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Nay-sayers, unite!


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Among the things after binge-watching the KSP 1.0 pre-release streams on Twitch:

  • The visual effects look awesome
  • Aero has been revamped completely
  • Resource mining. Ya.

But what also became very clear based on the streams: the game contains a solid amount of bugs and exploits that haven't been killed/discovered in experimentals. Which is not something to blame the experimental testers for; a community of thousands (chatting with the live streamers) can come up with scenarios the testers would never think off.

The decision to go straight from .90 to 1.0 (instead of launching it as .95 first and squashing bugs) seemed bizar and byzantine and the bugs showing up during the live streams are not doing a lot to counter that impression. Congratulations Squad, you're going to release a 1.0 that has a good amount of bugs and that will be followed by a bugfix release. That'll look really good for a game that has been in development for over three years.

I still thing the game was rushed to 1.0 and it doesn't deserve that.

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I have never seen software without bugs, much less a game. I don't think a couple of bugs that trigger under very bizarre circumstances are going to spoil the game for people that get into it now.

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I don't think we've seen that many bugs. Keep in mind the client crashes we've seen from many streams are probably from using Mods that aren't fully upgraded (like Scott Manley/GOG stream using HyperEdit).

Edited by Alshain
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What is the actual point of nay-saying at this point? Like... expecting them to change their minds in the last 12 hours before launch? Not worth bringing down everything over what is effectively just pissing and moaning. Focus on bug-catching and reporting in the coming days. Help the first bugfix patch come quickly.

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Congratulations Squad, you're going to release a 1.0 that has a good amount of bugs and that will be followed by a bugfix release. That'll look really good for a game that has been in development for over three years.



Enough about bugs.

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What a negative thread.

These are all valid points, but do we have to be so critical? Bugs happen. SQUAD tried their best. And I think we've already done a perfectly good job getting the message across that we think they went too fast. The time for that has passed; now is the time to be supportive and congratulate them for making it to release.

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~premature release~

...there's a naughty joke in there, I just know it.

Naughty jokes aside, rollin' out a few betas to polish these new features would have been a good idea :/

One fellow had a suggestion in the 'subtitle' contest of "Go Fever". Apropos, I thought..

Edited by Renegrade
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While I completely agree with the OP, I also think the thread itself is a little pointless - essentially just a "We told you so" thread.

I can't help but think waiting 1 more month, while we play/test would have solved a lot of problems, but then we've been saying that all along.

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While I completely agree with the OP, I also think the thread itself is a little pointless - essentially just a "We told you so" thread.

I can't help but think waiting 1 more month, while we play/test would have solved a lot of problems, but then we've been saying that all along.

Great idea. I vote for renaming the thread.

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KSP may as well be in perpetual beta... updates will continue and next we can look forward to what may get fixed, or not, in 1.1.

This is like an extension of the "Do you feel KSP is ready for 1.0" thread.

It doesn't matter to me whether it's called a 1.0 or a beta... I've had tons of fun, returned numerous times from crashes-to-desktop in .90.

(Mostly in scene transitions from VAB to Launchpad, KSP rarely crashes for me, once in space.)

KSP has interesting gameplay that keeps me coming back, despite bugs.

If it had less gameplay, if this was a one-trick-pony like a Chess game - I would have exhausted my interest in the mechanics after the 5th crash, and probably never returned.

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I, for one, do understand what "1.0" means anymore, nor why a company would choose a release date that forces it to postpone planned features.

However, whatever has been said, the next week will show the truth. I wish Squad much luck, even if I do question some of their decisions.

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Seems like some people really have to try to spoil the mood.

Good point. I'm sure the vast number of people that question Squad's decision have absolutely no reason whatsoever for it. I'm certain that every one, even those that have been playing for years, is eager to see this game fail. I mean, they wouldn't go to the effort to raise their concerns if they actually cared about the game, would they?

