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Teaching old players new tricks


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You need a mod like MechJeb to help fine tune manoeuvre nodes. There is another mod but I don't know its name

I'm surprised nobody has said this yet but you can fine turn maneuver nodes with the scroll wheel when you mouse over the direction you want to fine tune in stock. Much better than trying to fumble around pulling direction nodes. It's not as precise as MechJeb but it works for pretty much everything I do. Blew my mind when I found out about it.

Edited by HelmyJune
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For the best games, visiting the wiki isn't a requirement to play. You visit a wiki when you want lore, quest details, walkthrough, or special help.

Interesting. You got me thinking, and I can't remember the last game I played I didn't do online research on. On even the most trivial casual game I'll at least Google for "tips and tricks". Some sites like uesp.net become old friends. I've been using it regularly since Morrowind, and currently looking things up nearly every day as I learn Elder Scrolls Online.

I'm not sure what you'd class as the "best games", but I like my games complicated. I'm finding the idea of playing games like KSP or Civilization V without outside references...disturbing. It just feels to me like I'd miss a lot of depth that way. But I'm the kind of obsessive who plays my favorite games for hundreds of hours. Maybe you're the type who plays through one time, then moves on to the next game?

/not criticizing; just curious. ;)

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One thing I never used before but now can't fly without: Precision controls. Not sure what the default key is, but I've got mine remapped to q

Input indicators turn blue, and it makes the controls "yank" the more maneuverable crafts far less.

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One thing I never used before but now can't fly without: Precision controls. Not sure what the default key is, but I've got mine remapped to q

Input indicators turn blue, and it makes the controls "yank" the more maneuverable crafts far less.

Caps lock

But again, this needs to be made clear to players somehow.

KSP is an amazing game but rocket science does not need making more difficult by having secret controls.

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Holding L-Alt while dragging a part in the VAB/SPH will disable surface attach, enabling parts to snap to nodes. Makes attaching cargobay payloads to docking ports / decouplers much less frustrating.

note: L-Alt before dragging will duplicate, whilst dragging disables surface attach.

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things like pressing x cut the throttle or backspace in map view to centre the view on your craft are very useful to know but quite hard to learn.
backspace in map view to centre the view on your craft


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I've already learned a lot from this thread! I hope we get a keyboard map, or something...

Only recently did I stumble on the fact that "Z" goes to full throttle instantly. I already knew "X" went to zero, but I didn't know about "Z"

Now, I also know about Backspace!

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Holding L-Alt while dragging a part in the VAB/SPH will disable surface attach, enabling parts to snap to nodes. Makes attaching cargobay payloads to docking ports / decouplers much less frustrating.

note: L-Alt before dragging will duplicate, whilst dragging disables surface attach.

... huh. (The duplication I knew, and used it often for that purpose; the disable, I did not.)

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that'd be better than those non-sensical loading quotes (which was done first and better in The Sims)

The Sims? That's new stuff. Ooh I feel old now. I remember these from SimCity 2000 back in the mid 90's ("Reticulating splines")!


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The Sims? That's new stuff. Ooh I feel old now. I remember these from SimCity 2000 back in the mid 90's ("Reticulating splines")!


Yes, I remember it well.

You should only feel old if you recognize this gaming reference:

"You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike."


Happy landings!

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I'm left-handed so the first thing I do on any game is go to settings-->input and remap the controls over to the right side of the keyboard and familiarize myself with what the bindings are. KSP has a LOT of bindings so don't feel bad if you don't know half of them if you never looked. :)

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