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1.1.2 Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics 2.0.2


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Strengthen join question:


[LOG 22:25:38.412] Unpacking Bill Kerman
[LOG 22:25:40.013] Unpacking kerbalEVA (Bill Kerman). Vel: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 22:26:20.055] [SCANsat] Height Map Of [Kerbin] Completed...
[LOG 22:26:20.232] [SCANsat] All Height Maps Generated
[LOG 22:26:31.202] AttachOnCollision - Set collision mode back to Discrete on: IR.MechanicalGrasper (Part)
[LOG 22:26:31.206] AttachOnCollision - Attaching to static : End09_Mesh
[LOG 22:26:31.207] JointToStatic(Base) Create kinematic rigidbody
[LOG 22:26:31.208] JointToStatic(Base) Create fixed joint on the kinematic rigidbody
[LOG 22:26:31.211] AttachOnCollision - Set collision mode back to Discrete on: IR.MechanicalGrasper (Part)
[LOG 22:26:31.213] AttachOnCollision - Attaching to static : End09_Mesh
[LOG 22:26:31.213] JointToStatic(Base) Create kinematic rigidbody
[LOG 22:26:31.214] JointToStatic(Base) Create fixed joint on the kinematic rigidbody
[LOG 22:26:31.216] AttachOnCollision - Set collision mode back to Discrete on: IR.MechanicalGrasper (Part)
[LOG 22:26:31.217] AttachOnCollision - Attaching to static : End09_Mesh
[LOG 22:26:31.217] JointToStatic(Base) Create kinematic rigidbody
[LOG 22:26:31.218] JointToStatic(Base) Create fixed joint on the kinematic rigidbody
[LOG 22:26:31.219] AttachOnCollision - Set collision mode back to Discrete on: IR.MechanicalGrasper (Part)
[LOG 22:26:31.221] AttachOnCollision - Attaching to static : End09_Mesh
[LOG 22:26:31.221] JointToStatic(Base) Create kinematic rigidbody
[LOG 22:26:31.222] JointToStatic(Base) Create fixed joint on the kinematic rigidbody
[WRN 22:26:38.332] OnJointBreak(Core) A joint broken on Utilitron - Grasper !, force: 223.709
[LOG 22:26:38.352] OnSave(Core) Static joint detected, saving info...
[WRN 22:26:38.366] OnJointBreak(Core) A joint broken on Utilitron - Grasper !, force: 227.1754
[LOG 22:26:38.376] OnSave(Core) Static joint detected, saving info...
[WRN 22:26:38.392] WaitAndCheckJoint(Core) Static join broken !
[LOG 22:26:38.394] Detach(Base) Attach mode is Docked:False,Coupled:False,FixedJoint:False,StaticJoint:True
[LOG 22:26:38.396] Detach(Base) Attach type is : StaticJoint
[LOG 22:26:38.397] Detach(Base) Removing static rigidbody and fixed joint on Utilitron - Grasper
[WRN 22:26:38.405] WaitAndCheckJoint(Core) Static join broken !
[LOG 22:26:38.406] Detach(Base) Attach mode is Docked:False,Coupled:False,FixedJoint:False,StaticJoint:True
[LOG 22:26:38.407] Detach(Base) Attach type is : StaticJoint
[LOG 22:26:38.408] Detach(Base) Removing static rigidbody and fixed joint on Utilitron - Grasper
[LOG 22:26:38.597] AttachOnCollision - Set collision mode back to Discrete on: IR.MechanicalGrasper (Part)
[LOG 22:26:38.599] AttachOnCollision - Set collision mode back to Discrete on: IR.MechanicalGrasper (Part)
[WRN 22:26:38.600] OnJointBreak(Core) A joint broken on Utilitron - Grasper !, force: 218.6011
[LOG 22:26:38.609] OnSave(Core) Static joint detected, saving info...
[WRN 22:26:38.619] OnJointBreak(Core) A joint broken on Utilitron - Grasper !, force: 220.618
[LOG 22:26:38.627] OnSave(Core) Static joint detected, saving info...
[WRN 22:26:38.644] WaitAndCheckJoint(Core) Static join broken !
[LOG 22:26:38.645] Detach(Base) Attach mode is Docked:False,Coupled:False,FixedJoint:False,StaticJoint:True
[LOG 22:26:38.646] Detach(Base) Attach type is : StaticJoint
[LOG 22:26:38.646] Detach(Base) Removing static rigidbody and fixed joint on Utilitron - Grasper
[WRN 22:26:38.655] WaitAndCheckJoint(Core) Static join broken !
[LOG 22:26:38.655] Detach(Base) Attach mode is Docked:False,Coupled:False,FixedJoint:False,StaticJoint:True
[LOG 22:26:38.656] Detach(Base) Attach type is : StaticJoint
[LOG 22:26:38.657] Detach(Base) Removing static rigidbody and fixed joint on Utilitron - Grasper
[LOG 22:26:38.689] AttachOnCollision - Set collision mode back to Discrete on: IR.MechanicalGrasper (Part)
[LOG 22:26:38.691] AttachOnCollision - Set collision mode back to Discrete on: IR.MechanicalGrasper (Part)
[LOG 22:27:38.119] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 22:27:38.121] Game Paused!


