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Favorite Planet/Moon


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I like Ike.

Sorry, had to be done :D

Some months ago I embarked on a project to put a small satellite (I called the design "Wayfarer") in orbit around each celestial body so I could instantly fulfill any "Science from space near..." contract for free. Most of these I renamed Mohfarer, Evefarer, Dresfarer, etc. once they reached their destination... but instead of Ikefarer I called that one Eisenhower.

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Must be a US thing... but what does Eisenhower have to do with Ike ?

Don't get me wrong I am a huge fan of US history, far more than even my own country... But I just don't get that one. Someone enlighten me ?

Ike is the nickname for Eisenhower

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you're wrong. all of you. my favorite planet is Kerbin. without it, from where would you launch your rocket? from the Kraken's den perhaps?

Duna. Extraplanetary Launchpads for the win!

Dunno whether I prefer Duna or Jool though... Jool itself isn't amazing, but its moons are! Especially that I've added a few... I just wish Tylo (and Vall to a point) were actually more interesting to land on, rather than just a challenge. I'm an explorer, not a challenger!

Edited by Random Tank
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Can´t tell what is my favourite, i love landing and flying by every one, but i can tell sometimes Moho is a pain in the ass for me. Not to mention leaving Eve is a thing i havent been able to do up today...

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Planets and moons are for those who lack inspiration; we must make it our mission to colonize the sun!

Dyson Sphere? I always wondered about how to make that in KSP...

Edit: I calculated it --> if you could manage a 50km Orbit around the sun, you would need 215.076 TRILLION 2x2 Panels to construct a dyson sphere. When using the 8x8 Panels from the B9 mod it would surmount to 13.442 trillion parts. Add to that a boatload of Docking ports and other stuff you would need to construct such a monstrisity... well let's just say KSP is not really laid out to handle that kind of stress :P

Edit: Favourite celestial bodies? Laythe, Duna, Mun.

Edited by ShadowZone
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Duna. First place I landed after the Mun. Yep I missed out Minmus when I started.


Strangely enough, I ended up putting my first non-Kerbal system satellite around Duna after missing an approach on Minmus and deciding to make the best of a bad situation. It was definitely a learning experience.

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