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1.1.2 Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics 2.0.2


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2 hours ago, MaxRebo said:

Just took a closer look at your post again, and...

that version is WAY outdated. It was for KSP 1.1 if I recall correctly. Have you tried one of the more recent versions from the few last pages, like this one?

@MaxRebo Good eye! I must have overlooked that the last time I reinstalled IR! Thanks will report back!

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8 hours ago, kcs123 said:

Thanks @V8jester and @MaxRebo, I have indeed missed that info about additional editing of xml file, it would be useful to know for other users too.

@Ziw, seems that IR Sequencer is responsible for harmless spam in log:

  Reveal hidden contents

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'KSPUtil, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.

AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)
AddonLoader:OnSceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode)
UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:Internal_SceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode)
(Filename:  Line: -1)

[AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SequencerEditor' from assembly 'IRSequencer'
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

KSPUtil is obsolete assembly, it does not cause any other issues as classes from that assembly are integrated elsewhere in stock game since KSP 1.2.x. Happens when you enter VAB/SPH from any other scene change.

Another thing found regarding clicktrough UI in VAB/SPH. When you edit groups, and want to move some part from one group to another by clicking on tiny button with arrow UP or DOWN. Clicking on that button and having some craft part in background deattach that part from craft.
Input text boxes seems that does not suffer from same issue.

Sequencer is not updated properly yet. I'll get to it once IR is more or less stable. I'll look at clickthrough thoroughly next. 

Edited by Ziw
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33 minutes ago, revolioclockbergjr said:

F5ing this thread like a broken extendotron

Why? You can subscribe to the thread instead, it's a button on the top right of the page.

Or, better yet, check here, on the SpaceDock download page. You can follow that one instead, so you get an email when it's updated.

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49 minutes ago, revolioclockbergjr said:

F5ing this thread like a broken extendotron

If you are looking for a KSP 1.2.2 compatible version you can just read last couple pages and find a link to latest beta

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12 minutes ago, Ziw said:

If you are looking for a KSP 1.2.2 compatible version you can just read last couple pages and find a link to latest beta

Thanks! That is exactly what I'm looking for, and I've been trying the betas as you've released them. Totally flawless on my vanilla install! Not working on my modded install -- testing now without KJR (pretty sure that's the issue).



Testing active parts in vanilla 1.2.2: https://www.twitch.tv/bradjshannon/v/107843041  (okay, not pure vanilla, but might as well be). Everything works.


Testing same parts in modded 1.2.2:  https://www.twitch.tv/bradjshannon/v/107844753 Parts do not work -- wonky physics. Removed KJR from mods folder and it works as expected, like in vanilla.


edit -- this is with the latest dev build of IR, from previous page of this thread

Edited by revolioclockbergjr
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15 hours ago, revolioclockbergjr said:

Testing same parts in modded 1.2.2:  https://www.twitch.tv/bradjshannon/v/107844753 Parts do not work -- wonky physics. Removed KJR from mods folder and it works as expected, like in vanilla.

Search for soulution regarding KJR just few pages back. It was repeated frequently in this thread lately.

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On 12/16/2016 at 11:28 AM, Ziw said:

Sequencer is not updated properly yet. I'll get to it once IR is more or less stable. I'll look at clickthrough thoroughly next. 

Clickthrough! Ziw, can you explain what causes it and how to get it fixed? Many, almost all the mods have this problem, even stock windows!

For example, when I use Precise Node, I have to zoom out a lot, or else every click summons random popup windows and deselects the targets and such...

If you see a solution, may be other modders can use it and fix their UI?


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Hi, I'm wondering if I'm hitting a bug, or if I've done something wrong. I designed a rover that folds up nice a compact and tested it on the launchpad, where all the robotics worked like a charm. I then put it on a rocket and sent it to my Mun base. I'm ready to land it, but now the pivots don't work at all, and the extenders "extend" backwards, into and past their bases. I hear the sounds of the motors, but nothing moves or it extends the wrong way.

