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Official 1.0 MEGA Hype Thread!


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Watching Twitch now. Engine Precoolers are a thing.

Rune. :Faints:

What do the pre-coolers do? Are they like Skylons? Maybe they allow more air to be used at higher altitudes and speeds? I heard that air-hogging my not be a thing anymore so that would explain their appearance.

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Just saw DasValdez launch his first craft in a 1.0 career in hard mode, to a few km height.

He had 100,000 funds before his second launch, in hard mode!

ROFL :confused:

Well, TBH Das needed 131k to hire one astronaut. Without a better look, we can't say if the money is scarce or too much

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Just saw Elysium's video,




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Missed that bit.. What? how?

Yup, aero goodnes on right now and the precoolers apparently stop engines overheating and throttling down. Hurry and watch it!

Edit: switching to pawn now. Wow that was a rush. I'm grinning like a madman here. There may be things I will complain about (how could there not be?) but boy oh boy. This is promising.

Rune. Delta-v to orbit is considerably lower, that's for sure.

Edited by Rune
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Fairings don't look amazing, but I really don't care. THERE IS SOO MucH GOOD STUFF.

Also, nothing like some kessler syndrome in Kerbal Space Program.


The fairing debris are non-persistent, just like the engine fairings.

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