I have the Utilitron Grasper attached to an Extendatron Stackable.

I want the breakingforce of the joint between them to be higher then the detach-value from ground of 200.

That way the grasper wont break from the extendatron, but rather just detach from the ground instead.


I toyed abit in the .cfg file with partBreakForce and part by looking in the other files, but to no awail.

breakingForce = 999
breakingTorque = 999

Also tried different values in

    partBreakForce = 80                    // The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/part joint to break.
    staticBreakForce = 200                    // The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/static joint to break.


I'm novice to modding but i've done some coding/scripting in the past so i think i can figure out how to MM or silimar to suit my needs if someone can point me in the right direction.


Thanks in advance.


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Hey is there anyone around willing to help me model rip / fix 3 parts from an old IR pack? Specifically RKE Kanadarm. Everything works except the 2 rotating parts and 1 structural part have issues with there model files rotating 90 degrees in flight / SPH but there function is unchanged.


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  On 1/31/2017 at 4:34 AM, ThePhoenixSol said:

Can anyone help me with this? i got a custom tech tree node working, but yet i cant seem to get the parts to move into the node. i have done this with all the stock tree, and a couple mods up to this point. And I cant seem to find the issue with how im doing it to infernal robotics. 

my code:

//Made By MIke12222222222222 & ThePhoenixSol

//IR Node

		@id = IR
		@title = Infernal Robotics
		@description = Mechanics have been a thing for a while, so why not use them with rockets?.
		@cost = 20
		@hideEmpty = False
		@nodeName = node44_IR
		@anyToUnlock = False
		@icon = RDicon_robotics
		@pos = -1500,800,0
		@scale = 0.6
		!Parent,* {}
			parentID = science3
			lineFrom = TOP
			lineTo = BOTTOM

// Parts

	@TechRequired = IR



Is it possible anyone could help me with my previous post? I have posted both here and module manager forum, but as the issue is increasingly more IR related, I am putting hopes here. Any help would be extremely appreciated.

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  On 2/7/2017 at 5:14 PM, V8jester said:

Did you use any of these links?


Yes. My install is ok and I don't use KJR. I play with this add on from the beginning. I don't understand why the rotatron reset is position and break the other after him. If someone have a idea, it would be nice, I have a 225 000$ launch in orbit waiting to land on my Mun base.   And sorry for my bad english....             


Ok...I have reinstall  all the thing...again....and again...and some ship work well and other craft are just a big bug...what???:mad:

Edited by Vince_K
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KSP 1.2.2 and all the stuff you have post. Don't worry, I play this game since 2014 Maybe it's because I start my carrer in 1.2.1? But I have start a new save in 1.2.2 and it's still the same

Edited by Vince_K
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Dude this is making me really mad.  The tweakable bar for the limits on rotatrons and other hinges doesn't increase evenly, I can't get a perfect 90 it's either 89 or 91.  It's super annoying and it needs to be fixed, ideally in increments of 5 degrees.

Also, Rotatrons are placed radially with opposite directions of rotation even when placed with mirror symmetry.

Edited by SlabGizor117
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  On 2/9/2017 at 10:20 PM, SlabGizor117 said:

Dude this is making me really mad.  The tweakable bar for the limits on rotatrons and other hinges doesn't increase evenly, I can't get a perfect 90 it's either 89 or 91.  It's super annoying and it needs to be fixed, ideally in increments of 5 degrees.


Have you tried to enter exact desired value in the box instead using sliding bar ?

Edited by kcs123
typo found
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  On 2/2/2017 at 11:19 PM, mrstoned said:

Hi all.


First, i'm running 1.2.2 and dont seem to have any other problems with IR (incl rework etc).


Got the following questions;

1; The Utilitron Grabber seems to have a really weak joint between the grabber and other part, see img



Hey I just played around with this today. Fire up Notepad++ and change these two lines for the Magnet / Grasper. I set them to 999 to make then almost unbreakable.


name = KASModuleMagnet
breakForce = 999

Mechanical Grasper

name = KASModuleHarpoon
partBreakForce = 999
staticBreakForce = 999



And because I know it's coming....

For those having install / KJR issues

List of IR download files to work with KSP 1.2.2 courtesy of: @Agustin @V8jester


Steps to install Infernal Robotics

1) install Core Download which is the plugin and "core Files" of IR  (No parts are in this download)

2) Install Parts Pack (Legacy is the original parts, and Rework are the new white parts. You can have both installed if you wish)

3) Optional -  If you wish to use the Surface sampler (Install the Surfacesampler.dll into GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Rework_Utility/Plugins)

4) Optional  - If you are using KJR you will need to use the supplied DEV Version Linked below.


