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SpaceX Dragon v2 w/ Falcon 9

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Render by esinohio.

Admittedly, there have been a few of these going around the exchange, but this one's been quite a while in the making. I hope you all enjoy!

This design makes some compromises, in the hope that it'll be a bit easier to fly. One of those is the same shortcoming as some of the others- it's not possible to land the first stage and orbit the Dragon in the same mission. But, hopefully the looks make up for that! (My opinion is that the Dragon with trunk looks pretty damn... pretty?) :wink:

Craft Info: 134 tons on the pad, and 209 parts. The Dragon alone is 12.5 tons, and 57 parts.

Craft Download: https://www./?kgekd4o098c5ua0

Flight Profile:

First, select the Stayputnik on top of the Dragon and click "Control from here." Fly straight up until ~13 kilometers. Drop the first stage, and if you want to land, then you're already over the KSC, so enjoy the hair-raising descent! After about a dozen tries, I managed to get it on to the pad without destroying it. If you're going for an orbital mission, then after MECO turn the second stage to halfway between vertical and 45 degrees, then coast once your apoapsis is between 70 and 80 (the design's limits for orbit). Circularize, then ditch the second stage and have fun with the v2!

Now for the shiny pics:











Reference image:


Updated: Now with Falcon Heavy!

Craft Download: https://www./?typcivtfgl9wf2o

Craft Info: 285 parts at launch, 324.1 tons.

Flight Profile:

Same as any other rocket, really. Turn at 8-10k, drop the boosters with a little but of fuel and try landing one of them if you want. The core will burn for a long time after, leaving you plenty of Dv margins. Other than that, same as the Falcon 9!


Thanks for viewing, leave some rep if you enjoyed! :)

Edited by Zucal
Updated with esinohio's fabulous render.
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U-u be careful with Dragon replicas. Lots of people will come along to show you theirs is better.

But it´s a nice one nevertheless.

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U-u be careful with Dragon replicas. Lots of people will come along to show you theirs is better.

But it´s a nice one nevertheless.

Thanks! I don't really care whether mine's the most beautiful, the easiest to fly, or the lowest part count. I care that it's mine. :)

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Honestly, I think this one is probably the best looking. The other ones are kind of rough, but this one is just so smooooth... :P

Thanks! Can you guess what I used for the engine pods/slopey bits?

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Good job and I respect your attitude. I also really like the heat shield.

The leveler the head, the straighter the navball. The heat shield is just 8 radial intakes, but they have to be rotated just so, otherwise the kraken strikes when the landing legs extend.

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The leveler the head, the straighter the navball. The heat shield is just 8 radial intakes, but they have to be rotated just so, otherwise the kraken strikes when the landing legs extend.


Yeah they look nice and smooth and round which is lovely. You will do well here.

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Wait ... are those ... Mk1 cockpits!?

Ding ding ding! You guessed correctly! They have an awesome shape, and also give the Dragon a crew capacity of 4! No way to EVA, though...

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Pretty sweet! I always though the more the merrier, everybody brings a new thing. :)

Kudos for that pad landing, BTW, I can apprecite how small the darn thing is when you are falling 50m/s two kilometers up. Only a dozen tries are no small piloting feat!

You sure four legs are up to the task, tough? There's this sweet effect using two more per side tilted 90° to the side... ;)

Rune. Note I don't know how to rep fom a phone. Will do!

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Thanks a ton for all the really nice responses! I recognize a lot of you as master builders, and the rest as really nice forum-goers generally, and it means a ton to get advice and compliments on something you made. I've not been on the forums long, but I feel I'll be here a while yet! :)

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Now try landing that on a float platform

Nasa failed

Not quite, it was the commercial company SpaceX who did that, and it was more of a successful failure than a failure of a success... :wink:

Edited by Zucal
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What's the payload capacity like on the Falcon Heavy?

I'm not sure, let me test that quickly.

Edit: A quick test shows it could take 50 or so tons to an 80x80 orbit. Or, pretty much the same payload as the real-life Falcon Heavy!

Edited by Zucal
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