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Harv's 'Long Overdue' Feature?


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some ship save confirmation:

this ship is not saved, do you want to start a new one?

are you sure you want to overwrite the previous save?

there is another ship with this name, do you want to overwrite?

and a few more...

I think this was already announced in a Squadcast? Not sure, but rings some bells.

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A countdown doesn't have to be annoying... Just launch before it reaches zero and listen to mission control panic. :sticktongue:
It'd probably be mandatory... My launch sequence is literally "t", "z", "spaaaaaaaaaaaace" without fanfare once the physics kick in, a countdown would be crap.

Also seriously hoping Harv didn't spend two days making a launch button, but I can't think of anything else...

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I hope it's some kind of docking indicator/assistant. That's DEFINITELY overdue.

Would you notice that there wasnt one the first time you played the game? You probably wouldnt even consider docking, let alone an assistant for it on your first time in the game.

This is literally sit your friend who doesnt play videogames in front of KSP and ask them what is missing in their first ever play session. "Where are the clouds?" is the only thing I can think of that is so basic that someone with zero understanding of a space game would notice. That, or perhaps "where is my countdown?"... because those are ubiquitous in space launches.

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Has anyone mentioned craters?

The first launches that resulted in crashes (these were my first launches) I was wondering where is the hole from impact.

Now i understand that it would take longer than two days to create this unless there was some backbone mechanic already to support this feature.

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One of the first things anybody notices about Kerbin is the lack of cities. Wouldn't that be something?

Maybe, but I think they'd just be texture maps painted on the surface. Might look okay from space but really unimpressive up close. Also I'm pretty much okay with the space center being the only habitation on Kerbin. Sure it isn't too realistic but I don't think cities would add much for me. I'd love clouds, but one: Harv already said that we hadn't guessed it yet many pages back and clouds were some of the first posts. And two: Much as I like to stay stock EVE is a great and reliable mod that provides that sort of visual enhancement.

I don't have any good guesses for what it is, but I can't wait to see it!

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A launch window indicator or something that tells you "hey, today is a good time to launch to Duna!"

Ooo this is a good guess! I was thinking something like a delta-v map. I recall there was talk of extending the engineer feature in the VAB to calculate delta-v, did it make it? These are the types of tools I would have liked, as a new player, when trying to go anywhere beyond LKO.

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Maybe something like traffic at the space center, just because it doesn't really look like there is anything going on when you load up that scene.

Now, all the actors are already available because they're used in the VAB and SPH settings, which would mean you'd just need to have them occasionally walk (or drive) out of one suitable portal and head over to another portal

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One of the first things anybody notices about Kerbin is the lack of cities. Wouldn't that be something?

That would not take 2 days. It would take months.

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Maybe something like traffic at the space center, just because it doesn't really look like there is anything going on when you load up that scene.

Now, all the actors are already available because they're used in the VAB and SPH settings, which would mean you'd just need to have them occasionally walk (or drive) out of one suitable portal and head over to another portal

Traffic would take more that two days, too.

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That would not take 2 days. It would take months.

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Traffic would take more that two days, too.

What development experience do you have?

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What development experience do you have?

I was thinking at inside Unity you already have the Pathfinding/Navigation tools, the big part would be you'd need to set up the NavMesh the space center (again, not that hard since hard pathways are already provided in the art assets), then populate it with NavMesh agents, again using the built in Unity tools. It doesn't sound* that hard, and there wouldn't be any further AI coding?

*Sound != actuality; I'm not a programmer but the tools for doing this are all provided in the Unity Editor.

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It'd probably be mandatory... My launch sequence is literally "t", "z", "spaaaaaaaaaaaace" without fanfare once the physics kick in, a countdown would be crap.

Also seriously hoping Harv didn't spend two days making a launch button, but I can't think of anything else...

You too? Lol!

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Of all the things missing from the game that are unacceptable, a launch button is quite far down my list. To each their own, I suppose.

Not sure if that would take a full 2 days to implement.

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aaaaanndd facepalm

I have to agree. That was pretty bad...... ;-)

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Isn't that what contracts are? Reach Orbit, Visit the Mun, Visit Duna. I mean what achievements would you add?

No, achievement would be getting a pointless picture with text, like a ribbon... oh...

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