Edited by sjwt
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Seems like some people really have to try to spoil the mood.

of course, and at least some of them (I know from personal experience) are paid to do so by competitors (maybe not here, don't know of any competitors to KSP, but it happens) to actively harm communites and companies, trying to lure their customers to themselves.

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of course, and at least some of them (I know from personal experience) are paid to do so by competitors (maybe not here, don't know of any competitors to KSP, but it happens) to actively harm communites and companies, trying to lure their customers to themselves.

Any seven figure transactions between myself and Microsoft regarding Cortana Space Program is completely irrelevant here and should be totally ignored whilst I go launder some mon--errr clothing. On my new Beneteau Oceanis 60 yacht. Also completely unrelated. Honestly!


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I'm not going to complain here because I have released a game as 1.0 with a large number of bugs popping up. I had to fix it hours later (through several patches). :P

And yes, it was game I made for a game creation system called BYOND (Build Your Own Net Dream). In fact, one of the former staff for SQUAD happened to pop up on there before. For those who don't know about it, can find the link here: http://www.byond.com

That game I made was nothing more than "Classic Tron BYOND Edition", my own fanmade attempt at bringing the arcade original to BYOND. Link: http://www.byond.com/games/Bandock/ClassicTronBYONDEdition

The latest release by the way is different from the original releases due to trying to find a way to correct lag problems. The original release occurred on December 29th, 2005.

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of course, and at least some of them (I know from personal experience) are paid to do so by competitors (maybe not here, don't know of any competitors to KSP, but it happens) to actively harm communites and companies, trying to lure their customers to themselves.

Well, yes, there are EA plants that are trying to stir up feelings of how many bugs KSP has, as to hide the bugs in their own games. Everyone knows that an EA game isn't really playable until 2 weeks of patches after release.

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Good point. I'm sure the vast number of people that question Squad's decision have absolutely no reason whatsoever for it. I'm certain that every one, even those that have been playing for years, is eager to see this game fail. I mean, they wouldn't go to the effort to raise their concerns if they actually cared about the game, would they?

Come on, that 'vast number of people' is more like 'some people in a games forum with mostly no game development and business experience'.

But this isn't about sending squad a message. They heard you and they have decided, that's it, and no, i'd bet most forumgoers wouldn't want a release delay at this point. Now, while everyone else is looking forward, some maybe a bit anxious, we don't have place for this kind of thread. There is no point because it won't lead to anything positive. Frankly, it sounds petty, indeed almost as if OP is partly wishing for KSP to have early issues to be in the right.

We don't even know how stable or unstable 1.0 will be. It would make a lot more sense to make a thread after release, making a small post-mortem about the state of the release, the reactions from the fanbase, as well as reviews. Now it's just negativity for the sake of it, because OP wants to feel negative. Which is dumb.

Well, yes, there are EA plants that are trying to stir up feelings of how many bugs KSP has, as to hide the bugs in their own games. Everyone knows that an EA game isn't really playable until 2 weeks of patches after release.

Battlefield 4 needed around 8 months to reach a good state, and it's imo still a flawed, if objectively good, game. The movement system is sluggish in a way that restricts movement, and the weapons are lot less controllable while more stable. I play BF to play BF, those advances are kinda pointless when there is CoD to go to otherwise. BF3 was imo the perfect balance.

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1.0 seems just a number to Squad. I see nothing in this release to make it fundamentally different than any previous. Sure, there may be more features than average, but that makes it bigger rather than different. Since there is no real difference in the process, I expect no more than I did from previous releases. The longstanding bugs will remain (ie the ones we are so used to we don't notice anymore). Some recent bugs will have been squashed, but there will also be new ones. There will be no 'balanced' gameplay, nor will the aero physics deserve to be called aerodynamics. It's just another features update.

From watching the view numbers on Youtube and other social media, I don't think I am alone in this opinion. I don't see a rush of new customers asking about KSP. I see a steady flow of die-hard KSP fans having the same conversations they did last year, and the year before that.

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