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[WIP][1.9.x-1.12.x] Scatterer-atmospheric scattering (0.0838 - 14/08/2022) Scattering improvements, in-game atmo generation and multi-sun support


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1 hour ago, blackrack said:

Edited: Btw I hope you guys have quad-core CPUs.

Will a quad-threaded two-core 3GHz one be enough?

As for foam - it is not what I meant. I meant render the foam only up to a certain distance from camera, in a circle placed right under a camera. Outside it, render ocean with slightly compensated (lighter) color, possibly - with lower detail. It's the way it is done in majority of games.
Btw, a suggestion - render very dense and differently-colored version of a Scatterer fog beneath ocean surface. Again, that's how most of games do it. Doubt I need to explain advantages of that. :P 

Edited by sashan
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8 minutes ago, Avera9eJoe said:

You have an avatar!!! :D - I have an Intel Skylake I5 6500 3.5 GHz quad core so I should be pretty good.

Yeah I'm pretty happy with my new avatar. You should be good for medium settings :P


7 minutes ago, sashan said:

Will a quad-threaded two-core 3GHz one be enough?

As for foam - it is not what I meant. I meant render the foam only up to a certain distance from camera, in a circle placed right under a camera. Outside it, render ocean with slightly compensated (lighter) color, possibly - with lower detail. It's the way it is done in majority of games.
Btw, a suggestion - render very dense and differently-colored version of a Scatterer fog beneath ocean surface. Again, that's how most of games do it. Doubt I need to explain advantages of that. :P

Actually I don't know yet, it might run very well, is it an i3? I still have work to do and I can already see a few optimzations. Plus there's one setting that can be turned down and provide a big speed boost.

For the foam I got what you meant and I was already thinking about it myself, I was just replying to mreadshaw about a different issue earlier.

For the underwater effects I have something better in mind but maybe later on.


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35 minutes ago, blackrack said:


i5 - 3230m. Best laptop I managed to find for below 550 bucks.

37 minutes ago, blackrack said:

For the underwater effects I have something better in mind but maybe later on.

Great, I've thought you may have some plans for that but had to ask. :D Also, how hard would it be to implement water refraction? I know I ask much, but half a year ago we couldn't even dream of what we have now and here. Thanks man, my eyes no longer bleed when I look at the horizon. :D

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12 minutes ago, sashan said:

i5 - 3230m. Best laptop I managed to find for below 550 bucks.

Great, I've thought you may have some plans for that but had to ask. :D Also, how hard would it be to implement water refraction? I know I ask much, but half a year ago we couldn't even dream of what we have now and here. Thanks man, my eyes no longer bleed when I look at the horizon. :D

Hmm, I expected it to be a desktop i3 due to the clock speed, i think that might be the turbo clock and not the base clock if it's a laptop.

Anyway, it should run fine but we'll have to wait and see. To be less cryptic, I'm working on adding wave-craft interactions, the first step is to make the waves generate on the CPU instead of on the GPU, which I'm doing now. With multithreading for the wave math it should run fine but for those who can't run it I guess I'll include the option to generate the waves on the GPU (these calculations run so fast on the GPU they're almost free) but they won't have access to craft-wave interactions. Fortunately, lowering the fourier grid size seems to provide a pretty huge boost when the calculations are running on the CPU, I think most laptops and halfway recent computers should be able to run at least a fourier grid of 64, which isn't ideal (128 is the default included setting right now) but at least it works.

Refraction maybe, but in my experience refraction is very performance intensive so for what little effect it adds, although they might be tricks and faster, less pretty methods. I don't have anything planned for it yet but maybe in the future.


5 minutes ago, rbray89 said:

Me too... I really liked the effects @RoverDude added. I want to get celestial shadows in place first though I think.

Are these released? I only saw a short a short gif somewhere of what looks like bubbles and underwater particles.

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13 minutes ago, blackrack said:

Hmm, I expected it to be a desktop i3 due to the clock speed, i think that might be the turbo clock and not the base clock if it's a laptop.

Oh, yes, it's 2.6GHz normally. It runs at 3 while I play tho, checked it. Scatterer perfomance hit is also minimal with my nvidia 740m. Let's just say that I can play games from 2014 like Dragon Age Inquisition on med-max settings. The rest of KSP is really unoptimized tho.
As for refraction - I've noticed that many games have refractions if you apply normal map to a transparent (or half transparent) surface, with zero perfomance impact. Crysis, for example. Maybe you can try searching for some onfo about that?

