan of MechJeb - he likes his "incapable hammy hands to get all over everything and mess it up", he finds that enjoyable. There again, he is "easily amused"..

Is there a plan to make Gilly and Bop (the 'asteroid' moons) actually look like asteroids? "Well yeah, that's the thing... [gets distracted by current playing]'

Current playing, you say? Takes up a solid 30 minutes of time, just fine tuning the asteroid intercept, not a lot else.

You know how some options aren't available in the flight scene and can only be changed from the main menu? Yeah, that's to do with changing dll files and that can't be done in flight, it just can't. Sorry.

Anyway, Valentina! Here she is in-game:


Also look at her here! Yeah, she's a confirmed badS :D


Oh, you noticed the resource scanner? Yeah, it's called Ore for definite now. Once you've gotten a rough idea of where it is, this narrow band scanner will give you an 8 degree band high def scan of the ground below so you can easily fine tune your landing using the onboard camera in it.

Anyway, that's it for a wonderful return of Squadcast, I'm OWK and you're welcome.

P.S. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed by all the people who rep this simple transcript so if you do rep this post, I'd like to ask you to go find your favourite modder, be it ferram4, sarbian, NathanKell, taniwha, nightingale, whoever.. go find them and rep them as well. They deserve it too, thank you :)

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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Hearing about the "little" bugs getting squashed is almost more interesting to me at this point than hearing about the new features being implemented. Probably because I've been with the game so long and have put up with those bugs for so long as a result.

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Thank you!

I'm a little let down by the name "ore" - its so... plain. Yet, I know Squad got tired of everything starting with "K."

(It was mentioned in a previous devnote about something else that needed a name.)

I can imagine some hair was pulled during a long meeting or internal chat/mail thread, over what to call the new resource.

I won't get too excited about DX11 making things look prettier, until I see something.

But I fully expect some performance improvements due to DDS compressed texture loading.

Next, we will want higher resolution textures, labels, and alternate skins! ... which will put us right back into the cramped low-memory situation, that we complain about today ;)

"Be careful what you wish for..."

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why is it called Ore of you can't smelt it and turn it into rocket parts? Or are they doing EPL type things?

Because reasons, I guess. If it's half as moddable as Roverdude has said, changing the name will literally be one line in a config somewhere. I don't know though, obviously. I'm guessing at no EPL type of stuff (at least not just yet) but yeah, kinda disappointed at the name. Bear in mind the old resource map with its great names, it's a kind of 'eh, good enough' name, I feel. YMMV.

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One thing "ore" has in its favor: easy translation. Any made-up word might sound 'interesting' in its original language, but, could sound wrong translated to another language, even though it will probably appear written as "ore" in their language version of the game. Someone native to another language might see the original word, and say "it's a good thing they translated this to 'ore,' because that original word was close to an insult / animal sound / weather pattern / humming softly."

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You have the date wrong, it's the 27th, or at least it's still the 27th where I am.

- - - Updated - - -

Anyone else find Valentina's smile adorable? Or just me?

I thought she looked manaiacal. Also mistook her for Jeb momentarily, lol.

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You have the date wrong, it's the 27th, or at least it's still the 27th where I am.

- - - Updated - - -

I thought she looked manaiacal. Also mistook her for Jeb momentarily, lol.

28th by GMT or UTC standards.

And yes, Valentina does have quite the dangerous gleam in her eye. Perfect BadS.

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I'm a little let down by the name "ore" - its so... plain. Yet, I know Squad got tired of everything starting with "K."

We all know they should have called it Explodium. :wink:

Anyways, great summary! Valentina looks great in-game, although slightly insane in that corner picture.

I love it.

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I'm a little let down by the name "ore" - its so... plain.

Squad have actually maintained a fairly "plain" naming convention for some time now. Oxidizer, Liquid Fuel, Funds, Science, Rep, and now Ore. To be honest, I prefer it to this...

We all know they should have called it Explodium.

Sorry to call you out, Nikola. I'm just not a fan of this sort of thing. :)

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While I do tend to agree, I still call Hydrogen "Propellium" in my headcanon. I like to think of kerbals as a race built entirely around exploration, and it seems fitting that they would name an entire element for its suitability in rocket fuel. Sometimes it's a little too on-the-nose, though

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Stock camera with gui window? Awesome!

Probably scanner only but hopefully easily changed to provide a series a camera view window in colour and large windows than the lazorcam mod provides. I'd be happy to be told that there is a mod for that however...

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I'm perfectly happy with a simple, practical name for the resources, but yeah... "Ore" sounds as though it's meant to be smelted into a metal. It's the wrong term if it's for fuel.

Maybe Kerbals are going out looking for gold and platinum?

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