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V 1.0 Stock fairing seperation.


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I believe it was done that way with the anchors in order to prevent lightbulb fairings and to allow certain customized fairings to happen. You can still use just two anchor points and get exactly the same result. Worrying over nothing.

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  Tex_NL said:
The name/description means nothing. Who uploaded that image to imgur? Was it SQUAD or somebody who thinks it looks weird?

The imgur album linked to in this thread by PlonioFludrascois the official SQUAD endorsed upload:

Edited by jlo96
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why bother caring when your gonna install the mods that give you the fairings youve been using for x amount of time anyway? hell i delete most stockparts and replace them with what I want from mods.

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Don't mind the seperation. Even though it does look messy. Gives me ideas on what abuses I can try and come up with. One of which is. Mün Fairing Igloos and heat shields for Eve re-enter in additon to theheat shields.

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Honestly, I'm somewhat indifferent about the 'potato chip' fairing separation. I'd prefer that shells have only longitudinal splits a la procedural fairings, but firmly I'm in the "Just happy they're finally stock" camp. That being said, I totally respect anyone who doesn't feel that way and provides valid support for their opinion (which the OP has done, repeatedly).

And while "just mod it in" is a valid solution, the argument doesn't belong here since we're clearly talking about the stock implementation.

  GusTurbo said:
I don't think Squad would release teasers of features if they didn't want feedback. I think it is appropriate and a positive thing to give such feedback.

I agree that it's appropriate and positive to give this feedback, especially given that Squad released the teaser.

The problem is that, IMO, Squad has a track record of being very resistant to feedback that anything less than adulation. And while the point has been made that things can be changed, again IMO, Squad has shown themselves been been very resistant to such changes, typically only adopting the change after modders had done the lion's share of the work coding the changes already.

I think it's unfortunate that Squad has necessitated threads like this due to their handling of previous critiques, but that's just the world we post in.

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  Majorjim said:
Hi all,

As some of you may have seen Squad have shown more pics of the stock fairings. Aaaaaand.. it appears that they will not separate as halves or quarters but like this instead:


Now, I am shocked by this. Considering that this is not how fairings release at all IRL. Also nobody who spent time and effort making stock part fairings has ever made them release this way.. And nor has any mod had fairings release like this.

If this is true it is a terrible decision by Squad. They need to tell us if this is the case or not.

I for one cannot believe they could make something so crappy.

Does anyone have any new info on this??


Agreed. Stock fairings should be procedural, and yet realistic. If fairings are released like this, I will be forced to install procedural fairings.

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The confetti fairings look bad, they should be a two-piece clamshell. As far as Harv's "two-digit FPS" comment goes, I wonder how everyone else managed it for so long while Squad's fairings somehow manage to break the game. Maybe because they're creating confetti instead of a two-piece clamshell.

Bottom line: confetti fairings look bad.

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  LethalDose said:
Honestly, I'm somewhat indifferent about the 'potato chip' fairing separation. I'd prefer that shells have only longitudinal splits a la procedural fairings, but firmly I'm in the "Just happy they're finally stock" camp. That being said, I totally respect anyone who doesn't feel that way and provides valid support for their opinion (which the OP has done, repeatedly).

Ditto. I'm too happy just to have these things at all to rock the boat further.

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  Robotengineer said:
I'm a little confused, wouldn't the Squad method of fairing sep greatly increase part and debris count in addition to being ugly?

This is what Harv had to say on the matter:

  HarvesteR said:
There's only one part, which is the fairing as a whole. Fairing panels aren't independent parts, they're sub-objects of the fairing until you deploy them. A fairing that is 10 sections high and divided into 4 sides would have 40 panels, yes. How many objects this will produce on deployment depends on how they group together (that's next up on my to-do list actually).

As for how the broken-off bits behave after deployment, they are handled as solar panel pieces or engine fairings. They aren't fully persistent (which is good if you like 2 digit framerates). That doesn't mean they aren't solid objects, however. Point away from face.

So it doesn't increase part count until separation... On a side note, if mods could use/access this code we could have procedural wings break into segments as well upon impact :)

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  Majorjim said:
I don't know what that is. All I know is once they are out of physics view they will disappear.

I think it's like the auto-fairings around the engines. I don't think they count as parts.

  Gerandar said:
why bother caring when your gonna install the mods that give you the fairings youve been using for x amount of time anyway? hell i delete most stockparts and replace them with what I want from mods.

Not everyone mods their game so heavily. For example, I don't use any part mods because I like to share my crafts with others. Keeping things stock means that they can be shared more widely (except for with people who have deleted stock parts, I suppose).

  LethalDose said:
Honestly, I'm somewhat indifferent about the 'potato chip' fairing separation. I'd prefer that shells have only longitudinal splits a la procedural fairings, but firmly I'm in the "Just happy they're finally stock" camp. That being said, I totally respect anyone who doesn't feel that way and provides valid support for their opinion (which the OP has done, repeatedly).

And while "just mod it in" is a valid solution, the argument doesn't belong here since we're clearly talking about the stock implementation.

I agree that it's appropriate and positive to give this feedback, especially given that Squad released the teaser.

The problem is that, IMO, Squad has a track record of being very resistant to feedback that anything less than adulation. And while the point has been made that things can be changed, again IMO, Squad has shown themselves been been very resistant to such changes, typically only adopting the change after modders had done the lion's share of the work coding the changes already.

I think it's unfortunate that Squad has necessitated threads like this due to their handling of previous critiques, but that's just the world we post in.

I think this thread would exist regardless of whether or not Squad showed resistance to incorporating feedback. It's really more about us looking at something and saying "that doesn't look quite right, and I would like them to change it" rather than a response to their level of community engagement with respect to criticism.

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  Majorjim said:
Apparently they dont count as debris.

As far as whether they count as debris or not, I tried to ask Kasper last night if they were persistent (like proc fairings mod) or not (like the engine fairings) and he said that he couldn't confirm or deny.

So, outside of those at SQUAD and those already in the know, we don't know.

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  lucretius said:
guyss im sure they'll work like normal fairings, it would be quite silly and disappointing of them to have the fairings fall into pieces while decoupling

If Squad didn't have a history of silly and disappointing things you might be right, but history says otherwise.

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