I think the difference was the loss of focus, since I went back to the Space Center after launching the rocket. To confirm this, I left another rover on the launchpad and when I returned to it, I observed the same errant behavior. Has anyone experienced this before? If so, is there a simple fix? I've done this in my hardcore career mode game, so I don't like being stuck by it.

I'm really hoping that I'm just doing something incorrectly, because I'm running about 10 other mods, making it difficult to debug Infernal Robotics by itself. 

Thanks for any advice. This mod is the most powerful/important mod I know of for KSP.


VERSIONS (installed for the first time just a few days ago).


Infernal Robotics 2.0.9




X Science, Interstellar Fuel Switch, KAS and KIS, Near Future Suite, PlanetaryBaseInc, SpaceY Lifters, Stage Recovery, StationPartsExp, TacFuelBalancer, TacLifeSupport, TarsierSpaceTech, and Kerbal Alarm Clock.

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Most of mods use default UI that comes with unity game engine. Those seems to need extra care, to intercept mouse on click event and don't allow to "pass" that click to other game objects, once it is catched with focused UI.

It is due to unity game engine bad design choice, so all developers have extra workload because of it. Probably not even explained properly in unity documentation.

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Hullo all, was wondering if someone could help me out?

I am trying to use this mod for hinges for flatbed trailer ramps, but when I try to use the hinges they dislocate and make the parts they are attached to move. I have tried attaching them via nodes instead of on a surface but no luck.


Thanks for your time.

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3 hours ago, iamihop said:

Hi, I'm wondering if I'm hitting a bug, or if I've done something wrong. I designed a rover that folds up nice a compact and tested it on the launchpad, where all the robotics worked like a charm. I then put it on a rocket and sent it to my Mun base. I'm ready to land it, but now the pivots don't work at all, and the extenders "extend" backwards, into and past their bases. I hear the sounds of the motors, but nothing moves or it extends the wrong way.

I think the difference was the loss of focus, since I went back to the Space Center after launching the rocket. To confirm this, I left another rover on the launchpad and when I returned to it, I observed the same errant behavior. Has anyone experienced this before? If so, is there a simple fix? I've done this in my hardcore career mode game, so I don't like being stuck by it.

I'm really hoping that I'm just doing something incorrectly, because I'm running about 10 other mods, making it difficult to debug Infernal Robotics by itself. 

Thanks for any advice. This mod is the most powerful/important mod I know of for KSP.


VERSIONS (installed for the first time just a few days ago).


Infernal Robotics 2.0.9




X Science, Interstellar Fuel Switch, KAS and KIS, Near Future Suite, PlanetaryBaseInc, SpaceY Lifters, Stage Recovery, StationPartsExp, TacFuelBalancer, TacLifeSupport, TarsierSpaceTech, and Kerbal Alarm Clock.

Most probably wheels autostruts to your parts. Use ALT+F12 and under physics choose to show autostrut visualisation.
It is a bit tricky to fool wheels to not autostrut into powered IR parts, but seems that is less issue with free moving ones.

Also, wheels tends to autostrut with their counterpart on symetry, creating additional force your hinges have to fight.
Like on this WIP Rocker Bogie rover.


It ended up heavier than planed when I attached some science parts on craft based on those wheels. Also working on a way how to land properly this beast on mun and create feasible lifter for it.

Unfortunately, folding/unfolding wheels will not be option due to fact that wheels autostrut to symetry counterpart. Does not influence free moving parts much as it work as intended, like it is on provided picture.

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22 minutes ago, kcs123 said:

Most probably wheels autostruts to your parts. Use ALT+F12 and under physics choose to show autostrut visualisation.
It is a bit tricky to fool wheels to not autostrut into powered IR parts, but seems that is less issue with free moving ones.

Also, wheels tends to autostrut with their counterpart on symetry, creating additional force your hinges have to fight.

Unfortunately, folding/unfolding wheels will not be option due to fact that wheels autostrut to symetry counterpart. Does not influence free moving parts much as it work as intended, like it is on provided picture.

