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[WIP] CxAerospace: Stations Parts Pack v1.0 - Head Over to Add-On Release


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4 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

I believe he also described a workaround in the thread. I'm not sure. I think he said to go to the tracking station at one point and come back?

Yes! when the two ships are in the same scene we have to go back tracking station, save and return to the scene with tracking station. I hope this bug is solved in the next KSP patch.

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hey, awesome station parts, they are the best looking ones so far. The IVA, combined with the transparent 1.1 look, make them very sweet.

 Question: are you going to support Kerbalism, or can I add entertainment values to the sleeping habs and gym modules? I am not sure how to go about adding properties to those blocks. Also, is it possible to add some station specific experiments to the labs? I find the parts very pretty looking, but hard to justify using them if they dont provide additional experiments and happiness to kerbals.


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I do have plans on expanding the support for other life support and station science mods with these parts via Module Manager configs.

Kerbalism is on my list, though I'm holding off on these MM configs for post v1.0 release. 

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On April 30, 2016 at 4:59 PM, cxg2827 said:

Hey @curtquarquesso, what do you think?


Apologies for the late reply. Been away from KSP and the forums for a while. 

Glad to see these types of docking ports really catching on.

After messing around with them in the editor:

• The model is modeled such that it's 11.25º offset (or whatever the angle is) from parts that follow stock convention. This causes nasty vertex alignment issues. Obviously not fixable without major remodeling, so do what this information what you will. (Also, some parts have 24 sides, and some have 32. This also causes graphical ugliness in many cases.)
• The docking process is terrific. Great configurations for roll snap, magnetism, etc. I like that the magnetism isn't as OP as stock. Very nice. 
• The base on the passive side isn't working for me. It's not 1.25m, and it's not 0.9375m, so what is it supposed to be compatible with then? 
• Animation of the docking ring is great. Nice work on the telescopic control arms. 
• Guide fins and other metallic bits could use more specularity. They're a bit dull. (insert gripe over pbr shader support)

Keep it up! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

trying to add this mod through CKAN, running into it throwing up an error during install:

     Failed to download "https://spacedock.info/mod/64/CxAerospace: Station Parts Pack/download/0.16" - error: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

link seems to take me to the proper place to download it manually, but I decided long ago that I have too many mods to manually handle any of them. if CKAN cant grab it properly, I will have to live without until the problem can be addressed. 

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5 hours ago, DurzoLRZ said:

but I decided long ago that I have too many mods to manually handle any of them. if CKAN cant grab it properly, I will have to live without until the problem can be addressed. 


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