Core Download

Infernal Robotics (Ziw) 2.0.10 https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/download/2.0.10/IR-2.0.10-Final-Core.zip



Legacy Parts (Ziw) https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/download/2.0.0/IR-LegacyParts.zip

IR Rework Parts (Zodiusinfuser) https://mega.nz/#!rdlHkLAJ!ZizDvd8s7zCIG529FtO8b7wM0avJ8yC3pldIaf6BGFw

IR Surface Sampler dll (Ziw) https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/IR-Surface-Sampler/tree/master/GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Rework_Utility/Plugins



Thread link for IR Sequencer (Ziw) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/104547-12-ir-sequencer-v101-add-on-to-infernal-robotics-updated-30102016/


Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Fixed for IR

"Dev version - use at your own risk"

Dev version of KJR (Ferram4) Download the "Master File" https://github.com/ferram4/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement


Please feel free to repost / update this list every so often to help a lot of the new comers

Edited by V8jester
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  On 2/9/2017 at 10:35 PM, V8jester said:

Hey I just played around with this today. Fire up Notepad++ and change these two lines for the Magnet / Grasper. I set them to 999 to make then almost unbreakable.


name = KASModuleMagnet
breakForce = 999

Mechanical Grasper

name = KASModuleHarpoon
partBreakForce = 999
staticBreakForce = 999



Ohh, and now it the most evil-genious-mr.burns-kind-of-way-with-fingers-together



I'll just try and see if i can get a MM-patch working for this in order to keep the mods in original shape.

If i remember it's something like this:

// Find Magnetic Grabber in IR/Reworks
@PART[IR_MagneticGrabber]:NEEDS[MagicSmokeIndustries] {
	@MODULE[KASModuleMagnet] {		// This module will make the part acting like a magnet, collided part will be automatically attached
		@breakForce = 999			// Make it "better"

// Find Mech Grasper in IR/Reworks
@PART[IR_MechanicalGrasper]:NEEDS[MagicSmokeIndustries] {
	@MODULE[KASModuleHarpoon] {		// This module will make the part acting like a harpoon
		@partBreakForce = 999					// The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/part joint to break.
		@staticBreakForce = 999					// The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/static joint to break.


Then put that into file MyOwnConfig.cfg inside GameData/MyOwnConfig

It shouldnt need to be reat last? or should i pop in an AFTER someplace?


EDIT: Btw, can one hide the "info" in the magnetic grappler part info box? Possibly in the MM-patch?

Not so fun have it read 999 when watching it. Just cosmetics tho.


Edited by mrstoned
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I got some trouble with MM-patching this;

I have: GameData/MrStoned/MrStoned.cfg with

// Find Magnetic Grabber in IR/Reworks
	{		// This module will make the part acting like a magnet, collided part will be automatically attached
		@breakForce = 600			// Make it "better"

// Find Mech Grasper in IR/Reworks
	{		// This module will make the part acting like a harpoon
		@partBreakForce = 999					// The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/part joint to break.
		@staticBreakForce = 600					// The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/static joint to break.

The games doesn't show updated figures in SPH. (They do show if i edit the mechgrasper & magnet files directly).

Log spits out:

[LOG 04:52:52.816] Config(@PART[IR_MagneticGrabber]:NEEDS[MagicSmokeIndustries]:FINAL) MrStoned/MrStoned/@PART[IR_MagneticGrabber]:NEEDS[MagicSmokeIndustries]:FINAL
[LOG 04:52:52.817] Config(@PART[IR_MechanicalGrasper]:NEEDS[MagicSmokeIndustries]:FINAL) MrStoned/MrStoned/@PART[IR_MechanicalGrasper]:NEEDS[MagicSmokeIndustries]:FINAL


I tried with % instead but no luck.

I'm sure it's something simple i missed but cant figure it out.


Any helpful tips is appreciated.



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  On 2/10/2017 at 4:12 AM, mrstoned said:

I got some trouble with MM-patching this;


Any helpful tips is appreciated.


Here is my patch for all IR / KAS parts that 1.2.2 affected.

//IR - KAS Strength Upgrade - V8Jester

//Infernal Robotics
		@breakForce = 999

		@partBreakForce = 999
		@staticBreakForce = 999	

// KAS
		@partBreakForce = 999
		@breakForce = 999

		@partBreakForce = 999
		@staticBreakForce = 999
		@breakForce = 999

		@partBreakForce = 999
		@staticBreakForce = 999
		@breakForce = 999
		@breakForce = 999


Edited by V8jester
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  On 2/10/2017 at 7:03 AM, monmien said:

I have the same problem, all is ok in VAB but hinge are not the same position in real.

No KJR, no Autostruts, i have tweakscale but no scale on hinges.

I will do capture.


Legacy parts have issues with mirror / movement direction. Fix is to either use Rewor Parts, or place one at a time.

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I've been playing KSP on and off (mostly off) for 3 years, I've been pretty heavy into it for the past 3 months and I've been expanding my mod use significantly. Installed this today and my brain pretty much exploded! This is fantastic, thank you. My Mac laptop is crying but I'm stoked to try out all this stuff. 

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