Edited by sashan
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4 minutes ago, sashan said:

Oh, yes, it's 2.6GHz normally. It runs at 3 while I play tho, checked it. Scatterer perfomance hit is also minimal with my nvidia 740m. Let's just say that I can play games from 2014 like Dragon Age Inquisition on med-max settings. The rest of KSP is really unoptimized tho.
As for refraction - I've noticed that many games have refractions if you apply normal map to a transparent (or half transparent) surface, with zero perfomance impact. Crysis, for example. Maybe you can try searching for some onfo about that?

To my knowledge, these CPUs only hit the turbo frequency when only one or two cores are loaded. I think the more cores are loaded the lower the turbo frequency. Anyway, maybe later, I'm sure the internet is filled with info about rendering techniques and the like.

Edited: Seems to be the case http://http.developer.nvidia.com/GPUGems2/gpugems2_chapter19.html


5 minutes ago, rbray89 said:

Not to my knowledge. The GIF looked great though.


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1 minute ago, blackrack said:
4 minutes ago, sashan said:

Oh, yes, it's 2.6GHz normally. It runs at 3 while I play tho, checked it. Scatterer perfomance hit is also minimal with my nvidia 740m. Let's just say that I can play games from 2014 like Dragon Age Inquisition on med-max settings. The rest of KSP is really unoptimized tho.
As for refraction - I've noticed that many games have refractions if you apply normal map to a transparent (or half transparent) surface, with zero perfomance impact. Crysis, for example. Maybe you can try searching for some onfo about that?

To my knowledge, these CPUs only hit the turbo frequency when only one or two cores are loaded. I think the more cores are loaded the lower the turbo frequency. Anyway, maybe later, I'm sure the internet is filled with info about rendering techniques and the like.

No, they can run turbo always, but not always at full power. For example my one runs at up to 2.6 without turbo, up to 3GHz with two cores loaded and up to 3.3 with one core loaded. Well, ok, enough offtopic. :P

Craft interaction sounds just great. What real impact on gameplay does fourier grid size have? I guess repeating wave pattern? So far I've spotted none with default settings.

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3 minutes ago, sashan said:

No, they can run turbo always, but not always at full power. For example my one runs at up to 2.6 without turbo, up to 3GHz with two cores loaded and up to 3.3 with one core loaded. Well, ok, enough offtopic. :P

Craft interaction sounds just great. What real impact on gameplay does fourier grid size have? I guess repeating wave pattern? So far I've spotted none with default settings.

Repeating patterns but you only really notice them if you look at the reflection of the sun, everything else looks fine. Try it ingame and you'll see.

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8 minutes ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Nooooo! /me hangs his head in dual core shame.

Red Iron Crown maybe I should make a kickstarter to fund a new CPU for you :D

Edit: I also wanted to ask, can I have a link to this Roverdude GIF that you guys are talking about?

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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25 minutes ago, blackrack said:

How bad is it?

Not bad at all so far, it's overclocked to 4.0GHz and still has some headroom. I have some money in the upgrade fund, was going to pick between a new CPU or more RAM depending on how 1.1 performs.

24 minutes ago, Avera9eJoe said:

Red Iron Crown maybe I should make a kickstarter to fund a new CPU for you :D

LOL, no thanks. If I really need one I'll buy one. :)

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It liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiives



(Waves are now generated on the CPU, it's one huge step towards wave-craft interactions)


3 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Not bad at all so far, it's overclocked to 4.0GHz and still has some headroom. I have some money in the upgrade fund, was going to pick between a new CPU or more RAM depending on how 1.1 performs.

LOL, no thanks. If I really need one I'll buy one. :)

Is it one of those anniversary-edition something-K CPUs with just two cores and no hyperthreading?


3 hours ago, DaZeInBok said:

Made a video using your mod again blackrack, hope you guys enjoy!

Keep'em coming ;)

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I have to say, with this and EVE, KSP look way better. this should be stock.

By the way, is my old Core2quad  Q9550S enough for what you intend to do or will i have to stick with the graphic card and not have wave interaction?

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9 minutes ago, Hary R said:

I have to say, with this and EVE, KSP look way better. this should be stock.

By the way, is my old Core2quad  Q9550S enough for what you intend to do or will i have to stick with the graphic card and not have wave interaction?

I think it should work with fouriergridsize at 64. Going from 128 to 64 gives a 4x-5x speed boost when running these calculations on the CPU so it should be fine.

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