Hmm, thanks for the info. This is disappointing. I couldn't get the autostrut visualizer to show anything, but I'm sure that's what the problem is. Is there a way to temporarily delete a ship's autostruts? Like I mentioned, it works when it's first launched. I just need to stretch this rover's legs once, because the rockets are on the parts that swing down. And in the future I'll avoid robot-izing any parts with wheels attached.

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2 hours ago, iamihop said:

Hmm, thanks for the info. This is disappointing. I couldn't get the autostrut visualizer to show anything, but I'm sure that's what the problem is. Is there a way to temporarily delete a ship's autostruts? Like I mentioned, it works when it's first launched. I just need to stretch this rover's legs once, because the rockets are on the parts that swing down. And in the future I'll avoid robot-izing any parts with wheels attached.

You may be having issues related to Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, if you have that mod installed. I experienced the same problems you describe and they went away when I got rid of KJR. Of course, my rockets are all floppy now, so I've had to go back and add autostruts and/or rigid connections to get things into orbit.

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Wheels autostrut in same way with or without KJR. Problem with KJR is easy solved when you modify config XML file. Mentioned several times in this thread trough few pages back. Rover alone might work at one point, but when you add more parts on it to create lander and additional parts that form lifter, heaviest part on craft changes, and wheels always love to autostrut on heaviest part.


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i cant figure out a way to completely disable wheel autostruts, i tried this here

i created the file recommended and it does not turn off autostruts, then i dug around in the actual part config files for the wheels and autostruts aren't even there. ill dig around for em cause im bored but these damn things need to be killed, it ruins the potential for this mod

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Someone who has more certain knowledge of autostrutting will have to comment to be sure.  I suspect a config file change, either in the text or by Module Manager, which only has impact when KSP starts up, isn't going to be sufficient.  Squad put in the autostrutting to make wheels work in the new Unity and disabling autostruts glibly will just lead to the issues they were put in to work around.  I imagine they are created by stock code when craft are loaded.  Appropriate code, as in a .dll, will be needed to control them and toggle them off for IR.

Edited by Jacke
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I don't think that'll work, as making new wheels still defines them as wheels in KSP and the rest of the code will handle them in the same way.  This needs to be addressed by knowing what's going on and what hooks have been made for mods to control autostrutting.

Edited by Jacke
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On 17/12/2016 at 8:43 PM, iamihop said:

Hi, I'm wondering if I'm hitting a bug, or if I've done something wrong. I designed a rover that folds up nice a compact and tested it on the launchpad, where all the robotics worked like a charm. I then put it on a rocket and sent it to my Mun base. I'm ready to land it, but now the pivots don't work at all, and the extenders "extend" backwards, into and past their bases. I hear the sounds of the motors, but nothing moves or it extends the wrong way.

I think the difference was the loss of focus, since I went back to the Space Center after launching the rocket. To confirm this, I left another rover on the launchpad and when I returned to it, I observed the same errant behavior. Has anyone experienced this before? If so, is there a simple fix? I've done this in my hardcore career mode game, so I don't like being stuck by it.

I'm really hoping that I'm just doing something incorrectly, because I'm running about 10 other mods, making it difficult to debug Infernal Robotics by itself. 

Thanks for any advice. This mod is the most powerful/important mod I know of for KSP.


VERSIONS (installed for the first time just a few days ago).


Infernal Robotics 2.0.9




X Science, Interstellar Fuel Switch, KAS and KIS, Near Future Suite, PlanetaryBaseInc, SpaceY Lifters, Stage Recovery, StationPartsExp, TacFuelBalancer, TacLifeSupport, TarsierSpaceTech, and Kerbal Alarm Clock.

Can you try with 2.0.10 (latest) as 2.0.9 was experimental build and unfortunately contained a lot of bugs.

1 hour ago, Jacke said:

I don't think that'll work, as making new wheels still defines them as wheels in KSP and the rest of the code will handle them in the same way.  This needs to be addressed by knowing what's going on and what hooks have been made for mods to control autostrutting.

The wheels are struted to heaviest part or grandparent, so if you know that and as @kcs123 mentioned use the auto-strut visualisation, you can design around this limitation while still allowing hinges to move.

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