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Does anyone else think 1.0 is coming out tommorow?


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I think experimental phase usually lasts about a week. Seeing as how they said they want to take longer in experimentals for 1.0, i wouldn't expect 1.0 for 2 weeks from tomorrow, at least.

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I highly doubt there will be a release for at least the next 2 weeks. After all, this is the 1.0 release, and Squad themselves have said that it'll take longer than usual due to bugfixing and assorted rounding out of different features. Putting any sort of rush on this would be illogical, and a mistake, on their part.

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I'm fine waiting a while for it to be bugless. I've been waiting for a certain game for 8 years.

You've got me beat. It's only been 7 years since anticipation for GTA V (for PC) began.

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How long is their usual experimentals phase?

And yeah, an experimental phase would last at least a week, but I think they should take as much time on it as neccesary, get as many of the bugs as possible.

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How long is their usual experimentals phase?

And yeah, an experimental phase would last at least a week, but I think they should take as much time on it as neccesary, get as many of the bugs as possible.

IIRC, 1-2 weeks, and they said this would a be a particularly long one, so end of the month is pretty realistic.

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Theres always going to be a bug somewhere, just a matter of severity.

Really though, I'm not expecting bug free, just minimally buggy as possible.

I really really want those memory leak fixes though.....

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I don't think it's tomorrow, no. Experimentals can last a week or more, and I expect that with this being 1.0 the experimentals will run a bit longer. That's just my prediction, anyway. No need to get worked up for it just yet, unless you bought a premium ticket on the hype train!

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I would honestly be amazed if they released 1.0 before May. This is not exactly your typical release, after all. This is the release that KSP is going to be judged by most harshly. It's only just barely the longest development period the game has seen for a given release so far.

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If you guys could time travel to tomorrow as I have you would see that it is not released. It's 2pm on Tuesday and there is no update that I can see.

Don't believe me? Go to your nearest airport (LAX) and gaze upon the wondrous time machines heading to tomorrow in Australia.

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